994 resultados para CYCLIC CHANGES


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The aim of this paper was to investigate the possible connections between ammonite faunal turnover and the eustatic events recorded in Tethyan sequences during the middle Toarcian/early Bajocian time interval. For this we have analysed the biostratigraphic ranges, at the subzone level, of approximately 600 ammonite species belonging to 160 genera from several selected sections of the western Tethys (Mediterranean and Submediterranean provinces). The analysis of taxon ranges enabled us to plot curves for ammonite faunal turnovers, inter-subzonal distance, and diversity. Comparing the mentioned curves with Tethyan sequences [Hardenbol et al., 19981, we find that sea-level changes correlate well with origination and extinction events and faunal diversity. Most of the faunal turnovers correlate with stratigraphic events. Extinction events with their corresponding decrease in diversity correlate with regressive intervals and with major or minor sequence boundaries. Origination events and their corresponding increase in diversity were clearly connected with transgressions in Tethyan sequences. In several cases, the major sequence boundary and the subsequent transgressive phase correlate with major ammonite faunal turnover, whereas minor or medium sequence boundaries generally gave rise to minor or medium turnovers.


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The potential for mitochondrial (mt) DNA mutation accumulation during antiretroviral therapy (ART), and preferential accumulation in patients with lipoatrophy compared with control participants, remains controversial. We sequenced the entire mitochondrial genome, both before ART and after ART exposure, in 29 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants initiating a first-line thymidine analogue-containing ART regimen. No accumulation of mtDNA mutations or deletions was detected in 13 participants who developed lipoatrophy or in 16 control participants after significant and comparable ART exposure (median duration, 3.3 and 3.7 years, respectively). In HIV-infected persons, the development of lipoatrophy is unlikely to be associated with accumulation of mtDNA mutations detectable in peripheral blood.


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The objective of this work was to analyze changes in the isoflavone profile, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, at different processing stages and after refrigeration of tempeh. For tempeh production, clean soybean grains from cultivars BR 36 (low isoflavone content) and IAS 5 (high) were dehulled, and the separated cotyledons were hydrated and then cooked in boiling water for 30 min. Spores of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus were inoculated in the cooked and cooled cotyledons, and incubated at 32ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours in perforated polypropylene bags, for fermentation. The resulting tempeh was stored at 4ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours. After 24-hour fermentation, isoflavone glucosides were 50% reduced, and the aglycone forms in the tempeh from both cultivars was increased. The malonyl forms reduced 83% after cooking. Less than 24 hours of refrigeration did not affect the isoflavone profile of tempeh from either cultivar, which is a good indicator of its quality. The tempeh maintains the high and low isoflavone content of the cultivars, which indicates that cultivar differences in this trait should be considered when processing tempeh.


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CREB is a cAMP-responsive nuclear DNA-binding protein that binds to cAMP response elements and stimulates gene transcription upon activation of the cAMP signalling pathway. The protein consists of an amino-terminal transcriptional transactivation domain and a carboxyl-terminal DNA-binding domain (bZIP domain) comprised of a basic region and a leucine zipper involved in DNA recognition and dimerization, respectively. Recently, we discovered a testis-specific transcript of CREB that contains an alternatively spliced exon encoding multiple stop codons. CREB encoded by this transcript is a truncated protein lacking the bZIP domain. We postulated that the antigen detected by CREB antiserum in the cytoplasm of germinal cells is the truncated CREB that must also lack its nuclear translocation signal (NTS). To test this hypothesis we prepared multiple expression plasmids encoding carboxyl-terminal deletions of CREB and transiently expressed them in COS-1 cells. By Western immunoblot analysis as well as immunocytochemistry of transfected cells, we show that CREB proteins truncated to amino acid 286 or shorter are sequestered in the cytoplasm, whereas a CREB of 295 amino acids is translocated into the nucleus. Chimeric CREBs containing a heterologous NTS fused to the first 248 or 261 amino acids of CREB are able to drive the translocation of the protein into the nucleus. Thus, the nine amino acids in the basic region involved in DNA recognition between positions 287 and 295 (RRKKKEYVK) of CREB contain the NTS. Further, mutation of the lysine at position 290 in CREB to an asparagine diminishes nuclear translocation of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The objective of this work was to test long-term trends in the duration of rice development phases in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. The duration from emergence to V3 (EM-V3), emergence to panicle differentiation (EM-R1), emergence to anthesis (EM-R4), and emergence to all grains with brown hull (EM-R9) was calculated using leaf appearance and developmental models for four rice cultivars (IRGA 421, IRGA 417, EPAGRI 109, and EEA 406), for the period from 1912 to 2011, considering three emergence dates (early, mid, and late). The trend of the time series was tested with the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test, and the magnitude of the trend was estimated with simple linear regression. Rice development has changed over the last ten decades in this location, leading to an anticipation of harvest time of 17 to 31 days, depending on the cultivar maturity group and emergence date, which is related to trends of temperature increase during the growing season. Warmer temperatures over the evaluated time period are responsible for changing rice phenology in this location, since minimum and maximum daily temperature drive the rice developmental models used.


