975 resultados para Attaching and effacing Escherichia coli
Plasmid-encoded addiction genes augment the apparent stability of various low copy number bacterial plasmids by selectively killing plasmid-free (cured) segregants or their progeny. The addiction module of plasmid prophage P1 consists of a pair of genes called phd and doc. Phd serves to prevent host death when the prophage is retained and, should retention mechanisms fail, Doc causes death on curing. Doc acts as a cell toxin to which Phd is an antidote. In this study we show that host mutants with defects in either subunit of the ClpXP protease survive the loss of a plasmid that contains a P1 addiction module. The small antidote protein Phd is fully stable in these two mutant hosts, whereas it is labile in a wild-type host. We conclude that the role of ClpXP in the addiction mechanism of P1 is to degrade the Phd protein. This conclusion situates P1 among plasmids that elicit severe withdrawal symptoms and are able to do so because they encode both a cell toxin and an actively degraded macromolecule that blocks the synthesis or function of the toxin.
The heat shock response in Escherichia coli is governed by the concentration of the highly unstable sigma factor sigma 32. The essential protein HflB (FtsH), known to control proteolysis of the phage lambda cII protein, also governs sigma 32 degradation: an HflB-depleted strain accumulated sigma 32 and induced the heat shock response, and the half-life of sigma 32 increased by a factor up to 12 in mutants with reduced HflB function and decreased by a factor of 1.8 in a strain overexpressing HflB. The hflB gene is in the ftsJ-hflB operon, one promoter of which is positively regulated by heat shock and sigma 32. The lambda cIII protein, which stabilizes sigma 32 and lambda cII, appears to inhibit the HflB-governed protease. The E. coli HflB protein controls the stability of two master regulators, lambda cII and sigma 32, responsible for the lysis-lysogeny decision of phage lambda and the heat shock response of the host.
Previous biochemical studies have suggested a role for bacterial DNA topoisomerase (TOPO) I in the suppression of R-loop formation during transcription. In this report, we present several pieces of genetic evidence to support a model in which R-loop formation is dynamically regulated during transcription by activities of multiple DNA TOPOs and RNase H. In addition, our results suggest that events leading to the serious growth problems in the absence of DNA TOPO I are linked to R-loop formation. We show that the overexpression of RNase H, an enzyme that degrades the RNA moiety of an R loop, can partially compensate for the absence of DNA TOPO I. We also note that a defect in DNA gyrase can correct several phenotypes associated with a mutation in the rnhA gene, which encodes the major RNase H activity. In addition, we found that a combination of topA and rnhA mutations is lethal.
Introdução: Sepse é uma síndrome complexa definida por resposta inflamatória sistêmica, de origem infecciosa e caracterizada por manifestações múltiplas que podem determinar disfunção ou falência de um ou mais órgãos ou sistemas. É a principal causa de morte em unidades de terapia intensiva em pacientes críticos e tem representado uma fonte constante de preocupação para os sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo, devido, principalmente, às taxas elevadas de morbimortalidade. O tratamento da sepse é um desafio e continua a ser uma tarefa difícil devido a inúmeros fatores interferentes. Um estudo do nosso grupo demonstrou que a Escherichia coli (E. coli) é capaz de se ligar CD16 de um modo independente de opsonina, levando a um aumento na resposta inflamatória e a inibição da sua própria fagocitose, por conseguinte, procurou-se identificar os peptídeos no proteoma da E. coli envolvidos neste cenário. Metodologia: Utilizando a metodologia de Phage Display, que consiste numa técnica de clonagem, que permite a expressão de diversas sequências de peptídeos na superfície de bacteriófagos, nós identificamos 2 peptídeos que obtiveram interação com CD16. Após a seleção dos peptídeos identificamos uma proteína de membrana de E.coli que possui alta similaridade com um de nossos peptídeos selecionados. Nós acreditamos que esta proteína de membrana possa estar envolvida no processo de evasão imune desenvolvida pela E.coli e parece ser um forte candidato como uma nova opção terapêutica para controlar infecções por E. coli. Conclusão: A identificação de proteínas capazes de induzir inibição de fagocitose, através do receptor CD16, pode ser usada como uma nova forma de tratamento da sepse, assim como explorada no tratamento de doenças autoimunes
