988 resultados para CROWN-ETHERS


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This is a project sponsored by the Asia Pacific Association for Gambling Studies (APAGS) and supported by funds from the MSAR’s Bureau of Gambling Inspection and Coordination (DICJ). The research team comprises as Chief Investigators: Prof. Zhidong Hao of the University of Macau; Prof. Linda Hancock of Deakin University, Australia, and Prof. William Thompson, University of Las Vegas (UNLV). The project research was conducted between the end of December 2012 and July 2013.
The starting point for the research was to select four out of the six casino companies licensed to operate in Macau that also operate transnationally, that is, either in Las Vegas or Melbourne. Hence, the Venetian, Wynn, MGM, and the Melco-Crown Entertainment are the focus of research. The main objectives of the project are to explore how responsible gambling is framed in each of the three jurisdictions (Macau, Las Vegas and Melbourne); how it is approached cross-jurisdictionally by each of the companies; and to assess current approaches within a broader comparative context against international best practice. The research explores Responsible Gambling measures taken by a range of stakeholders including the government/regulators in each of the three jurisdictions, casino managements, problem gambling counselling services, unions and community organizations. The research emphasizes what problems prevail, and the implications of this research for enhancing Responsible Gambling in Macau.


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This paper explores insights into the regulatory state and state capitalism through the lens of how states construct and regulate markets in the area of ‘dangerous consumptions’, in particular, land-based casino gambling. It focuses on what is needed for public interest regulation; with a focus on consumer protection and harm prevention. Gambling constitutes a site of explicit state regulation as the state decides and negotiates license-to-operate conditions along with the degree of significance accorded to impact/harm, regulatory monitoring and enforcement, harm prevention and state/operator duty of care...

This paper outlines conceptualization of gambling as a ‘dangerous consumption’. Secondly, it examines the dominant regulatory paradigm responsive regulation (RR) and adequacy of RR as conceptual framework for the challenges posed by gambling as a ‘dangerous consumption’. Thirdly, it draws on a regulatory case study of RR in practice, drawing on a multi method approach to regulation of an Australian land-based casino [Victoria’s monopoly Crown Casino]. It concludes that current use of RR is inadequate to the task and argues for alternatives principles and public health approach as in the OECD hazard avoidance model applied to chemical accidents. This prioritizes prevention, preparedness [for risk/harm eventualities] and response [enforcement] and points to the need for a more nuanced response to the regulation of dangerous consumptions that directly addresses public interest.


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The Bill outlines the overarching purpose of the NZICC Agreement ‘to provide economic benefits to New Zealanders’. It is really a form of PPP (Public Private Partnership) where the beneficiaries are said to be the Crown and SkyCity but the real payment comes from the losses of the (mainly) community members who will gamble on the expanded facilities outlined in the Agreement. The Howeth International Convention and Exhibition Centre study (2009) established a clear business case for an international convention centre; with an optimistic benefit-cost ratio of 1.433 (which translates into a benefit to the economy of $1.433
for ever $1 spent). Aside from the short-term stimulus to jobs of the construction phase, a convention centre with capacity for 1000 delegates would create about 800 new jobs and attract up to 35 additional conferences of between 150 and 2500 delegates per year (an additional 22,000 additional international visitors and more than 200,000 extra visitor days, worth approximately $85.4 million in tourism-related expenditure per year15. It is therefore questionable as to why this venture needs to be captured by gambling interests, which will also dictate the location. This points to the efficacy of a non-casino provider being able to tender for establishment of an International Convention Centre that could be run profitably without being part of the for-profit model based on expanded gambling machines/revenue.