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The microtubule-associated protein MAP2 is essential for development of early neuronal morphology and maintenance of adult neuronal morphology. Several splice variants exist, MAP2a-d, with a lack of MAP2a in cat brain. MAP2 is widely used as a neuronal marker. In this study we compared five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against MAP2. They show differences in the immunocytochemical distribution of MAP2 isoforms during development of the visual cortex and cerebellum of the cat. Local and temporal differences were seen with MAb AP18, an antibody directed against a phosphorylation-dependent epitope near the N-terminal end. In large pyramidal dendrites in visual cortex, the AP18 epitope remained in parts immunoreactive after treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Three MAbs, AP14, MT-01, and MT-02, recognized the central region of the MAP2b molecule, which is not present in MAP2c and 2d, and reacted with phosphorylation-independent epitopes. During the first postnatal week the immunostaining in cerebellum differed between antibodies in that some cellular elements in external and internal granular layers and Purkinje cells were stained to various degrees, whereas at later stages staining patterns were similar. At early stages, antibody MT-02 stained cell bodies and dendrites in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. With progressing maturation, immunoreactivity became restricted to distal parts of apical dendrites of pyramidal cells and was absent from perikarya and finer proximal dendrites in cortex. MT-02 did not stain MAP2 in cerebellum of adult animals. This study demonstrates that the immunocytochemical detection of MAP2 depends on modifications such as phosphorylation and conformational changes of the molecule, and that MAP2 staining patterns differ between MAbs. Phosphorylation and specific conformations in the molecule may be essential for modulating function and molecular stability of MAP2, and monoclonal antibodies against such sites may provide tools for studying the functional role of modifications.


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Aims: In perennial species, the allocation of resources to reproduction results in a reduction of allocation to vegetative growth and, therefore, impacts future reproductive success. As a consequence, variation in this trade-off is among the most important driving forces in the life-history evolution of perennial plants and can lead to locally adapted genotypes. In addition to genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity might also contribute to local adaptation of plants to local conditions by mediating changes in reproductive allocation. Knowledge on the importance of genetic and environmental effects on the trade-off between reproduction and vegetative growth is therefore essential to understand how plants may respond to environmental changes. Methods: We conducted a transplant experiment along an altitudinal gradient from 425 m to 1921 m in the front range of the Western Alps of Switzerland to assess the influence of both altitudinal origin of populations and altitude of growing site on growth, reproductive investment and local adaptation in Poa alpina. Important findings: In our study, the investment in reproduction increased with plant size. Plant growth and the relative importance of reproductive investment decreased in populations originating from higher altitudes compared to populations originating from lower altitudes. The changes in reproductive investment were mainly explained by differences in plant size. In contrast to genetic effects, phenotypic plasticity of all traits measured was low and not related to altitude. As a result, the population from the lowest altitude of origin performed best at all sites. Our results indicate that in P. alpina genetic differences in growth and reproductive investment are related to local conditions affecting growth, i.e. interspecific competition and soil moisture content.


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The remarkable plasticity of their architecture allows plants to adjust growth to the environment and to overcome adverse conditions. Two examples of environmental stresses that drastically affect shoot development are imminent shade and high temperature. Plants in crowded environments and plants in elevated ambient temperature display very similar phenotypic adaptations of elongated hypocotyls in seedlings and elevated and elongated leaves at later developmental stages. The comparable growth responses to shade and high temperature are partly regulated through shared signaling pathways, of which the phytohormone auxin and the phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs) are important components. During both shade- and temperature-induced elongation growth auxin biosynthesis and signaling are upregulated in a PIF-dependent manner. In this review we will discuss recent progress in our understanding of how auxin mediates architectural adaptations to shade and high temperature.


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Phenotypic convergence is a widespread and well-recognized evolutionary phenomenon. However, the responsible molecular mechanisms remain often unknown mainly because the genes involved are not identified. A well-known example of physiological convergence is the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which evolved independently more than 45 times [1]. Here, we address the question of the molecular bases of the C4 convergent phenotypes in grasses (Poaceae) by reconstructing the evolutionary history of genes encoding a C4 key enzyme, the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC). PEPC genes belong to a multigene family encoding distinct isoforms of which only one is involved in C4 photosynthesis [2]. By using phylogenetic analyses, we showed that grass C4 PEPCs appeared at least eight times independently from the same non-C4 PEPC. Twenty-one amino acids evolved under positive selection and converged to similar or identical amino acids in most of the grass C4 PEPC lineages. This is the first record of such a high level of molecular convergent evolution, illustrating the repeatability of evolution. These amino acids were responsible for a strong phylogenetic bias grouping all C4 PEPCs together. The C4-specific amino acids detected must be essential for C4 PEPC enzymatic characteristics, and their identification opens new avenues for the engineering of the C4 pathway in crops.


