984 resultados para Auditory steady-state response


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The nonlinear dynamics of certain important reaction systems are discussed and analysed in this thesis. The interest in the theoretical and the experimental studies of chemical reactions showing oscillatory dynamics and associated properties is increasing very rapidly. An attempt is made to study some nonlinear phenomena exhibited by the well known chemical oscillator, the BelousovZhabotinskii reaction whose mathematical properties are much in common with the properties of biological oscillators. While extremely complex, this reaction is still much simpler than biological systems at least from the modelling point of view. A suitable model [19] for the system is analysed and the researcher has studied the limit cycle behaviour of the system, for different values of the stoichiometric parameter f, by keeping the value of the reaction rate (k6) fixed at k6 = l. The more complicated three-variable model is stiff in nature.


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The objective of this thesis is to study the time dependent behaviour of some complex queueing and inventory models. It contains a detailed analysis of the basic stochastic processes underlying these models. In the theory of queues, analysis of time dependent behaviour is an area.very little developed compared to steady state theory. Tine dependence seems certainly worth studying from an application point of view but unfortunately, the analytic difficulties are considerable. Glosod form solutions are complicated even for such simple models as M/M /1. Outside M/>M/1, time dependent solutions have been found only in special cases and involve most often double transforms which provide very little insight into the behaviour of the queueing systems themselves. In inventory theory also There is not much results available giving the time dependent solution of the system size probabilities. Our emphasis is on explicit results free from all types of transforms and the method used may be of special interest to a wide variety of problems having regenerative structure.


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The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are both highly dynamic ecosystems, due to the seasonally reversing monsoon winds, but the processes affecting the mesozooplankton community remain poorly understood. These are important basins exhibiting enhanced biological production as a result of upwelling, winter cooling and other episodic events such as eddies and gyres. Zooplankters are primarily the prey for almost all fish larvae. Seasonal changes in the biogeochemical processes can strongly affect zooplankton density and distribution, which in turn, strongly affect the larval growth, and consequently, the pelagic fish recruitment. It is clear that plankton biomass and biogeochemical fluxes are not in steady state. Acoustic data on mesozooplankton abundance suggests that they also exist in the mesopelagic zone. Earlier studies were confined only to the upper 200 m and hence the structure of mesozooplankton community in the deeper layers was not well known. Copepods are the dominant mesoplankton group, and therefore the majority of the studies were focused on them. The planktonic ostracods are the second major crustacean group and at times, their swarms can outnumber all other planktonic groups. The understanding of the community structure of the ostracods is essential to establish their role in the marine food web. Mesozooplankton is responsible for the vertical flux of organic matter produced by phytoplankton and is assumed to be equivalent to new production (Eppley & Peterson, 1979). Since the fate of newly produced organic matter depends upon their consumers, the zooplankton biomass must be estimated in size fractions or taxonomic components to understand the vertical flux of organic carbon. It is thus important to update our knowledge on different groups of zooplankton on the basis of seasonal and temporal distribution. The distribution in space and time is essential for modeling the carbon cycling that structure the marine ecosystems


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Hydrodynamic characteristics of an estuary resulting from interaction of tide and river runoff are important since problems regarding flood, salinity intrusion, water quality, ecosystem and sedimentation are ubiquitous. The present study focuses on such hydrodynamic aspects in the Cochin estuary. Most of the estuaries that come under the influence of Indian Summer Monsoon and for which the salinity is never in a steady state at any time of the year are generally shallow and convergent, i.e. the width decreases rapidly from mouth to head. In contrast, Cochin estuary is wider towards the upstream and has no typical river mouth, where the rivers are joining the estuary along the length of its channel .Adding to the complexity it has dual inlets and the tidal range is 1 m which is lower than other Indian estuaries along west coast. These typical physical features lead to its unique hydrodynamic characteristics. Therefore the thesis objectives are: I) to study the influence of river runoff on tidal propagation using observations and a numerical model ii) to study stratification and property distributions in Cochin estuary iii) to understand salinity distributions and flushing characteristics iv) to understand the influence of saltwater barrage on tides and salinity v) To evaluate several classification schemes for the estuary


