1000 resultados para Brazil, Sao Paulo, Cerquilho


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The Collared Crescentchest (Melanopareia torquata) is endemic to the Cerrado Biome, and distributed mainly in Brazil, but extending to Bolivia and Paraguay. Although considered of least concern globally, it is threatened in the state of Sao Paulo in south-eastern Brazil. In this study we examined the morphology and some aspects of behaviour of the Collared Crescentchest. Birds were captured with mist-nets using playback in September-December 2006 and October-November 2007. For each captured bird, we took a range of morphological measurements, looked for brood-patches and moult, and took a blood sample for genetic determination of sex. Of the 35 individuals captured, only five were female, probably as a result of behavioural differences between sexes, with males apparently responding more readily to the playback. Furthermore, birds with white dorsal patches exhibited more aggression or risk taking behaviour than birds without patches. However, there was no sexual dimorphism in any of the morphological or colour traits measured ( although the female sample was small). Brood-patches were present mainly in October and November, but we did not detect any cloacal protuberance. Among the four species that comprise the family Melanopareiidae, this is the first record of brood-patches in males.


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The feeding habits of the maned wolf were studied in southeast Brazil to understand its response towards changes in the environment and in relation to its prey. By occurrence, miscellaneous fruits, small mammals and wolf`s fruit were the most consumed items. Armadillos, small mammals and wolf`s fruit ( Solanum lycocarpum) provided most of the ingested biomass. While wolf`s fruit and small mammals were mainly consumed in the dry season, other miscellaneous fruits were taken mostly in the wet season. There was selectivity in the predation on some small mammal species. The maned wolf`s diet followed patterns similar to those found in more pristine areas.


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Leishmaniasis is kept in nature by the participation of several animal species. This study evaluated the presence of Leishmania spp. in skin samples of free-ranging marsupials Micoureus paraguayanus (n = 95) and Didelphis albiventris (n = 191), captured in Morro do Diabo State Park and in sections of its surrounding forest, in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The samples were tested for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and by real time PCR (qPCR). All samples from D. albiventris tested by PCR were negative for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. However, when tested by qPCR, the positivity was 1.6%. A positivity of 7.4% by PCR and 11.6% by qPCR was observed for M. paraguayanus. Sixty-four per cent (9/14) of positive animals were limited to the same forest fragment. Presence of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was detected in M. paraguayanus samples. While D. albiventris is the most studied marsupial species due to its urban habits, other marsupial species such as M. paraguayanus can be potential reservoirs of Leishmania spp. and should also be studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Prochilodus lineatus (Prochilodontidae, Characiformes) is a migratory species of great economic importance both in fisheries and aquaculture that is found throughout the Jacui, Paraiba do Sul, Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay river basins in South America. Earlier population studies of P. lineatus in the rio Grande basin (Parana basin) indicated the existence of a single population; however, the range of this species has been fragmented by the construction of several dams. Such dams modified the environmental conditions and could have constrained the reproductive migration of P. lineatus, possibly leading to changes in the population genetic structure. 2. In order to evaluate how genetic diversity is allocated in the rio Grande basin, 141 specimens of P. lineatus from eight collection sites were analysed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) with 15 restriction enzymes. 3. Forty-six haplotypes were detected, and 70% of them are restricted. The mean genetic variability indexes (h = 0.7721 and pi = 1.6%) were similar to those found in natural populations with a large effective size. Fst and Exact Test values indicated a lack of structuring among the samples, and the model of isolation by distance was tested and rejected. 4. The haplotype network indicated that this population of P. lineatus has been maintained as a single variable stock with some differences in the genetic composition (haplotypes) between samples. Indications of population expansion were detected, and this finding was supported by neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses. 5. The present study focused on regions between dams to serve as a parameter for further evaluations of genetic variability and the putative impact of dams and repopulation programmes in natural populations of P. lineatus. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Two new species of Cnemidophorus are described from the right bank of the Sao Francisco river, in the northwestern part of state of Bahia, Brazil. Both species are assigned to the Cnemidophorus ocellifer group and are distinguished from all other congeners on the basis of lepidosis and color pattern. One of them, Cnemidophorus cyanurus, shares with the species of the subgroup of C. littoralis (C. abaetensis, C. littoralis and C. venetacaudus), a bluish green tail, spurs on the heels of males, 6-7 supraciliaries, a high number of femoral pores (27-45), a row of enlarged scales in the dorsal part of the humerus, and 8 to 10 rows of ventral scales. The second species, Cnemidophorus nigrigula, shares with the C. ocellifer subgroup (composed of C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, C. jalapensis and C. confusionibus) a low number of femoral pores (1421), enlarged scales in the temporal region posterior to the third subocular, 5 supraciliaries, 6 to 8 rows of ventral scales, and a brown tail color. It is also characterized by males being conspicuously larger than females and by females retaining the juvenile color pattern, which is lost in adult males. The latter characteristic has not been reported in any species of the C. ocellifer group before now. The two new species occur sympatrically at Santo Inacio.


