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High-resolution records of the past 2000 yr are compared in a north–south transect (28° N to 24° N) of three cores from the eastern slopes of the Guaymas, Carmen, and Pescadero Basins of the Gulf of California (hereafter referred to as the “Gulf”). Evenly-spaced samples from the varved sediments in each core allow sample resolution ranging from ∼ 16 to ∼ 37 yr. Diatoms and silicoflagellates capture the seasonal variation between a late fall to early spring period of high biosiliceous productivity, that is driven by northwest winds, and a summer period of warmer, more stratified waters during which these winds slacken and/or reverse direction (monsoonal flow). As these winds decrease, tropical waters enter the Gulf and spread northward. Individual samples represent a composite of 7 to 23 yr of deposition and are assumed to record the relative dominance of the winter vs. summer floral components. Intervals of enhanced summer incursion of tropical waters, alternating with periods of increased late fall to early spring biosiliceous productivity are recorded in all three cores. Regularly spaced cycles (∼ 100 yr duration) of Octactis pulchra, a silicoflagellate proxy for lower SST and high productivity, and Azpeitia nodulifera, a tropical diatom, occur between ∼ A.D. 400 and ∼ 1700 in the more nearshore Carmen Basin core, NH01-21 (26.3° N), suggesting a possible solar influence on coastal upwelling. Cores BAM80 E-17 (27.9° N) and NH01-26 (24.3° N) contain longer-duration cycles of diatoms and silicoflagellates. The early part of Medieval Climate Anomaly (∼ A.D. 900 to 1200) is characterized by two periods of reduced productivity (warmer SST) with an intervening high productivity (cool) interval centered at ∼ A.D. 1050. Reduced productivity and higher SST also characterize the record of the last ∼ 100 to 200 yr in these cores. Solar variability appears to be driving productivity cycles, as intervals of increased radiocarbon production (sunspot minima) correlate with intervals of enhanced productivity. It is proposed that increased winter cooling of the atmosphere above southwest U.S. during sunspot minima causes intensification of the northwest winds that blow down the Gulf during the late fall to early spring, leading to intensified overturn of surface waters and enhanced productivity. A new silicoflagellate species, Dictyocha franshepardii Bukry, is described and illustrated.


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Amazonian gold mining activity results in human exposure to mercury vapor. We evaluated the visual system of two Amazonian gold miners (29 and 37 years old) by recording the transient pattern electroretinogram (tPERG) and transient pattern visual evoked potential (tPVEP). We compared these results with those obtained from a regional group of control subjects. For both tPERG and tPVEP, checkerboards with 0.5 or 2 cycles per degree (cpd) of spatial frequency were presented in a 16 degrees squared area, 100% Michelson contrast, 50cd/m(2) mean luminance, and 1 Hz square-wave pattern-reversal presentation. Two averaged waveforms (n = 240 sweeps, Is each) were monocularly obtained for each subject in each condition. Both eyes were monocularly tested only in gold miners. Normative data were calculated using a final pooled waveforin with 480 sweeps. The first gold miner, LCS, had normal tPERG responses. The second one, RNP, showed low tPERG (P50 component) amplitudes at 0.5cpd for both eyes, outside the normative data, and absence of response at 2 cpd for his right eye. Delayed tPVEP responses (P 100 component) were found at 2 cpd for LCS but the implicit times were inside the normative data. Subject RNP also showed delayed tPVEP responses (all components), but only the implicit time obtained with his right eye was outside the normative data at 2cpd. We conclude that mercury exposure levels found in the Amazon gold miners is high enough to damage the visual system and can be assessed by non-invasive electrophysiological techniques. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this study, a total of 172 samples of minimally processed vegetables (MPV) were collected from supermarkets in the city of Campinas, Brazil. The MPV were analyzed using traditional and/or alternative methods for total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, total coliforms, Escherichia coil, coagulase positive staphylococci, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. All the MPV analyzed presented populations of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms and total coliforms were >4 log(10) CFU/g and 1.0-3.4 log(10) CFU/g, respectively. E. coil was enumerated in only 10 samples out of 172 collected, while none of the 172 samples of MPV presented contamination by coagulase positive Staphylococcus (<10(1) CFU/g). Among the four methods used for detection of Salmonella in MPV (Vidas, 1,2 Test, Reveal, and Traditional), when Reveal was used a total of 29 positive samples were reported. For L monocytogenes, the four methods tested (Vidas, Vip, Reveal, and traditional) performed similarly. The presence of Salmonella and L monocytogenes in MPV was confirmed in one (watercress) and two samples (watercress and escarole), respectively. In conclusion, it has been observed that the microbiological quality of MPV commercialized in Campinas is generally satisfactory. Besides, the choice of microbiological method should be based not only on resource and time issues, but also on parameters such as sensitivity and specificity for the specific foods under ahalysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two new species of Hudsonimyia Roback, 1979 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) are described and illustrated as male, pupa and larva. The generic diagnosis of pupa is emended and keys to males, pupae and larvae of known species are provided. The different life stages for one of the described species were associated by DNA barcodes.


