966 resultados para Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena


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In this paper, based on the AdS(4)/CFT3 duality, we have explored the precise connection between the abelian Chern-Simons (CS) Higgs model in (2 + 1) dimensions to that with its dual gravitational counterpart living in one higher dimension. It has been observed that theU(1) current computed at the boundary of the AdS(4) could be expressed as the local function of the vortex solution that has the remarkable structural similarity to that with the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) type local expression for the current associated with the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions. In order to explore this duality a bit further we have also computed the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth associated with these vortices. Finally using the knowledge of both the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth we have computed the Ginzburg-Landau coefficient for the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions.


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In this paper based on the basic principles of gauge/gravity duality we compute the hall viscosity to entropy ratio in the presence of various higher derivative corrections to the dual gravitational description embedded in an asymptotically AdS(4) space time. As the first step of our analysis, considering the back reaction we impose higher derivative corrections to the abelian gauge sector of the theory where we notice that the ratio indeed gets corrected at the leading order in the coupling. Considering the probe limit as a special case we compute this leading order correction over the fixed background of the charged black brane solution. Finally we consider higher derivative (R-2) correction to the gravity sector of the theory where we notice that the above ratio might get corrected at the sixth derivative level.


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Motivated by the recent proposal for the S-matrix in AdS(3) x S-3 with mixed three form fluxes, we study classical folded string spinning in AdS(3) with both Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz three form fluxes. We solve the equations of motion of these strings and obtain their dispersion relation to the leading order in the Neveu-Schwarz flux b. We show that dispersion relation for the spinning strings with large spin S acquires a term given by -root lambda/2 pi b(2) log(2) S in addition to the usual root lambda/pi log S term where root lambda is proportional to the square of the radius of AdS(3). Using SO(2, 2) transformations and re-parmetrizations we show that these spinning strings can be related to light like Wilson loops in AdS(3) with Neveu-Schwarz flux b. We observe that the logarithmic divergence in the area of the light like Wilson loop is also deformed by precisely the same coefficient of the b(2) log(2) S term in the dispersion relation of the spinning string. This result indicates that the coefficient of b(2) log(2) S has a property similar to the coefficient of the log S term, known as cusp-anomalous dimension, and can possibly be determined to all orders in the coupling lambda using the recent proposal for the S-matrix.


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Troponin proteins in cooperative interaction with tropomyosin are responsible for controlling the contraction of the striated muscles in response to changes in the intracellular calcium concentration. Contractility of the muscle is determined by the constituent protein isoforms, and the isoforms can switch over from one form to another depending on physiological demands and pathological conditions. In Drosophila, a majority of the myofibrillar proteins in the indirect flight muscles (IFMs) undergo post-transcriptional and post-translational isoform changes during pupal to adult metamorphosis to meet the high energy and mechanical demands of flight. Using a newly generated Gal4 strain (UH3-Gal4) which is expressed exclusively in the IFMs, during later stages of development, we have looked at the developmental and functional importance of each of the troponin subunits (troponin-I, troponin-T and troponin-C) and their isoforms. We show that all the troponin subunits are required for normal myofibril assembly and flight, except for the troponin-C isoform 1 (TnC1). Moreover, rescue experiments conducted with troponin-I embryonic isoform in the IFMs, where flies were rendered flightless, show developmental and functional differences of TnI isoforms and importance of maintaining the right isoform.


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We develop the formalism of quantum mechanics on three-dimensional fuzzy space and solve the Schrodinger equation for the free particle, finite and infinite fuzzy wells. We show that all results reduce to the appropriate commutative limits. A high energy cut-off is found for the free particle spectrum, which also results in the modification of the high energy dispersion relation. An ultra-violet/infra-red duality is manifest in the free particle spectrum. The finite well also has an upper bound on the possible energy eigenvalues. The phase shifts due to scattering around the finite fuzzy potential well are calculated.


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In arXiv:1310.5713 1] and arXiv:1310.6659 2] a formula was proposed as the entanglement entropy functional for a general higher-derivative theory of gravity, whose lagrangian consists of terms containing contractions of the Riemann tensor. In this paper, we carry out some tests of this proposal. First, we find the surface equation of motion for general four-derivative gravity theory by minimizing the holographic entanglement entropy functional resulting from this proposed formula. Then we calculate the surface equation for the same theory using the generalized gravitational entropy method of arXiv:1304.4926 3]. We find that the two do not match in their entirety. We also construct the holographic entropy functional for quasi-topological gravity, which is a six-derivative gravity theory. We find that this functional gives the correct universal terms. However, as in the R-2 case, the generalized gravitational entropy method applied to this theory does not give exactly the surface equation of motion coming from minimizing the entropy functional.