987 resultados para CH4-SCR


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Two newly developed coring devices, the Multi-Autoclave-Corer and the Dynamic Autoclave Piston Corer were deployed in shallow gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico during research cruise SO174 (Oct-Nov 2003). For the first time, they enable the retrieval of near-surface sediment cores under ambient pressure. This enables the determination of in situ methane concentrations and amounts of gas hydrate in sediment depths where bottom water temperature and pressure changes most strongly influence gas/hydrate relationships. At seep sites of GC185 (Bush Hill) and the newly discovered sites at GC415, we determined the volume of low-weight hydrocarbons (C1 through C5) from nine pressurized cores via controlled degassing. The resulting in situ methane concentrations vary by two orders of magnitudes between 0.031 and 0.985 mol kg**-1 pore water below the zone of sulfate depletion. This includes dissolved, free, and hydrate-bound CH4. Combined with results from conventional cores, this establishes a variability of methane concentrations in close proximity to seep sites of five orders of magnitude. In total four out of nine pressure cores had CH4 concentrations above equilibrium with gas hydrates. Two of them contain gas hydrate volumes of 15% (GC185) and 18% (GC415) of pore space. The measurements prove that the highest methane concentrations are not necessarily related to the highest advection rates. Brine advection inhibits gas hydrate stability a few centimeters below the sediment surface at the depth of anaerobic oxidation of methane and thus inhibits the storage of enhanced methane volumes. Here, computerized tomography (CT) of the pressure cores detected small amounts of free gas. This finding has major implications for methane distribution, possible consumption, and escape into the bottom water in fluid flow systems related to halokinesis.


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Sediment cores retrieved in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia show very distinct enrichments of solid phase barium at the sulfate/methane transition (SMT). These barium peaks represent diagenetic barite (BaSO4) fronts which form by the reaction of upwardly diffusing barium with interstitial sulfate. Calculated times needed to produce these barium enrichments indicate a formation time of about 14,000 yr. Barium spikes a few meters below the SMT were observed at one of the investigated sites (GeoB 8455). Although this sulfate-depleted zone is undersaturated with respect to barite, the dominant mineral phase of these buried barium enrichments was identified as barite by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This is the first study which reports the occurrence/preservation of pronounced barite enrichments in sulfate-depleted sediments buried a few meters below the SMT. At site GeoB 8455 high concentrations of dissolved barium in pore water as well as barium in the solid phase were observed. Modeling the measured barium concentrations at site GeoB 8455 applying the numerical model CoTReM reveals that the dissolution rate of barite directly below the SMT is about one order of magnitude higher than at the barium enrichments deeper in the sediment core. This indicates that the dissolution of barite at these deeper buried fronts must be retarded. Thus, the occurrence of the enrichments in solid phase barium at site GeoB 8455 could be explained by decreased dissolution rates of barite due to the changes in the concentration of barite in the sediment, as well as changes in the saturation state of fluids. Furthermore, the alteration of barite into witherite (BaCO3) via the transient phase barium sulfide could lead to the preservation of a former barite front as BaCO3. The calculations and modeling indicate that a relocation of the barite front to a shallower depth occurred between the last glacial maxium (LGM) and the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. We suggest that an upward shift of the SMT occurred at that time, most likely as a result of an increase in the methanogenesis rates due to the burial of high amounts of organic matter below the SMT.


