992 resultados para BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY


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The Australian endemic brown songlark, Cinclorhamphus cruralis, is one of the most sexually size-dimorphic of all birds, and yet its breeding ecology remains poorly documented. Here we redress this situation by describing the breeding activities of brown songlarks over three years (1998–2000) in the semi-arid grasslands of south-western New South Wales. Study populations of this nomadic species were selected in late August of each year on the basis of high adult abundance. Adult males at these sites were, on average, 2.3 times heavier than females. Over the three seasons, nesting activities started in early to late August and continued until early November or December. Males were highly polygynous and, on average, occupied territories of about 4.0 ha. Nests were well concealed at the base of small shrubs and grass tussocks or in thick herbage. Clutches ranged in size from 2 to 5 eggs (mean 3.2) and were incubated exclusively by the female for 11–13 days (mean 12.1). Nestlings received a range of invertebrate prey, mainly from the female, for 10–14 days (mean 11.5) before leaving the nest. Only 17% of nesting attempts were estimated to be successful, and each of these nests produced an average of 2.7 fledglings. Predators, including foxes, Vulpes vulpes, and brown snakes, Pseudonaja textilis, were the main cause of nest failure. Some females produced replacement clutches following nest failure, while others laid second clutches after the success of an earlier brood. We speculate that extreme size dimorphism has evolved in this species because (i) males compete physically for breeding territories, and (ii) habitat heterogeneity and excellent visibility of their surroundings allow some males to defend territories of sufficient size to support nesting by multiple females


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Many ground-foraging birds are in serious decline. This research examined the distribution of these birds and revealed that they were most common in native pine woodlands of which little remains due to past clearing. The foraging habitat requirements of 13 species were documented providing valuable information for their conservation.


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Age data revealed that growth of sand flathead samples caught within Port Phillip Bay is very different compared to those caught from outside the Bay. Results also show that recruitment is variable (dependent of several environmental parameter), and that this variability is largely responsible for trends in abundance.


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The ecology and behaviour of a colony of feral cats was studied at a refuse dump at Anglesea, Victoria. Research found that the cats lived at the dump all year round, congregating on the exposed refuse at night. Here they fed mainly on meat scraps, supplementing their diet with local wildlife. Aggression between individual cats was rare, allowing them to live as a colony, rather than as solitary individuals. Although female cats were fecund, breeding success was low, preventing a steady increase in the population. No justification for controlling these cats could be found at this time.


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This study has revealed important ecological attributes of the southern saltmarsh mosquito in Victoria, resulting in an increased understanding of population peaks and their relation to Ross River virus disease and meteorological factors. Together with new information on its larval development, these results have further increased options for its control by local governments and public health authorities.


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The New Holland Mouse is critically endangered within Victoria. A decline in the species abundance resulted from below average rainfall and structural changes to habitat vegetation. A captive breeding program was established as part of the species recovery plan. Induced breeding throughout the year, under controlled conditions, was limited by the species aggressive behaviour.


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This study examined the distribution of native mistletoes in agricultural landscapes. Mistletoes occur in all types of wooded habitat, and provide resources for many species. Landscape structure, particularly the overall extent of tree cover, is vital for conserving mistletoes. Their future status depends on effective management across different land tenures.


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The ecology of five species of freshwater crayfish occurring in a variety of habitat types in the Grampians National Park was investigated. The study examined the numbers of each species living in the region, how they interact, when they reproduce, and what they eat. Management and conservation requirements were proposed.


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The demography, reproduction and behaviour of the swamp antechinus, a small carnivorous marsupial, were compared in island and mainland populations. Divergent demography and behaviour occurred between populations, with island animals benefiting from increased productivity caused by nesting seabirds. However, evolutionary divergence in life-history and morphology, which occur in island rodent populations, were not recorded.


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This research investigated links between the occurrence of endangered southern right whales and characteristics of their habitat. Habitat selection is based on physical environmental features, with important roles for social cues and site fidelity. This complex interaction of factors affects spatial recovery capacity and presents challenges for conservation management.


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The flowering ecology of south-east Australian melliferous (honey) flora was studied, using observational data from our most experienced beekeepers. Short-term variation and long-term trends were observed which may have critical ecological implications. The study is a significant contribution to flowering ecology and provides an important foundation to guide future research.


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This study investigated the nest site selection characteristics and diet of the Wedge-tailed Eagle, Aquila audax, in southern Victoria. It was found that sites where local topography afforded some protection from adverse weather and where the nest tree was live were most commonly selected. Rabbits were found to the major prey item of this eagle.