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In this study we investigated the variations of the maximal activities of the rate-controlling glycolytic enzymes (i.e., hexokinase, HK; phosphofructokinase, PFK; pyruvate kinase, PK) and of the pyruvate-dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) during the early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis (from cleavage through hatching). All the enzymatic assays, using different coupled reactions, were performed spectrophotometrically on cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions. The maximal HK activity increases markedly from neurulation onwards, PFK activity presents a peak around gastrulation, PK activity remains relatively constant throughout the period studied and the highest PDHc activity is observed during cleavage. The specific activities display the same temporal pattern. Furthermore, in the sequence of reactions by which glucose is degraded to form acetyl-CoA, the maximal activities of PFK and PK are not limiting while those of HK and PDHc could be rate-limiting at relatively late developmental stages (hatching).


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PURPOSE: The primary objective of this study was to describe the frequency of behaviors observed during rest, a non-nociceptive procedure, and a nociceptive procedure in brain-injured intensive care unit (ICU) patients with different levels of consciousness (LOC). Second, it examined the inter-rater reliability and discriminant and concurrent validity of the behavioral checklist used. METHODS: The non-nociceptive procedure involved calling the patient and shaking his/her shoulder. The nociceptive procedure involved turning the patient. The frequency of behaviors was recorded using a behavioral checklist. RESULTS: Patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped flexion or extension responses to a nociceptive stimulus displayed more behaviors during turning (median 5.5, range 0-14) than patients with localized responses (median 4, range 0-10) or able to self-report their pain (median 4, range 0-10). Face flushing, clenched teeth, clenched fist, and tremor were more frequent in patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped responses to a nociceptive stimulus. The reliability of the checklist was supported by a high intra-class correlation coefficient (0.77-0.92), and the internal consistency was acceptable in all three groups (KR 20, 0.71-0.85). Discriminant validity was supported as significantly more behaviors were observed during nociceptive stimulation than at rest. Concurrent validity was confirmed as checklist scores were correlated to the patients' self-reports of pain (r s = 0.53; 95 % CI 0.21-0.75). CONCLUSION: Brain-injured patients reacted significantly more during a nociceptive stimulus and the number of observed behaviors was higher in patients with a stereotyped response.


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Orgaanisten yhdisteiden negatiivinen retentio nanosuodatuksessa on ilmiö, jota eiole kovin paljon tutkittu. Negatiivisen retentioon vaikuttavat syyt tai tekijäteivät ole kovin hyvin tiedossa. Erotusmenetelmänä negatiivinen retentio voi olla käyttökelpoinen tietyissä sovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisuusosa käsittelee nanosuodatuksen erotusmekanismeja ja retentioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Myös joitakin malleja on esitetty. Nanosuodatus on monimutkainen prosessi, josta ei voida löytää vain yhtä erotusmekanismia tai retentioon vaikuttavaa tekijää. Prosessit ovat kokonaisuuksia, joissa erottumiseen vaikuttavat syöttöliuoksen, erotettavan komponentin ja kalvon ominaisuudet, ja niiden väliset vuorovaikutukset. Työn kokeellisessa osassa koottiin mahdollisimman paljon esimerkkejä, joissa monosakkaridien negatiivinen retentio ilmenee. Muita orgaanisia ja epäorgaanisia yhdisteitä käytettiin 'häiriöyhdisteinä' syöttöliuoksessa monosakkaridien kanssa. Kokeet suoritettiin kahdella laboratoriomittakaavan suodatuslaitteella käyttäen kahta kaupallista nanosuodatuskalvoa. Negatiivinen retentio ilmeni useissa tapauksissa. Permeaattivuon ja 'häiriöyhdisteiden' pitoisuuksien havaittiin vaikuttavan voimakkaasti negatiivisen retention ilmenemiseen.


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Music is a highly complex and versatile stimulus for the brain that engages many temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar, and subcortical areas involved in auditory, cognitive, emotional, and motor processing. Regular musical activities have been shown to effectively enhance the structure and function of many brain areas, making music a potential tool also in neurological rehabilitation. In our previous randomized controlled study, we found that listening to music on a daily basis can improve cognitive recovery and improve mood after an acute middle cerebral artery stroke. Extending this study, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis utilizing cost function masking was performed on the acute and 6-month post-stroke stage structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the patients (n = 49) who either listened to their favorite music [music group (MG), n = 16] or verbal material [audio book group (ABG), n = 18] or did not receive any listening material [control group (CG), n = 15] during the 6-month recovery period. Although all groups showed significant gray matter volume (GMV) increases from the acute to the 6-month stage, there was a specific network of frontal areas [left and right superior frontal gyrus (SFG), right medial SFG] and limbic areas [left ventral/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC) and right ventral striatum (VS)] in patients with left hemisphere damage in which the GMV increases were larger in the MG than in the ABG and in the CG. Moreover, the GM reorganization in the frontal areas correlated with enhanced recovery of verbal memory, focused attention, and language skills, whereas the GM reorganization in the SACC correlated with reduced negative mood. This study adds on previous results, showing that music listening after stroke not only enhances behavioral recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain.