979 resultados para CLIMBERS ELEVATION
Hydrogen isotope and Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronological data are presented from muscovite within a crustal-scale extensional detachment of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex, North American Cordillera. The hydrogen isotope compositions (deltaD(ms)) of precisely dated muscovite attain values as low as -156parts per thousand in the detachment mylonite, whereas footwall quartzite has a deltaD(ms) value of -81parts per thousand. The very low deltaD(ms) values in the detachment are best explained by infiltration of meteoric water, with maximum deltaD values of -135parts per thousand +/- 3parts per thousand, during extensional unroofing of the orogen at 49.0-47.9 Ma. On the basis of the empirically determined relationship between elevation and isotopic composition of precipitation, the reconstructed early Eocene paleoelevations of the orogen are 4060 +/- 250 m to 4320 +/- 250 m, at least 1000 m higher than the highest present-day peaks. We propose that the isotopic composition of surface-derived waters in extensional detachments represents a newly recognized method to estimate maximum paleoelevations attained immediately preceding extensional orogenic collapse.
The availability of high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) at a regional scale enables the analysis of topography with high levels of detail. Hence, a DEM-based geomorphometric approach becomes more accurate for detecting potential rockfall sources. Potential rockfall source areas are identified according to the slope angle distribution deduced from high resolution DEM crossed with other information extracted from geological and topographic maps in GIS format. The slope angle distribution can be decomposed in several Gaussian distributions that can be considered as characteristic of morphological units: rock cliffs, steep slopes, footslopes and plains. A terrain is considered as potential rockfall sources when their slope angles lie over an angle threshold, which is defined where the Gaussian distribution of the morphological unit "Rock cliffs" become dominant over the one of "Steep slopes". In addition to this analysis, the cliff outcrops indicated by the topographic maps were added. They contain however "flat areas", so that only the slope angles values above the mode of the Gaussian distribution of the morphological unit "Steep slopes" were considered. An application of this method is presented over the entire Canton of Vaud (3200 km2), Switzerland. The results were compared with rockfall sources observed on the field and orthophotos analysis in order to validate the method. Finally, the influence of the cell size of the DEM is inspected by applying the methodology over six different DEM resolutions.
THESIS ABSTRACT : Low-temperature thermochronology relies on application of radioisotopic systems whose closure temperatures are below temperatures at which the dated phases are formed. In that sense, the results are interpreted as "cooling ages" in contrast to "formation ages". Owing to the low closure-temperatures, it is possible to reconstruct exhumation and cooling paths of rocks during their residence at shallow levels of the crust, i.e. within first ~10 km of depth. Processes occurring at these shallow depths such as final exhumation, faulting and relief formation are fundamental for evolution of the mountain belts. This thesis aims at reconstructing the tectono-thermal history of the Aar massif in the Central Swiss Alps by means of zircon (U-Th)/He, apatite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission track thermochronology. The strategy involved acquisition of a large number of samples from a wide range of elevations in the deeply incised Lötschen valley and a nearby NEAT tunnel. This unique location allowed to precisely constrain timing, amount and mechanisms of exhumation of the main orographic feature of the Central Alps, evaluate the role of topography on the thermochronological record and test the impact of hydrothermal activity. Samples were collected from altitudes ranging between 650 and 3930 m and were grouped into five vertical profiles on the surface and one horizontal in the tunnel. Where possible, all three radiometric systems were applied to each sample. Zircon (U-Th)/He ages range from 5.1 to 9.4 Ma and are generally positively correlated with altitude. Age-elevation