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Trypanothione reductase has long been investigated as a promising target for chemotherapeutic intervention in Chagas disease, since it is an enzyme of a unique metabolic pathway that is exclusively present in the pathogen but not in the human host, which has the analog Glutathione reductase. In spite of the present data-set includes a small number of compounds, a combined use of flexible docking, pharmacophore perception, ligand binding site prediction, and Grid-Independent Descriptors GRIND2-based 3D-Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) procedures allowed us to rationalize the different biological activities of a series of 11 aryl beta-aminocarbonyl derivatives, which are inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (TcTR). Three QSAR models were built and validated using different alignments, which are based on docking with the TcTR crystal structure, pharmacophore, and molecular interaction fields. The high statistical significance of the models thus obtained assures the robustness of this second generation of GRIND descriptors here used, which were able to detect the most important residues of such enzyme for binding the aryl beta-aminocarbonyl derivatives, besides to rationalize distances among them. Finally, a revised binding mode has been proposed for our inhibitors and independently supported by the different methodologies here used, allowing further optimization of the lead compounds with such combined structure- and ligand-based approaches in the fight against the Chagas disease.


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The transition from gestation to lactation is characterized by a robust adaptation of maternal pancreatic beta-cells. Consistent with the loss of beta-cell mass, glucose-induced insulin secretion is down-regulated in the islets of early lactating dams. Extensive experimental evidence has demonstrated that the surge of prolactin is responsible for the morphofunctional remodeling of the maternal endocrine pancreas during pregnancy, but the precise molecular mechanisms by which this phenotype is rapidly reversed after delivery are not completely understood. This study investigated whether glucocorticoid-regulated expression of Rasd1/Dexras, a small inhibitoryGprotein, is involved in this physiological plasticity. Immunofluorescent staining demonstrated that Rasd1 is localized within pancreatic beta-cells. Rasd1 expression in insulin-secreting cells was increased by dexamethasone and decreased by prolactin. In vivo data confirmed that Rasd1 expression is decreased in islets from pregnant rats and increased in islets from lactating mothers. Knockdown of Rasd1 abolished the inhibitory effects of dexamethasone on insulin secretion and the protein kinase A, protein kinase C, and ERK1/2 pathways. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5b (STAT5b) cooperatively mediate glucocorticoid-induced Rasd1 expression in islets. Prolactin inhibited the stimulatory effect of GR/STAT5b complex on Rasd1 transcription. Overall, our data indicate that the stimulation of Rasd1 expression by glucocorticoid at the end of pregnancy reverses the increased insulin secretion that occurs during pregnancy. Prolactin negatively regulates this pathway by inhibiting GR/STAT5b transcriptional activity on the Rasd1 gene. (Endocrinology 153: 3668-3678, 2012)


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The objective of this study was to describe the genetic diversity and structure of the largest Pe-duro population by assessing variation at ten autosomal microsatellite (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.755, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.600 and significant inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in most of analyzed loci demonstrate the impact of inbreeding and homozygosis on this population. A more in-depth genetic analysis could be achieved by expanding the STR list. The analysis of mtDNA provided evidence of ancestral African taurine haplotypes in Pe-duro and excluded maternal Zebuine introgression. In this report, the main Pe-duro population is genetically portrayed by sampling approximately 40% of it. As this herd represents the core of the Pe-duro conservation program, these findings are of outstanding value for the management and preservation of this Brazilian 'native' cattle breed.


