983 resultados para BRADFORD


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It has been proposed that either excessive inflammation or an imbalance in angiogenic factors cause pre-eclampsia. In the present review, the arguments for and against the role of inflammation and/or angiogenic imbalance as the cause of pre-eclampsia are discussed on the basis of the Bradford-Hill criteria for disease causation. Although both angiogenic imbalance and systemic inflammation are implicated in pre-eclampsia, the absence of temporality of inflammatory markers with pre-eclampsia challenges the concept that excessive inflammation is the cause of pre-eclampsia. In contrast, the elevation of anti-angiogenic factors that precede the clinical signs of pre-eclampsia fulfils the criterion of temporality. The second most important criterion is the dose-response relationship. Although such a relationship has not been proven between pro-inflammatory cytokines and pre-eclampsia, high levels of anti-angiogenic factors have been shown to correlate with increased incidence and disease severity, hence satisfying this condition. Finally, as the removal of circulating sFlt-1 (soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor-1) from pre-eclamptic patients significantly improves the clinical outcome, it fulfils the Hill's experiment principle, which states that removal of the cause by an appropriate experimental regimen should ameliorate the condition. In contrast, treatment with high doses of corticosteroid fails to improve maternal outcome in pre-eclampsia, despite suppressing inflammation. Inflammation may enhance the pathology induced by the imbalance in the angiogenic factors, but does not by itself cause pre-eclampsia. Development of therapies based on the angiogenic and cytoprotective mechanisms seems more promising.


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The primary purpose of this investigation is to study the motives of community college faculty who decide not to use computers in teaching. In spite of the fact that many of the environmental blocks that would otherwise inhibit the use of the computers have been eliminated at many institutions, many faculty do not use a computer beyond its word-processing function. For the purpose of the study non-adoption of computers in teaching is defined as not using computers for more than word-processing. ^ The issues in the literature focus on resistance and assume a pro-innovation and pro-adoption bias. Previous research on the questions is primarily surveys with narrowly focused assumptions. This qualitative research directly asks the participants about their feelings, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, and behaviors in regard to computers in teaching. Through the interview process a number of other correlated issues emerge. ^ The investigation was conducted at Miami-Dade Community College, a large urban multicampus institution, in Miami-Dade, Florida. It was conducted through a series of in-depth phenomenological interviews. There were nine interviews; eight within the profile; two were pilots; and one was an extreme opposite of the profile. Each participant was interviewed three times for about 45 minutes. ^ The results indicate that the computer conflicts with the participants' values in regard to their teaching and their beliefs in regard to the nature of knowledge, learning, and the relationship that they wish to maintain with students. Computers require significant changes in the values, beliefs, and consequent behaviors. These are changes that the participants are not willing to make without overwhelming evidence that they are worth the sacrifice. For the participants, this worth is only definable as it positively improves learning. For even the experts the evidence is not there. Unlike the innovator, the high end computer user, these participants are not willing to adopt the computer on faith. ^


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Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Stian Bradford, Chris Gabrielli, and Julie Timms for practical and logistical assistance. The provision of transport by Iain Malcolm and Ross Glover of Marine Scotland Science was greatly appreciated. We also thank the European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910 VEWA) for funding through the VeWa project and the Leverhulme Trust for funding through PLATO (RPG-2014-016).