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In this thesis the queueing-inventory models considered are analyzed as continuous time Markov chains in which we use the tools such as matrix analytic methods. We obtain the steady-state distributions of various queueing-inventory models in product form under the assumption that no customer joins the system when the inventory level is zero. This is despite the strong correlation between the number of customers joining the system and the inventory level during lead time. The resulting quasi-birth-anddeath (QBD) processes are solved explicitly by matrix geometric methods


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The objective of the study of \Queueing models with vacations and working vacations" was two fold; to minimize the server idle time and improve the e ciency of the service system. Keeping this in mind we considered queueing models in di erent set up in this thesis. Chapter 1 introduced the concepts and techniques used in the thesis and also provided a summary of the work done. In chapter 2 we considered an M=M=2 queueing model, where one of the two heterogeneous servers takes multiple vacations. We studied the performance of the system with the help of busy period analysis and computation of mean waiting time of a customer in the stationary regime. Conditional stochastic decomposition of queue length was derived. To improve the e ciency of this system we came up with a modi ed model in chapter 3. In this model the vacationing server attends the customers, during vacation at a slower service rate. Chapter 4 analyzed a working vacation queueing model in a more general set up. The introduction of N policy makes this MAP=PH=1 model di erent from all working vacation models available in the literature. A detailed analysis of performance of the model was provided with the help of computation of measures such as mean waiting time of a customer who gets service in normal mode and vacation mode.


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Electrical gas discharges have been the subject of numerous investigations from the last century due to their growing interest in technological and fundamental applications. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a gas discharge result into a change in electrical impedance due to a significant perturbations in the steady state population of excited levels and the degree of ionization. This change in impedance produced by resonant absorption of radiation is known as optogalvanic COG) effect. where as that is produced by injecting electrons in to the discharge by photoelectric emission is usually known as photoemission optogalvanic (FOG) effect. With the development of lasers and sophisticated electronic equipment. these effects have established their importance in analytical and spectroscopic measurements. The present thesis deals with the work carried out by the author in the field optogalvanic effect during the past few years at the Department of Physics in Cochin University of Science| and "Fechnology. The results and the observation are summarized in nine chapters and the references to the literature is made at the end of each chapter