Durante uma infecção, uma complexa seqüência de eventos é inkiada após a invasão do hospedeiro por microrganismos patogênicos. Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC), assim como Shigella, causa disenteria através da invasão da mucosa do cólon, levando à destruição tecidual e inflamação. Para que ocorra um processo infeccioso, porém, são necessários inóculos de 102 Shigella e 106 EIEC. Foram avaliados aspectos da resposta inflamatória desencadeada pela infecção por EIEC em modelo murino, comparativamente a Shigella. A infecção de macrófagos J774 por EIEC resultou em fagocitose bacteriana, comprometimento da viabilidade do macrófago e produção de citocinas. Macrófagos de camundongos C57BU6 infectados com EIEC produziram NO, que parece ser importante no controle da infecção. Foi observado que camundongos INOS nocaute apresentaram maior produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e maior letalidade após infecção do que os selvagens. EIEC induziu a migração de granulócitos e monócitos para o peritônio, e a secreção de citocinas por estas células. Houve proliferação de linfócitos em resposta aos antígenos solúveis de EIEC, mas não foi detectada produção de citocinas por estes linfócitos.Comparativamente a Shigella, EIEC escapou mais lentamente do macrófago, induziu menor produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e NO, e menor ativação dos linfócitos T. Estes dados sugerem o desafio com EIEC desencadeia uma resposta menos severa no hospedeiro do que Shigella, o que explicaria a forma mais branda de disenteria e resolução mais rápida do processo infeccioso causado por EIEC.
Este estudo avaliou a eficiência da oleuropeína (OLE) (composto fenólico extraído das folhas de Oliveira) isolada e associada aos sanitizantes comerciais ácido peracético 2% (APA), hipoclorito de sódio 2% (HS), peróxido de hidrogênio 3% (PH), digluconato de clorexidina 2% (DC), cloreto de benzalcônio 1% (CB) e iodofor 2% (IO), para inativação de células em suspensão e biofilmes monoespécie e multiespécie formados em superfícies de aço inoxidável ou microplaca de poliestireno por Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 7644), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) e Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), todas classificadas como fortes produtores de biofilmes. Os isolados foram semeados em caldo TSB (caldo tripticase soja), incubados (37°C/24h) e corrigidos a ~108células/mL (escala 0,5 McFarland). Para bactérias em suspensão, a resistência a sanitizantes foi determinada pela Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) em tubos e pelo método de Disco Difusão em Ágar (DDA), no qual as bactérias foram plaqueadas em ágar TSA contendo discos de 6mm de papel filtro embebidos nos sanitizantes. Após a incubação, a medição dos halos de inibição foi feita com paquímetro. Para os ensaios de resistência dos biofilmes aos compostos sanitizantes, foram utilizadas microplacas de poliestireno 96 poços, as quais foram preparadas para incubação-fixação dos biofilmes e submetidas à leitura em espectrofotômetro de ELISA (600 nm). Em seguida, as placas foram lavadas com solução salina tamponada (PBS, pH 7.4) e os sanitizantes inseridos por 1 minuto. Após neutralização com tiossulfato de sódio (5 minutos), as placas foram lavadas com PBS e metanol, coradas com cristal violeta 1% e coradas com ácido acético glacial (33%) para nova leitura a 570nm. A eficácia da remoção do biofilme pelos sanitizantes foi comparada pelo índice de formação de biofilme (IFB). As imagens do aço inoxidável após tratamento com sanitizante foram feitas através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Microscopia Confocal, para visualizar a persistência dos biofilmes. Os valores de CIM (diluição 1:2) mostraram que OLE não teve atividade bactericida. No método DDA, L. monocytogenes, foi resistente à OLE, enquanto E. coli e S. aureus apresentaram resistência intermediária. Os sanitizantes comerciais apresentaram boa atividade bactericida nos ensaios de CIM e DDA, sendo que as associações de OLE aos sanitizantes comerciais aumentaram o efeito germicida. Nos ensaios com biofilmes em monoespécie, somente os sanitizantes comerciais, isolados ou associados com OLE, foram eficazes de reduzir o valor de BFI em microplaca de poliestireno. Em biofilmes multiespécie, OLE apresentou efeito antimicrobiano, sobretudo sobre a associação de L. monocytogenes + E. coli + S. aureus (redução: 91,49%). Nenhum dos compostos avaliados foi capaz de inativar completamente os biofilmes nas superfícies de aço inoxidável, uma vez que células viáveis foram observadas após os tratamentos com os sanitizantes, indicando persistência dos biofilmes. Os resultados indicam que a oleuropeína apresentou potencial para incrementar o efeito bactericida de sanitizantes comerciais para eliminação de biofilmes em superfícies inertes, sendo necessários estudos para compreender os mecanismos de ação dessas combinações.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