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Aim: To investigate the characteristics, development and determinants of toothwear among Irish schoolchildren. Methods: A cross-sectional (examination at 16-years-old) and longitudinal (examinations at 5-,12-,14-years) study were conducted. Two indices were used to measure toothwear, children/parents completed a demographic profile and questionnaire on oral hygiene and dietary practices, health, and lifestyle in both studies. Saliva was collected from consenting 16-year-olds. The explanatory variables for the cross-sectional and longitudinal study were derived from children/parents responses. Differences in salivary profiles were determined for subsets; the protein concentration was determined with Bradford protein assay and protein carbonyl concentration (a protein oxidation marker) was determined spectrophotometrically. Gel-electrophoresis and mass spectrometry determined proteins and ion chromatography inorganic ions. Statistical significance was accepted at p<0.05. Results: At 16-years-old the prevalence of toothwear with dentine visible was 44%. No difference in salivary flow rates existed. In unstimulated saliva a higher mean, protein carbonyl (p<0.0001) and total calcium concentration (p<0.002) existed for the group with moderate toothwear. In stimulated saliva the moderate toothwear group had a lower mean protein concentration(p<0.0001). The 2-DE protein spots prepared for a sub-group differed between those with toothwear and without. Mass spectrometry, identified one of the different proteins as IgA. For 16-year-olds, the self-reported factors indicated that brushing after breakfast was associated with lower toothwear scores(p<0.03). Nail-biting, being asthmatic or reporting a dry mouth were associated with higher toothwear scores(all p<0.05). Eating an apple daily or less was associated with less toothwear(p<0.002). In the longitudinal study toothwear into dentine at age five or 12-years was associated with more toothwear at age 14(all p<0.05). Discussion: The results illustrate the multifactorial aetiology of toothwear. The biochemical and physical correlates of saliva with toothwear requires further research. Conclusion: The impact of previous toothwear, salivary, dietary and personal factors on toothwear in the early permanent dentition is demonstrated.


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We analyze five high-resolution time series spanning the last 1.65 m.y.: benthic foraminiferal delta18O and delta13O, percent CaCO3, and estimated sea surface temperature (SST) at North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project site 607 and percent CaCO3 at site 609. Each record is a multicore composite verified for continuity by splicing among multiple holes. These climatic indices portray changes in northern hemisphere ice sheet size and in North Atlantic surface and deep circulation. By tuning obliquity and precession components in the delta18O record to orbital variations, we have devised a time scale (TP607) for the entire Pleistocene that agrees in age with all K/Ar-dated magnetic reversals to within 1.5%. The Brunhes time scale is taken from Imbrie et al. [1984], except for differences near the stage 17/16 transition (0.70 to 0.64 Ma). All indicators show a similar evolution from the Matuyama to the Brunhes chrons: orbital eccentricity and precession responses increased in amplitude; those at orbital obliquity decreased. The change in dominance from obliquity to eccentricity occurred over several hundred thousand years, with fastest changes around 0.7 to 0.6 Ma. The coherent, in-phase responses of delta18O, delta13O, CaCO3 and SST at these rhythms indicate that northern hemisphere ice volume changes have controlled most of the North Atlantic surface-ocean and deep-ocean responses for the last 1.6 m.y. The delta13O, percent CaCO3, and SST records at site 607 also show prominent changes at low frequencies, including a prominent long-wavelength oscillation toward glacial conditions that is centered between 0.9 and 0.6 Ma. These changes appear to be associated neither with orbital forcing nor with changes in ice volume.


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Attitudes towards legal authorities based on theories of procedural justice have been explored extensively in the criminal and civil justice systems. This has provided considerable empirical evidence concerning the importance of trust and legitimacy in generating cooperation, compliance and decision acceptance. However, not enough attention has been paid to attitudes towards institutions of informal dispute resolution. This paper asks whether the theory of procedural justice applies to the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) context, focusing on ombuds services. What are the predictors of perceptions of procedural justice during the process of dealing with an ombuds, and what factors shape outcome acceptance? These questions are analyzed using a sample of recent ombuds users. The results indicate that outcome favorability is highly correlated with perceived procedural justice, and both predict decision acceptance.


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The neoliberal period was accompanied by a momentous transformation within the US health care system.  As the result of a number of political and historical dynamics, the healthcare law signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 ‑the Affordable Care Act (ACA)‑ drew less on universal models from abroad than it did on earlier conservative healthcare reform proposals. This was in part the result of the influence of powerful corporate healthcare interests. While the ACA expands healthcare coverage, it does so incompletely and unevenly, with persistent uninsurance and disparities in access based on insurance status. Additionally, the law accommodates an overall shift towards a consumerist model of care characterized by high cost sharing at time of use. Finally, the law encourages the further consolidation of the healthcare sector, for instance into units named “Accountable Care Organizations” that closely resemble the health maintenance organizations favored by managed care advocates. The overall effect has been to maintain a fragmented system that is neither equitable nor efficient. A single payer universal system would, in contrast, help transform healthcare into a social right.