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Here we describe the stomach contents of nine small mammal species (seven rodents and two didelphid marsupials) co-occurring in an old-growth Atlantic forest area. For four terrestrial rodents, we also compared the importance of arthropods in the diet and the selection of arthropod groups by comparing consumption with availability. Small mammals and arthropods were sampled in a 36-ha grid containing 25 sampling stations spaced every 150 m, and 47 stomach contents were analysed. While plant matter was the predominant item in the stomach contents of two rodents (Oligoryzomys nigripes and Rhipidomys mastacalis), four species presented arthropods as the main food item (the rodents Brucepattersonius soricinus and Oxymycterus dasytrichus, and the marsupials Monodelphis n. sp. and Marmosops incanus) and three consumed more plant matter than arthropods, but had significant amounts of both items (the rodents Delomys sublineatus, Euryoryzomys russatus and Thaptomys nigrita). Our results suggest that differences in diet, coupled with differences in habit and microhabitat preferences, are important factors allowing resource partition among species of the diverse group of co-occurring terrestrial small mammals in Atlantic forest areas. Moreover, arthropods were not preyed opportunistically by any of the four terrestrial rodents, since consumption was not proportional to availability. Rather, selection or rejection of arthropod groups seems to be determined by aspects other than availability, such as nutritional value, easiness of capture and handling or palatability.


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The invasive brackish-water hydrozoan Blackfordia virginica is reported from estuaries and harbours in southeastern and southern Brazil. Medusae of the species were collected for the first time in Cananeia, Guaratuba Bay, and Babitonga Bay. They were also found in Paranagua Bay where they were previously known to occur. Based on material examined here, a comparative redescription is given of B. virginica, and its distribution worldwide is reviewed. The three nominal species of Blackfordia are assessed.


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A new species of Amphisbaena is described from Fazenda Porto Seguro, municipality of Buique, state of Pernambuco, in the Caatingas of northeastern Brazil based on four specimens. The new species is a small and slender amphisbaenian with four precloacal pores, 333-337 body annuli, 22-23 tail annuli with discrete evidence of an autotomic site on the 10-12 tail annuli, and 14 dorsal and 17-18 ventral segments per annuli at midbody. The high number of body annuli, the presence of chevron-shaped anterior body annuli, and the fusion of frontal scales distinguish Amphisbaena supernumeraria sp. nov. from its congeners.


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A new species of gekkonid lizard genus Gymnodactylus Spix, 1825 is described on the basis of material collected in the ""campos rupestres"" (open rocky communities) of Mucuge municipality, northeastern Brazil. G. vanzolinii sp. nov. differs from its congeners in the number of transverse and longitudinal rows of dorsal tubercles and color pattern. It is thought to be closer to G. guttulatus which also occurs and is restricted to the rocky communities from highland open areas in the Espinhaco mountain range. The discovery leads to a reevaluation of the taxonomic status of G. carvalhoi Vanzolini, 2005, which is here considered a synonym of G. amarali Barbour, 1925.


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A new species of Trypanosyllis was found in a collection of polychaetes living on algae, sponges, ascidians and sabelariid reef; at the intertidal zone of a rocky shore, at Praia do Guarau, south-eastern Brazil. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is characterized by having an orange body in life, with dark red antennae and cirri throughout, falcigers with short, sub-bidentate blades, and parapodia with thick, distally sharp, protruding aciculae, two to three aciculae on each anterior parapodium, two aciculae on midbody segments, single acicula per parapodium on posteriormost chaetigers. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is compared with the most similar congeners and a redescription of Trypanosyllis zebra, based on Brazilian specimens collected from similar environments at nearby beaches, is given.