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Zur Modellierung von Vergasungs- und Verbrennungsprozessen zur energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse ist die Kenntnis von reaktionskinetischen Daten für die Sauerstoff-Oxidation von Biomassepyrolysaten erforderlich. Eine ausführliche Literaturübersicht zeigt den Stand der Forschung bezüglich der experimentellen Ermittlung von reaktionskinetischen Parametern für die Oxidation von Pyrolysaten aus Lignin, Cellulose und pflanzlicher Biomasse sowie der Suche nach einem plausiblen Reaktionsmechanismus für die Reaktion von Sauerstoff mit festen Kohlenstoffmaterialien. Es wird eine Versuchsanlage mit einem quasistationär betriebenen Differentialreaktor konstruiert, die eine Messung der Reaktionskinetik und der reaktiven inneren Oberfläche (RSA) für die Reaktion eines Pyrolysats aus Maispflanzen mit Sauerstoff ermöglicht. Die getrockneten und zerkleinerten Maispflanzen werden 7 Minuten lang bei 1073 K in einem Drehrohrofen pyrolysiert. Das Pyrolysat zeichnet sich vor allem durch seine hohe Porosität von über 0,9 und seinen hohen Aschegehalt von 0,24 aus. Die RSA wird nach der Methode der Messung von Übergangskinetiken (TK) bestimmt. Die Bestimmung der RSA erfolgt für die Reaktionsprodukte CO und CO2 getrennt, für die entsprechend ermittelten Werte werden die Bezeichnungen CO-RSA und CO2-RSA eingeführt. Die Abhängigkeit dieser Größen von der Sauerstoffkonzentration läßt sich durch eine Langmuir-Isotherme beschreiben, ebenso das leichte Absinken der CO-RSA mit der Kohlendioxidkonzentration. Über dem Abbrand zeigen sich unterschiedliche Verläufe für die CO-RSA, CO2-RSA und die innere Oberfläche nach der BET-Methode. Zur Charakterisierung der Oberflächenzwischenprodukte werden temperaturprogrammierte Desorptionsversuche (TPD) durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß eine Unterscheidung in zwei Kohlenstoff-Sauerstoff-Oberflächenkomplexe ausreichend ist. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen zum Oxidationsverlauf werden im kinetisch bestimmten Bereich durchgeführt. Dabei werden die Parameter Temperatur, Sauerstoff-, CO- und CO2-Konzentration variiert. Anhand der Ergebnisse der reaktionskinetischen Untersuchungen wird ein Reaktionsmechanismus für die Kohlenstoff-Sauerstoff-Reaktion entwickelt. Dieser Reaktionsmechanismus umfaßt 7 Elementarreaktionen, für welche die reaktionskinetischen Parameter numerisch ermittelt werden. Darüber hinaus werden reaktionskinetische Parameter für einfachere massenbezogene Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitsansätze berechnet und summarische Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitsansätze für die Bildung von CO und CO2 aus dem Reaktionsmechanismus hergeleitet.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Modellbildungsverfahren zur echtzeitfähigen Simulation wichtiger Schadstoffkomponenten im Abgasstrom von Verbrennungsmotoren vorgestellt. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Entwicklungsablauf dargestellt, dessen einzelne Schritte, beginnend bei der Ver-suchsplanung über die Erstellung einer geeigneten Modellstruktur bis hin zur Modellvalidierung, detailliert beschrieben werden. Diese Methoden werden zur Nachbildung der dynamischen Emissi-onsverläufe relevanter Schadstoffe des Ottomotors angewendet. Die abgeleiteten Emissionsmodelle dienen zusammen mit einer Gesamtmotorsimulation zur Optimierung von Betriebstrategien in Hybridfahrzeugen. Im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird eine systematische Vorgehensweise zur Planung und Erstellung von komplexen, dynamischen und echtzeitfähigen Modellstrukturen aufgezeigt. Es beginnt mit einer physikalisch motivierten Strukturierung, die eine geeignete Unterteilung eines Prozessmodells in einzelne überschaubare Elemente vorsieht. Diese Teilmodelle werden dann, jeweils ausgehend von einem möglichst einfachen nominalen Modellkern, schrittweise erweitert und ermöglichen zum Abschluss eine robuste Nachbildung auch komplexen, dynamischen Verhaltens bei hinreichender Genauigkeit. Da einige Teilmodelle als neuronale Netze realisiert werden, wurde eigens ein Verfah-ren zur sogenannten diskreten evidenten Interpolation (DEI) entwickelt, das beim Training einge-setzt, und bei minimaler Messdatenanzahl ein plausibles, also evidentes Verhalten experimenteller Modelle sicherstellen kann. Zum Abgleich der einzelnen Teilmodelle wurden statistische Versuchs-pläne erstellt, die sowohl mit klassischen DoE-Methoden als auch mittels einer iterativen Versuchs-planung (iDoE ) generiert wurden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden, nach Ermittlung der wichtigsten Einflussparameter, die Model-strukturen zur Nachbildung dynamischer Emissionsverläufe ausgewählter Abgaskomponenten vor-gestellt, wie unverbrannte Kohlenwasserstoffe (HC), Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) sowie Kohlenmono-xid (CO). Die vorgestellten Simulationsmodelle bilden die Schadstoffkonzentrationen eines Ver-brennungsmotors im Kaltstart sowie in der anschließenden Warmlaufphase in Echtzeit nach. Im Vergleich zur obligatorischen Nachbildung des stationären Verhaltens wird hier auch das dynami-sche Verhalten des Verbrennungsmotors in transienten Betriebsphasen ausreichend korrekt darge-stellt. Eine konsequente Anwendung der im ersten Teil der Arbeit vorgestellten Methodik erlaubt, trotz einer Vielzahl von Prozesseinflussgrößen, auch hier eine hohe Simulationsqualität und Ro-bustheit. Die Modelle der Schadstoffemissionen, eingebettet in das dynamische Gesamtmodell eines Ver-brennungsmotors, werden zur Ableitung einer optimalen Betriebsstrategie im Hybridfahrzeug ein-gesetzt. Zur Lösung solcher Optimierungsaufgaben bieten sich modellbasierte Verfahren in beson-derer Weise an, wobei insbesondere unter Verwendung dynamischer als auch kaltstartfähiger Mo-delle und der damit verbundenen Realitätsnähe eine hohe Ausgabequalität erreicht werden kann.


