Research with indigenous in urban context are gaining steam in recent years, particularly with the intensification of migration resulting from problems such as lack of land for subsistence. However, in relation to Terena, subjects in this study, the contemporary anthropological research aimed at residents in cities still are not privileged, especially to youth. Thus, the dissertation has as main objective the discussion around some axes, among them indigenous youth Terena ethnicity politics, - indigenous movement - and racism. These themes appeared during fieldwork where privileged six trajectories of young Terena who migrated to Campo Grande (MS) and have different ways to mean the city and experiencing everyday life
The religious plurality has been increasingly intense in Brazil, while it has served as an object of study in various fields of knowledge. In this context, this paper aims to point out the general heterogeneity among experienced growth of Protestant and evangelical denominations, especially those who claim to be inclusive by attending to human diversity, seeking to understand the relationship between religion and homosexuality. Specific objectives aim to understand the functioning and speeches produced by Comunidade Cristã Nova Esperança in Natal. The theoretical framework was seated in the works of Bento (2008), Lima (2009), Goffman (2001), Natividade (2008), Musskopf (2008), Helminiak (1998), Foucault (1997), among others. We tried to discuss the trajectory and how is the process of organization of the Comunidade Cristã Nova Esperança in Natal, the social advances that have reached homosexuals in our country, how this institution has contributed to the shift in paradigm in Christianity in respect to matters pertaining to religion and homosexuality, and the meaning of being a homosexual christian from the viewpoint perceived by social subjects living this experience
Based on the proposal entitled anti-prohibitionist, contrary to prohibition and illegality of cannabis and its use, the anti-prohibitionist Collectives proposes to discuss the topic of drugs, especially marijuana, aiming decriminalization and legalization of this psychoactive. With this idea was articulated anti-prohibitionist movement in Natal, by organizing collectives that discuss issues related to drug use and conduct activities directed to this issue, such as Marijuana Marches and Cycles of Debates anti-prohibitionist. In this study we sought to understand the positioning in social and cultural terms, the marijuana users participating of the collectives, on the situation of illegality of their actions, in front of social, legal and moral question involved in the illicit psychoactive, through initiatives conferences, events and demonstrations for this purpose
The city is the privileged place construction of social and political life, and the gathering of social groups. Meeting place, the diversity and possibilities. But the urban universe which cities belong is not a homogeneous whole. There are spaces demarcated and valued ideologically creating antithetical images about places that are now recognized as violent or dangerous. Peripheral urban situations of unprivileged add to theprejudices to the origin of place within the neighborlyallotments José Sarney and Novo Horizonte (Japan Slum) / Natal-RN, which are reproduced in narratives of everyday life. Spatial divisions are exploited, mixed and repeated to maintain social distances through rites of separations and dichotomies such as neighborhood/joint housing, allotment/slum and the people of the high place/the people of the down place. Social categories such as buraco(hole) and cabras (goats) are evoked to interpret the world of violence and places regarded as dangerous. The prominence of hypermasculinity and perception of children and adolescents living on the outer elements are brought up to the interpretation of images evoked in interviews with residents and their neighbors
The narratives that circulate Caicó tell us that the activity of embroidery would have come to town by the eighteenth century, by the Portuguese colonizers. Initially, the embroidery worked as a constitutive element in the formation of women, especially in the construction of the role of "talented ladies", was later characterized in a income generating activity moving strongly the informal sector of the local economy. In addition to source of income, the practice of embroiderers is redefining the craft tradition, transforming the embroidery on one of the symbols of identity of the city as it reaches other markets, carrying the name "Caicó embroidery". The research aims to investigate the dynamics of artisanal embroidery production, within the family circle and its consequences after its entry in the commercial sphere. It also seeks to investigate how the activity operates within a context in which the subjects (embroiderers and intermediaries) and their distinct negotiations trigger certain discourses, particularly those related to identity and authenticity on behalf of economic, political and cultural purposes