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Abstract of Bazin et al. (2013): An accurate and coherent chronological framework is essential for the interpretation of climatic and environmental records obtained from deep polar ice cores. Until now, one common ice core age scale had been developed based on an inverse dating method (Datice), combining glaciological modelling with absolute and stratigraphic markers between 4 ice cores covering the last 50 ka (thousands of years before present) (Lemieux-Dudon et al., 2010). In this paper, together with the companion paper of Veres et al. (2013), we present an extension of this work back to 800 ka for the NGRIP, TALDICE, EDML, Vostok and EDC ice cores using an improved version of the Datice tool. The AICC2012 (Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2012) chronology includes numerous new gas and ice stratigraphic links as well as improved evaluation of background and associated variance scenarios. This paper concentrates on the long timescales between 120-800 ka. In this framework, new measurements of d18Oatm over Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11-12 on EDC and a complete d18Oatm record of the TALDICE ice cores permit us to derive additional orbital gas age constraints. The coherency of the different orbitally deduced ages (from d18Oatm, dO2/N2 and air content) has been verified before implementation in AICC2012. The new chronology is now independent of other archives and shows only small differences, most of the time within the original uncertainty range calculated by Datice, when compared with the previous ice core reference age scale EDC3, the Dome F chronology, or using a comparison between speleothems and methane. For instance, the largest deviation between AICC2012 and EDC3 (5.4 ka) is obtained around MIS 12. Despite significant modifications of the chronological constraints around MIS 5, now independent of speleothem records in AICC2012, the date of Termination II is very close to the EDC3 one. Abstract of Veres et al. (2013): The deep polar ice cores provide reference records commonly employed in global correlation of past climate events. However, temporal divergences reaching up to several thousand years (ka) exist between ice cores over the last climatic cycle. In this context, we are hereby introducing the Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2012 (AICC2012), a new and coherent timescale developed for four Antarctic ice cores, namely Vostok, EPICA Dome C (EDC), EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) and Talos Dome (TALDICE), alongside the Greenlandic NGRIP record. The AICC2012 timescale has been constructed using the Bayesian tool Datice (Lemieux-Dudon et al., 2010) that combines glaciological inputs and data constraints, including a wide range of relative and absolute gas and ice stratigraphic markers. We focus here on the last 120 ka, whereas the companion paper by Bazin et al. (2013) focuses on the interval 120-800 ka. Compared to previous timescales, AICC2012 presents an improved timing for the last glacial inception, respecting the glaciological constraints of all analyzed records. Moreover, with the addition of numerous new stratigraphic markers and improved calculation of the lock-in depth (LID) based on d15N data employed as the Datice background scenario, the AICC2012 presents a slightly improved timing for the bipolar sequence of events over Marine Isotope Stage 3 associated with the seesaw mechanism, with maximum differences of about 600 yr with respect to the previous Datice-derived chronology of Lemieux-Dudon et al. (2010), hereafter denoted LD2010. Our improved scenario confirms the regional differences for the millennial scale variability over the last glacial period: while the EDC isotopic record (events of triangular shape) displays peaks roughly at the same time as the NGRIP abrupt isotopic increases, the EDML isotopic record (events characterized by broader peaks or even extended periods of high isotope values) reached the isotopic maximum several centuries before. It is expected that the future contribution of both other long ice core records and other types of chronological constraints to the Datice tool will lead to further refinements in the ice core chronologies beyond the AICC2012 chronology. For the time being however, we recommend that AICC2012 be used as the preferred chronology for the Vostok, EDC, EDML and TALDICE ice core records, both over the last glacial cycle (this study), and beyond (following Bazin et al., 2013). The ages for NGRIP in AICC2012 are virtually identical to those of GICC05 for the last 60.2 ka, whereas the ages beyond are independent of those in GICC05modelext (as in the construction of AICC2012, the GICC05modelext was included only via the background scenarios and not as age markers). As such, where issues of phasing between Antarctic records included in AICC2012 and NGRIP are involved, the NGRIP ages in AICC2012 should therefore be taken to avoid introducing false offsets. However for issues involving only Greenland ice cores, there is not yet a strong basis to recommend superseding GICC05modelext as the recommended age scale for Greenland ice cores.


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Cold seep ecosystems are highly productive, fragmented ecosystems of the deep-sea floor. They form worldwide where methane reaches the surface seafloor, and are characterized by rich chemosynthetic communities fueled by the microbial utilization of hydrocarbons. Here we investigated with in situ (benthic chamber, microprofiler) and ex situ (pore water constituents, turnover rates of sulfate and methane, prokaryote abundance) techniques reduced sites from three different seep ecosystems in the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea. At all three cold seep systems, the Amon Mud Volcano, Amsterdam Mud Volcano and the Nile Deep Sea Fan Pockmark area, we observed and sampled patches of highly reduced, methane-seeping sulfidic sediments which were separated by tens to hundreds of (kilo)meters with non-reduced oxygenated seafloor areas. All investigated seep sites were characterized by gassy, sulfidic sediments of blackish color, of which some were overgrown with thiotrophic bacterial mats. Fluxes of methane and oxygen, as well as sulfate reduction rates varied between the different sites.


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In the collective monograph results of geological and geophysical studies in the Tadjura Rift carried out by conventional outboard instruments and from deep/sea manned submersibles "Pisces" in winter 1983-1984 are reported. Main features of rift tectonics, geology, petrology, and geochemistry of basalts from the rift are under consideration. An emphasis is made on lithology, stratigraphy, and geochemistry of bottom sediments. Roles of terrigenous, edafogenic, biogenic, and hydrothermal components in formation of bottom sediments from the rift zone are shown.


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The mouth area of the North (Severnaya) Dvina River is characterized by a high concentrations of methane in water (from 1.0 to 165.4 µl/l) and bottom sediments (from 14 to 65000 µl/kg), being quite comparable to productive mouth areas of rivers from the temperate zone. Maximum methane concentrations in water and sediments were registered in the delta in segments of channels and branches with low rates of tidal and runoff currents, where domestic and industrial wastewaters are supplied. In the riverine and marine water mixing zone with its upper boundary, locating far into the delta and moving depending on a phase of the tidal cycle, decrease of methane concentration with salinity increase was observed. The prevailing role in formation of the methane concentration level in water of the mouth area pertains to bottom sediments, which is indicated by close correlation between gas concentrations in these two media. Existence of periodicity in variations of methane concentration in river water downstream caused by tidal effects was found.