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The impact of regular additions of a surfactant (ethylene bis-stearamide; EBS) at different time intervals was investigated on the powder characteristics of a biomedical Ti-10Nb-3Mo alloy (wt.%). Ball milling was performed for 10 h on the elemental powders in four series of experiments at two rotation speeds (200 and 300 rpm). The addition of 2 wt.% total EBS at different time intervals during ball milling resulted in noticeable changes in particle size and morphology of the powders. The surfactant addition at shorter time intervals led to the formation of finer particles, a more homogenous powder distribution, a higher powder yield, and a lower contamination content in the final materials. Thermal analysis of the powders after ball milling suggested that differing decomposition rates of the surfactant were responsible for the measured powder particle changes and contamination contents. The results also indicated that the addition of surfactant during ball milling at 200 rpm caused a delay in the alloy formation, whereas ball milling at 300 rpm favored the formation of the titanium alloy.Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During the 2009/2010 summer, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the wastewater discharge at Davis Station, East Antarctica was completed. As part of this, histological alteration of gill and liver tissue in Antarctic Rock-cod (Trematomus bernacchii) from four sites along a spatial gradient from the wastewater outfall were assessed. All fish within 800 m of the outfall exhibited significant histological changes in both tissues. Common pathologies observed in fish closest to the outfall include proliferation of epithelial cells with associated secondary lamellar fusion in the gills and multifocal granulomata with inflammation and necrosis as well as cysts in the liver. Fish from sites >800 m from the outfall also exhibited alterations but to a lesser degree, with prevalence and severity decreasing with increasing distance from the outfall. This study highlights the value of histopathological investigations as part of EIAs and provides the first evidence of sub-lethal alteration associated with wastewater discharge in East Antarctica.


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Elite rowers complete rowing-specific and non-specific training, incorporating continuous and interval-like efforts spanning the intensity spectrum. However, established training load measures are unsuitable for use in some modes and intensities. Consequently, a new measure known as the T2minute method was created. The method quantifies load as the time spent in a range of training zones (time-in-zone), multiplied by intensity- and mode-specific weighting factors that scale the relative stress of different intensities and modes to the demands of on-water rowing. The purpose of this study was to examine the convergent validity of the T2minute method with Banister's training impulse (TRIMP), Lucia's TRIMP and Session-RPE when quantifying elite rowing training. Fourteen elite rowers (12 males, 2 females) were monitored during four weeks of routine training. Unadjusted T2minute loads (using coaches' estimates of time-in-zone) demonstrated moderate-to-strong correlations with Banister's TRIMP, Lucia's TRIMP and Session-RPE (rho: 0.58, 0.55 and 0.42, respectively). Adjusting T2minute loads by using actual time-in-zone data resulted in stronger correlations between the T2minute method and Banister's TRIMP and Lucia's TRIMP (rho: 0.85 and 0.81, respectively). The T2minute method is an appropriate in-field measure of elite rowing training loads, particularly when actual time-in-zone values are used to quantify load.


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This study investigated the role of a permanently manned Australian Antarctic research station (Casey Station) as a source of contemporary persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to the local environment. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and poly- and perfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) were found in indoor dust and treated wastewater effluent of the station. PBDE (e.g., BDE-209 26-820 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw)) and PFAS levels (e.g., PFOS 3.8-2400 ng g(-1) (dw)) in dust were consistent with those previously reported in homes and offices from Australia, reflecting consumer products and materials of the host nation. The levels of PBDEs and PFASs in wastewater (e.g., BDE-209 71-400 ng L(-1)) were in the upper range of concentrations reported for secondary treatment plants in other parts of the world. The chemical profiles of some PFAS samples were, however, different from domestic profiles. Dispersal of chemicals into the immediate marine and terrestrial environments was investigated by analysis of abiotic and biotic matrices. Analytes showed decreasing concentrations with increasing distance from the station. This study provides the first evidence of PFAS input to Polar regions via local research stations and demonstrates the introduction of POPs recently listed under the Stockholm Convention into the Antarctic environment through local human activities.


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The Honours undergraduate degree in Australia is unlike that in most other countries. It has taken on a particular significance as a qualification, as a pathway to and a pre-requisite for direct entry into doctoral programs. This paper explores the outcomes of a study that suggests that the aims, outcomes, curriculum, pedagogical practices, purposes and enrolment patterns of Honours vary substantially across disciplines and university types. It addresses the questions about the diverse nature of Honours programs and questions what this diversity means for Australian higher education in the context where global standardisation of awards is rapidly occurring. Honours is seen variously as a qualification, an experience, or a program. These variations are discussed and it is demonstrated that Honours globally has not one, but many meanings. These meanings are often poorly understood within, and outside the academy. These multiple meanings create confusion about what Honours stands for and inhibit communication about the role and purpose of Honours both within Australia and in a global context. © 2011 UK Crown: The Australian National University.