The objective of this dissertation is understand the relationships built between subjects who occupy buildings in a state of abandonment to revitalize them - called okupas, noting which individuals construct such meanings on the practice of occupation and how to organize the construction and maintenance of a collective life project. Having the Okupa Squat Torém, located in the neighborhood of Fatima in the southern city of Fortaleza-CE, as locus and observed through the ethnographic method, followed the social practices of urban segment. I invested in a data collection revealed that the custom of okupas and their domestic habits, inside and outside of okupa, emphasizing the interaction situations, like most appropriate occasions to observe the constant negotiation and refinement of his cunning to intervene in the city . Among the objectives of this research, the main thing is to observe which senses are assigned to the practice of the occupation by okupas. For this, reflecting from the specifics of this urban phenomenon and talking mostly with the tradition of research in the field of anthropology, I tried to address some issues regarding the practice of okupação and organization of the group, which the principles and movements that make these contacts with city etc. The appropriation made by the subjects on the urban space here means understanding them as a cultural expression of a number of collective values, resulting from experience and perception of okupas like themselves. The intention is to show how this practice intervention and collective action has appeared in contemporary times and how my ethnography can contribute to a dialogue on the practices of mobilization and update of the city, considering the Theory of Recognition Axel Honneth (2003) as an analytical category useful to describe the forms of reciprocity experienced by okupas
The theater of puppets is one of the many expressions of popular culture which is marked by ongoing constructions and transformations in its symbolic representations as well as its characters and performances. In the city of Natal/RN, there is a manipulator called Heraldo Lins, an artist who operates such puppets, and has been performing his puppet since 1992. Lins has his own look at how he produces his performances and seeks to adjust his puppets to social and rentable contexts. Lins‟s performances are tailor-made in accordance with the request of his customers, as he makes up the passages and lines of his puppets according to his audience. This research aimed to study how the Heraldo Lins Mamulengos Show is built, especially its changes. We note that Lins chooses to dismantle the symbolic values of the tradition in the regular puppet theater once he adapts to modern patterns, placing himself between the traditional puppet theater and the cultural industry. The work in camp was made through a methodological focused in a participative observation and an audiovisual registry
This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology
This dissertation is based on the ethnography of a strategic selection of three Tremembé ethnic situations, which are situated in the backlands of Acaraú and Itarema, municipalities located in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil). My main aims are the following. Firstly, I reconstitute the historical and social formation of three localities, called Lagoa dos Negros, Telhas, and Queimadas, related to a particular origin myth which refers to Almofala, an extinct colonial Aldeamento in the seashore, where the Tremembé indians and other native populations were converted and gathered under missionary administration. According to the origin myth, these three localities were set up after a strong drought which happened in 1888 (the so called three eights) when a group of Tremembé families moved to the countryside and established close to the Lagoa dos Negros and, later on, they were segmented into smaller groups which started to live in other areas and places not far from the former location. Notably, I develop an anthropological approach to understand the historical formation of these three localities. Secondly, I analyze some processes of territorialization, which were emerged from the 1980s and had important consequences to these indigenous families throughout the next two decades. This historical dimension is re-appropriated and ressignified in ethnic terms. A third point of my work is the analysis of the construction of territorialities and also the cultural and symbolic dimensions which are formulated by the Tremembé Indians who live in these localities. Therefore, I investigate some cultural traditions and rituals, such as the Torém dance, but I also examine their multiple semantics, which constitute a transversal direction throughout the history understood by the Tremembé of the different social situations I researched. To sum up, there is a process of cultural actualization, which is still going on and presents itself through the ludic sphere as well as their political and religions dimensions, which are usually associated to the ritual presentation of the Torém
The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical
Compte tenu de l importance de la formation des enseignants pour répondre, de nos jours, aux besoins des élèves dont les caractéristiques marquantes sont la diversité et la différentiation, desquels nécessairement font partie , à un échelon croissant, des personnes atteintes d une déficience quelconque ; devant le constat que les actuelles politiques d éducation, en fonction de leurs limitations, peuvent être considérées comme un des principaux facteurs qui entravent la concrétisation d un vrai processus d inclusion de ces personnes ; compte tenu, encore, que le confront des situations éducatives concernant le processus d inclusion de ceux ayant des déficiences physiques, notamment lorsqu il s agit d élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale, engendre chez les enseignants un état de troublante inquiétude du fait de ne se sentir convenablement préparés pour se confronter avec des situations pareilles, cette recherche, centrée sur cette problématique, a chosi comme objectif planifier, mettre en marche et analyser un programme d intervention pédagogique dans