966 resultados para Bermúdez, Pedro


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Microseisms are continuous vibrations pervasively recorded in the mili Hertz to 1 Hz frequency range. These vibrations are mostly composed of Rayleigh waves and are strongest in the 0.04 to 1 Hz frequency band. Their precise source mechanisms are still a matter of debate but it is agreed that they are related to atmospheric perturbations and ocean gravity waves. The Saint Peter Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA) is located in the equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean about 1,100 km distant from the Brazilian northeastern coast. The SPSPA is composed by a set of several small rocky formations with a total area of approximately 17,000 m². Due to its remote distance from the continent and the lack of cultural noise, this location is a unique location for measuring microseismic noise and to investigate its relation with some climate and oceanographic variables. In the SPSPA we have recorded both primary microseisms (PM) at 0.04 – 0.12 Hz and the secondary microseisms (SM) at 0.12 – 0.4 Hz during 10 months in 2012 and 2013. Our analysis indicates a good correlation between the microseismic noise in the region and a seasonal dependency. In particular, the winter in the northern hemisphere. We have also shown that most of the PM is generated in the SPSPA itself. The SM source location depends with the seasonal climatic and oceanographic variables in the northern hemisphere


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Introduction. Current times are distinguished, among other things, by the instability of the events, facts and ideas that follow one another vertiginously. The circumstances that surround our society are extremely changing, as well as the way of understanding things and assessing recent developments. The material world dominates over human life. Productive tasks take first place. Appearances are unstable and the ephemeral confirms its power in the 21st century’s mentality. We are immersed in the aesthetics of seduction and image. And in human life, the expansion of needs in all walks of life has become part of the structure of human beings’ existence in the current world. The consumerist fever, the euphoria for new things have made the sense of life virtually insubstantial. All this hardly fits into the nature of healthcare professions. In our case, nursing science has scarce support in our society for continuing the research about the meaning of being a nurse that the reality of the profession requires...


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Este trabajo explora la correspondencia entre Pedro Salinas y Américo Castro a partir de una edición, que, a causa de la legislación vigente respecto de los derechos de autor, no puede ser publicada. Por tanto, aquí encontramos el estudio introductorio, que analiza ese epistolario desde todas las perspectivas: comenzando con un repaso teórico del subgénero epistolar, pronto se explican las dificultades en torno a la reconstrucción cronológica del epistolario. Temáticamente, se analizan diferentes aspectos, entre los que se encuentran, por ejemplo, los sucesos históricos narrados (con especial atención a las guerras civil y mundial), la educación de su tiempo, la universidad americana o los pasajes sobre la creación de sus propias obras literarias o ensayísticas. Además, se incluye la investigación de la relación tanto entre estos dos autores como con otras muchas figuras importantes de la época. Por último, se explican minuciosamente los criterios de edición seguidos y se incluye una cronología que nos permite ubicar de manera adecuada la génesis de las cartas


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Fil: Sesnich, Laura Noemí. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.