plots reveal a distinct break in slope, which translates into exhumation rate increasing from ~0.4 to ~3 km/Ma at 6 Ma. This acceleration is independently confirmed by increased cooling rates on the order of 100°C/Ma constrained on the basis of age differences between the zircon (U-Th)/He and the remaining systems. Apatite fission track data also plot on a steep age-elevation curve indicating rapid exhumation until the end of the Miocene. The 6 Ma event is interpreted as reflecting tectonically driven uplift of the Aar massif. The late Miocene timing implies that the increase of precipitation in the Pliocene did not trigger rapid exhumation in the Aar massif. The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean could not directly intensify erosion of the Aar but associated erosional output from the entire Alps may have tapered the orogenic wedge and caused reactivation of thrusting in the Aar massif. The high exhumation rates in the Messinian were followed by a decrease to ~1.3 km/Ma as evidenced by ~8 km of exhumation during last 6 Ma. The slowing of exhumation is also apparent from apatite (U-Th)1He age-elevation data in the northern part of the Lötschen valley where they plot on a ~0.5km/Ma line and range from 2.4 to 6.4 Ma However, from the apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track data from the NEAT tunnel, there is an indication of a perturbation of the record. The apatite ages are youngest under the axis of the valley, in contrast to an expected pattern where they would be youngest in the deepest sections of the tunnel due to heat advection into ridges. The valley however, developed in relatively soft schists while the ridges are built of solid granitoids. In line with hydrological observations from the tunnel, we suggest that the relatively permeable rocks under the valley floor, served as conduits of geothermal fluids that caused reheating leading to partial Helium loss and fission track annealing in apatites. In consequence, apatite ages from the lowermost samples are too young and the calculated exhumation rates may underestimate true values. This study demonstrated that high-density sampling is indispensable to provide meaningful thermochronological data in the Alpine setting. The multi-system approach allows verifying plausibility of the data and highlighting sources of perturbation. RÉSUMÉ DE THÈSE : La thermochronologie de basse température dépend de l'utilisation de systèmes radiométriques dont la température de fermeture est nettement inférieure à la température de cristallisation du minéral. Les résultats obtenus sont par conséquent interprétés comme des âges de refroidissement qui diffèrent des âges de formation obtenus par le biais d'autres systèmes de datation. Grâce aux températures de refroidissement basses, il est aisé de reconstruire les chemins de refroidissement et d'exhumation des roches lors de leur résidence dans la croute superficielle (jusqu'à 10 km). Les processus qui entrent en jeu à ces faibles profondeurs tels que l'exhumation finale, la fracturation et le faillage ainsi que la formation du relief sont fondamentaux dans l'évolution des chaînes de montagne. Ces dernières années, il est devenu clair que l'enregistrement thermochronologique dans les orogènes peut être influencé par le relief et réinitialisé par l'advection de la chaleur liée à la circulation de fluides géothermaux après le refroidissement initial. L'objectif de cette thèse est de reconstruire l'histoire tectono-thermique du massif de l'Aar dans les Alpes suisses Centrales à l'aide de trois thermochronomètres; (U-Th)/He sur zircon, (U-Th)/He sur apatite et les traces de fission sur apatite. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous avons récolté un grand nombre d'échantillons provenant de différentes altitudes dans la vallée fortement incisée de Lötschental ainsi que du tunnel de NEAT. Cette stratégie d'échantillonnage nous a permis de contraindre de manière précise la chronologie, les quantités et les mécanismes d'exhumation de cette zone des Alpes Centrales, d'évaluer le rôle de la topographie sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique et de tester l'impact de l'hydrothermalisme sur les géochronomètres. Les échantillons ont été prélevés à des altitudes comprises entre 650 et 3930m selon 5 profils verticaux en surface et un dans le tunnel. Quand cela à été possible, les trois systèmes radiométriques ont