982 resultados para Bahia grass pollen allergy


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In Meliponini bees, pollen is stored inside the hive. We compared the nutritional value and apparent digestibility of bee-collected and bee-stored pollen of Scaptotrigona postica. The results showed no differences in nutritional value and apparent digestibility between bee-collected and bee- stored pollen, suggesting that the storage process of pollen grains do not play a role in these parameters. These results are discussed in relation to other aspects of pollen storage, such as food conservation and/or organoleptic properties of stored pollen.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Gaseous losses are the main factors affecting the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers in pastures. To evaluate NH3-N volatilization losses in Tanzania grass fertilized with urea in autumn, spring and summer, a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time and fifteen replicates was used. Plots were represented by urea levels (50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 N) and subplots by time after fertilization (1; 2; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 days). The interaction between fertilization leveland time after urea application was significant for the accumulated NH3-N volatilization. Urea application leads to higher percentage N losses in the first three days after application. The average cumulative NH3- N loss for the three occasions (different seasons of the year) was 28%, 20% and 16% of N applied for fertilizer doses of 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 of N, respectively. The season of the year influenced NH3-N loss pattern and volume, with the lowest values recorded in spring, followed by summer and autumn. The cumulative NH3-N volatilization loss varies from 78 to 90% up to the third day after application of the total NNH3 loss.


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The article argues about the problematic of the technological modernization of the productive system, from years 80 and intensified in the 90, and its effect on the behavior of the labor market based in the state of the Bahia. From the few Demographic data of Census 2000 by the IBGE an analysis of the Bahia state force of work was affected mainly on the variable as employment, wage profit, race, sort and years of studies. The data show, among others questions, a labor market with a low-level of education and low wages with strong exclusion in relation to the race and sort.


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Num contexto de mudanças amplas e céleres nos mundos do trabalho e da cultura, como se situam os professores frente às normas que regulam sua formação? Ao discutirmos esta questão, propomo-nos a colaborar com os debates sobre as políticas públicas, especialmente aquelas diretamente relacionadas à formação de professores de Ciências que atuam em determinada região no interior da Bahia, desvelando fatores que constrangem ou impedem a ação dos professores na configuração dessas políticas e apontando para outras possibilidades de formação docente. Para tanto, utilizamo-nos de dados de pesquisas acadêmicas, documentos, legislação e entrevistas realizadas com 15 docentes. Para a análise, apoiamo-nos em referenciais críticos, particularmente na teoria social de Habermas. Foi possível relevar a ausência do Estado em determinados aspectos da formação desses profissionais, bem como sua presença incisiva e sufocante em outros. A participação restrita dos docentes, como grupo afetado, na produção das políticas de formação demonstra que a integração social não tem se fundamentado na comunicação, mas em processos não linguísticos, principalmente por meio do poder estatal que abriga os ditames do sistema econômico. Finalizamos o texto, chamando a atenção para as possibilidades apresentadas pelo conceito de esfera pública para o apontamento de novas possibilidades formativas.


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In late 1950, the young Glauber Rocha, still without having directed any of his films, becomes the main cultural critic of the Jornal da Bahia in Salvador, Bahia. His film critic activity falls within the symbolic local disputes and his texts published become an active voice in the cultural field of Bahia. With a considerable apparatus of the press in his favor, the performance of the young critic Glauber Rocha allows to discuss: the role of public intellectual and media production and dissemination of ideas by the newspapers at the turn of the 1950s to the 1960s, a time of intense political, social and cultural changes in Brazil.


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Allergies to hematophagous arthropod bites are inflammatory reactivity to arthropods salivary components. They vary in intensity and quality dependent upon the arthropod species and the individual immune response to specific proteins of the insect s saliva. Individuals who were not previously exposed show mild localized reactions not beyond those expected by pharmacological substances present in arthropods saliva. Allergic reactions are immunological in their nature and the diversity derived from hypersensitivity reactions with different levels of participation of the immune system components. Some are mainly derived from a humoral immune response, and others are based predominantly on T-lymphocyte-mediated. The majority of these undesired biological answers are self-limited, and few may cause a systemic reaction. This article intends to discuss the immunological ingredients of this evolutionary interaction.


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In crop-livestock integration systems the presence of both grass roots in the soil and straw on the surface can temporarily immobilize nitrogen. This study examined the persistence of grass residues in the system as well as their effects on cotton response to N when grown after Congo grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Syn. Urochloa ruziziensis). Congo grass was grown in pots with soil. Next, cotton was grown in the same pots without residues, with whole plant residues (Congo grass roots and shoots) or root residues (grass roots) and fertilized with N as ammonium nitrate. Congo grass and cotton roots were separated using stable carbon isotope fractioning. Congo grass roots showed higher C/N ratio than shoots, losing 14% of its mass after 45 days and increasing soil N immobilization. The lower N availability resulted in N deficient and shorter cotton plants with lower dry matter yields. Nevertheless, the application of 80 to 120 mg kg-1 of N compensated the immobilization by the soil microorganisms, allowing cotton to show normal growth. When Congo grass is present in the cropping system, the effects of the decaying roots on soil N dynamics and availability are more important than those of the straw left on the soil surface.


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Mycelial growth strains of POS 98/38, POS 09/100, POS 09/101, and POS 09/102 of Pleurotus ostreatus were evaluated in culture media with various compositions based on extracts of substrates formulated with sugar cane bagasse together with straws and grasses, and with or without nitrogen supplementation. The evaluation was performed during incubation regularly with a ruler graduated in millimeters until total colonization of the culture medium contained in Petri dishes. The statistical model explaining the kinetics of mycelial growth of mushroom strains of P. ostreatus as a deterministic component has an exponential Gompertz function. The results show that the culture medium with sugar cane straw and brizantha grass (supplemented) showed the highest rates of mycelial growth, regardless of strain used compared to wheat straw-based culture media with had the lowest velocities of growth, regardless of supplementation and strains studied.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE