981 resultados para CURVED EDGES


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The BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain is the most conserved feature in amphiphysins from yeast to human and is also found in endophilins and nadrins. We solved the structure of the Drosophila amphiphysin BAR domain. It is a crescent-shaped dimer that binds preferentially to highly curved negatively charged membranes. With its N-terminal amphipathic helix and BAR domain (N-BAR), amphiphysin can drive membrane curvature in vitro and in vivo. The structure is similar to that of arfaptin2, which we find also binds and tubulates membranes. From this, we predict that BAR domains are in many protein families, including sorting nexins, centaurins, and oligophrenins. The universal and minimal BAR domain is a dimerization, membrane-binding, and curvature-sensing module.


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The large scale horizontally mounted fibre cement panels follow an orthogonal grid, albeit with only two right angles, one each on the building's longitudinal east and west elevations above the car port. The remaining façade edges describe rising and declining lines. it goes without saying that the structural details of this purist house have been meticulously executed. It is simply complete, lacking nothing and without anything further required.


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Generative algorithms for random graphs have yielded insights into the structure and evolution of real-world networks. Most networks exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Usually, random graph models consider only structural information, but many real-world networks also have labelled vertices and weighted edges. In this paper, we present a generative model for random graphs with discrete vertex labels and numeric edge weights. The weights are represented as a set of Beta Mixture Models (BMMs) with an arbitrary number of mixtures, which are learned from real-world networks. We propose a Bayesian Variational Inference (VI) approach, which yields an accurate estimation while keeping computation times tractable. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and an earlier approach based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Our results allow us to draw conclusions about the contribution of vertex labels and edge weights to graph structure.


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Purpose: To identify the specific characteristics making glasses designs, particularly those compatible with adjustable glasses, more or less appealing to Chinese children and their parents. Patients and Methods: Primary and secondary school children from urban and rural China with < = -1.00 diopters of bilateral myopia and their parents ranked four conventional-style frames identified by local optical shops as popular versus four child-specific frames compatible with adjustable spectacles. Scores based on the proportion of maximum possible ranking were computed for each style. Selected children and their parents also participated in Focus Groups (FGs) discussing spectacle design preference. Recordings were transcribed and coded by two independents reviewers using NVivo software. Results: Among 136 urban primary school children (age range 9-11 years), 290 rural secondary school children (11-17 years) and 16 parents, all adjustable-style frames (scores on 0-100 scale 25.7-62.4) were ranked behind all conventional frames (63.0-87.5). For eight FGs including 12 primary children, 26 secondary children and 16 parents, average kappa values for NVivo coding were 0.81 (students) and 0.70 (parents). All groups agreed that the key changes to make adjustable designs more attractive were altering the round lenses to rectangular or oval shapes and adding curved earpieces for more stable wear. The thick frames of the adjustable designs were considered stylish, and children indicated they would wear them if the lens shape were modified. Conclusions: Current adjustable lens designs are unattractive to Chinese children and their parents, though this study identified specific modifications which would make them more appealing.


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Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes.
We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick’s treebased compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and ∆ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(log∆) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (∆ is the initial maximum degree).
Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y log ∆) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.


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An induced matching of a graph G is a matching having no two edges joined by an edge. An efficient edge dominating set of G is an induced matching M such that every other edge of G is adjacent to some edge in M. We relate maximum induced matchings and efficient edge dominating sets, showing that efficient edge dominating sets are maximum induced matchings, and that maximum induced matchings on regular graphs with efficient edge dominating sets are efficient edge dominating sets. A necessary condition for the existence of efficient edge dominating sets in terms of spectra of graphs is established. We also prove that, for arbitrary fixed p ≥ 3, deciding on the existence of efficient edge dominating sets on p-regular graphs is NP-complete. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the spatial distribution of organisms is a central topic in ecology. The European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population is in Portugal and Norway at the southwestern and northern edge of its distribution, respectively. Understanding the factors that act on these populations enlightens both local aspects concerning their conservation and wider scale aspects of the species bioclimatic envelope, which is crucial for being better able to predict the impacts of environmental change. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate roe deer distribution in Portugal and Norway, two countries with contrasting landscapes, seasonality and with different anthropogenic pressure. The interspecific relationship with sympatric ungulates was also analysed. By using pellet group counts, we investigated habitat use of roe deer, identifying the major environmental descriptors, to understand the importance of forest structure, vegetation characteristics, landscape structure and human disturbance on their distribution. The analyses were based on presence – absence data and were carried out at two spatial scales. The results showed that habitat use of roe deer was different across countries. In Portugal, at the local scale, roe deer distribution was positively associated with high density of shrubs, especially heather and brambles, while the presence of red deer had a negative effect on their distribution. At a broad scale, roe deer was negatively associated with spatial heterogeneity, namely mean shape index and made less use of areas close to agricultural fields. In Norway, at the local scale, roe deer made more use of areas with high cover of deciduous trees and patches containing juniper and Vaccinium sp.. At a broad scale, roe deer use patches near edges between fields and forest. In both countries, roe deer make use of areas further away from roads. While in Norway roe deer in both summer and winter are always close to houses, in Portugal they are either far (summer) or indifferent (winter). Anthropogenic disturbance is better tolerated in Norway, where the importance of the critical season seems to be higher. Human disturbance may contribute to roe deer habitat loss in Portugal, while roe deer are able to persist close to humans in managed landscapes in Norway. In fact, some of the differences observed could be more due to the indirect impacts of human exploitation (e.g. presence of free-ranging dogs and hunting regulation) rather than the actual human presence or land-use per se. I conclude that the methodology and tools developed here are readily expandable to address similar questions in different contexts. Wildlife management would benefit greatly from a more holistic/integrative approach and that should include human aspects, as human disturbance is expected to continue increasing.


