978 resultados para Bergerettes (Songs)


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In many song birds, males develop their songs as adults by imitating the songs of one or more tutors, memorized previously during a sensitive phase early in life. Previous work using two assays, the production of imitations by adult males and playback-induced calling by young birds during the sensitive phase for memorization, has shown that song birds can discriminate between their own and other species' songs. Herein I use both assays to show that male mountain white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha, must learn to sing but have a genetic predisposition to memorize and learn the songs of their own subspecies. Playback tests to young naive birds before they even begin to sing reveal that birds give begging calls more in response to oriantha song than to songs of another species. After 10 days of tutoring with songs of either their own or another subspecies, birds continue to give stronger call responses to songs of their own subspecies, irrespective of whether they were tutored with them, and are more discriminating in distinguishing between different dialects of their own subspecies. The memory processes that facilitate recognition and discrimination of own-subspecies' song may also mediate the preferential imitation of song of a bird's own subspecies. Such perceptual biases could constrain the direction and rate of cultural evolution of learned songs.


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The genetic basis of sexual isolation that contributes to speciation is one of the unsolved questions in evolutionary biology. Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallidosa are closely related, and postmating isolation has not developed between them. However, females of both species discriminate their mating partners, and this discrimination contributes to strong sexual isolation between them. By using surgical treatments, we demonstrate that male courtship songs play a dominant role in female mate discrimination. The absence of the song of D. pallidosa dramatically increased interspecies mating with D. ananassae females but reduced intraspecies mating with D. pallidosa females. Furthermore, genetic analysis and chromosomal introgression by repeated backcrosses to D. pallidosa males identified possible loci that control female discrimination in each species. These loci were mapped on distinct positions near the Delta locus on the middle of the left arm of the second chromosome. Because the mate discrimination we studied is well developed and is the only known mechanism that prevents gene flow between them, these loci may have played crucial roles in the evolution of reproductive isolation, and therefore, in the speciation process between these two species.


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Eits is a work of fiction, a non-traditional novel whose structure is largely determined by an Oulipian-style constraint. The constraint in Eits is culled from the album names and song titles of the band Explosions in the Sky. Each album corresponds to a chapter in the novel, and the language of each album title must be used in some way as an introduction to each chapter. Within each chapter (album), song titles correspond to numbered sections where each title must appear as is in the first sentence of that section. This not only dictates, to some degree, the direction of the text that will follow, but, looking ahead, the title of the next section will dictate where this section must arrive. From this, a narrative naturally takes shape. Albums/chapters appear chronologically, according to each album's release date, and within each album/chapter, songs/sections appear in the order they do on the album. This is, perhaps, the most straightforward way of ordering the received language of the constraint, the possibilities beyond this exponential. Eits is a novel that shifts in form, providing a texture to the space and reading experience of the novel, all in hopes of creating a space in which content and form inform and push each other to new limits. Eits is never satisfied to settle on one form for too long, and it is in the movement between forms that the narrative develops in interesting ways. Eits demonstrates the combinatoric possibilities inherent in language, and this exploration of potential highlights the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. As Eits builds upon a limited language set, it explores and exploits the combinatory possibilities that language allows for both writer and reader. It demonstrates that all combinatoric potentialities, visible or not, always co-exist in the same time and space, and in this infinite space, individuals are invited to be writers and readers in simultaneity.


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A incorporação de elementos da cultura primeira do estudante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem foi defendida pelo pedagogo francês Georges Snyders (1988) em sua obra \"A Alegria na Escola\". Esta pesquisa contribuiu com essa interface, identificando, no discurso de canções do rock n\' roll, elementos textuais que possibilitem reflexões no âmbito conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a exploração do espaço. O objeto de estudo neste trabalho são canções do período entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 que possuem representações sobre a astronomia e as missões espaciais. O uso do rock justificou-se pelo fato de temas sobre exploração espacial aparecerem no trabalho de diversos artistas desse gênero musical, permitindo reflexões em nível conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a ciência, a tecnologia e suas relações com a sociedade e o ambiente. Além disso, identificamos que tanto o rock quanto as missões espaciais foram fenômenos culturais que dependeram em sua gênese dos avanços da tecnologia e da ciência e tiveram sua repercussão na sociedade através de processos midiáticos. Essas canções foram selecionadas entre os diversos gêneros de rock, e analisadas a partir de referenciais semiodiscursivos. As atividades foram aplicadas em situações formais de ensino - ensino médio e ensino superior -, em formação continuada de professores e projetos de ensino não formal na escola. No processo de ensinoaprendizagem, foram desenvolvidas atividades que envolviam leitura-comentada da canção, identificando na letra, melodia e harmonia, aspectos que evidenciavam um discurso crítico sobre a ciência e sua relação com a sociedade e o ambiente. Essas atividades envolveram três instâncias: Elaboração, Aplicação e Análise. Como referencial norteador dessas etapas, nos valemos das teorias socioculturais de Vigotski (2001), Snyders (1988) e Freire (2013).


