993 resultados para Astarloa, Pablo Pedro


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A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) provides the information basis used for many geographic applications such as topographic and geomorphologic studies, landscape through GIS (Geographic Information Systems) among others. The DEM capacity to represent Earth?s surface depends on the surface roughness and the resolution used. Each DEM pixel depends on the scale used characterized by two variables: resolution and extension of the area studied. DEMs can vary in resolution and accuracy by the production method, although there are statistical characteristics that keep constant or very similar in a wide range of scales. Based on this property, several techniques have been applied to characterize DEM through multiscale analysis directly related to fractal geometry: multifractal spectrum and the structure function. The comparison of the results by both methods is discussed. The study area is represented by a 1024 x 1024 data matrix obtained from a DEM with a resolution of 10 x 10 m each point, which correspond with a region known as ?Monte de El Pardo? a property of Spanish National Heritage (Patrimonio Nacional Español) of 15820 Ha located to a short distance from the center of Madrid. Manzanares River goes through this area from North to South. In the southern area a reservoir is found with a capacity of 43 hm3, with an altitude of 603.3 m till 632 m when it is at the highest capacity. In the middle of the reservoir the minimum altitude of this area is achieved.


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Multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers (MBCs) are probabilistic graphical models recently proposed to deal with multi-dimensional classification problems, where each instance in the data set has to be assigned to more than one class variable. In this paper, we propose a Markov blanket-based approach for learning MBCs from data. Basically, it consists of determining the Markov blanket around each class variable using the HITON algorithm, then specifying the directionality over the MBC subgraphs. Our approach is applied to the prediction problem of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) from the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) in order to estimate the health-related quality of life of Parkinson’s patients. Fivefold cross-validation experiments were carried out on randomly generated synthetic data sets, Yeast data set, as well as on a real-world Parkinson’s disease data set containing 488 patients. The experimental study, including comparison with additional Bayesian network-based approaches, back propagation for multi-label learning, multi-label k-nearest neighbor, multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least squares, and censored least absolute deviations, shows encouraging results in terms of predictive accuracy as well as the identification of dependence relationships among class and feature variables.


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El principal motivo de implantar un parque eólico de estas características es responder a una necesidad palpable en el ámbito mundial como es el crecimiento en la demanda energética unido a un agotamiento de los recursos petrolíferos. Si a esto le sumamos la tendencia actual que han adquirido muchos países de oponerse al desarrollo de nuevas centrales nucleares tras el desastre ocurrido en Fukushima (Japón), y el aumento de los niveles de contaminación en las principales ciudades europeas, así como la sobreexplotación de los parques eólicos onshore en la Península Ibérica, configuran un marco perfecto para el despegue definitivo de la energía eólica offshore como alternativa perfecta al resto de fuentes de energía. Desde el punto de vista particular a nuestra localización, existe una demanda energética considerable, dado el carácter turístico de nuestro emplazamiento, que queda de manifiesto en el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Marbella, por lo que el objetivo de este proyecto será abastecer energía a San Pedro Alcántara y las poblaciones vecinas, a fin de que no se produzca ninguna carencia energética a lo largo de los periodos estivales, que serán los momentos de mayor demanda solicitada.


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Sign.: A-Z6, 2A-2E6, 2F3


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Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Noviembre 1994 18-128


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Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Abril 1994 18-7