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Neste trabalho estabelece-se uma interpreta c~ao geom etrica, em termos da teoria dos grafos, para v ertices, arestas e faces de uma qualquer dimens~ao do politopo de Birkho ac clico, Tn = n(T), onde T e uma arvore com n v ertices. Generaliza-se o resultado obtido por G. Dahl, [18], para o c alculo do di^ametro do grafo G( t n), onde t n e o politopo das matrizes tridiagonais duplamente estoc asticas. Adicionalmente, para q = 0; 1; 2; 3 s~ao obtidas f ormulas expl citas para a contagem do n umero de q faces do politopo de Birkho tridiagonal, t n, e e feito o estudo da natureza geom etrica dessas mesmas faces. S~ao, tamb em, apresentados algoritmos para efectuar contagens do n umero de faces de dimens~ao inferior a de uma dada face do politopo de Birkho ac clico.


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The development of a compact gamma camera with high spatial resolution is of great interest in Nuclear Medicine as a means to increase the sensitivity of scintigraphy exams and thus allow the early detection of small tumours. Following the introduction of the wavelength-shifting fibre (WSF) gamma camera by Soares et al. and evolution of photodiodes into highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), this thesis explores the development of a WSF gamma camera using SiPMs to obtain the position information of scintillation events in a continuous CsI(Na) crystal. The design is highly flexible, allowing the coverage of different areas and the development of compact cameras, with very small dead areas at the edges. After initial studies which confirmed the feasibility of applying SiPMs, a prototype with 5 5 cm2 was assembled and tested at room temperature, in an active field-of-view of 10 10 mm2. Calibration and characterisation of intrinsic properties of this prototype were done using 57Co, while extrinsic measurements were performed using a high-resolution parallel-hole collimator and 99mTc. In addition, a small mouse injected with a radiopharmaceutical was imaged with the developed prototype. Results confirm the great potential of SiPMs when applied in a WSF gamma camera, achieving spatial resolution performance superior to the traditional Anger camera. Furthermore, performance can be improved by an optimisation of experimental conditions, in order to minimise and control the undesirable effects of thermal noise and non-uniformity of response of multiple SiPMs. The development and partial characterisation of a larger SiPM WSF gamma camera with 10 10 cm2 for clinical application are also presented.


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Nesta tese abordam-se várias formulações e diferentes métodos para resolver o Problema da Árvore de Suporte de Custo Mínimo com Restrições de Peso (WMST – Weight-constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem). Este problema, com aplicações no desenho de redes de comunicações e telecomunicações, é um problema de Otimização Combinatória NP-difícil. O Problema WMST consiste em determinar, numa rede com custos e pesos associados às arestas, uma árvore de suporte de custo mínimo de tal forma que o seu peso total não exceda um dado limite especificado. Apresentam-se e comparam-se várias formulações para o problema. Uma delas é usada para desenvolver um procedimento com introdução de cortes baseado em separação e que se tornou bastante útil na obtenção de soluções para o problema. Tendo como propósito fortalecer as formulações apresentadas, introduzem-se novas classes de desigualdades válidas que foram adaptadas das conhecidas desigualdades de cobertura, desigualdades de cobertura estendida e desigualdades de cobertura levantada. As novas desigualdades incorporam a informação de dois conjuntos de soluções: o conjunto das árvores de suporte e o conjunto saco-mochila. Apresentam-se diversos algoritmos heurísticos de separação que nos permitem usar as desigualdades válidas propostas de forma eficiente. Com base na decomposição Lagrangeana, apresentam-se e comparam-se algoritmos simples, mas eficientes, que podem ser usados para calcular limites inferiores e superiores para o valor ótimo do WMST. Entre eles encontram-se dois novos algoritmos: um baseado na convexidade da função Lagrangeana e outro que faz uso da inclusão de desigualdades válidas. Com o objetivo de obter soluções aproximadas para o Problema WMST usam-se métodos heurísticos para encontrar uma solução inteira admissível. Os métodos heurísticos apresentados são baseados nas estratégias Feasibility Pump e Local Branching. Apresentam-se resultados computacionais usando todos os métodos apresentados. Os resultados mostram que os diferentes métodos apresentados são bastante eficientes para encontrar soluções para o Problema WMST.