été appliqués aux échantillons. Les âges (U-Th)\He obtenus sur zircons sont compris entre 5.l et 9.4 Ma et sont corrélés de manière positive avec l'altitude. Les graphiques représentant l'âge et l'élévation montrent une nette rupture de la pente qui traduisent un accroissement de la vitesse d'exhumation de 0.4 à 3 km\Ma il y a 6 Ma. Cette accélération de l'exhumation est confirmée par les vitesses de refroidissement de l'ordre de 100°C\Ma obtenus à partir des différents âges sur zircons et à partir des autres systèmes géochronologiques. Les données obtenues par traces de fission sur apatite nous indiquent également une exhumation rapide jusqu'à la fin du Miocène. Nous interprétons cet évènement à 6 Ma comme étant lié à l'uplift tectonique du massif de l'Aar. Le fait que cet évènement soit tardi-miocène implique qu'une augmentation des précipitations au Pliocène n'a pas engendré cette exhumation rapide du massif de l'Aar. La crise Messinienne de la mer méditerranée n'a pas pu avoir une incidence directe sur l'érosion du massif de l'Aar mais l'érosion associée à ce phénomène à pu réduire le coin orogénique alpin et causer la réactivation des chevauchements du massif de l'Aar. L'exhumation rapide Miocène a été suivie pas une diminution des taux d'exhumation lors des derniers 6 Ma (jusqu'à 1.3 km\Ma). Cependant, les âges (U-Th)\He sur apatite ainsi que les traces de fission sur apatite des échantillons du tunnel enregistrent une perturbation de l'enregistrement décrit ci-dessus. Les âges obtenus sur les apatites sont sensiblement plus jeunes sous l'axe de la vallée en comparaison du profil d'âges attendus. En effet, on attendrait des âges plus jeunes sous les parties les plus profondes du tunnel à cause de l'advection de la chaleur dans les flancs de la vallée. La vallée est creusée dans des schistes alors que les flancs de celle-ci sont constitués de granitoïdes plus durs. En accord avec les observations hydrologiques du tunnel, nous suggérons que la perméabilité élevée des roches sous l'axe de la vallée à permi l'infiltration de fluides géothermaux qui a généré un réchauffement des roches. Ce réchauffement aurait donc induit une perte d'Hélium et un recuit des traces de fission dans les apatites. Ceci résulterait en un rajeunissement des âges apatite et en une sous-estimation des vitesses d'exhumation sous l'axe de la vallée. Cette étude à servi à démontrer la nécessité d'un échantillonnage fin et précis afin d'apporter des données thermochronologiques de qualité dans le contexte alpin. Cette approche multi-système nous a permi de contrôler la pertinence des données acquises ainsi que d'identifier les sources possibles d'erreurs lors d'études thermochronologiques. RÉSUMÉ LARGE PUBLIC Lors d'une orogenèse, les roches subissent un cycle comprenant une subduction, de la déformation, du métamorphisme et, finalement, un retour à la surface (ou exhumation). L'exhumation résulte de la déformation au sein de la zone de collision, menant à un raccourcissement et un apaissessement de l'édifice rocheux, qui se traduit par une remontée des roches, création d'une topographie et érosion. Puisque l'érosion agit comme un racloir sur la partie supérieure de l'édifice, des tentatives de corrélation entre les épisodes d'exhumation rapide et les périodes d'érosion intensive, dues aux changements climatiques, ont été effectuées. La connaissance de la chronologie et du lieu précis est d'une importance capitale pour une quelconque reconstruction de l'évolution d'une chaîne de montagne. Ces critères sont donnés par un retraçage des changements de la température de la roche en fonction du temps, nous donnant le taux de refroidissement. L'instant auquel les roches ont refroidit, passant une certaine température, est contraint par l'application de techniques de datation par radiométrie. Ces méthodes reposent sur la désintégration des isotopes radiogéniques, tels que l'uranium et le potassium, tous deux abondants dans les roches de la croûte terrestre. Les produits de cette désintégration ne sont pas retenus dans les minéraux hôtes jusqu'au moment du refroidissement de la roche sous une température appelée 'de fermeture' , spécifique à chaque système de datation. Par exemple, la désintégration radioactive des atomes d'uranium et de thorium produit des atomes d'hélium qui s'échappent d'un cristal de zircon à des températures supérieures à 200°C. En mesurant la teneur en uranium-parent, l'hélium