976 resultados para Blade runner (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)


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ContentsWater bottle sales cause a stirCelebrate Veishea: Attend this week's eventsReach out to help prevent discriminationTop designs to go on displayL.A. police implement bad policyISU runner seeks equal nutrition for everyone


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Seven rib-eye rolls, lip on (112A), were each cut into eight 2.54 centimeter thick steaks starting from the blade end. Steaks were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups; 1) round versus square cores using Instron [inst1], 2) round versus square cores using Warner- Bratzler [inst2], 3) Instron versus Warner-Bratzler using round cores [rdsq1], and 4) Instron versus Warner- Bratzler using square cores [rdsq2]. Subsequently, steaks from each group were broiled in a General Electric industrial broiler grill to an internal temperature of 63 §C. Steaks were held overnight at 2 §C. Two steaks from each rib were placed into each instrument/core treatment group. Steaks were then divided into three sections identified as: a) lateral, b) medial, and c) central. Three 1.27 centimeter cores from each section were taken from each steak for a total of nine cores per steak and sheared once through the center. The results indicated that there was a significant difference ( p> .05) between round and square cores for both Warner- Bratzler and Instron. In all mean groups tested, square cores had higher shear values than did round cores. There was no indication of differences between instruments, and no significant interactions between instruments and core types.


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STUDY DESIGN Descriptive anatomical study on ovine and human cadaveric lumbar spinal segments. OBJECTIVE To describe the alternative transpedicular approach to deliver therapeutic agents into intervertebral disc (IVD). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA The present delivery approach of therapeutic agents (growth factors/cells/hydrogels) within the IVD is through injection, via the annulus fibrosus (AF). However, it has recently been demonstrated that small needle puncture of the AF leads to further degeneration and disc herniation. In addition, the injected material has a high chance to be extruded through the AF injury. METHODS Lumbar ovine and human spinal segments were used. Under fluoroscopy, a 2-mm Kirschner wire was introduced in the caudal vertebra through the pedicle and the inferior endplate to the nucleus pulposus. Gross anatomy analysis and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) were performed to assess the right position of the wire in pedicles. Discography and nucleotomy were performed using a 14G cannula insertion or a 2-mm arthroscopic shaver blade, respectively. Nucleoplasty was also performed with agarose gel/contrast agent and imaged with HR-pQCT. RESULTS Gross anatomy, fluoroscopy, and HR-pQCT images showed that the nucleus pulposus could be approached through the endplate via the pedicle without affecting the spinal canal and the neural foramina. The contrast agent was delivered into the IVD and nucleus pulposus was removed from the disc and filled with agarose gel. CONCLUSION This study describes how a transpedicular approach can be used as an alternative route to deliver therapeutic agents to the disc without disruption of the AF showing the potential use of this technique in preclinical research and highlighting its clinical relevance for IVD regeneration.


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Bacterial meningitis causes neurological sequelae in up to 50% of survivors. Two pathogens known for their propensity to cause severe neurological damage are Streptococcus pneumoniae and group B streptococci. Some forms of neuronal sequelae, such as learning and memory deficits, have been associated with neuronal injury in the hippocampus. To learn more about hippocampal injury in meningitis, we performed a comparative study in bacterial meningitis due to S. pneumoniae and group B streptococcus, in which 11-day-old infant rats were infected intracisternally with either of the two pathogens. Histopathological examination of the neuronal injury in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus showed that S. pneumoniae caused predominantly classical apoptotic cell death. Cells undergoing apoptosis were located only in the subgranular zone and stained positive for activated caspase-3 and TUNEL. Furthermore, dividing progenitor cells seemed particularly sensitive to this form of cell death. Group B streptococcus was mainly responsible for a caspase-3-independent (and TUNEL-negative) form of cell death. Compared with the morphological features found in apoptosis (e.g., apoptotic bodies), this form of neuronal death was characterized by clusters of uniformly shrunken cells. It affected the dentate gyrus throughout the blade, showing no preferences for immature or mature neurons. Thus, depending on the infecting agent, bacterial meningitis causes two distinct forms of cell injury in the dentate gyrus.