une école régulière de la ville de Natal/RN, auprès de quatre enseignants de l école fondamentale (7e Série) qui avaient reçu, dans leur classe, deux élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale. S utilisant comme recours méthodologique de la recherche-action, le programme d intervention s est structuré autour de troix axes thématiques : l attitudinal, le pédagogique et le vécu en milieu scolaire, sous la forme de discussions théoriques et la mise en oeuvre de ces thématiques. Les données qui devraient être soumises à l analyse ont été collectées à partir des procédés d observation, d entretiens avant et après l intervention, du régistre de photos et d un questionnaire. Les interprétations faites, basées dans la comparaison du discours des sujets ont signalé que les enseignants ont progressé dans la maîtrise des savoirs scienfiques concernant la paralysie cérébrale et dans la connaissance des personnes atteintes par cette déficience. Par rapport aux valeurs et significations attribuées par les enseignants à ce programme d intervention à partir de leur choix des photos dans l ensemble du déroulement de ce processus formatif, elles s expriment par une prise de conscience très marquée, de la part des enseignants, par rapport :aux besoins éducatifs des élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale ; à l importance et au vrai rôle que l école doit jouer face aux politiques d éducation inclusive ; aux difficultés vécues par ces personnes, qui réclament le plus profond respect de leurs ingularités ; la reconstruction d une nouvelle image concernant ces personnes ; la constatation qu il est possible aux enseignants d adapter et même de créer à l école des ressources et matériaux pédagogiques envisageant la qualité du processus d enseignement et apprentissage de l élève atteint de paralysie cérébrale ; finalement, la perception de l importance du travail en équipe, d un milieu scolaire accessible à ces personnes et de l appuis de la famille dans le contexte de l éducation inclusive. Les résultats obtenus, issus de ce programme d intervention, d après l évaluation finale des sujets, de part de témoigner de son efficacité, montrent que l intervention a été une excellente opportunité d habiliter ces enseignants et d améliorer le processus d enseignement à l école choisie comme le locus de cette recherche
The main aim of this research has been to analyze the identity patterns of the teacher s staff of fundamental education public schools in the Metropolitan Area of Natal-RN. It sets out from the hypothesis that being a teacher within this context grows out of the regularities of a specific habitus, which, according to Bourdieu, develops into mental schemes of thought and action within a specific social group. This habitus forms the basis on which is built the social representation of being a teacher prevailing in the group, as well as the symbolic differences that typify its identity variations. Three data sources have been fundamental in building up this thesis: (a) formative essays of students graduating from a Higher Teacher s Formation Course, as well as observing some of the public defense of these essays during field work; (b) a questionnaire aimed at classifying economically, socially, and culturally a sample of public teachers of the Natal-RN county; and (c) submitting a sub-sample of this group to the process of Multiple Classification Procedures (MCP). The analysis of data was done according to the multidimensional, non-parametric statistical procedures of both the Category Content Analysis and Enunciation Analysis methods. The results of the analysis took into account an ample set of variables, its associations and implications, the cultural and social profile of the population under scrutiny, their life styles, as well as the strategies they developed in the process of becoming a teacher, and the social representation of being a teacher . We came to the conclusion that the social identity of the teachers corps, or as we prefer to say it being a teacher , is a result of a set of regularities produced by the habitus that gives social shape and meaning to the existence of the group proper. We note the existence of identity variations caused by the variables (a) educational level; and (b) mode of action in fundamental education (if these are the first or last grades where the subjects operate). However, these variations will not break the power of the regularities that give shape, meaning, and social visibility to the group. The social representation of being a teacher points to the tensions, ambiguities, and trends inherent to common sense, as well as to a strong tendency to reassign a new meaning to being a teacher. Our thesis, therefore, is that the identity configuration of the teachers corps under scrutiny is characterized by an integrative synthesis, by-product of a habitus that is superimposed, and at the same time co-exists with different identity variations
The present work highlights the importance of Dialogue in dealing with situations of crisis, and human conflicts. It has a starting point in some ideas of David Bohm, and in so doing, it presents itself with the challenge of testing the premise that dialogical strategies, of thought and action, can make the human choices inherent to those situations, more coherent and creative. They also allow us to elucidate and grasp them, towards broader comprehension and resolution, while keeping the framework of consistent assessment. However, we believe that said strategies are not, necessarily, problem solvers. With that in mind, we expanded the notion of Dialogue , systematizing dialogical visions of the world, derived from the ideas of David Bohm, Paulo Freire and Mikhail Bakhtin, in which they give priority to the Dialogue component, in all human relations within crucial contexts. From the elaboration of that systemic and dialogical interface, in which Dialogue appears as common theme, and pervasive tool, we detected the emerging of ancillary themes such as Liberty , Consciousness , Creativity , Ethics and Responsibility . We see these themes as ways of comprehending Life, as each one embodies interests, needs and shared human motivations. We have articulated them as a network, and added to that the need of Reflection in conjunction with Dialogue as a watchful call for noticing the incoherence