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1. The present study provides the first in vivo evidence that the cannabinoid CB1 receptor mediates the effects of dexamethasone on hormone release induced by changes in circulating volume and osmolality. Male adult rats were administered with the CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant (10 mg/Kg, p.o.), followed or not in 1 hour by dexamethasone (1 mg/Kg, i.p.). Extracellular volume expansion (EVE, 2 mL/100 g of body weight, i.v.) was performed 2 hours after dexamethasone or vehicle treatment using either isotonic (I-EVE, 0.15 mol/L) or hypertonic (H-EVE, 0.30 mol/L) NaCl solution. Five minutes after EVE, animals were decapitated and trunk blood was collected for all plasma measurements. 2. Rimonabant potentiated oxytocin (OT) secretion induced by H-EVE and completely reversed the inhibitory effects of dexamethasone in response to the same stimulus. These data suggest that glucocorticoid modulation of OT release is mediated by the CB1 receptor. 3. Although dexamethasone did not affect vasopressin (AVP) secretion induced by H-EVE, the administration of rimonabant potentiated AVP release in response to the same stimulus, supporting the hypothesis that the CB1 receptor regulates AVP secretion independently of glucocorticoid-mediated signalling. 4. Dexamethasone alone did not affect atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) release stimulated by I-EVE or H-EVE. However, pretreatment with rimonabant potentiated ANP secretion induced by H-EVE, suggesting a possible role for the CB1 receptor in the control of peripheral factors that modulate cardiovascular function. 5. Rimonabant also reversed the inhibitory effects of dexamethasone on H-EVE-induced corticosterone secretion, reinforcing the hypothesis that the CB1 receptor may be involved in the negative feedback exerted by glucocorticoids on the activity of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis. 6. Collectively, the results of the present study indicate that the CB1 receptor modulates neurohypophyseal hormone secretion and systemic factors, such as corticosterone and ANP, thus participating in homeostatic responses to altered extracellular volume and plasma tonicity.


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Volatile fatty acids (VFA) absorption and metabolic capacity of rumen and omasum were compared, in vitro. Fragments of rumen wall and omasum laminae were taken from eight adult crossbred bovines. An isolated fragment of the mucosa was fitted in a tissue diffusion chamber. Valeric acid and CrEDTA were added to ruminal fluid and placed on the mucosal side and buffer solution was placed on the serosal side. Fractional absorption rates were measured by exponential VFA:Cr ratio decay over time. Metabolism rate was determined as the difference between VFA absorbed and VFA which appeared on the serosal side over time. Mitotic index was higher in omasum (0.52%) than in rumen epithelium (0.28%). VFA fractional absorption rate was higher in omasum (4.6%/h.cm(2)) than in rumen (0.4%/h.cm(2)). Acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate showed similar fractional absorption rates in both fragments. Percentage of metabolized acetate and propionate was lower than butyrate and valerate in both stomach compartments. In the rumen, individual VFA metabolism rates were similar (mean of 7.7 mu mol/h.cm(2)), but in the omasum, valerate (90.0 mu mol/h.cm(2)) was more metabolized than butyrate (59.6 mu mol/h.cm(2)), propionate (69.8 mu mol/h.cm(2)) and acetate (51.7 mu mol/h.cm(2)). Correlation between VFA metabolism and mitotic index was positive in the rumen and in the omasum. In conclusion, VFA metabolism and absorption potential per surface of the omasum is higher than that of the rumen. Variations on rumen and omasum absorption capacities occur in the same way, and there are indications that factors capable of stimulating rumen wall proliferation are similarly capable of stimulating omasum walls.


