970 resultados para Blast injuries.
OBJECTIVES This study was designed to assess effects of cholinergic stimulation using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), a group of drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors and are used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD), on healing of hip fractures. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed using 46-female AD patients, aged above 75 years, who sustained hip fractures. Study analyses included the first 6-months after hip fracture fixation procedure. Presence of AChEIs was used as predictor variable. Other variables that could affect study outcomes: age, body mass index (BMI), mental state or type of hip fracture, were also included. Radiographic union at fracture site (Hammer index), bone quality (Singh index) and fracture healing complications were recorded as study outcomes. The collected data was analyzed by student's-t, Mann-Whitney-U and chi-square tests. RESULTS No significant differences in age, BMI, mental state or type of hip fracture were observed between AChEIs-users and nonusers. However, AChEIs-users had better radiographic union at the fracture site (relative risk (RR),2.7; 95%confidence interval (CI),0.9-7.8), better bone quality (RR,2.0; 95%CI,1.2-3.3) and fewer healing complications (RR,0.8; 95%CI,0.7-1.0) than nonusers. CONCLUSION In elderly female patients with AD, the use of AChEIs might be associated with an enhanced fracture healing and minimized complications.
INTRODUCTION: The femoral periprosthetic fracture of the knee is one of the most feared complications because of its repercussions. Incidence are more and more likely due to the increase of total implanted arthroplasty of the knee, due to the increasing lifespan among the general population. The objective of this study is to analyze some of the perioperative aspects of the treatment of these fractures, comparing the use of osteosynthesis with plates and the retrograde nailing in those patients with femoral periprosthetic knee fractures with a stable implant. MATERIAL AND METODS: The study retrospectively examines 18 cases treated consecutively in our hospital (3 men and 15 women, average age of 72.7 years) between the years of 2000 and 2009. All fractures were located in the distal femur and on a stable implant. Eight were treated through retrograde nailing (Group I) and ten with plates (Group II). The cases are analyzed through the tests of the University of Mann-Withney and the exact Fischer test, with significant values of p≤0.05, the variables of median hospital stay, necessity of transfusion indicated with values of hemoglobin less than 8 mg/ml, preoperative radiological alignment and postoperative alignment of the total knee prosthesis (TKR), measured following the anatomical tibiofemoral axis, time of consolidation and incidence of localized complications in both groups. RESULTS: We did not find any statistically significant differences between the two groups in any of the variables analyzed. Localized complications are more frequent in Group I (62.5 percent of patients) than in Group II (10 percent of patients). The need for transfusion is greater in Group II (40 percent) than in Group I (12.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: The type of implant used in treatment of femoral periprosthetic knee fracture does not significantly influence perioperative factors. The treatment for this type of fractures should be individually chosen in relation to the type of fracture, characteristics of the patient and stability and prosthesis model of the primary knee.
Radiotherapy is widely used to treat human cancer. Patients locally recurring after radiotherapy, however, have increased risk of metastatic progression and poor prognosis. The clinical management of postradiation recurrences remains an unresolved issue. Tumors growing in preirradiated tissues have an increased fraction of hypoxic cells and are more metastatic, a condition known as tumor bed effect. The transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 promotes invasion and metastasis of hypoxic tumors, but its role in the tumor bed effect has not been reported. Here, we show that tumor cells derived from SCCVII and HCT116 tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, or selected in vitro through repeated cycles of severe hypoxia, retain invasive and metastatic capacities when returned to normoxia. HIF activity, although facilitating metastatic spreading of tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, is not essential. Through gene expression profiling and gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we identified the matricellular protein CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins cooperating to mediate these effects. The anti-alphaV integrin monoclonal antibody 17E6 and the small molecular alphaVbeta3/alphaVbeta5 integrin inhibitor EMD121974 suppressed invasion and metastasis induced by CYR61 and attenuated metastasis of tumors growing within a preirradiated field. These results represent a conceptual advance to the understanding of the tumor bed effect and identify CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins that cooperate to mediate metastasis. They also identify alphaV integrin inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach for preventing metastasis in patients at risk for postradiation recurrences.
Publicaciones complementarias: Folleto: Guía de prevención y cuidados de las personas con quemaduras. Folleto desplegable: Guía rápida de consulta para el cuidado de personas que sufren quemaduras
The association between mental disorders (MDs) and iatrogenic complications after hip fracture surgery has been poorly studied. Among iatrogenic complications, nosocomial infections (NIs) are a major factor in hip fracture surgery. The aim of this paper was to determine whether patients with a MD and a hip fracture develop more NIs after hip surgery than patients with no MD. We studied 912 patients who underwent surgery for a hip fracture (223 patients with a MD who underwent surgery for a hip fracture and 689 control patients without a MD who also underwent surgery for a hip fracture) and followed them after surgery. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed using simple and multiple logistic regression analysis (confidence interval, crude and adjusted odds ratios, and P value). We found that MDs, gender, and comorbidities were not associated with a higher risk of developing a NI after surgery for a hip fracture. Only age increases the risk of a NI.
This article briefly reviews the composition of the hyaline cartilage and its ultrastructure. Subsequently, we offer a brief review of the role of imaging techniques in the assessment of this pathology. These include the most useful pulse sequences for the morphological assessment of cartilaginous injuries using MRI, as well as how these injuries appear in the images, at pre and post-surgical intervals. Lastly, we mention the developments in MRI that allow us to close in on the biochemical assessment of normal and pathological cartilage.
Este proceso asistencial reemplaza al anterior "Fractura de cadera en el anciano", publicado en 2002 (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1533). Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales/ Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
This paper presents a new approach to the treatment of acute fractures in the elbow area, with the support of arthroscopic equipment. There are only a few studies that describe the indications, techniques and results of the arthroscopy-assisted treatment of these pathologies. The authors believe that this tool can be useful for achieving a precise definition of the type of bone-ligament injuries in an elbow joint, thus optimizing treatment and supporting early functional recovery.
Total and closed dislocation of the talus is a extremely rare injury characterized by a full disruption of the ankle, subtalar and talonavicular joints and it requires an emergency treatment consisting in early reduction of the dislocation. A young male patient a ected of a closed full dislocation of the talus after a tra c accident is presented. e bibliography of the condition is reviewed.