accumulé et en connaissant le taux de désintégration, il est possible de calculer à quel moment la roche échantillonnée est passée sous la température de 200°C. Si le gradient géothermal est connu, les températures de fermeture peuvent être converties en profondeurs actuelles (p. ex. 200°C ≈ 7km), et le taux de refroidissement en taux d'exhumation. De plus, en datant par système radiométrique des échantillons espacés verticalement, il est possible de contraindre directement le taux d'exhumation de la section échantillonnée en observant les différences d'âges entre des échantillons voisins. Dans les Alpes suisses, le massif de l'Aar forme une structure orographique majeure. Avec des altitudes supérieures à 4000m et un relief spectaculaire de plus de 2000m, le massif domine la partie centrale de la chaîne de montagne. Les roches aujourd'hui exposées à la surface ont été enfouies à plus de 10 km de profond il y a 20 Ma, mais la topographie actuelle du massif de l'Aar semble surtout s'être développée par un soulèvement actif depuis quelques millions d'années, c'est-à-dire depuis le Néogène supérieur. Cette période comprend un changement climatique soudain ayant touché l'Europe il y a environ 5 Ma et qui a occasionné de fortes précipitations, entraînant certainement une augmentation de l'érosion et accélérant l'exhumation des Alpes. Dans cette étude, nous avons employé le système de datation (U-TH)/He sur zircon, dont la température de fermeture de 200°C est suffisamment basse pour caractériser l'exhumation du Néogène sup. /Pliocène. Les échantillons proviennent du Lötschental et du tunnel ferroviaire le plus profond du monde (NEAT) situé dans la partie ouest du massif de l'Aar. Considérés dans l'ensemble, ces échantillons se répartissent sur un dénivelé de 3000m et des âges de 5.1 à 9.4 Ma. Les échantillons d'altitude supérieure (et donc plus vieux) documentent un taux d'exhumation de 0.4 km/Ma jusqu'à il y a 6 Ma, alors que les échantillons situés les plus bas ont des âges similaires allant de 6 à 5.4 Ma, donnant un taux jusqu'à 3km /Ma. Ces données montrent une accélération dramatique de l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar il y a 6 Ma. L'exhumation miocène sup. du massif prédate donc le changement climatique Pliocène. Cependant, lors de la crise de salinité d'il y a 6-5.3 Ma (Messinien), le niveau de la mer Méditerranée est descendu de 3km. Un tel abaissement de la surface d'érosion peut avoir accéléré l'exhumation des Alpes, mais le bassin sud alpin était trop loin du massif de l'Aar pour influencer son érosion. Nous arrivons à la conclusion que la datation (U-Th)/He permet de contraindre précisément la chronologie et l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar. Concernant la dualité tectonique-érosion, nous suggérons que, dans le cas du massif de l'Aar, la tectonique prédomine.
Although Leontopodium alpinum is considered to be threatened in many countries, only limited scientific information about its autecology is available. In this study, we aim to define the most important ecological factors which influence the distribution of L. alpinum in the Swiss Alps. These were assessed at the national scale using species distribution models based on topoclimatic predictors and at the community scale using exhaustive plant inventories. The latter were analysed using hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis, and the results were interpreted using ecological indicator values. L. alpinum was found almost exclusively on base-rich bedrocks (limestone and ultramaphic rocks). The species distribution models showed that the available moisture (dry regions, mostly in the Inner Alps), elevation (mostly above 2000 m.a.s.l.) and slope (mostly >30°) were the most important predictors. The relevés showed that L. alpinum is present in a wide range of plant communities, all subalpine-alpine open grasslands, with a low grass cover. As a light-demanding and short species, L. alpinum requires light at ground level; hence, it can only grow in open, nutrient-poor grasslands. These conditions are met in dry conditions (dry, summer-warm climate, rocky and draining soil, south-facing aspect and/or steep slope), at high elevations, on oligotrophic soils and/or on windy ridges. Base-rich soils appear to also be essential, although it is still unclear if this corresponds to physiological or ecological (lower competition) requirements.