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Salpassa denotes the blessing of houses, land, and other belongings, carried out during Easter week and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday in the Valencia–Catalonia linguistic region of north-eastern Spain. Although it is now remembered mostly as a consecrating ceremony or a religious rite, recent field research has shown that a playful element, carried out by children through their songs and other activities, was also an important aspect of the traditional Salpassa.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of Body Percussion from all areas, focusing on existing academic literature and the contribution of different authors. Existing ethnographic publications are reviewed, as are the links with traditional dances, musical pedagogy, neuroscientific aspects, handclapping songs, use in shows, the sound properties of body percussion and, most importantly, the main authors who have systematically structured and build the foundations of body percussion in a coherent manner and with new contributions.


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Com és ben sabut, en el cas del poeta lleidatà Màrius Torres (1910-1942), la relació entre la poesia i la música esdevé una vinculació essencial. Més enllà, la formació musical de Torres el va dur a musicar alguns poemes, on es barregen els trobadors medievals i els textos modernistes. Aquesta relació dual que estableix Torres amb la música ha generat al llarg dels anys una bibliografia específica que cal organitzar, definir i ampliar. Aquest article té la voluntat d’aportar un estat de la qüestió pel que fa a la bibliografia musical de Torres, no sols per les abundants referències a elements o aspectes musicals dins la seua obra, sinó també per la necessària revisió dels materials musicals manuscrits que hi conservem. Davant el projecte d’una edició de les seues obres completes, i com una mena de pas previ, el treball repassa les diferents aportacions que s’han fet des de la mort del poeta, així com les manifestacions musicals que ha generat la seua obra.


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Esta investigación estudia la relación entre las emociones y la música. Se efectúa un diseño de test-retest donde los individuos expresan qué música escucharían según estados de ánimo, para posteriormente pedir a una segunda muestra, distinta a la anterior, que valore en qué grado considera que dichas canciones expresan esos mismos estados de ánimo. Se ha efectuado un análisis de los rasgos musicales de dichas canciones. Se concluye que tanto en las emociones como en los rasgos musicales existe una dimensionalidad subyacente. En el caso de las emociones corresponde con las propuestas del diferencial semántico. En los rasgos musicales, se determinan dos dimensiones aún sin etiquetar teóricamente. Finalmente, se muestra la relación empírica entre rasgos musicales y emociones mediante un modelo estructural de medición.


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Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la tipología, características y evolución de algunos de los diversos rituales de movilización y símbolos desplegados en el espacio público por las distintas organizaciones y núcleos de militantes de signo confederal y anarquista en España durante los años de la Segunda República, antes del estallido de la sublevación militar de julio de 1936. Entre ellos: huelgas, insurrecciones revolucionarias, mítines, manifestaciones, excursiones, entierros de militantes, etc. El propósito de estas acciones era claro: tanto la cohesión y reafirmación identitaria internas, como la proyección externa del movimiento. Con estas estrategias de acción colectiva, que suponían una “salida” al espacio público, se trataba de hacer visible allí la fuerza del movimiento y reafirmar la presencia física de este, sus reivindicaciones y aspiraciones. Esta visibilidad se reforzaba mediante el despliegue de los símbolos propios: himnos, canciones, banderas, etc.