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This paper reports the findings from a study of the learning of English intonation by Spanish speakers within the discourse mode of L2 oral presentation. The purpose of this experiment is, firstly, to compare four prosodic parameters before and after an L2 discourse intonation training programme and, secondly, to confirm whether subjects, after the aforementioned L2 discourse intonation training, are able to match the form of these four prosodic parameters to the discourse-pragmatic function of dominance and control. The study designed the instructions and tasks to create the oral and written corpora and Brazil’s Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English was adapted for the pedagogical aims of the present study. The learners’ pre- and post-tasks were acoustically analysed and a pre / post- questionnaire design was applied to interpret the acoustic analysis. Results indicate most of the subjects acquired a wider choice of the four prosodic parameters partly due to the prosodically-annotated transcripts that were developed throughout the L2 discourse intonation course. Conversely, qualitative and quantitative data reveal most subjects failed to match the forms to their appropriate pragmatic functions to express dominance and control in an L2 oral presentation.


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This is the accepted manuscript of chapter 13 in, Vandenbeld Giles, M. (Ed.), 2014, Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism, Demeter Press. For further details and how to order the title, please see: http://demeterpress.org/books/mothering-in-the-age-of-neoliberalism/


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Over a period of 50 years—between 1962 and 2012—three preeminent American piano competitions, the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, the University of Maryland International Piano Competition/William Kapell International Piano Competition and the San Antonio International Piano Competition, commissioned for inclusion on their required performance lists 26 piano works, almost all by American composers. These compositions, works of sufficient artistic depth and technical sophistication to serve as rigorous benchmarks for competition finalists, constitute a unique segment of the contemporary American piano repertoire. Although a limited number of these pieces have found their way into the performance repertoire of concert artists, too many have not been performed since their premières in the final rounds of the competitions for which they were designed. Such should not be the case. Some of the composers in question are innovative titans of 20th-century American music—Samuel Barber, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, John Cage, John Corigliano, William Schuman, Joan Tower and Ned Rorem, to name just a few—and many of the pieces themselves, as historical touchstones, deserve careful examination. This study includes, in addition to an introductory overview of the three competitions, a survey of all 26 compositions and an analysis of their expressive characteristics, from the point of view of the performing pianist. Numerous musical examples support the analysis. Biographical information about the composers, along with descriptions of their overall musical styles, place these pieces in historical context. Analytical and technical comprehension of this distinctive and rarely performed corner of the modern classical piano world could be of inestimable value to professional pianists, piano pedagogues and music educators alike.


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Over the last decade, a new idea challenging the classical self-non-self viewpoint has become popular amongst immunologists. It is called the Danger Theory. In this conceptual paper, we look at this theory from the perspective of Artificial Immune System practitioners. An overview of the Danger Theory is presented with particular emphasis on analogies in the Artificial Immune Systems world. A number of potential application areas are then used to provide a framing for a critical assessment of the concept, and its relevance for Artificial Immune Systems. Notes: Uwe Aickelin, Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford, BD7 1DP


