974 resultados para Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836.
El presente trabajo se realizó en el la localidad El Bejuco, municipio El Viejo, departamento Chinandega, con el objetivo de evaluar la adaptabilidad y comportamiento agronómico de diez lineas y tres variedades de arroz en Prueba Avanzada de Rendimiento. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de Bloques Completos al Azar con cuatro repeticiones, el ensayo se estableció en condiciones de secano favorecido, con el método de siembra a chorrillo. Para el siguiente estudio se tomó como parámetro el sistema de Evaluación Estándar del CIAT de Colombia, evaluándose características como floración, altura de planta, acame, exerción, desgrane, senescencia, aceptabilidad fenotípica y la determinación del rendimiento y sus componentes así como la calidad industrial. Los datos cuantitativos se realizaron a través de la prueba de rangos múltiples de Tukey obteniéndose sus respectivas medias. En base a los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones de las características agronómicas, para la variable altura todos los cultivares son semienanos, medianamente macolladores, las lineas CT 8008- 16-29-1P, CT 8553-31-MI-MC, CT 9153, P4-127-F3-30, Cuyamel 3820 y CT 5747-24-5 son resistentes al acame. En cuanto a los componentes del rendimiento las mayores longitudes de panícula con 28.6, 27.2 y 25.9 fueron obtenidas por P4-127-F3-30, Taichung sen•10 y CT 8008-16-29-1P; para el número de granos llenos por panículas los mayores valores lo obtuvieron los cultivares INTA N-1, CT 8837-3C-4C-MC, P4-127- F3-30 y Taichung sen-10 con 176, 152 y 151 granos llenos; para peso de 1000 granos los mejores valores lo presentaron los materiales CT 8553-31-MI-MC, Taichung sen-10, CT 8240-1-3-SP y CT 9153 con 28.9, 27.6, 27.5 y 26.9 gramos respectivamente. En rendimiento de grano (Kg/ha) los mejores resultados lo obtuvieron INTA N-1, Taichung sen-10, CT 8240-1-3-5P y CT 8553-31-MI-MC con 4852.6, 4722.0, 4700.1 y 4382.2 kilogramos por hectárea respectivamente.
El presente trabajo se realizó con semilla de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) de tres agricultores de igual número de localidades del territorio nicaragüense, bajo condiciones naturales de cada productor, condiciones controladas del Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses, adscrito a la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Se planteó como objetivos determinar la calidad inicial, el mejor envase y el periodo de almacenamiento de la semilla en las condiciones de los agricultores. La calidad inicial se determinó midiendo las variables contenido de humedad, germinación y sanidad a partir de muestras representativas de los lotes de semilla de los tres agricultores. Para el análisis de los resultados de la calidad inicial se utilizaron rangos promedios, exceptuando la variable germinación, cuyos datos provenientes de un experimento uní factorial arreglado en un diseño completamente al azar fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza. De igual manera se realizó el análisis de componentes de varianza a fin de determinar el efecto de cada uno de los factores bajo estudio sobre la variable germinación. Para determinar el periodo de almacenamiento y el mejor envase, la semilla fue secada en las condiciones naturales de cada localidad y posteriormente envasada y almacenada en silo metálico, bolsa plástica y saco de polipropileno trenzado. Luego se Realizó monitoreo de la calidad a través de la variable germinación a los O, 90, 180 y 270 días. Para ello, la semilla de cada productor se tomó como un lote y cada uno se subdividió en dos sub lotes Tanto en las condiciones naturales como en las controladas, cada sub-lote se dividió en tres partes para empacarse en cada uno de los envases. De esta manera se estudiaron tres factores: productor, calidad y envase, arreglados en un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) con cuatro réplicas de 50 semillas de cada una, para evaluar el efecto del manejo de la semilla de cada productor, las condiciones de almacenamiento y el tipo de envase sobre la variable germinación. Los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados con el Programa JMP, versión 4.05 (SAS, 2000), los datos fueron somt1idos a análisis multivariado de varianza (MANOVA). Respecto a la germinación inicial, el valor más alto lo mostró la semilla del productor José Mairena con 92.5% (Fantasma) seguida de la semilla de Pedro García con 74% (Río San Juan) y Luis Gonzáles con 62% (Chinandega). El análisis de sanidad reveló que la semilla de arroz sometidas a estudio poseen muy buenas características sanitarias. Los resultados del análisis multivariado de varianza mostraron que la variable germinación resultó significativamente influenciada por los factores productor, ambiente del almacén y envase y sus interacciones. más el factor tiempo. El 11.1 y 44.4 % de las muestras almacenadas en condiciones naturales y controladas, respectivamente, mantuvieron la germinación superior al 80 %hasta los nueve meses. El mejor envase para almacenar semilla fue el saco de polipropileno trenzado, debido probablemente al alto contenido de humedad de la semilla a la hora de almacenarla.
Resumen: En esta conferencia quiero presentar evidencia de una vinculación entre la vigorosa reconfiguración de la fuga llevada a cabo por Anton Reicha en la década de 1790 y las fuerzas culturales e intelectuales desatadas por la Revolución Francesa.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área V - Direito do Trabalho e Processual do Trabalho.