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The planar design of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the most promising one due to its easier fabrication, improved performance and relatively high power density. In planar SOFCs and other solid-electrolyte devices, gas-tight seals must be formed along the edges of each cell and between the stack and gas manifolds. Glass and glass-ceramic (GC), in particular alkaline-earth alumino silicate based glasses and GCs, are becoming the most promising materials for gas-tight sealing applications in SOFCs. Besides the development of new glass-based materials, new additional concepts are required to overcome the challenges being faced by the currently existing sealant technology. The present work deals with the development of glasses- and GCs-based materials to be used as a sealants for SOFCs and other electrochemical functional applications. In this pursuit, various glasses and GCs in the field of diopside crystalline materials have been synthesized and characterized by a wide array of techniques. All the glasses were prepared by melt-quenching technique while GCs were produced by sintering of glass powder compacts at the temperature ranges from 800−900 ºC for 1−1000 h. Furthermore, the influence of various ionic substitutions, especially SrO for CaO, and Ln2O3 (Ln=La, Nd, Gd, and Yb), for MgO + SiO2 in Al-containing diopside on the structure, sintering and crystallization behaviour of glasses and properties of resultant GCs has been investigated, in relevance with final application as sealants in SOFC. From the results obtained in the study of diopside-based glasses, a bilayered concept of GC sealant is proposed to overcome the challenges being faced by (SOFCs). The systems designated as Gd−0.3 (in mol%: 20.62MgO−18.05CaO−7.74SrO−46.40SiO2−1.29Al2O3 − 2.04 B2O3−3.87Gd2O3) and Sr−0.3 (in mol%: 24.54 MgO−14.73 CaO−7.36 SrO−0.55 BaO−47.73 SiO2−1.23 Al2O3−1.23 La2O3−1.79 B2O3−0.84 NiO) have been utilized to realize the bi-layer concept. Both GCs exhibit similar thermal properties, while differing in their amorphous fractions, revealed excellent thermal stability along a period of 1,000 h. They also bonded well to the metallic interconnect (Crofer22APU) and 8 mol% yttrium stabilized zirconium (8YSZ) ceramic electrolyte without forming undesirable interfacial layers at the joints of SOFC components and GC. Two separated layers composed of glasses (Gd−0.3 and Sr−0.3) were prepared and deposited onto interconnect materials using a tape casting approach. The bi-layered GC showed good wetting and bonding ability to Crofer22APU plate, suitable thermal expansion coefficient (9.7–11.1 × 10–6 K−1), mechanical reliability, high electrical resistivity, and strong adhesion to the SOFC componets. All these features confirm the good suitability of the investigated bi-layered sealant system for SOFC applications.


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Few models can explain Mach bands (Pessoa, 1996 Vision Research 36 3205-3227) . Our own employs multiscale line and edge coding by simple and complex cells. Lines are interpreted by Gaussian functions, edges by bipolar, Gaussian-truncated errorfunctions. Widths of these functions are coupled to the scales of the underlying cells and the amplitudes are determined by their responses.


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Lines and edges provide important information for object categorization and recognition. In addition, one brightness model is based on a symbolic interpretation of the cortical multi-scale line/edge representation. In this paper we present an improved scheme for line/edge extraction from simple and complex cells and we illustrate the multi-scale representation. This representation can be used for visual reconstruction, but also for nonphotorealistic rendering. Together with keypoints and a new model of disparity estimation, a 3D wireframe representation of e.g. faces can be obtained in the future.


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In this paper we present a brief overview of the processing in the primary visual cortex, the multi-scale line/edge and keypoint representations, and a model of brightness perception. This model, which is being extended from 1D to 2D, is based on a symbolic line and edge interpretation: lines are represented by scaled Gaussians and edges by scaled, Gaussian-windowed error functions. We show that this model, in combination with standard techniques from graphics, provides a very fertile basis for non-photorealistic image rendering.


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Object recognition requires that templates with canonical views are stored in memory. Such templates must somehow be normalised. In this paper we present a novel method for obtaining 2D translation, rotation and size invariance. Cortical simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide multi-scale maps of lines, edges and keypoints. These maps are combined such that objects are characterised. Dynamic routing in neighbouring neural layers allows feature maps of input objects and stored templates to converge. We illustrate the construction of group templates and the invariance method for object categorisation and recognition in the context of a cortical architecture, which can be applied in computer vision.