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The American lobster Homarus americanus and kelp Laminaria longicruris and L. saccharina are prominent and often intimately associated members of the subtidal community in the western North Atlantic Ocean. However, no one has identified the nature of this relationship or specifically investigated whether kelp beds are a superior habitat for lobsters. We conducted field studies in 1990 and 1991 at a coastal site centrally located along the Gulf of Maine, USA, to determine how lobsters use kelp beds as habitat. Identically sized and spaced plots of live and artificial (plastic) kelp were established and monitored for lobster population densities. Adjacent featureless sediment plots of identical size served as controls. Lobster population density and biomass were significantly higher in both real and artificial kelp treatments than in non-kelp control plots (p < 0.0001). The change in lobster density was apparent the day following placement of the experiment, so a secondary trophic effect such as attracting prey into treatments is unlikely to have occurred. Thus, kelp beds can affect local lobster population densities by providing shelter for lobsters, thereby concentrating individuals and increasing the local carrying capacity of potential lobster habitats. The effect of kelp beds on the local carrying capacity of lobster habitats was further explored by testing how lobsters respond to differing patch sizes. A graded size series of circular patches of artificial kelp was established, in which kelp blade density and total area were held constant for each treatment. Treatments were subdivided into four 1 M2, two 2 M2, or one 4 m2 patches. Experiments were surveyed for lobster population density and size structure to determine ff statistical differences existed among treatments. Lobster density was significantly greater in the smallest patches (p < 0.001). Moreover, lobsters typically occupied the edges of kelp beds, and their abundance within kelp patches corresponded to the patch's perimeter-to-area relationship. This suggests that edge effects' influence the local carrying capacity for lobsters by influencing the lobsters' choice of kelp beds as habitat.


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Leaves are arranged according to regular patterns, a phenomenon referred to as phyllotaxis. Important determinants of phyllotaxis are the divergence angle between successive leaves, and the size of the leaves relative to the shoot axis. Young leaf primordia are thought to provide positional information to the meristem, thereby influencing the positioning of new primordia and hence the divergence angle. On the contrary, the meristem signals to the primordia to establish their dorsoventral polarity, which is a prerequisite for the formation of a leaf blade. These concepts originate from classical microsurgical studies carried out between the 1920s and the 1970s. Even though these techniques have been abandoned in favor of genetic analysis, the resulting insights remain a cornerstone of plant developmental biology. Here, we employ new microsurgical techniques to reassess and extend the classical studies on phyllotaxis and leaf polarity. Previous experiments have indicated that the isolation of an incipient primordium by a tangential incision caused a change of divergence angle between the two subsequent primordia, indicating that pre-existing primordia influence further phyllotaxis. Here.. we repeat these experiments and compare them with the results of laser ablation of incipient primordia. Furthermore. we explore to what extent the different pre-existing primordia influence the size and position of new organs. and hence phyllotaxis. We propose that the two youngest primordia (P-1 and P-2) are sufficient for the approximate positioning of the incipient primordium (I-1), and therefore for the perpetuation of the generative spiral, whereas the direct contact neighbours of I-1 (P-2 and P-3) control its delimitation and hence its exact size and position. Finally. we report L I specific cell ablation experiments suggesting that the meristem L-1 layer is essential for the dorsoventral patterning of leaf primordia.


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A debate about Caster Semenya's female sex began shortly after the South African runner won gold in the women’s 800m final at the 2009 Athletic World Championships held in Berlin. Her victory was disputed through questions about her right to compete as a ‘woman’, with the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) announcing she would be required to undergo a gender verification test before her victory could be confirmed. Using the theoretical frame of social constructionism (Berger & Luckmann), poststructuralism (Foucault), gender- and postcolonial theories (Butler; Hall; Spivak) and the methodology of critical discourse analysis (Jaeger), the paper explores the way the possible intersexuality of Caster Semenya was contextualised in mainstream Swiss German-language print media. The analyses will firstly look at the way in which Caster Semenya was constructed as a ʻfallen hero’ and stigmatised as a double-dealer and unacceptable deviant body. The rumours amongst athletes and commentators became news in the media, which focused on descriptions of her habitus, her muscular body and her deep voice. Through theoretical discussion the paper argues that the media response to Caster Semenya exemplifies Butler’s claim that the discursive framework of gender constructs and naturalises sex. A key question is therefore whether the designation of deviant bodies to a ʻfield of deformation’ (Butler) works to pluralise the field of gender, or rather, as Butler suggests, it tends that those bodies might call into questions. The final part of the paper discusses how gender, ethnicity and sexuality combine to constitute the black female sporting body as a spectacle of otherness. It is evident that this otherness is made manifest through the function of those bodies as a site of transgression, as the boundary between male and female, and often as the boundary between culture and nature (Hall). Using the example of the controversy surrounding Caster Semenya, this paper aims to demonstrate how the post/colonial white female body is reproduced by western norms of gender, sexuality, beauty and sporting behaviour, in the sense of a feminine sporting genderperformance. The media controversy will be also read through the lens of the globalisation of certain ideas of normative bodies, sex, ethnicity and gender and the challenge of changing stereotypes through transgression. Keywords: gender- and postcolonial theories, discourse analysis, print media, Caster Semen-ya, deviant body, ethnicity, intersexuality