METHODS: 20 inactive (10 male, 10 female) underwent a single typical WBV session, with a total of 27 minutes of exercise on an oscillating platform at 26 Hz, involving upper and lower body muscles. Each exercise lasted 90 seconds, with 40 seconds pauses inbetween. Muscle enzymes (CK, transaminase, LDH, troponin I) were measured before, at 24, 48 and 96 hours post exercise. Lactate was measured immediately after the session. Muscle aches were assessed during 4 days post-exercise.RESULTS: Subjects' mean age was 23.0 ± 3.5 (male), 22.4 ± 1.4 (female), BMI 22.8 ± 2.3 and 22.1 ± 1.9, and all had been inactive for at least 12 months. Post exercise lactatemia was 10.0 ± 2.4 and 6.9 ± 2.4. CK elevation was significant (at least doubling of baseline values) in 1 male and 4 female subjects, while they remained at baseline values for the remaining 15 subjects. One female subject peaked at 3520 U/l at 96 hours post exercise, and all but one peaked at the same late time. Troponin and CK-MB never increased. No correlation was found between muscle soreness and CK levels.CONCLUSIONS: WBV can elicit important anaerobic processes reflected by the high lactacidemia, and CK elevation was significant in 25 % of subjects, peaking at the fourth day after exercise for 80 % of those. Such exercises should not be regarded as trivial and "easy" as they are advertised, since they can provoke important anaerobia and CK elevation. Many fragile patients or patients treated for cardiovascular disease could benefit from WBV but it is important to recognise these potential effects, especially in those treated with statins, known to cause a myopathy and CK elevation. Before considering a side effect of an important therapeutic agent, doctors should be aware of the possible interaction with not-so-harmless exercising machines.
INTRODUCTION: The endogenous opioid system has been reported to interact with both the cardiac sympathetic and renin-angiotensin systems in exerting a local regulatory action on the heart. The goal of this investigation was to examine how cardiac levels of enkephalin production are altered in the development of normotensive primary hypertrophy due to elevated intra-cardiac angiotensin II (Ang II) production. METHODS: Atrial and ventricular methionine-enkephalin (ME) levels were measured by quantitative radioimmunoassay in 14 and 28-week-old male transgenic mice (TG1306/1R) and control mice. The TG1306/1R exhibit cardiac specific Ang II overexpression and cardiac hypertrophy, but not hypertension. RESULTS: TG1306/1R mice had significantly higher heart/body weight ratios (15-20%) than control littermates at both 14 (p=0.02) and 28 weeks (p=0.04). Relative to controls, ME content was significantly elevated (approximately two-fold) in atria and ventricles in the older 28-week TG1306/1R mice only. A significant inverse correlation between heart size and ME level was observed for 28-week TG1306/1R only. CONCLUSIONS: We have provided evidence that a marked elevation of myocardial enkephalin level is observed in the established (but not early) phase of cardiac hypertrophy associated with cardiac-specific Ang II-overexpression. This study identifies a potentially important relationship between two endogenous peptidergic signalling systems involved in the regulation of growth and function of the hypertrophic heart.
BACKGROUND: Connexin43 (Cx43), a membrane protein involved in the control of cell-to-cell communication, is thought to play a role in the contractility of the vascular wall and in the electrical coupling of cardiac myocytes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of experimental hypertension on Cx43 expression in rat aorta and heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: Rats were made hypertensive after one renal artery was clipped (two kidney, one-clip renal model) or after the administration of deoxycorticosterone and salt (DOCA-salt model). After 4 weeks, all rats showed a similar increase in intra-arterial mean blood pressure and in the thickness of both the aortic wall and the heart. Northern blot analysis of aorta mRNA and immunolabeling for Cx43 showed that hypertensive rats expressed twice as much Cx43 in aorta as the control animals. In contrast, no difference in Cx43 mRNA or in the immunolabeled protein was observed in heart. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that rats exhibiting a similar degree of blood pressure elevation, as the result of different mechanisms, feature a comparable increase in Cx43 gene expression, which was observed in the aortic but not in the cardiac muscle. These data suggest that localized mechanical forces induced by hypertension are major tissue-specific regulators of Cx43 expression.