A Comissão da Família, de Educação, Cultura, Esporte, Comunicação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) composta pelo Senador Marcondes Gadelha (PFL-PB), presidente e pelo relator Deputado Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ). O Deputado Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ) relata sobre importantes temas a serem debatidos na comissão como o aborto e a concessão de rádio e televisão. O Senador Marcondes Gadelha (PFL-PB) aborda em entrevista a questão da indústria nacional de computadores.
This report is a compilation of five regional reviews that document the global status of tropical rivers and inland fisheries in three continents: Latin America, Africa and Asia. It explores the role of ‘valuation’ methods and their contribution to policy-making and river fishery management. From the compilation, the best estimate of the global value of inland fisheries for those three continents is US$ 5.58 billion (gross market value), which is equivalent to 19 percent of the current value of annual fish exports from developing countries (US$ 29 billion) for 2004. The compilation shows that there is a general shortage of information on inland fisheries, especially derived from conventional economic valuation methods, though information from economic impact assessment methods and socio-economic and livelihood analysis methods is more widely available. The status of knowledge about the impact of changes in river management on the value of tropical river fisheries is weak and patchy. Although the impacts of large dams on the hydrology, ecology and livelihood support attributes of tropical rivers are well-recognized, there have been only few valuation studies of these issues. The document highlights the need for further valuation studies of tropical river and inland fisheries in developing countries. It underlines how vital it is for policy-makers and other stakeholders to understand the importance of these natural resources in order to make appropriate decisions concerning their role in development policy and illustrates why capacity building in valuation should become a major priority for agencies concerned with fisheries management and policy-making.
Asia has the most productive inland fisheries in the world. The fishery sector contributes significantly to the national economies of the region. Inland fisheries also improve food security by providing a source of protein and a livelihood for millions of people in this part of the world, especially the rural poor. The purpose of this report is to provide information on the biological, economic, social and cultural values of river fisheries in the Lower Mekong Basin, and to identify the main impacts of environmental changes on these values. A review of fisheries-related literature, including project reports and gray literature, was undertaken. More than 800 documents were reviewed, and original information was extracted from 270 of them. The analysis identified a large number of localized studies leading to generic conclusions. The report addresses the basin wide issues and studies. It is then organized by nation, namely, the Chinese province of Yunnan, then Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. It first gives an overview of each country’s economic, fisheries and social situation, then details the values documented for river fisheries in each country.
This study attempts to estimate the economic value of riverine fisheries in tropical Asia and quantify the economic impacts of any changes to the environment that affects rivers and hence fisheries. The value of riverine fisheries has been considered in the following two ways: firstly, through a compilation and summary of the results of existing studies on this topic; secondly, by estimating the direct use value of riverine and floodplain fishing by country using quantities and freshwater fish prices derived from various sources. Furthermore, a review of the characteristics of the fisheries is presented. These fisheries have been shown to be valuable (i.e., economically or socially important) in at least two specific ways: as a generator of commercially marketable output, and as a source of income and employment in relatively impoverished communities.
This paper reviews the published and gray literature concerning economic valuations of river fisheries in eastern and southern Africa, extracting the best available information on their direct economic values and on the impacts of changes in water management on this value. It then assesses the methods used and makes recommendations regarding approaches to be used in future. The review concentrates on rivers with their associated floodplains and major deltas. The values and issues associated with estuaries and lakes are not considered.
This paper provides a review of the valuation of river fisheries in West and Central Africa. It is the general perception that, compared to the biological and ecological aspects of river fisheries, this particular subject area has received relatively little attention. Economic valuation is concerned with finding expression for what is important in life for human society. It should, therefore, be a central and integral part of government decision-making and policy. The review started with concepts and methods for valuation. Three main types of valuation techniques were identified: conventional economic valuations, economic impact assessments and socioeconomic investigations, and livelihood analysis. On the basis of a literature review, valuation information was then synthesized for the major regional river basins and large lakes, and also used to develop a series of national fisheries profiles. To supplement this broad perspective, a series of case studies are also presented, which focus in particular on the impact of changes in water management regime. Finally, the paper presents an assessment of the three main types of valuation methodology and a set of conclusions and recommendations for future valuation studies.
Unlike Africa and Asia, where a large part of the population are heavily dependent upon fishing for their livelihoods, fishing for a living in the interior of Central and South America (CSA) remains a marginal occupation for all but the most isolated of families. As such, the economics and management of fisheries on the continent have received little attention from within the continent and the rest of the world. This study shows that while a number of studies have been carried out on fishing in the region, they tend to be limited in their geographical focus and time scale. Although fishing of freshwater species may appear to be comparatively insignificant in the region, the rivers of CSA are very important. This report attempts to analyze the literature available on CSA river fisheries and attempts to draw out an economic value of these fisheries. It is divided into a number of sections. First, the authors describe the major river basins on the continent, characterize their fisheries, and place freshwater fisheries in CSA into a global context. Second, the authors provide a review of valuation techniques for fisheries and use this analytical framework to review the principal literature on freshwater fisheries in the region. Then they turn their attention to the economic impact of dams and water abstraction schemes, reviewing the available literature to ascertain how/if economic values are computed for the impact on fisheries. Finally, they offer some conclusions and recommendations on the direction for future studies of freshwater fisheries in CSA.