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An improved understanding of soil organic carbon (Corg) dynamics in interaction with the mechanisms of soil structure formation is important in terms of sustainable agriculture and reduction of environmental costs of agricultural ecosystems. However, information on physical and chemical processes influencing formation and stabilization of water stable aggregates in association with Corg sequestration is scarce. Long term soil experiments are important in evaluating open questions about management induced effects on soil Corg dynamics in interaction with soil structure formation. The objectives of the present thesis were: (i) to determine the long term impacts of different tillage treatments on the interaction between macro aggregation (>250 µm) and light fraction (LF) distribution and on C sequestration in plots differing in soil texture and climatic conditions. (ii) to determine the impact of different tillage treatments on temporal changes in the size distribution of water stable aggregates and on macro aggregate turnover. (iii) to evaluate the macro aggregate rebuilding in soils with varying initial Corg contents, organic matter (OM) amendments and clay contents in a short term incubation experiment. Soil samples were taken in 0-5 cm, 5-25 cm and 25-40 cm depth from up to four commercially used fields located in arable loess regions of eastern and southern Germany after 18-25 years of different tillage treatments with almost identical experimental setups per site. At each site, one large field with spatially homogenous soil properties was divided into three plots. One of the following three tillage treatments was carried in each plot: (i) Conventional tillage (CT) with annual mouldboard ploughing to 25-30 cm (ii) mulch tillage (MT) with a cultivator or disc harrow 10-15 cm deep, and (iii) no tillage (NT) with direct drilling. The crop rotation at each site consisted of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - winter wheat. Crop residues were left on the field and crop management was carried out following the regional standards of agricultural practice. To investigate the above mentioned research objectives, three experiments were conducted: Experiment (i) was performed with soils sampled from four sites in April 2010 (wheat stand). Experiment (ii) was conducted with soils sampled from three sites in April 2010, September 2011 (after harvest or sugar beet stand), November 2011 (after tillage) and April 2012 (bare soil or wheat stand). An incubation study (experiment (iii)) was performed with soil sampled from one site in April 2010. Based on the aforementioned research objectives and experiments the main findings were: (i) Consistent results were found between the four long term tillage fields, varying in texture and climatic conditions. Correlation analysis of the yields of macro aggregate against the yields of free LF ( ≤1.8 g cm-3) and occluded LF, respectively, suggested that the effective litter translocation in higher soil depths and higher litter input under CT and MT compensated in the long term the higher physical impact by tillage equipment than under NT. The Corg stocks (kg Corg m−2) in 522 kg soil, based on the equivalent soil mass approach (CT: 0–40 cm, MT: 0–38 cm, NT: 0–36 cm) increased in the order CT (5.2) = NT (5.2) < MT (5.7). Significantly (p ≤ 0.05) highest Corg stocks under MT were probably a result of high crop yields in combination with reduced physical tillage impact and effective litter incorporation, resulting in a Corg sequestration rate of 31 g C-2 m-2 yr-1. (ii) Significantly higher yields of macro aggregates (g kg-2 soil) under NT (732-777) and MT (680-726) than under CT (542-631) were generally restricted to the 0-5 cm sampling depth for all sampling dates. Temporal changes on aggregate size distribution were only small and no tillage induced net effect was detectable. Thus, we assume that the physical impact by tillage equipment was only small or the impact was compensated by a higher soil mixing and effective litter translocation into higher soil depths under CT, which probably resulted in a high re aggregation. (iii) The short term incubation study showed that macro aggregate yields (g kg-2 soil) were higher after 28 days in soils receiving OM (121.4-363.0) than in the control soils (22.0-52.0), accompanied by higher contents of microbial biomass carbon and ergosterol. Highest soil respiration rates after OM amendments within the first three days of incubation indicated that macro aggregate formation is a fast process. Most of the rebuilt macro aggregates were formed within the first seven days of incubation (42-75%). Nevertheless, it was ongoing throughout the entire 28 days of incubation, which was indicated by higher soil respiration rates at the end of the incubation period in OM amended soils than in the control soils. At the same time, decreasing carbon contents within macro aggregates over time indicated that newly occluded OM within the rebuilt macro aggregates served as Corg source for microbial biomass. The different clay contents played only minor role in macro aggregate formation under the particular conditions of the incubation study. Overall, no net changes on macro aggregation were identified in the short term. Furthermore, no indications for an effective Corg sequestration on the long term under NT in comparison to CT were found. The interaction of soil disturbance, litter distribution and the fast re aggregation suggested that a distinct steady state per tillage treatment in terms of soil aggregation was established. However, continuous application of MT with a combination of reduced physical tillage impact and effective litter incorporation may offer some potential in improving the soil structure and may therefore prevent incorporated LF from rapid decomposition and result in a higher C sequestration on the long term.