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New 87Sr/86Sr data based on 127 well-preserved and well-dated conodont samples from South China were measured using a new technique (LA-MC-ICPMS) based on single conodont albid crown analysis. These reveal a spectacular climb in seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratios during the Early Triassic that was the most rapid of the Phanerozoic. The rapid increase began in Bed 25 of the Meishan section (GSSP of the Permian-Triassic boundary, PTB), and coincided closely with the latest Permian extinction. Modeling results indicate that the accelerated rise of 87Sr/86Sr ratios can be ascribed to a rapid increase (>2.8×) of riverine flux of Sr caused by intensified weathering. This phenomenon could in turn be related to an intensification of warming-driven runoff and vegetation die-off. Continued rise of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the Early Triassic indicates that continental weathering rates were enhanced >1.9 times compared to those of the Late Permian. Continental weathering rates began to decline in the middle-late Spathian, which may have played a role in the decrease of oceanic anoxia and recovery of marine benthos. The 87Sr/86Sr values decline gradually into the Middle Triassic to an equilibrium values around 1.2 times those of the Late Permian level, suggesting that vegetation coverage did not attain pre-extinction levels thereby allowing higher runoff.


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Coral reefs face a crisis due to local and global anthropogenic stressors. A large proportion of the ~50% coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef has been attributed to outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns-seastar (COTS). A widely assumed cause of primary COTS outbreaks is increased larval survivorship due to higher food availability, linked with anthropogenic runoff . Our experiment using a range of algal food concentrations at three temperatures representing present day average and predicted future increases, demonstrated a strong influence of food concentration on development is modulated by temperature. A 2°C increase in temperature led to a 4.2–4.9 times (at Day 10) or 1.2–1.8 times (Day 17) increase in late development larvae. A model indicated that food was the main driver, but that temperature was an important modulator of development. For instance, at 5000 cells ml−1 food, a 2°C increase may shorten developmental time by 30% and may increase the probability of survival by 240%. The main contribution of temperature is to ‘push’ well-fed larvae faster to settlement. We conclude that warmer sea temperature is an important co-factor promoting COTS outbreaks.


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Abstract We report that a prestressing technique similar to that traditionally used in prestressed concrete can improve the mechanical performance of flax fibre spun yarn reinforced polymer-matrix composites. Prestressing a low twist yarn not only introduces tension to the constituent fibres and compressive stress to the matrix similar as in prestressed concretes, but also causes changes to the yarn structure that lead to the rearrangement of fibres within the yarn. Prestressing increases the fibre packing density in yarn, causes fibre straightening, and reduces fibre obliquity in yarn (improved fibre alignment along yarn axis). All these changes contribute positively to the mechanical properties of the natural fibre yarn reinforced composites. Crown


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The influence of milling time on the powder packing characteristics and compressive mechanical properties of a biomedical Ti-10Nb-3Mo alloy (wt.%) was investigated. Ball milling was performed on elemental metal powders at different milling times of 0 (blended), 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 h. This article demonstrates that despite the beneficial effects of ball milling technique in the mechanical alloying of the Ti-based alloy, the ball-milled powders synthesized at longer milling times can adversely affect the packing density and significantly diminish the compressive mechanical properties of the sintered powders. Crown


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The common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) has a proven invasion history in many countries, and at a continental scale in North America and Australasia. In Australia, starlings are firmly established throughout the eastern states and Tasmania. Incursions of starlings into Western Australia (WA) represent a significant threat to this State’s agricultural, public amenity and biodiversity assets. We present models of starling population dynamics that incorporate environmental and control effort variability. We incorporate knowledge of starling ecology with economic data to assess the potential economic cost of starlings establishing in WA, evaluating the cost–benefits for each management scenario. We calculated starling population size will approach carrying capacity in WA within as little as 30 years if left unchecked. A population of this size could cost the WA economy up to $43.7 million annually in 2011/2012 dollars. Over a 50 year horizon, the conservative benefit–cost ratio for ongoing detection and control at the current level of expenditure is 6.03:1. However, even under current levels of control, starling numbers are projected to increase to almost 11 million by 2061. Further improvements in the efficiency of starling detection and control and/or an increased level of expenditure on detection and control are required.