La présence d’Escherichia coli pathogènes en élevages porcins entraine des retards de croissance et la mortalité. La transmission des E. coli pathogènes entre les élevages et l'abattoir d’un même réseau de production n'est pas bien décrite. La détection des gènes de virulence des E. coli pathogènes pourrait permettre d’identifier un marqueur de contamination dans le réseau. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’identifier un marqueur de contamination E. coli dans un réseau de production porcine défini afin de décrire certains modes de transmission des E. coli pathogènes. Pour ce faire, une région géographique comprenant 10 fermes d’engraissement, un abattoir et un réseau de transport a été sélectionnée. Trois lots de production consécutifs par ferme ont été suivis pendant 12 mois. Des échantillons environnementaux ont été prélevés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des fermes (3 visites d’élevage), dans la cour de l’abattoir (2 visites lors de sorties de lot) et sur le camion de transport. La détection des gènes de virulence (eltB, estA, estB, faeG, stxA, stx2A, eae, cnf, papC, iucD, tsh, fedA) dans les échantillons a été réalisée par PCR multiplexe conventionnelle. La distribution temporelle et spatiale des gènes de virulence a permis d’identifier le marqueur de contamination ETEC/F4 défini par la détection d’au moins un gène d’entérotoxine ETEC (estB, estA et eltB) en combinaison avec le gène de l’adhésine fimbriaire (faeG). La distribution des échantillons positifs ETEC/F4 qualifie la cour de l’abattoir comme un réservoir de contamination fréquenté par les transporteurs, vecteurs de contamination entre les élevages. Ceci suggère le lien microbiologique entre l’élevage, les transporteurs et l’abattoir jouant chacun un rôle dans la dissémination des microorganismes pathogènes et potentiellement zoonotiques en production porcine.
Stationary-phase bacterial cells are characterized by vastly reduced metabolic activities yielding a dormant-like phenotype. Several hibernation programs ensure the establishment and maintenance of this resting growth state. Some of the stationary phase-specific modulations affect the ribosome and its translational activity directly. In stationary-phase Escherichia coli, we observed the appearance of a 16S rRNA fragmentation event at the tip of helix 6 within the small ribosomal subunit (30S). Stationary-phase 30S subunits showed markedly reduced activities in protein biosynthesis. On the other hand, the functional performance of stationary-phase large ribosomal subunits (50S) was indistinguishable from particles isolated from exponentially growing cells. Introduction of the 16S rRNA cut in vitro at helix 6 of exponential phase 30S subunits renders them less efficient in protein biosynthesis. This indicates that the helix 6 fragmentation is necessary and sufficient to attenuate translational activities of 30S ribosomal subunits. These results suggest that stationary phase-specific cleavage of 16S rRNA within the 30S subunit is an efficient means to reduce global translation activities under non-proliferating growth conditions.
Stx2d is a recently described Shiga toxin whose cytotoxicity is activated 10- to 1,000-fold by the elastase present in mouse or human intestinal mucus. We examined Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from food and livestock sources for the presence of activatable stx(2d). The stx(2) operons of STEC were first analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and categorized as stx(2), stx(2c) (vha), stx(2c) (vhb), or stx(2d) (EH250). Subsequently, the stx(2c) (vha) and stx(2c) (vhb) operons were screened for the absence of a PstI site in the stx(2a) subunit gene, a restriction site polymorphism which is a predictive indicator for the stx(2d) (activatable) genotype. Twelve STEC isolates carrying putative stx(2d) operons were identified, and nucleotide sequencing was used to confirm the identification of these operons as stx(2d). The complete nucleotide sequences of seven representative stx(2d) operons were determined. Shiga toxin expression in stx(2d) isolates was confirmed by immunoblotting. stx(2d) isolates were induced for the production of bacteriophages carrying stx. Two isolates were able to produce bacteriophages phi1662a and phi1720a carrying the stx(2d) operons. RFLP analysis of bacteriophage genomic DNA revealed that phi1662a and phi1720a were highly related to each other; however, the DNA sequences of these two stx(2d) operons were distinct. The STEC strains carrying these operons were isolated from retail ground beef. Surveillance for STEC strains expressing activatable stx(2d) Shiga toxin among clinical cases may indicate the significance of this toxin subtype to human health.