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The ongoing depletion of the coastal aquifer in the Gaza strip due to groundwater overexploitation has led to the process of seawater intrusion, which is continually becoming a serious problem in Gaza, as the seawater has further invaded into many sections along the coastal shoreline. As a first step to get a hold on the problem, the artificial neural network (ANN)-model has been applied as a new approach and an attractive tool to study and predict groundwater levels without applying physically based hydrologic parameters, and also for the purpose to improve the understanding of complex groundwater systems and which is able to show the effects of hydrologic, meteorological and anthropogenic impacts on the groundwater conditions. Prediction of the future behaviour of the seawater intrusion process in the Gaza aquifer is thus of crucial importance to safeguard the already scarce groundwater resources in the region. In this study the coupled three-dimensional groundwater flow and density-dependent solute transport model SEAWAT, as implemented in Visual MODFLOW, is applied to the Gaza coastal aquifer system to simulate the location and the dynamics of the saltwater–freshwater interface in the aquifer in the time period 2000-2010. A very good agreement between simulated and observed TDS salinities with a correlation coefficient of 0.902 and 0.883 for both steady-state and transient calibration is obtained. After successful calibration of the solute transport model, simulation of future management scenarios for the Gaza aquifer have been carried out, in order to get a more comprehensive view of the effects of the artificial recharge planned in the Gaza strip for some time on forestall, or even to remedy, the presently existing adverse aquifer conditions, namely, low groundwater heads and high salinity by the end of the target simulation period, year 2040. To that avail, numerous management scenarios schemes are examined to maintain the ground water system and to control the salinity distributions within the target period 2011-2040. In the first, pessimistic scenario, it is assumed that pumping from the aquifer continues to increase in the near future to meet the rising water demand, and that there is not further recharge to the aquifer than what is provided by natural precipitation. The second, optimistic scenario assumes that treated surficial wastewater can be used as a source of additional artificial recharge to the aquifer which, in principle, should not only lead to an increased sustainable yield of the latter, but could, in the best of all cases, revert even some of the adverse present-day conditions in the aquifer, i.e., seawater intrusion. This scenario has been done with three different cases which differ by the locations and the extensions of the injection-fields for the treated wastewater. The results obtained with the first (do-nothing) scenario indicate that there will be ongoing negative impacts on the aquifer, such as a higher propensity for strong seawater intrusion into the Gaza aquifer. This scenario illustrates that, compared with 2010 situation of the baseline model, at the end of simulation period, year 2040, the amount of saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer will be increased by about 35 %, whereas the salinity will be increased by 34 %. In contrast, all three cases of the second (artificial recharge) scenario group can partly revert the present seawater intrusion. From the water budget point of view, compared with the first (do nothing) scenario, for year 2040, the water added to the aquifer by artificial recharge will reduces the amount of water entering the aquifer by seawater intrusion by 81, 77and 72 %, for the three recharge cases, respectively. Meanwhile, the salinity in the Gaza aquifer will be decreased by 15, 32 and 26% for the three cases, respectively.