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Dactylotrochus cervicornis (= Tridacophyllia cervicornis Moseley, 1881), which occurs in Indo-Pacific waters between 73 and 852 m, was originally described as an astraeid but was later transferred to the Caryophylliidae. Assumed to be solitary, this species has no stolons and only one elongated fossa, and is unique among azooxanthellate scleractinians in often displaying extremely long thecal extensions that are septate and digitiform. Based on both molecular phylogenetic analyses (partial mitochondrial CO1 and 16S rDNA, and partial nuclear 28S rDNA) and morphological characteristics, we propose the transfer of D. cervicornis from the Caryophylliidae to the Agariciidae, making it the first extant representative of the latter family that is solitary and from deep water (azooxanthellate). The basal position of D. cervicornis within the agariciids implied by our analyses strengthens the case for inclusion of fossil species that were solitary, such as Trochoseris, in this family and suggests that the ancestor of this scleractinian family, extant members of which are predominantly colonial and zooxanthellate, may have been solitary and azooxanthellate.


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This study describes the enantioselective analysis of unbound and total concentrations of tramadol and its main metabolites O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and N-desmethyltramadol (M2) in human plasma. Sample preparation was preceded by an ultrafiltration step to separate the unbound drug. Both the ultrafiltrate and plasma samples were submitted to liquid/liquid extraction with methyl t-butyl ether. Separation was performed on a Chiralpak (R) AD column and tandem mass spectrometry consisting of an electrospray ionization source, positive ion mode and multiple reaction monitoring was used as the detection system. Linearity was observed in the following ranges: 0.2-600 and 0.5-250 ng/mL for analysis of total and unbound concentrations of the tramadol enantiomers, respectively, and 0.1-300 and 0.25-125 ng/mL for total and unbound concentrations of the M1 and M2 enantiomers, respectively. The lower limits of quantitation were 0.2 and 0.5 ng/mL for analysis of total and unbound concentration of each tramadol enantiomer, respectively, and 0.1 and 0.25 ng/mL for total and unbound concentrations of M1 and M2 enantiomers, respectively. Intra- and interassay reproducibility and inaccuracy did not exceed 15%. Clinical application of the method to patients with neuropathic pain showed plasma accumulation of (+)-tramadol and (+)-M2 after a single oral dose of racemic tramadol. Fractions unbound of tramadol, M1 or M2 were not enantioselective in the patients investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different components of the mixed function oxidase (MFO) system and the levels of fluorescent aromatic compounds in bile (FACs) were measured in Cathorops spixii in order to assess the impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Fish were sampled in an estuary (Santos/Sao Vicente) with a history of contamination by PAHs, mainly due to the presence of the industrial complex of Cubatao city and of another of low anthropogenic influence (Cananeia) on the Brazilian coast. FACs were higher in fish from the polluted site, and the PAH 5 and 6-ring metabolites were the most frequent - with 14% and 15%, respectively. Levels of the different components of the MFO system showed the same variation profile as the FACs for both estuaries. Therefore, the values found for somatic indexes and biomarkers with data of bile PAH metabolites indicate the presence of organic contaminants, especially in the area subject to the influence of the industrial complex on the Santos/Sao Vicente estuary.


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The larval stage of Amblyomma oblongoguttatum Koch is redescribed using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Unfed larvae were obtained from a colony of A. oblongoguttatum originated from engorged females collected on domestic pigs from Monte Negro municipally (10 degrees 29'S, 63 degrees 32'W), State of Rondonia, Western Amazon, Brazil. Several characters are presented including the chaetotaxy of the idiosoma, palpi and Haller's organ, as well as morphological features of the idiosoma, gnathosoma and legs. In addition, the porotaxy (topographical and numerical patterns of integumentary structures) were presented by using a new nomenclature recently proposed. The chaetotaxy of the larvae of A. oblongoguttatum, in general, is similar to other Neotropical Amblyomma species. Three types of integumentary structures were observed on the idiosoma: lyrifissures, small glands, and large wax glands. Topographic and numerical patterns of the integumentary structures consisted of 5 pairs of large wax glands (1 dorsal/4 ventral), 24 pairs of lyrifissures (11 dorsal/13 ventral), and 49 pairs of small glands (28 dorsal/21 ventral). These topographic and numerical patterns found for A. oblongoguttatum show only minor differences when compared with patterns of other Amblyomma larvae, however, a few key features can be used for identification of these species.