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We report the first microbiological characterization of a terrestrial methane seep in a cryo-environment in the form of an Arctic hypersaline (~24% salinity), subzero (-5 C), perennial spring, arising through thick permafrost in an area with an average annual air temperature of -15 C. Bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries indicated a relatively low diversity of phylotypes within the spring sediment (Shannon index values of 1.65 and 1.39, respectively). Bacterial phylotypes were related to microorganisms such as Loktanella, Gillisia, Halomonas and Marinobacter spp. previously recovered from cold, saline habitats. A proportion of the bacterial phylotypes were cultured, including Marinobacter and Halomonas, with all isolates capable of growth at the in situ temperature (-5 C). Archaeal phylotypes were related to signatures from hypersaline deep-sea methane-seep sediments and were dominated by the anaerobic methane group 1a (ANME-1a) clade of anaerobic methane oxidizing archaea. CARD-FISH analyses indicated that cells within the spring sediment consisted of ~84.0% bacterial and 3.8% archaeal cells with ANME-1 cells accounting for most of the archaeal cells. The major gas discharging from the spring was methane (~50%) with the low CH4/C2 + ratio and hydrogen and carbon isotope signatures consistent with a thermogenic origin of the methane. Overall, this hypersaline, subzero environment supports a viable microbial community capable of activity at in situ temperature and where methane may behave as an energy and carbon source for sustaining anaerobic oxidation of methane-based microbial metabolism. This site also provides a model of how a methane seep can form in a cryo-environment as well as a mechanism for the hypothesized Martian methane plumes.


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Results of direct geological and geochemical observations of the modern Rainbow hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°14'N; 33°54'W) carried out from the deep-sea manned Mir submersibles during Cruises 41 and 42 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1998-1999 and data of laboratory studies of collected samples are under consideration in the paper. The field lacks neovolcanic rocks and the axial part of the rift is filled in with a serpentinite protrusion. In this field there occur metalliferous sediments, as well as active and relict sulfide edifices composed of sulfide minerals; pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, isocubanite, sphalerite, marcasite, pyrite, bornite, chalcosine, digenite, magnetite, anhydrite, rare troilite, wurtzite, millerite, and pentlandite have been determined. Sulfide ores are characterized by concentric-zoned textures. During in situ measurements during 35 minutes temperature of hydrothermal fluids was varying within a range from 250 to 350°C. Calculated chemical and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluid shows elevated concentrations of Cl, Ni, Co, CH4, and H2. Values of d34S of H2S range from +2.4 to +3.1 per mil, of d13C of CH4 from -15.2 to -11.2 per mil, and d13C of CO2 from +1.0 to -4.0 per mil. Fluid inclusions are homogenized at temperatures from 140 to 360°C, whereas salinity of the fluid varies from 4.2 to 8.5 wt %. d34S values of sulfides range from +1.3 to +12.5 per mil. 3He/4He ratio in mineral-forming fluid contained in the fluid inclusions from sulfides of the Rainbow field varies from 0.00000374 to 0.0000101. It is shown that hydrothermal activity in the area continues approximately during 100 ka. It is assumed that the fluid and sulfide edifices contain components from the upper mantle. A hypothesis of phase separation of a supercritical fluid that results in formation of brines is proposed. Hydrothermal activity is related to the tectonic, not volcanic, phase of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge evolution.


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The South Chamorro Seamount is a serpentinite mud volcano near the southern end of the Mariana forearc. The mud volcano was sampled by drilling during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195. Samples of pore water squeezed from serpentinite mud were analyzed for stable isotope compositions of carbon in dissolved inorganic carbon and methane, sulfur in sulfate and sulfide, and oxygen in sulfate.


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Methane carbon-isotopic compositions (d13C values relative to the PDB standard) at Sites 565, 566, 567, and 569 were lighter (enriched in 12C) than -60 per mil, indicating a biogenic origin. In the deeper sections at Sites 568 and 570, d13C values were heavier, approaching -40 per mil, and therefore suggest a thermogenic source. A significant thermogenic source was discounted, however, because the carbon dioxide d13C values in these sections were also anomalously heavy, suggesting that the methane may have formed biogenically by reduction of the heavy carbon dioxide. d13C values of ethane and higher hydrocarbons were measured in several sections from Sites 566 and 570 that contained sufficient C2-C4 hydrocarbon concentrations. Ethane values in six sections (245-395 m sub-bottom) from Site 570 were fairly uniform, ranging from -24 to -26 per mil. These values are among the heaviest ethane values reported for natural gases. The isobutane/ n-butane and isopentane/n-pentane ratios of the core gases suggested that the C2-C5 hydrocarbons are thermally produced by low-temperature chemical diagenesis of indigenous organic matter. This process apparently generates isotopically heavy C2-C5 hydrocarbons. High gas concentrations in the serpentinite basement rocks at Sites 566 and 570 appear to have resulted from migrated biogenic methane gas containing small amounts of immature C2-C5 hydrocarbons.