Self-potentials (SP) are sensitive to water fluxes and concentration gradients in both saturated and unsaturated geological media, but quantitative interpretations of SP field data may often be hindered by the superposition of different source contributions and time-varying electrode potentials. Self-potential mapping and close to two months of SP monitoring on a gravel bar were performed to investigate the origins of SP signals at a restored river section of the Thur River in northeastern Switzerland. The SP mapping and subsequent inversion of the data indicate that the SP sources are mainly located in the upper few meters in regions of soil cover rather than bare gravel. Wavelet analyses of the time-series indicate a strong, but non-linear influence of water table and water content variations, as well as rainfall intensity on the recorded SP signals. Modeling of the SP response with respect to an increase in the water table elevation and precipitation indicate that the distribution of soil properties in the vadose zone has a very strong influence. We conclude that the observed SP responses on the gravel bar are more complicated than previously proposed semi-empiric relationships between SP signals and hydraulic head or the thickness of the vadose zone. We suggest that future SP monitoring in restored river corridors should either focus on quantifying vadose zone processes by installing vertical profiles of closely spaced SP electrodes or by installing the electrodes within the river to avoid signals arising from vadose zone processes and time-varying electrochemical conditions in the vicinity of the electrodes.
Severe hypertension represents a frequent problem for the general practitioner. One has to decide if the blood pressure needs to be decreased immediately (hypertensive emergency), or if the blood pressure maybe progressively decreased in a few hours and normalized in a few days (hypertensive crisis). Thus it is crucial to identify on the basis of the clinical history and a careful physical examination, the patients for whom the arterial blood pressure elevation represents an acute danger for organ damage or a vital threat in the absence of immediate blood pressure control. In the case of hypertensive crisis, oral medication is usually sufficient (slow release or GITS nifedipine, nitroglycerin, labetalol, captopril). The hypertensive emergency sometimes requires an oral medication before the admission to the emergency room, then followed by intravenous drug administration (sodium nitroprussiate, nitroglycerin, labetalol).
This research involved two studies: one to determine the local geoid to obtain mean sea level elevation from a global positioning system (GPS) to an accuracy of ±2 cm, and the other to determine the location of roadside features such as mile posts and stop signs for safety studies, geographic information systems (GIS), and maintenance applications, from video imageries collected by a van traveling at traffic speed.
Long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is widely used in studies on rock slope instabilities. TLS point clouds allow the creation of high-resolution digital elevation models for detailed mapping of landslide morphologies and the measurement of the orientation of main discontinuities. Multi-temporal TLS datasets enable the quantification of slope displacements and rockfall volumes. We present three case studies using TLS for the investigation and monitoring of rock slope instabilities in Norway: 1) the analysis of 3D displacement of the Oksfjellet rock slope failure (Troms, northern Norway); 2) the detection and quantification of rockfalls along the sliding surfaces and at the front of the Kvitfjellet rock slope instability (Møre og Romsdal, western Norway); 3) the analysis of discontinuities and rotational movements of an unstable block at Stampa (Sogn og Fjordane, western Norway). These case studies highlight the possibilities but also limitations of TLS in investigating and monitoring unstable rock slopes.
The development of susceptibility maps for debris flows is of primary importance due to population pressure in hazardous zones. However, hazard assessment by processbased modelling at a regional scale is difficult due to the complex nature of the phenomenon, the variability of local controlling factors, and the uncertainty in modelling parameters. A regional assessment must consider a simplified approach that is not highly parameter dependant and that can provide zonation with minimum data requirements. A distributed empirical model has thus been developed for regional susceptibility assessments using essentially a digital elevation model (DEM). The model is called Flow-R for Flow path assessment of gravitational hazards at a Regional scale (available free of charge under www.flow-r.org) and has been successfully applied to different case studies in various countries with variable data quality. It provides a substantial basis for a preliminary susceptibility assessment at a regional scale. The model was also found relevant to assess other natural hazards such as rockfall, snow avalanches and floods. The model allows for automatic source area delineation, given user criteria, and for the assessment of the propagation extent based on various spreading algorithms and simple frictional laws.We developed a new spreading algorithm, an improved version of Holmgren's direction algorithm, that is less sensitive to small variations of the DEM and that is avoiding over-channelization, and so produces more realistic extents. The choices of the datasets and the algorithms are open to the user, which makes it compliant for various applications and dataset availability. Amongst the possible datasets, the DEM is the only one that is really needed for both the source area delineation and the propagation assessment; its quality is of major importance for the results accuracy. We consider a 10m DEM resolution as a good compromise between processing time and quality of results. However, valuable results have still been obtained on the basis of lower quality DEMs with 25m resolution.