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As a part of the AMAZE-08 campaign during the wet season in the rainforest of central Amazonia, an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer (UV-APS) was operated for continuous measurements of fluorescent biological aerosol particles (FBAP). In the coarse particle size range (> 1 mu m) the campaign median and quartiles of FBAP number and mass concentration were 7.3x10(4) m(-3) (4.0-13.2x10(4) m(-3)) and 0.72 mu g m(-3) (0.42-1.19 mu g m(-3)), respectively, accounting for 24% (11-41%) of total particle number and 47% (25-65%) of total particle mass. During the five-week campaign in February-March 2008 the concentration of coarse-mode Saharan dust particles was highly variable. In contrast, FBAP concentrations remained fairly constant over the course of weeks and had a consistent daily pattern, peaking several hours before sunrise, suggesting observed FBAP was dominated by nocturnal spore emission. This conclusion was supported by the consistent FBAP number size distribution peaking at 2.3 mu m, also attributed to fungal spores and mixed biological particles by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy and biochemical staining. A second primary biological aerosol particle (PBAP) mode between 0.5 and 1.0 mu m was also observed by SEM, but exhibited little fluorescence and no true fungal staining. This mode may have consisted of single bacterial cells, brochosomes, various fragments of biological material, and small Chromalveolata (Chromista) spores. Particles liquid-coated with mixed organic-inorganic material constituted a large fraction of observations, and these coatings contained salts likely from primary biological origin. We provide key support for the suggestion that real-time laser-induce fluorescence (LIF) techniques using 355 nm excitation provide size-resolved concentrations of FBAP as a lower limit for the atmospheric abundance of biological particles in a pristine environment. We also show some limitations of using the instrument for ambient monitoring of weakly fluorescent particles < 2 mu m. Our measurements confirm that primary biological particles, fungal spores in particular, are an important fraction of supermicron aerosol in the Amazon and that may contribute significantly to hydrological cycling, especially when coated by mixed inorganic material.


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Objective Previous studies indicate that flexible footwear, which mimics the biomechanics of walking barefoot, results in decreased knee loads in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) during walking. However, the effect of flexible footwear on other activities of daily living, such as descending stairs, remains unclear. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of inexpensive and minimalist footwear (Moleca) on knee adduction moment (KAM) during stair descent of elderly women with and without knee OA. Methods. Thirty-four elderly women were equally divided into an OA group and a control group (CG). Stair descent was evaluated in barefoot condition, while wearing the Moleca, and while wearing heeled shoes. Kinematics and ground reaction forces were measured to calculate KAM by using inverse dynamics. Results. The OA group experienced a higher KAM during midstance under the barefoot condition (233.3%; P = 0.028), the Moleca (379.2%; P = 0.004), and heeled shoes (217.6%; P = 0.007). The OA group had a similar knee load during early, mid, and late stance with the Moleca compared with the barefoot condition. Heeled shoes increased the knee loads during the early-stance (versus barefoot [16.7%; P < 0.001] and versus the Moleca [15.5%; P < 0.001]), midstance (versus barefoot [8.6%; P = 0.014] and versus the Moleca [9.5%; P = 0.010]), and late-stance phase (versus barefoot [10.6%; P = 0.003] and versus the Moleca [9.2%; P < 0.001]). In the CG, the Moleca produced a knee load similar to the barefoot condition only during the early-stance phase. Conclusion. Besides the general foot protection, the inexpensive and minimalist footwear contributes to decreasing knee loads in elderly women with OA during stair descent. The loads are similar to the barefoot condition and effectively decreased when compared with heeled shoes.