998 resultados para Bruno, Giordano
Tourism is a phenomenon that moves millions of people around the world, taking as a major driver of the global economy. Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. In the light of such multitude of insights our study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behavior in cross-border tourism destinations. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions (CBRs) are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research. The new configuration of many CBRs calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in CBRs and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. The study addresses the following research question: “What factors influence customer behavior and attitudes in a CBRs tourism destination?” To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. When addressing consumer behavior in tourism previous studies considered the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, satisfaction and destination loyalty. In order to establish the causal relationships in our theoretical model, we intend to develop a predominant quantitative design, yet we plan to conduct exploratory interviews. In the analysis and discussion of results, we intend to use Structural Equation Modeling. It will further allow understanding how the constructs in the research model relate to each other in the specified context. Results are also expected to have managerial implications. Consequently our results may assist decision makers in developing their local policies.
Tourism activities are among the most relevant drivers for economical growth and development in various economies. Every year, competition increases tourist destinations (Farhangmehr & Simões, 1999), making it an increasingly complex and geographically diverse range of activities (Pearce, 1991).Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research (Studzieniecki & Mazurek, 2007). The new configuration of many cross-border regions calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. In particular, there is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in cross-border regions and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from areas, such as, marketing, tourism and local/regional economics. We developed a theoretical model entailing the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, destination satisfaction and loyalty. We then establish potential the relationships among these variables. We suggest that involvement has a positive and direct effect in the two dimensions of place attachment, as well as indirectly, through the construct of satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction has a direct effect on destination loyalty. Implications for future research are presented.
Tourism is a phenomenon that moves millions of people around the world, taking as a major driver of the global economy. Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. In the light of such multitude of insights our study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behavior in cross-border tourism destinations. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions (CBRs) are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research. The new configuration of many CBRs calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in CBRs and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. The study addresses the following research question: “What factors influence customer behavior and attitudes in a CBRs tourism destination?” To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. When addressing consumer behavior in tourism previous studies considered the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, satisfaction and destination loyalty. In order to establish the causal relationships in our theoretical model, we intend to develop a predominant quantitative design, yet we plan to conduct exploratory interviews. In the analysis and discussion of results, we intend to use Structural Equation Modeling. It will further allow understanding how the constructs in the research model relate to each other in the specified context. Results are also expected to have managerial implications. Consequently our results may assist decision makers in developing their local policies.
A baixa disponibilidade de boro (B) no solo é um dos fatores que mais limita a produção do girassol, planta oleaginosa caracterizada por ampla adaptabilidade climática. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a influência de doses de boro, aplicadas em distintas classes de solos, no desenvolvimento do girassol cultivar Hélio 863. As amostras foram coletadas na camada de 0-20 cm dos solos: Argissolo Acinzentado (PAC); Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (PVA); Neossolo Litólico (RL); Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico (PVe); Neossolo Flúvico (RY) e Vertissolo Háplico (VX). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 6 x 4 (solos x doses), com quatro repetições. A unidade experimental foi representada por uma planta por vaso. Os solos apresentaram efeito significativo (p < 0,01) sobre todos os parâmetros de crescimento estudados. As plantas de girassol cultivadas nos solos RY, VX, PAC e RL apresentaram a maior área foliar, os maiores capítulos, o maior teor de boro foliar e maior número de folhas e altura de plantas, respectivamente. A adubação com boro não influenciou a produção de fitomassa seca do girassol cv. Hélio 863.
O Estado de São Paulo é o maior produtor de amendoim do Brasil e a produção concentra-se na região de Ribeirão Preto, onde o cultivo é realizado em áreas arrendadas, em esquemas de sucessão e rotação, principalmente, para reforma de canaviais. Nesse caso, a rotação com amendoim durante a entressafra é escolha viável, pois além de poder ser rentável, as terras que ficariam ociosas mantêm a sua produtividade. Por esta razão, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar e analisar o custo de produção e a rentabilidade do amendoim cv. Runner IAC 886, em áreas de reforma de canaviais, na região de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, para a safra 2010/2011. Utilizou-se a metodologia do Custo Operacional Total e calcularam-se os indicadores de lucratividade: receita bruta, lucro operacional e índice de lucratividade, considerando-se três níveis de preços recebidos pelos produtores. O custo operacional total da produção de amendoim foi de R$3.665,21 ha-1, devido, principalmente, às despesas com colheita e arrendamento da terra. Os índices econômicos foram satisfatórios somente para o nível de preço representado pelo valor médio obtido nos últimos anos. Em relação ao Preço Mínimo de Garantia, os resultados não apresentaram lucro.