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Els textos literaris, a banda de ser un terreny molt òptim per a desenvolupar la sensibilitat i ensenyar a sentir, són un recurs útil també per a millorar la competència lingüística de l’alumnat de manera motivadora i divertida. Aquests textos, junt a altres, formen part del treball diari a l’aula del Portafolis de Valencià on l’alumnat reflexiona sobre com millorar el seu nivell en aquesta llengua. La nostra proposta presenta seqüències didàctiques d’activitats on es desenvolupen tant les habilitats productives com receptives a traves del treball de textos literaris com l’endevinalla, les nadaletes, els textos narratius amb imatge (curt, fotonovel·la, còmic), el rap, els contes, la poesia...


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El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar de manera exploratoria en qué forma las letras de las canciones protesta, escritas en el entorno de las movilizaciones del 15M, contienen una visión del mundo social, económico y político. Las canciones protesta se caracterizan por la denuncia social de situaciones de explotación, discriminación o esclavitud. El rasgo común a todas ellas es la existencia de un conflicto, al que responden tomando posición por una de las partes o apelando a la paz y al consenso. En ocasiones ofrecen soluciones a dichos conflictos, si bien no es la situación más extendida. En relación a las canciones del 15M, emplearemos como referencia las disponibles en la página de la Fundación Robo. En dicha página se alojan canciones cuyo nexo de unión es la protesta por la situación que vive la sociedad española. Tomando las canciones como datos de análisis, se estudiarán los estilos más empleados para protestar, el empleo del “bricoleur” (Levi-Strauss) de músicas y letras para recomponer un nuevo mensaje y finalmente se considerará la presencia de dualizaciones como las de “nosotros” y “ellos”. Se exploran las razones que se exponen en las letras para llegar al conflicto actual y las soluciones que se proponen. Tras definir qué actores y colectivos definen cada uno de los grupos, se consideran las relaciones que se proponen entre ellos. Destacan los planteamientos que presentan la relación como de lucha o conflicto, mientras que la oferta de relaciones constructivas, ya sea de diálogo, consenso o negociación, es prácticamente inexistente. Raramente ofrecen una solución pacífica a los conflictos.


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Handwritten copy of "Junior Classology on two leaves of unlined legal-sized paper. The verses begin, "Songs of Scholars, in reveling roundelays, / Belch'd out with hiccoughs at Bacchanal Go..." and ending "We'll ne'er be afraid, boys, tho' Tutors parade, boys; / Here's a health to the blade, boys, who loves a high go."


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Two-leaf printed circular regarding the distribution of religious books according to the bequest of the estate of Samuel Phillips. The circular lists Eliphalet Pearson as a member of the Committee for distributing books. There is a struck-through handwritten note about the distribution of Dr. Watt's Divine Songs. The circular has the inscription: "Papers of 1794. College Papers."


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John Pierce kept this journal while he was a student at Harvard College. It consists of manuscript musical scores with annotations indicating the occasions at which the music was performed. These occasions included commencements, public exhibitions and Dudleian lectures. A note indicates that one anthem was prepared by Samuel Holyoke at Pierce's request, to be performed at Pierce's class commencement exercises, held on July 13, 1793. Several annotations were made in May 1794, the year following Pierce's graduation. There is a table of contents on the last page.


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This humorous, rhyming poem appears to have been co-authored by Thomas Handcock of Massachusetts and Richard Waterman of Warwick, Rhode Island. The document is also signed by Catharine Waterman. Neither of the authors attended Harvard College, and the circumstances of this poem's creation are not known. The poem suggests that they composed the poem while visiting - uninvited - the room of "honest Bob." The poem describes the contents of this college chamber, including the following items: an oak table with a broken leg; paper, a pen, and sand for writing; books, including "Scotch songs," philosophy, Euclid, a book of prayer, Tillotson, and French romances; pipes and tobacco; mugs; a broken violin; copperplate and mezzotint prints; a cat; clothes; two globes; a pair of bellows; a broom; a chamber pot; a candle in a bottle; tea; cups and saucers; a letter to Chloe, to whom the room's inhabitant apparently owed money; a powder horn; a fishing net; a rusty gun; a battledore; a shuttlecock; a cannister; a pair of shoes; and a coffee mill. The poem references events related to the War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748); British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon's siege of Portobello (in present-day Panama) in 1739; the "Rushian War" (perhaps the Russo-Swedish War of 1741-1743); and the War of Jenkins' Ear (the cat in the college chamber, like British Captain Robert Jenkins, has lost an ear).