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC catalyses the second reaction in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. The reaction involves an Mg2+-dependent alkyl migration followed by an NADPH-dependent reduction of the 2-keto group. Here, the crystallization of the Escherichia coli enzyme is reported. A form with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag could be crystallized under 18 different conditions in the absence of NADPH or Mg2+ and a further six crystallization conditions were identified with one or both ligands. With the hexahistidine tag on the N-terminus, 20 crystallization conditions were found, some of which required the presence of NADPH, NADP(+), Mg2+ or a combination of ligands. Finally, the selenomethionine-substituted enzyme with the N-terminal tag crystallized under 15 conditions. Thus, the enzyme is remarkably easy to crystallize. Most of the crystals diffract poorly but several data sets were collected at better than 3.2 Angstrom resolution; attempts to phase them are currently in progress.
Translational pausing may occur due to a number of mechanisms, including the presence of non-optimal codons, and it is thought to play a role in the folding of specific polypeptide domains during translation and in the facilitation of signal peptide recognition during see-dependent protein targeting. In this whole genome analysis of Escherichia coli we have found that non-optimal codons in the signal peptide-encoding sequences of secretory genes are overrepresented relative to the mature portions of these genes; this is in addition to their overrepresentation in the 5'-regions of genes encoding non-secretory proteins. We also find increased non-optimal codon usage at the 3' ends of most E. coli genes, in both non-secretory and secretory sequences. Whereas presumptive translational pausing at the 5' and 3' ends of E. coli messenger RNAs may clearly have a general role in translation, we suggest that it also has a specific role in sec-dependent protein export, possibly in facilitating signal peptide recognition. This finding may have important implications for our understanding of how the majority of non-cytoplasmic proteins are targeted, a process that is essential to all biological cells. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study investigated host-related factors that influence intestinal colonization by Shiga-toxigenic E. coli (STEC). A quantitative colonization assay was developed to comparatively measure attachment of STEC to bovine colonic tissues maintained in vitro. No differences were determined in colonization susceptibility between tissues derived from weaning calves and adult cattle, or for tissues from cattle fed grain and forage-based rations. Substrate conditions designed to represent various intra-enteric environments were tested for their effect on STEC/mucosal interaction. Under conditions corresponding to a well-fed ruminant (high volatile fatty acid and lactate concentrations, low pH), significantly less STEC colonized the mucosal surface of colonic biopsies. These results may help explain why fasted. poorly or intermittently fed cattle and pre-ruminant calves excrete STEC to a greater degree. Studies on the ecology of STEC within the ruminant gut help identify mechanisms to reduce their threat to public health.
The sliding clamp of the Escherichia coli replisome is now understood to interact with many proteins involved in DNA synthesis and repair. A universal interaction motif is proposed to be one mechanism by which those proteins bind the E. coli sliding clamp, a homodimer of the beta subunit, at a single site on the dimer. The numerous beta(2)-binding proteins have various versions of the consensus interaction motif, including a related hexameric sequence. To determine if the variants of the motif could contribute to the competition of the beta-binding proteins for the beta(2) site, synthetic peptides derived from the putative beta(2)-binding motifs were assessed for their abilities to inhibit protein-beta(2) interactions, to bind directly to beta(2), and to inhibit DNA synthesis in vitro. A hierarchy emerged, which was consistent with sequence similarity to the pentameric consensus motif, QL(S/D)LF, and peptides containing proposed hexameric motifs were shown to have activities comparable to those containing the consensus sequence. The hierarchy of peptide binding may be indicative of a competitive hierarchy for the binding of proteins to beta(2) in various stages or circumstances of DNA replication and repair.
We report the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Escherichia coli adenylyltransferase that catalyzes the reversible nucleotidylation of glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation. This domain (AT-N440) catalyzes the deadenylylation and subsequent activation of GS. The structure has been divided into three subdomains, two of which bear some similarity to kanamycin nucleotidyltransferase (KNT). However, the orientation of the two domains in AT-N440 differs from that in KNT. The active site of AT-N440 has been identified on the basis of structural comparisons with KNT, DNA polymerase beta, and polyadenylate polymerase. AT-N440 has a cluster of metal binding residues that are conserved in polbeta-like nucleotidyl transferases. The location of residues conserved in all ATase sequences was found to cluster around the active site. Many of these residues are very likely to play a role in catalysis, substrate binding, or effector binding.