In this work we propose a new automatic methodology for computing accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) in urban environments from low baseline stereo pairs that shall be available in the future from a new kind of earth observation satellite. This setting makes both views of the scene similarly, thus avoiding occlusions and illumination changes, which are the main disadvantages of the commonly accepted large-baseline configuration. There still remain two crucial technological challenges: (i) precisely estimating DEMs with strong discontinuities and (ii) providing a statistically proven result, automatically. The first one is solved here by a piecewise affine representation that is well adapted to man-made landscapes, whereas the application of computational Gestalt theory introduces reliability and automation. In fact this theory allows us to reduce the number of parameters to be adjusted, and tocontrol the number of false detections. This leads to the selection of a suitable segmentation into affine regions (whenever possible) by a novel and completely automatic perceptual grouping method. It also allows us to discriminate e.g. vegetation-dominated regions, where such an affine model does not apply anda more classical correlation technique should be preferred. In addition we propose here an extension of the classical ”quantized” Gestalt theory to continuous measurements, thus combining its reliability with the precision of variational robust estimation and fine interpolation methods that are necessary in the low baseline case. Such an extension is very general and will be useful for many other applications as well.
This report describes results from a study evaluating the use of stringless paving using a combination of global positioning and laser technologies. CMI and Geologic Computer Systems developed this technology and successfully implemented it on construction earthmoving and grading projects. Concrete paving is a new area for considering this technology. Fred Carlson Co. agreed to test the stringless paving technology on two challenging concrete paving projects located in Washington County, Iowa. The evaluation was conducted on two paving projects in Washington County, Iowa, during the summer of 2003. The research team from Iowa State University monitored the guidance and elevation conformance to the original design. They employed a combination of physical depth checks, surface location and elevation surveys, concrete yield checks, and physical survey of the control stakes and string line elevations. A final check on profile of the pavement surface was accomplished by the use of the Iowa Department of Transportation Light Weight Surface Analyzer (LISA). Due to the speed of paving and the rapid changes in terrain, the laser technology was abandoned for this project. Total control of the guidance and elevation controls on the slip-form paver were moved from string line to global positioning systems (GPS). The evaluation was a success, and the results indicate that GPS control is feasible and approaching the desired goals of guidance and profile control with the use of three dimensional design models. Further enhancements are needed in the physical features of the slipform paver oil system controls and in the computer program for controlling elevation.
Forty-two new apatite and zircon fission track ages are presented for samples from the Western Alps in southern Switzerland, northern Italy, and southeastern France. Measured ages plotted against assumed closure temperatures yield cooling patterns for the final cooling, uplift, and exhumation of the Western Alps. Similar fission track zircon ages in the Penninic Gran Paradiso massif, Dent Blanche nappe, Sesia-Lanzo Zone, and Ivrea Zone indicate cooling of all four units to approximately 225-degrees-C by 33 Ma. Differences in apatite ages reveal differential cooling of the four blocks between 33 Ma and the present. In the Sesia-Lanzo Zone, similarity of apatite ages regardless of elevation, together with near-volcanic confined fission track length patterns suggest rapid cooling and uplift at approximately 25 Ma compared with slow cooling of other Western Alps units around 12 Ma. Uplift is thus not continuous but episodic, often over a short time interval beyond the resolution of other methods. Such episodes of uplift, as revealed here in the Sesia-Lanzo Zone, may be the rule rather than the exception.