967 resultados para Boyer, Jean Pierre (1776-1850)
Ocean acidification is predicted to impact the structure and function of all marine ecosystems in this century. As focus turns towards possible impacts on interactions among marine organisms, its effects on the biology and transmission potential of marine parasites must be evaluated. In the present study, we investigate two marine trematode species (Philophthalmus sp. and Parorchis sp., both in the family Philophthalmidae) infecting two marine gastropods. These trematodes are unusual in that their asexually multiplying stages within snails display a division of labour, with two distinct castes, a large-bodied morph producing infective stages and a smaller morph playing a defensive role against other competing parasites. Using a potentiometric ocean acidification simulation system, we test the impacts of acidified seawater (7.8 and 7.6 pH) on the production of free-living infective stages (cercariae), the size and survival of encysted resting stages (metacercariae), and the within-host division of labour measured as the ratio between numbers of the two morphs. In general, low pH conditions caused an increase in cercarial production and a reduction in metacercarial survival. The ratio of the two castes within snail hosts tended to shift towards more of the smaller defensive morphs under low pH. However, the observed effects of reduced pH were species specific and not always unimodal. These results suggest that ocean acidification can affect the biology of marine parasites and may also impact transmission success and parasite abundance of some trematodes, with possible consequences for marine communities and ecosystems.
Fertilization depends on distribution and aggregation patterns of sea urchins which influence gamete contact time and may potentially enhance their vulnerability to ocean acidification. In this study, we conducted fertilization experiments to assess the effects of selected pH scenarios on fertilization success of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, from Spitsbergen, Arctic. Acidification was achieved by aerating seawater with different CO2 partial pressures to represent pre-industrial and present conditions (measured ~180-425 µatm) and future acidification scenarios (~550-800, ~1,300, ~2,000 µatm). Fertilization success was defined as the proportion of successful/unsuccessful fertilizations per treatment; eggs were classified according to features of their fertilization envelope (FE), hyaline layer (HL) and achievement of cellular division. The diagnostic findings of specific pathological aberrations were described in detail. We additionally measured intracellular pH changes in unfertilized eggs exposed for 1 h to selected acidification treatments using BCECF/AM. We conclude that (a) acidified conditions increase the proportion of eggs that failed fertilization, (b) acidification may increase the risk of polyspermy due to failures in the FE formation supported by the occasional observation of multiple sperms in the perivitelline space and (c) irregular formation of the embryo may arise due to impaired formation of the HL. The decrease in fertilization success could be also related to the observed changes in intracellular pH at pCO2 ~ 1,000 µatm or higher.