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A debate about Caster Semenya's female sex began shortly after the South African runner won gold in the women’s 800m final at the 2009 Athletic World Championships held in Berlin. Her victory was disputed through questions about her right to compete as a ‘woman’, with the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) announcing she would be required to undergo a gender verification test before her victory could be confirmed. Using the theoretical frame of social constructionism (Berger & Luckmann), poststructuralism (Foucault), gender- and postcolonial theories (Butler; Hall; Spivak) and the methodology of critical discourse analysis (Jaeger), the paper explores the way the possible intersexuality of Caster Semenya was contextualised in mainstream Swiss German-language print media. The analyses will firstly look at the way in which Caster Semenya was constructed as a ʻfallen hero’ and stigmatised as a double-dealer and unacceptable deviant body. The rumours amongst athletes and commentators became news in the media, which focused on descriptions of her habitus, her muscular body and her deep voice. Through theoretical discussion the paper argues that the media response to Caster Semenya exemplifies Butler’s claim that the discursive framework of gender constructs and naturalises sex. A key question is therefore whether the designation of deviant bodies to a ʻfield of deformation’ (Butler) works to pluralise the field of gender, or rather, as Butler suggests, it tends that those bodies might call into questions. The final part of the paper discusses how gender, ethnicity and sexuality combine to constitute the black female sporting body as a spectacle of otherness. It is evident that this otherness is made manifest through the function of those bodies as a site of transgression, as the boundary between male and female, and often as the boundary between culture and nature (Hall). Using the example of the controversy surrounding Caster Semenya, this paper aims to demonstrate how the post/colonial white female body is reproduced by western norms of gender, sexuality, beauty and sporting behaviour, in the sense of a feminine sporting genderperformance. The media controversy will be also read through the lens of the globalisation of certain ideas of normative bodies, sex, ethnicity and gender and the challenge of changing stereotypes through transgression. Keywords: gender- and postcolonial theories, discourse analysis, print media, Caster Semen-ya, deviant body, ethnicity, intersexuality


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Bone scrapers are commonly used to harvest autologous bone in oral and implant surgery. The angle of the cutting blade is a variable that distinguishes bone scrapers. In the present study, the impact of the angle of the cutting blade on the in vitro characteristics of harvested bone was determined. Bone scrapers with blade angles of 15°, 25°, 35°, 45°, and 55° were used to harvest porcine cortical mandibular bone. The number and characteristics of the cells that grew out from the bone chips were examined. The data showed that, independent of the angle of the cutting blade, viable cells were barely detectable in fresh bone grafts. However, cells with a fibroblastic morphology appeared within 1 week in the culture dishes. After 21 days, the number of cells did not differ significantly between the five preparations. Moreover, cells responded to incubation with bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP-7) with an increased alkaline phosphatase activity, irrespective of the preparation. The data suggest that bone scrapers with different cutting angles produce bone chips with comparable in vitro characteristics.


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Software corpora facilitate reproducibility of analyses, however, static analysis for an entire corpus still requires considerable effort, often duplicated unnecessarily by multiple users. Moreover, most corpora are designed for single languages increasing the effort for cross-language analysis. To address these aspects we propose Pangea, an infrastructure allowing fast development of static analyses on multi-language corpora. Pangea uses language-independent meta-models stored as object model snapshots that can be directly loaded into memory and queried without any parsing overhead. To reduce the effort of performing static analyses, Pangea provides out-of-the box support for: creating and refining analyses in a dedicated environment, deploying an analysis on an entire corpus, using a runner that supports parallel execution, and exporting results in various formats. In this tool demonstration we introduce Pangea and provide several usage scenarios that illustrate how it reduces the cost of analysis.


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Foliar samples were harvested from two oaks, a beech, and a yew at the same site in order to trace the development of the leaves over an entire vegetation season. Cellulose yield and stable isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ18O, and δD) were analyzed on leaf cellulose. All parameters unequivocally define a juvenile and a mature period in the foliar expansion of each species. The accompanying shifts of the δ13C-values are in agreement with the transition from remobilized carbohydrates (juvenile period), to current photosynthates (mature phase). While the opponent seasonal trends of δ18O of blade and vein cellulose are in perfect agreement with the state-of-art mechanistic understanding, the lack of this discrepancy for δD, documented for the first time, is unexpected. For example, the offset range of 18 permil (oak veins) to 57 permil (oak blades) in δD may represent a process driven shift from autotrophic to heterotrophic processes. The shared pattern between blade and vein found for both oak and beech suggests an overwhelming metabolic isotope effect on δD that might be accompanied by proton transfer linked to the Calvin-cycle. These results provide strong evidence that hydrogen and oxygen are under different biochemical controls even at the leaf level.


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Los objetivos principales del presente trabajo fueron: a) Estudiar cuál es el uso adecuado de las distintas herramientas para mejorar la mineralización del rastrojo de la cosecha de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) bajo siembra directa y b) Determinar, para períodos cortos, la cantidad de rastrojo depositado superficialmente y su tiempo de mineralización al utilizar las distintas técnicas de manejo del mismo. Los tratamientos fueron: cosechadora con desparramador deflector (T1DD), cosechadora sin desparramador triturador (T2SDT), cosechadora con desparramador centrífugo de caucho (T3DC) y cosechadora con desparramador metálico (T4DM). Alternativas implementadas: a) desmalezado b) rolo cuchilla y c) quemado de rastrojo. En las primeras dos alternativas, se aplicaron tres dosis de urea. Los resultados principales fueron: a) La T2SDT produjo, una mayor deposición de material en el centro de la máquina (21680 kg ha-1), b) la distribución de rastrojo de la (T3DC) fue más uniforme que para los otros tratamientos. Las principales conclusiones fueron: 1) Los desparramadores centrífugos de caucho y metálico produjeron mejor distribución del material, 2) El uso de desmalezadora o rolo cuchilla sobre rastrojo de los tratamientos T3DC y T4DM aceleró la mineralización de los mismos. 3) Las dosis de urea causó poco incremento en la mineralización del rastrojo.


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La transposición del discurso literario al cinematográfico plantea una operación sumamente productiva que no consiste en una mera traducción o copia, sino que implica una versión y una interpretación posible (entre muchas otras) que el director o el guionista realizan del texto literario. No se puede hablar, por lo tanto, de fidelidades o infidelidades, sino de los procedimientos a partir de los cuales un texto literario se resignifica y se transfigura en su versión fílmica. En España, durante la década del 80, se dio gran impulso a la industria cinematográfica y muchas novelas de la literatura española contemporánea fueron llevadas a la pantalla grande. Este impulso se extendió durante las décadas siguientes de modo que la transposición de la literatura al cine se convirtió en un fenómeno frecuente. En este contexto, es que la novela Beltenebros de Antonio Muñoz Molina fue llevada al cine por Pilar Miró. Este trabajo se propone indagar cómo se produce la transposición en este caso, analizando tanto los planos estructural y semántico como los recursos propiamente cinematográficos, con el objetivo de ensayar una posible interpretación acerca de las diferencias de ideología y actitud ante lo narrado que distinguen al texto literario de su versión fílmica.


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El trabajo propone un análisis de las marcas del cine en la obra Bernardo Kordon. Específicamente, aborda las referencias de este intelectual de izquierdas a la industria cinematográfica y a los efectos del cine entre los sectores populares urbanos, para detenerse en el contraste entre la fuerte crítica al cine registrada en su obra temprana La Vuelta de Rocha (1936) y la revisión que implica la trasposición cinematográfica de su cuento "Toribio Torres, alias 'Gardelito'" (1956), llevada a la pantalla grande en 1961 bajo la dirección de Lautaro Murúa y la adaptación de Augusto Roa Bastos


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Esta ponencia se concentra en un análisis del Free Cinema, procurando identificar las modificaciones que introdujo en el proceso de producción cinematográfica, su dimensión política y su afinidad con la reformulación crítica del marxismo emprendida por la Escuela de Birmingham. El Free Cinema es una corriente cinematográfica surgida en Gran Bretaña a mediados de la década de 1950, cuyas intenciones originales fueron explicitadas a través de una serie de manifiestos que acompañaron las primeras proyecciones del grupo. El manifiesto, punto de encuentro de las pasiones políticas y los impulsos estéticos, constituye un corpus privilegiado para iniciar un estudio de la articulación entre ambas dimensiones que luego se concentrará en las producciones audiovisuales. En primera instancia, la ponencia da cuenta de las rupturas formales y temáticas que caracterizan la irrupción del Free Cinema dentro del cine británico. A continuación, explora particularmente las transformaciones que supuso en los modos de representar y relacionarse con la clase obrera. Nos interesa rastrear cómo se manifiesta, en ese vínculo, un conjunto de asociaciones valorativas ligadas a formas específicas de alineamiento y compromiso político que colocan al Free Cinema en las proximidades de los Estudios Culturales