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La industria citrícola es una de las más importantes industrias con las que cuenta el país y en los últimos años se encuentra amenazada por una plaga que está ocasionando estragos en todas las áreas citrícolas en México, el Huanglongbing o greening la cual es transmitida por el psílido asiático de los cítricos, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, insecto que ocasiona daño en las plantas al alimentarse de los brotes tiernos y que además es el vector de la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus para la cual no hay cura y por lo que es necesario controlar al insecto que la transmite. Por lo que el presente trabajo consistió en aislar hongos de D. citri micosados, identificarlos en base a sus características morfométricas y usando técnicas moleculares, cultivarlos en diferentes medios de cultivo comerciales de agar para seleccionar aquel en el cual crecen y conidian mejor, se determinó también el tipo de exudados producidos por Hirsutella citriformis en los medios de agar, se cultivaron en dos diferentes medios de cultivo líquido y un sustrato vegetal para obtener mayor cantidad de conidios; también se realizaron bioensayos de laboratorio para determinar la virulencia de las cepas y seleccionar aquellas que pudieran controlar mejor al insecto; se evaluó la patogenicidad que pudieran presentar sobre insectos depredadores de D. citri, y con los resultados obtenidos se seleccionó las cepas que presentaron mayor patogenicidad sobre el insecto vector del HLB para evaluar su actividad sobre el mismo en bioensayo de campo. Se aislaron cinco cepas de insectos micosados provenientes de diferentes regiones citrícolas, se trabajó con ellos además de tres cepas con las cuales ya contaba el INIFAP de General Terán de Nuevo León. Se identificaron morfométrica y molecularmente como Hirsutella citriformis Speare. Los medio comerciales de cultivo en los cuales crecen y presentan mejor conidiación son los medios agar papa dextrosa enriquecidos con extracto de levadura al 0.5 y 1 % en los cuales se obtuvo un crecimiento radial de 3.2 a 3.8 cm para las cepas IB-Hir-2 e INIFAP-Hir-1 respectivamente, a los 34 días de cultivo a 25 ± 1 °C. La conidiación obtenida para las ocho cepas no correspondió al crecimiento radial, pero si concordó en presentarse en los medios enriquecidos con extracto de levadura, los valores variaron desde 1.22 x 10⁶ a 2.79 x 10⁷ para las cepas 2 INIFAP-Hir-2 en agar papa dextrosa e IB-Hir-2 en agar papa dextrosa con extracto de levadura al 1% respectivamente. En medios líquidos la mayor producción de blastosporas obtenida fue 4.3 x 108 blastosporas /ml a los 9 días en el medio de casaminoácidos para la cepa INIFAP-Hir-1, y en caldo papa dextrosa la mayor producción la presentó a los 11 días la cepa IB-Hir-2 (7.7 x 107 blastosporas/ml). La mayor producción de conidios en el sustrato vegetal (arroz) se obtuvo a los 14 días por la cepa INIFAP-Hir-4 (1.97 x 107 conidios/gr). Se analizaron los dos tipos de exudados observados en las cepas usando los métodos de Bradford para proteínas y el del Fenol Sulfúrico para carbohidratos y con estos métodos se determinó que todas las cepas producen ambos tipos de compuestos, además de que las proteínas son los exudados amarillo claro y oscuro, mientras que los carbohidratos corresponden a las gotas cristalinas producidas por las cepas en los diferentes medios de agar. En los diferentes bioensayos de laboratorio las cepas presentaron mayor mortalidad cuando se inoculó por contacto, donde las cepas INIFAP-Hir-1, INIFAP-Hir-2, IB-Hir-1 e IB-Hir-2 mostraron los mayores porcientos de mortalidad media. Al evaluar la patogenicidad de cuatro cepas sobre dos depredadores de D. citri, los resultados fueron similares para tratamientos y testigo y no se presentó micosamiento en los insectos muertos. Bajo condiciones de laboratorio la CL50 y CL90 obtenidas para el aislado INIFAP-Hir-1 fueron, 34 x 105 y 26.7 x 107 respectivamente. En el bioensayo de campo se usaron las cepas INIFAP.Hir-2, INIFAP.Hir-4, IB-Hir-1 e IB-Hir-2 y el mayor porciento de mortalidad obtenida fue 51.049 y el menor 35.7 para las cepas INIFAP-Hir-4 e IB-Hir-1 respectivamente, mientras que el testigo con adherente mostro 6.059 y en el testigo absoluto 4.84 % de mortalidad promedio. Además logramos aislar la cepa que los micosaba de 20 insectos colectados en diferentes puntos de muestreo, identificando en base a sus características morfológicas de crecimiento colonial a tres de las cepas evaluadas y a la cepa nativa de Martínez de la Torre.


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Part 10: Sustainability and Trust


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Purpose: To identify lectins in Sophora japonica L. (green flower buds, fully formed flower buds, and flower buds as they begin to open) and to study their activity. Methods: Lectin activity was studied using rat hemagglutination method. The protein concentration of the extracts of the agglutinate was determined using Bradford assay. Results: Lectin activity of green flower buds was 1.61 ± 0.11 units/mg protein; fully formed flower buds, 1.81 ± 0.08 units/mg protein; flower buds as they began to open, and 2.05 ± 0.05 units/mg protein. The protein content of extracts from the buds of Sophora japonica L. collected at the stage of green flower buds, at the stage of formed buds, and at the stage of opening flower buds were 3.97 ± 0,04, 3.53 ± 0.07 and 3.13 ± 0.09 mg/ml respectively. Conclusion: This study shows the existence of lectins in Sophora japonica L. buds studied at three different stages of development. The highest lectin activity and protein content are found in the stage of green flower buds.