970 resultados para Asian-African Conference (1955 : Bandung, Java)


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With the increasing availability of wearable cameras, research on first-person view videos (egocentric videos) has received much attention recently. While some effort has been devoted to collecting various egocentric video datasets, there has not been a focused effort in assembling one that could capture the diversity and complexity of activities related to life-logging, which is expected to be an important application for egocentric videos. In this work, we first conduct a comprehensive survey of existing egocentric video datasets. We observe that existing datasets do not emphasize activities relevant to the life-logging scenario. We build an egocentric video dataset dubbed LENA (Life-logging EgoceNtric Activities) (http://people.sutd.edu.sg/similar to 1000892/dataset) which includes egocentric videos of 13 fine-grained activity categories, recorded under diverse situations and environments using the Google Glass. Activities in LENA can also be grouped into 5 top-level categories to meet various needs and multiple demands for activities analysis research. We evaluate state-of-the-art activity recognition using LENA in detail and also analyze the performance of popular descriptors in egocentric activity recognition.


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Large animal species are prone to local extirpation, but ecologists cannot yet predict how the loss of megaherbivores affects ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. Few studies have compared the quantity and quality of seed dispersal by megaherbivores versus alternative frugivores in the wild, particularly for plant species with fruit easily consumed by many frugivorous species. In a disturbed tropical moist forest in India, we examine whether megaherbivores are a major frugivore of two tree species with easily edible, mammal-dispersed fruit. We quantify the relative fruit removal rates of Artocarpus chaplasha and Careya arborea, by the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and alternative dispersers. Through focal watches and camera trapping, we found the elephant to be amongst the top three frugivores for each tree species. Furthermore, seed transects under A. chaplasha show that arboreal frugivores discard seeds only a short distance from the parental tree, underscoring the elephant's role as a long-distance disperser. Our data provide unprecedented support for an old notion: megaherbivores may be key dispersers for a broad set of mammal-dispersed fruiting species, and not just fruit inaccessible to smaller frugivores. As such, the elephant may be particularly important for the functional ecology of the disturbed forests it still inhabits across tropical Asia.


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Elephants are thought to be effective seed dispersers, but research on whether elephant dung effectively protects seeds from seed predation is lacking. Quantifying rates of seed predation from elephant dung will facilitate comparisons between elephants and alternative dispersers, helping us understand the functional role of megaherbivores in ecosystems. We conducted an experiment to quantify the predation of Dillenia indica seeds from elephant dung in Buxa Reserve, India from December 2012 to April 2013. Using dung boluses from the same dung pile, we compared the number of seeds in boluses that are a) opened immediately upon detection (control boluses), b) made available only to small seed predators (<= 3 mm wide) for 1-4 months, and c) made available to all seed predators and secondary dispersers for 1-4 months. Using a model built on this experiment, we estimated that seed predation by small seed predators (most likely ants and termites) destroys between 82.9% and 96.4% of seeds in elephant dung between the time of defecation and the median germination date for D. indica. Exposure to larger seed predators and secondary dispersers did not lead to a significant additional reduction in the number of seeds per dung bolus. Our findings suggest that post-dispersal seed predation by small insects (<3 mm) substantially reduces but does not eliminate the success of elephants as dispersers of D. indica in a tropical moist forest habitat. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Contenido: Trascendencia social de la verdad / La Dirección – Método, sentido y alcance de la investigación metafísica en Heidegger y Sto. Tomás (II) / Octavio N. Derisi – Las nociones de substancia y de causa según el realismo tradicional / R. Garrigou-Lagrange – El ocaso de la educación nueva / Jorge H. Moreno – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: Entre el derrocamiento del primer peronismo y el ocaso del segundo, la política económica de los distintos gobiernos se propuso por medios distintos alcanzar una relativa certidumbre de largo plazo a través de la preparación de planes ¿Por qué esta idea tuvo éxito? La planificación fue una tendencia más o menos general en América Latina. Pero además cada gobierno fue impulsando una modalidad particular de planificación acorde a sus objetivos políticos. Nuestro trabajo pretende resumir las diversas expresiones de la planificación, mostrar algunos de los principales obstáculos para su concreción y analizar el funcionamiento del sistema estatal encargado de esa tarea, especialmente representado por el Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo.


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Contenido: El odio a la verdad y a la inteligencia / La Dirección – Sentido, alcance y fundamentación del principio de razón de ser / Octavio N. Derisi – El cristiano y la libertad / Alberto Caturelli – Para una teoría del signo y del concepto mental como signo formal / Juan A. Casaubón – Notas y comentarios – Documentos -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Del progreso en filosofía / La Dirección – Evolución de la verdad / Alberto García Vieyra – El sentimiento como revelador de lo ético / José Ignacio de Alcorta – Sobre algunos aspectos de la antropología filosófica actual en Alemania / Walter Brüning – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía