989 resultados para Biochemical characteristics
Modeling results are presented concerning the characteristicsoflaminar and turbulentargonplasmajetsimpingingnormally upon a flat plate (workpiece) in ambient air. It is found that the presence of the flat plate significantly enhances the entrainment rate of ambient air into the jets and affects on the flow and temperature fields in the near-plate region of the jets. At comparatively large distances between the plate and the jet inlet, the axial gradients of the plasma parameters in the laminarplasmaimpinging-jets assume values much less than those in the turbulentplasmaimpinging-jets.
Vortex shedding is the main characteristics of bluff bodies, which will cause the bluff bodies to vibrate and sometimes result in the structures failure. In this paper the wake flow characteristics of 21 bluff bodies with rectangular, rounded and angular profiles and the length-to-width ratio in the range of 4~12 were deeply studied by Micro ADV. Two parameters, namely the relative intensity of the load due to Karman vortices and the large scale vortex intensity, were introduced to measure the wake flow intensity. Generally, the values of these parameters for different bluff bodies are consistent with each other. The experiment results showed that the key factor affecting the wake flow characteristics is the bluff edge, especially the leading edge geometry. The wake flow in bluff bodies with rounded edge profiles has more regular vortices and becomes more periodic than that in bluff bodies with rectangular ones. A bluff body with angular edged profile was witnessed to have not only small wake loading but small hydraulic resistance also.
The spray of emulsified fuel, composed of diesel fuel, water and methanol can make micro-explosion under high temperature conditions, and the viscosity and the atomization characteristics of emulsion have significant effects on the micro- explosion of emulsions. To clarify the combustion mechanism of water-in-oil emulsion sprays, combustion bomb experiments were carried out, and the droplet group micro- explosions in W/O fuel emulsion sprays in a high-pressure, high-temperature bomb were observed clearly by a multi-pulsed, off-axis, image-plane ruby laser holocamera and continuously by a high-speed CCD camera.The viscosity and atomization characteristics of emulsions were also studied experimentally. The experimental results show that the higher concentration of the aqueous phase (water-methanol) (<50%) increases the viscosity of the emulsions, especially for higher agent concentration, and higher aqueous phase concentration and higher viscosity results in lager Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). The experiment results also show that the different kinds of emulsifying agents, with different Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance (HLB) values, have significant influence on the viscosity of the emulsions.
A systematic survey of the available data such as elastic constants, density, molar mass, and glass transition temperature of 45 metallic glasses is conducted. It is found that a critical strain controlling the onset of plastic deformation is material-independent. However, the correlation between elastic constants of solid glass and vitrification characteristics of its liquid does not follow a simple linear relation, and a characteristic volume, viz. molar volume, maybe relating to the characteristic size of a shear transformation zone (STZ), should be involved.
When designing deep ocean structures, it is necessary to estimate the effects of internal waves on the platform and auxiliary parts such as tension leg, riser and mooring lines. Up to now, only a few studies are concerned with the internal wave velocity fields. By using the most representative two-layer model, we have analyzed the behavior of velocity field induced by interfacial wave in the present paper. We find that there may exist velocity shear of fluid particles in the upper and lower layers so that any structures in the ocean are subjected to shear force nearby the interface. In the meantime, the magnitude of velocity for long internal wave appears spatially uniform in the respective layer although they still decay exponentially. Finally, the temporal variation for Stokes and solitary waves are shown to be of periodical and pulse type.
Fish collections under varying ecological conditions were made by trawling and seining, monthly and quarterly in depths of <1 m to depths of 3 m of the Florida Bay portion of Everglades National Park, Florida. From May 1973 through September 1976, a total of 182,530 fishes representing 128 species and 50 families were taken at 27 stations. An additional 21 species were identified from sportfish-creel surveys and supplemental observations. Most of the species collected were juveniles of species that occur as adults in the Florida Bay creel census survey, or were small species that were seasonal residents. Marked temporal and spatial abundance of the catches was observed. The greatest numbers and biomass of the fishes occurred in the wet season (summer/fall), whereas lowest numbers and biomass appeared during the dry season (winter/spring) The greatest abundance and diversity of fishes was found in western Florida Bay followed by eastern and central Bay regions respectively. Overall, five species comprised 75% of the numerical total while eleven species made up 75% of the total biomass. Collections were dominated numerically by anchovies (Engraulidae), especially Anchoa mitchilli, in western Florida Bay. Mojarras (Gerridae), mostly silver jenny Eucinostomus gula, and porgies (Sparidae), especially pinfish Lagodon rhomboides, dominated numerically in central and eastern portions of the Bay, respectively. Except for salinity, other measured physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity) showed no variation beyond ranges considered normal for shallow, tropical marine environments. Salinity varied from 0 to 66 ppt near the mainland. Nearshore hypersaline conditions (>45 ppt) persisted for nearly 2 years during the 1974 - 1975 severe drought period. Significant reductions in fish abundance/diversity were observed in relation to hypersaline conditions. Bay-wide macrobenthic communities were mapped (presence/absence) and were primarily comprised of turtle grass (Thalassia), shoalgrass [(Diplanthera = (Halodule)], and/or green algae Penicillus. Seasonal dieoff of seagrasses was observed in north-central Florida Bay. (PDF contains 107 pages)
The status of the Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, fishery was assessed with purse-seine landings data from 1946 to 1997 and port sampling data from 1964 to 1997. These data were analyzed to determine growth rates, biological reference points for fi shing mortality from yield per recruit and maximum spawning potential analyses, spawner-recruit relationships, and maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The separable virtual population approach was used for the period 1976–97 (augmented by earlier analyses for 1964–75) to obtain point estimates of stock size, recruits to age 1, spawning stock size, and fishing mortality rates. Exploitation rates for age-1 fi sh ranged between 11% and 45%, for age-2 fi sh between 32% and 72%, and for age-3 fi sh between 32% and 76%. Biological reference points from yield per recruit (F0.1: 1.5–2.5/yr) and spawning potential ratio (F20: 1.3–1.9/yr and F30: 0.8–1.2/yr) were obtained for comparison with recent estimates of F (0.6–0.8/yr). Recent spawning stock estimates (as biomass or eggs) are above the long-term average, while recent recruits to age 1 are comparable to the long-term average. Parameters from Ricker-type spawner-recruit relations were estimated, although considerable unexplained variability remained. Recent survival to age-1 recruitment has generally been below that expected based on the Ricker spawner-recruit relation. Estimates of long-term MSY from PRODFIT and ASPIC estimation of production model ranged between 717,000 t and 753,000 t, respectively. Declines in landings between 1988 and 1992 raised concerns about the status of the Gulf menhaden stock. Landings have fl uctuated without trend since 1992, averaging about 571,000 t. However, Gulf menhaden are short lived and highly fecund. Thus, variation in recruitment to age 1, largely mediated by environmental conditions, infl uences fi shing success over the next two years (as age-1 and age-2 fi sh). Comparisons of recent estimates of fi shing mortality to biological reference points do not suggest overfishing. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)
Three major mass mortality events occurred on the upper Texas coast during 1994, from January through the second week of May. These events were distinguished by unusually large numbers of dead dolphins, sea turtles, and fishes washing ashore on Texas beaches. The beach stranding of dead animals began in January with bottlenose dolphins. By the end of March, 142 dolphins had washed ashore as compared to about 40 expected. By the latter part of April, dolphin mortalities declined but stranding of dead and comatose sea turtles increased. By the end of April, at least 127 sea turtles had stranded on the Texas coast since the beginning of the year, about double the expected number. Then, during May and June, a third mortality event began with a massive fish kill and more turtle deaths. By the middle of May, mortalities of all species as indicated by beach strandings returned to within expected levels. Nevertheless, 1994 stood out as a record year of marine mass mortalities in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. (PDF file contains 94 pages.)