Ce travail etude le protagonisme juvénile en école de enseignement sécondaire publique, avec emphase a l enseignement nocturne. Considere las médiations que determinent le paradigme du protagonisme juvénile defendu pour théoriciens pos modernes et documents de reforme de enseignement sécondaire brésilien. Montre que les explications sur le protagonisme juvénile font part d une conception de pouvoir juvenile, proposé pour organismes multilatérales avec la volonté de mobiliser les jeunes pauvres pour faire actions du combat a pauvreté dans les nations sur le point de développement, conjoncture auquel sont proposées théories et pratiques que viabilizent la subsistance des jeunes pauvres en situation de risque. Discute la question de pouvoir juvenile et indique que la proposition de le protagonisme juvénile via pouvoir ont une espace favorable dans le sphère du enseignement sécondaire, niveau de la plupart de jeunes. Montre que la défense de pouvoir juvenile occulte chances de actions étudiants collectifs que permetent une intervention sociopolitique au élève de enseignement sécondaire, qui ont selement une function de homologation. Propose une recherche de possibilités de incentifs a le protagonisme juvénile collectif ou protagonisme étudiant collectif, auquel le étudiant presente suggestions pour le planification et éxecution de activités didactique pédagogiques dans l`école publique de enseignement sécondaire. Defend que la gestion démocratique, avec emphase en procès participatif, c est la principal déterminacion pour le protagonisme étudiant collectif. Méthodiquement , considere las dimensions suivantes pour le protagonisme juvénile: a) configuration de protagonisme juvénile b) protagonisme juvénile dans perspective légal/institutionel ; c) enseignement sécondaire et protagonisme juvénile ; d) possibilité de construction de protagonisme étudiant collectif dans enseignement sécondaire nocturne en Rio Grande do Norte, état choisi pour recherche. Sistematize une technique de revision de litérature sur le thème et informations d une consultation de documents, au-delà de donné constants de Banc de donées de la recherche Le Enseignement Sécondaire Publique Nocturne :registre et analyse de expérience dans l état de Rio Grande do Norte. Conclusion : il faut contribuer pour débats sur la participation politique de les jeunes dans le enseignement sécondaire nocturne, en presentant possibilités reéles de protagonisme étudiant collectif ; opinions presentées pour élèves sont très importantes a une direction d un rôle académique fait pour institutions scolaires dans ce moment , parce que des étudiants sont correspondants a interlocuteurs privilégiés ; le élève peut et deut être consulté depuis le moment de élaboration jusqu a réalisation de activités scolaires ; bien que il y a des entraves et difficultés immanents au enseignement sécondaire publique nocturne, se forment noveaux espaces de démocratisation de idées
The society consists of the inter-relations between diverse symbolic fields of performance, where some agents if identify for values, habits and goals. The present thesis analyzed, taking for base the Theory of the Social Field of Pierre Bourdieu, the ambient field and the university, leaving of the principle that the university is one of the propitious places for the quarrel, study, knowledge elaboration, and that the ambient education is one of the ways of dissemination of knowledge and action in favor of the ambient question. It was looked to contextualize and to identify the main factors that configure the university while a social field, and to evidence the conflict and connector links with the ambientalism. It is perceived university as space of tensions, whose produced capital stock in the academic scope must be enough convincing in the direction of the social transformation, of the expansion of conscience, the critical matureness, and thus to appear as agent of social transformation. The joint between the diverse social fields, promoted for the university, will be able to contribute for knowledge formularization that can consist base for elaboration of politics and programs to answer to the problems of the society contemporary. It has the inter-relationship between the two fields, however, this relation still is fragile, needing that a continuity practical social that they make possible that the ambient question is part of the culture of the university. This will be able to give with the intensification of the actions and the inclusion of the ambient questions in the communication mechanisms and administrative management. To surpass discontinuities caused for changes of groups leading and for interests politician conjunctural are necessary that they create habitus, what passes for the institutionalization of practical and the constitution of a culture that the agents allow if to reorganize defending the interests of social transformation front to the economic interests, as much in the university how much in the ambient field