O cultivo in vitro de embriões zigóticos é uma técnica promissora para se avançar no estudo do desenvolvimento embrionário e da quebra da dormência de sementes. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito dos reguladores vegetais 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) e ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) no potencial morfogenético, in vitro, de embriões zigóticos de mulungu. Embriões zigóticos maduros, oriundos de sementes foram utilizados inteiros, ou seccionados em plúmula, região intermediária e radícula, sendo posteriormente inoculados em meio de cultura WPM, suplementado com combinações de BAP (0,0; 2,0; 4,0; 8,0; 12,0 e 16,0 µM) e ANA (0,0; 1,0 e 2,0 µM), acrescido de 87,64 mM de sacarose e solidificado com 0,7% de ágar. Após 30 dias, avaliaram-se a percentagem de regeneração dos embriões e ápice plumular, o número de brotos, o número de folhas, o comprimento da parte aérea dos brotos, o número de raízes e a percentagem de formação de calos oriundos da região intermediária e da radícula. É possível a regeneração in vitro de mulungu, a partir dos explantes plúmula e embriões zigóticos inteiros, cultivados em meio de cultura WPM, suplementado com 4,0 µM de BAP. Regiões intermediárias e da radícula promoveram a formação de calos compactos (96,06%), na combinação de 10,63 µM BAP e 2,0 µM de ANA.
With the increasing number of aged people, especially in developed countries, Ambient Assisted Living solutions have become an important subject to be explored and developed. Currently, as specialized Institutions in geriatric care cannot cope with the increasing requests for support of quality of life, patients have to remain at their homes having as caregiver the other member of the couple or a member of close family. A solution for supporting the caregiver, during assisting the bedridden person with some basic tasks as eating, taking a bath and/or hygiene care is of utmost importance. This paper presents an approach for supporting the caregiver in moving and repositioning the bedridden elderly people (BEP) with the assistance of a mechanical system conveyer. The conceptual design of the mechanical system must be devoted to assist the caregiver in the handling and repositioning of the BEP. The proposed mechatronic system must, ideally, minimize the system's handling complexity, reduce the number of caregivers and the amount of spended and needed effort.
Ambient Assisted Living is an important subject to be explored and developed, especially in developed countries, due to the increasing number of aged people. In this context the development of mechatronic support systems for bedridden elderly people (BEP) living in their homes is essential in order to support independence, autonomy and improve their quality of life. Some basic tasks as eating, taking a bath and/or hygiene cares become difficult to execute, regarding that often the main caregiver is the other element of the aged couple (husband or wife). This paper presents the conceptual design of a mechanical system especially devoted to assist the caregiver in the handling and repositioning of the BEP. Issues as reducing the number of caregivers, to only one, and reducing the system's handling complexity (because most of the time it will be used by an aged person) are considered. The expertise obtained from the visits to rehabilitation centers and hospitals, and from working meetings, are considered in the development of the proposed mechatronic system.
À semelhança de outros sectores emergentes numa economia moderna, o turismo é uma indústria dinâmica e em constante mudança. Desta forma, o processo de criação assume-se como um dos fatores críticos no seu desenvolvimento, tanto a nível global como regional. O trabalho de reflexão aqui proposto reúne e sistematiza os principais aspetos inerentes ao processo de criação numa ótica de turismo, em específico no que concerne à gestão de destinos turísticos. Pretende-se também proporcionar uma melhor compreensão no que diz respeito à essência do empreendedorismo e do processo criativo, em termos de fundamentos teóricos e implicações práticas
This study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behaviour in cross-border tourism destinations. The study is developed under a niche marketing perspective. It is our view that niche marketing is not confined to the limits of national markets. Previous studies suggest that cross-border regions are an attractive notion, yet they require further theoretical and empirical research. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in cross-border regions and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research attempts to produce a deeper understanding of the profile and behaviour of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination in specific contexts (cross-border tourism regions).
The entrepreneurship and innovation have been gradually gaining ground in the academic community as a field of study. However, the interpretations surrounding fragmented, without a univocal definition. In last decades, tourism has received greater attention from researchers in various sciences, varying only by the different emphases considered: economic, social, cultural and environmental. As other emerging sectors in a modern economy, tourism is a dynamic and ever-changing industry. The study has as purpose to provide a better understanding regarding the essence of entrepreneurship: theoretical and practical implications from the perspective of tourism. Regarding the methodology used here, this is a conceptual paper with a literature review that brings together the major components of entrepreneurship and its implications tourist perspective and conceptual model of the dynamic nature of the Triggering Process and innovation (e.g. iTravey, Interactive Stores, Tourist Transportable Tower).
Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual
RESUMO A falta de conhecimento sobre herbicidas para o manejo químico das plantas daninhas é uma das principais limitações para a expansão da cultura do feijão-caupi, na região centro-sul do Brasil. Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade e a eficiência de herbicidas na cultura do feijão-caupi, foram conduzidos dois experimentos de campo, um com a cultivar BRS Guariba e, outro, com BRS Novaera, em Botucatu-SP. Em ambos os experimentos, o delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 + 2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelas combinações de três herbicidas (bentazona, fomesafem e diclosulam) com duas épocas de aplicação (inicial e tardio), além de uma testemunha capinada e, outra, sem capina. O herbicida diclosulam provocou elevada fitotoxicidade e reduziu a população de plantas, enquanto o bentazona proporcionou os menores níveis de fitointoxicação aos dois cultivares de feijão-caupi. O fomesafem, especialmente quando aplicado na fase inicial, foi o mais eficaz no controle das plantas daninhas e, mesmo causando fitotoxicidade à cultura do feijão-caupi, propiciou população de plantas adequada, bem como produtividades de grãos semelhantes às obtidas com a testemunha capinada. Assim, conclui-se que o herbicida fomesafem é o mais eficiente para ambas a's cultivares de feijão-caupi.
RESUMO Programas de melhoramento do pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) intensificaram-se nos últimos cinco anos, tendo sido selecionadas, localmente, plantas em diversas regiões do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a interação genótipos x ambientes da produção de grãos de pinhão-manso, avaliada em três regiões brasileiras, e o progresso genético obtido com a seleção. A partir de progênies de meios-irmãos, selecionadas pela Embrapa Semiárido e pela EPAMIG, foram instalados, no ano de 2008, três testes de progênies, nos municípios de Planaltina, DF, Nova Porteirinha, MG e Pelotas, RS, utilizando-se delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e cinco plantas por parcela. Como testemunhas foram utilizadas sementes de plantas não selecionadas e um dos materiais genéticos comercializados no Brasil. A interação genótipo x ambiente foi significativa. Foram identificadas oito progênies de adaptabilidade geral, três progênies de baixa adaptabilidade, duas progênies de adaptabilidade específica a ambientes favoráveis e duas progênies de adaptabilidade específica a ambientes desfavoráveis, em diferentes regiões do Brasil. As estimativas de progresso genético indicam eficiência da seleção massal, com ganhos de 28, 76 e 177%, nos municípios de Planaltina, DF, de Nova Porteirinha, MG, e de Pelota, RS, respectivamente. Observa-se que os ganhos de seleção obtidos pelo método centroide são mais equilibrados entre ambientes e, por isso, preferíveis. As novas médias, estimadas com o plantio das progênies selecionadas, em toneladas por hectare, são de 2,34 ton.ha-1, em Planaltina, DF; de 2,37 ton.ha-1, em Nova Porteirinha, MG, e de 2,09 ton.ha-1 , em Pelotas, RS.
ABSTRACT In areas cultivated under no-tillage system, the availability of phosphorus (P) can be raised by means of the gradual corrective fertilization, applying phosphorus into sowing furrows at doses higher than those required by the crops. The objective of this work was to establish the amount of P to be applied in soybean crop to increase content of P to pre-established values at the depth of 0.0 to 0.10 m. An experiment was carried out on a clayey Haplorthox soil with a randomized block experimental design distributed in split-split plot, with four replications. Two soybean crop systems (single or intercropped with Panicum maximum Jaca cv. Aruana) were evaluated in the plots. In addition, it was evaluated four P levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1 P2O5) applied in the first year in the split plots; and four P levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 P2O5) applied in the two subsequent crops in the split-split plot. Contents of P were extracted by Mehlich-1 and Anion Exchange Resin methods from soil samples collected in the split-split plot. It was found that it is necessary to apply 19.4 or 11.1 kg ha-1 of P2O5, via triple superphosphate as source, to increase 1 mg dm-3 of P extracted by Mehlich-1 or Resin, respectively, in the 0.0 to 0.10 m layer of depth. The soil drain P character decreases as the amount of this nutrient supplied in the previous crops is increased.