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Two syntopic species of Cnemidophorus are described from the Caatingas of the Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusoes (PNSC), located in the Southwestern region of the state of Piaui in Brazil. Both species are assigned to the ocellifer group, differing from all other members of the group by their distinct color pattern and lepidosis. Besides these differences, both new species share a number of particular features with other members of the group. One of them, C. venetacaudus, shares with C. abaetensis and C. littoralis the presence of spurs in the heels of males, six supraciliar scales, a high number of femoral pores (from 21-45), a row of enlarged scales in the dorsal region of the arm, 8-10 rows of ventral scales, and a bright bluish-green tail, while the other species, C. confusionibus, shares with C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, and C. jalapensis a low number of femoral pores, enlarged scales in the temporal region (posterior to third subocular), 5 supraciliar scales, and 6-8 rows of ventral scales. Based on these comparisons, we suggest that the ocellifer group is more complex than previously admitted, being composed by at least two morphologically recognizable species subgroups.


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The reproductive cycle of Ophionereis reticulata, a common sediment-rocky shore-interface ophiuroid, was examined monthly from January 2002 to January 2003 at Praia Grande beach (Sao Sesbatiao, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil). Mature individuals were found from January 2002 to April 2002 and from November 2002 to January 2003. Spawning was regcorded from January 2002 to March 2002 and from November 2002 to January 2003. Mature sperm is still present in April which could be involved in the fertilization of the last oocytes spawned in March and April. November and December marked the final point in the maturation process, with a high concentration of yolk and lipid nutrients in the oocytes. Ophionereis reticulata showed, for the period analyzed, a single spawning period, during spring and summer.


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The carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii was introduced in 1995 and vegetatively propagated in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, for the purpose of commercial cultivation. This species produces tetraspores mainly in the austral summer and fall. Tetraspore germination and survival were studied under different conditions of temperature, photon flux density, and photoperiod in the laboratory. Field experiments were also carried out. Although tetraspores of K. alvarezii germinated, they had low survival rates, most dying after 20 days. Recruitment of K. alvarezii tetraspores did not occur in experiments conducted in the field. The results indicated that the establishment of K. alvarezii via spore production in the natural environment of the south-east coast of Brazil is rather remote.


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We report here the discovery of a new species of frog associated to the open areas of the highlands of the Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos. The new species, Cycloramphus organensis is characterized by a unique skin texture, medium size ( maximum male and female SVL 26.4 mm and 33.3 mm respectively), dorsal surfaces uniformly brick red colored, uniformly areolate skin on dorsum, pupil horizontal, iris with a menisc on upper margin; no fleshy tubercles on eyelid, tympanic annulus concealed beneath skin, macroglands not visible externally, fingers and toes without fringes and webs; supernumerary palmar and plantar tubercles absent, nuptial spines absent. Despite the presence of an iris menisc, a character shared by frogs of both genera Cycloramphus and Zachaenus Cope, the combination of morphological characters is so unique that the allocation of the species to any of these genera remains ambiguous. Consequently, we used additional molecular-based phylogenetic analyses to ascertain the position of the new taxon. The new species proved to be embedded within the genus Cycloramphus.


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We studied the potential contribution of frugivorous bats to the reestablishment of vegetational diversity in a restored area. We analysed the diets of the bat species and the differences between them in the consumption of fruits of autochtonous and allochthonous species. Planted (autochtonous) species were the basis of diets, especially Solanum mauritianum and Cecropia pachystachya, whereas for allochthonous species we found that Piperaceae to be of particular importance. Carollia perspicillata was the main seed disperser for allochthonous species, and potentially the most important bat in the promotion of vegetation diversity in the study area. Our results suggest that frugivorous bats are especially important in the reestablishment of vegetation in disturbed areas, and that restorarion efforts should focus on the planting of different zoochorous species that would guarantee a high year-round fruit production, thereby facilitating natural plant reestablishment by frugivorous bats in regenerating areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.