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Local belief propagation rules of the sort proposed by Pearl(1988) are guaranteed to converge to the optimal beliefs for singly connected networks. Recently, a number of researchers have empirically demonstrated good performance of these same algorithms on networks with loops, but a theoretical understanding of this performance has yet to be achieved. Here we lay the foundation for an understanding of belief propagation in networks with loops. For networks with a single loop, we derive ananalytical relationship between the steady state beliefs in the loopy network and the true posterior probability. Using this relationship we show a category of networks for which the MAP estimate obtained by belief update and by belief revision can be proven to be optimal (although the beliefs will be incorrect). We show how nodes can use local information in the messages they receive in order to correct the steady state beliefs. Furthermore we prove that for all networks with a single loop, the MAP estimate obtained by belief revisionat convergence is guaranteed to give the globally optimal sequence of states. The result is independent of the length of the cycle and the size of the statespace. For networks with multiple loops, we introduce the concept of a "balanced network" and show simulati.


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Existen grupos quirúrgicos específicos donde es mandatorio el uso de relajantes neuromusculares no despolarizantes, como es el caso de los pacientes llevados a procedimiento de neurocirugía; debido a sus características particulares el rocuronio es una buena alternativa para este tipo de procedimientos, ya sea en bolos o en infusión. Sin embargo la relajación residual y los efectos adversos de los medicamentos para revertir la relajación neuromuscular deben tenerse en cuenta en este grupo de pacientes en particular. El presente trabajo busca comparar la reversión de la relajación de infusiones de rocuronio, con Neostigmina mas Atropina vs la reversión con Sugammadex en pacientes llevados a manejo quirúrgico de lesiones supratentoriales por parte del servicio de neurocirugía de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, evaluando complicaciones durante la administración de los medicamentos y 24 horas posoperatorias, así como los tiempos para extubación y salida de salas de cirugía. Estudio con características de experimento prospectivo, aleatorizado, ciego, controlado. En este documento se realiza un reporte preliminar descriptivo de 14 pacientes reclutados hasta la actualidad.


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En este trabajo se estudian las caracter´ısticas de los incentivos para invertir en bienes de capital con mayor durabilidad. Se considera el hecho de que las economías que invierten en bienes de capital menos duraderos pueden tener menor crecimiento econ´omico. Se elabora un modelo te´orico en el que la tasa de depreciaci´on es endógena y su reducci´on refleja innovaciones tecnológicas. Las tecnologías se diferencian por la tasa de depreciaci´on y aquellas que son más durables son m´as costosas. Esta estructura puede conducir a dos estados estacionarios debido a la complementariedad entre el capital y la tasa de depreciación. El principal resultado del documento es que se encuentran trampas de pobreza asociadas con altas tasas de depreciación.


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En este trabajo se estudian las características de los incentivos para invertir en bienes de capital con mayor durabilidad. Se considera el hecho de que las economías que invierten en bienes de capital menos duraderos pueden tener menor crecimiento económico. Se elabora un modelo teórico en el que la tasa de depreciación es endógena y su reducción refleja innovaciones tecnológicas. Las tecnologías se diferencian por la tasa de depreciación y aquellas que son más durables son más costosas. Esta estructura puede conducir a dos estados estacionarios debido a la complementariedad entre el capital y la tasa de depreciación. El principal resultado del documento es que se encuentran trampas de pobreza asociadas con altas tasas de depreciación.