999 resultados para Art Conservation
Com a resultat de les práctiques realitzades al Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC), entrenovembre de 2010 i febrer de 2011, emmarcades dins del Practicum del Màster de Direcció de Projectes de Conservació Restauració (Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat Barcelona) vaig entraren contacte amb l'activitat del préstec d'obres d'art per a exposicions temporals. L'interès que em va suscitar, juntament amb el desconeixement que tenia en la matèria, em van portar a dedicarel Treball Final de Master a la recerca deis diferents aspectes que envolten el préstec de Béns Culturals en exposicions temporals, començant per una visió més global i acabant de centrar laproposta en l'àmbit de la conservació-restauració (i especialment en l'activitat documental que requereix).El treball pretén demostrar que la sistematització d'aquesta documentació és una eina bàsica per a un bon desenvolupament del procés de préstec, i ho fa fixant-se especialment en la documentació que depen de l'Àrea de Conservació-Restauració que, al cap i a la fi, és la documentació que hade permetre neutralitzar els riscos que pot comportar el préstec per a la integritat de les obres en trànsit...
Cette contribution commence par établir que les expositions universelles sont traversées par un ensemble de dynamiques contradictoires qui reflètent celles intervenant dans le processus de la mondialisation qu'elles ont précisément pour vocation de mettre en scène. Parmi ces différents dynamiques, il en est une qui mérite que l'on s'y arrête de nouveau : celle ayant d'abord opposé sciences et loisirs avant de les associer comme organisateurs de la vie sociale. Comment les expositions universelles ont-elles représenté ces deux types d'activités qui leur ont été centrales ? L'article avance que l'évolution de la fonction de normalisation sociale attachée aux sciences et aux divertissements peut être éclairée par une analyse de l'usage qui a été fait des émotions par les organisateurs et commentateurs de ces manifestations. Le phénomène est examiné à la lumière des concepts d'émotionologie, d'émotif et de communauté émotionnelle développés par les historiens des émotions. This article starts from the premise that international exhibitions are driven by the same contradictory dynamics underlying the process of globalization which they seek to stage. Among these various dynamics, there is need to further study the one that has involved science and leisure as organizers of social life in a dyadic relationship evolving historically from opposition to accommodation. Drawing on the concepts of «emotionolgy », « emotives » and « emotional communities », the study attempts to show how changes in the normalizing functions of science and leisure can be highlighted through the shifting use of emotions by the organizers and commentators of world's fairs.
Brown trout is a cold-adapted freshwater species with restricted distribution to headwater streams in rivers of the South European peninsulas, where populations are highly vulnerable because Mediterranean regions are highly sensitive to the global climatic warming. Moreover, these populations are endangered due to the introgressive hybridization with cultured stocks. Individuals from six remnant populations in Western Mediterranean rivers were sequenced for the complete mitochondrial DNA control region and genotyped for 11 nuclear markers. Three different brown trout lineages were present in the studied region. Significant genetic divergence was observed among locations and a strong effect of genetic drift was suggested. An important stocking impact (close to 25%) was detected in the zone. Significant correlations between mitochondrial-based rates of hatchery introgression and water flow variation suggested a higher impact of stocked females in unstable habitats. In spite of hatchery introgression, all populations remained highly differentiated, suggesting that native genetic resources are still abundant. However, climatic predictions indicated that suitable habitats for the species in these rivers will be reduced and hence trout populations are highly endangered and vulnerable. Thus, management policies should take into account these predictions to design upstream refuge areas to protect remnant native trout in the region
Construction of multiple sequence alignments is a fundamental task in Bioinformatics. Multiple sequence alignments are used as a prerequisite in many Bioinformatics methods, and subsequently the quality of such methods can be critically dependent on the quality of the alignment. However, automatic construction of a multiple sequence alignment for a set of remotely related sequences does not always provide biologically relevant alignments.Therefore, there is a need for an objective approach for evaluating the quality of automatically aligned sequences. The profile hidden Markov model is a powerful approach in comparative genomics. In the profile hidden Markov model, the symbol probabilities are estimated at each conserved alignment position. This can increase the dimension of parameter space and cause an overfitting problem. These two research problems are both related to conservation. We have developed statistical measures for quantifying the conservation of multiple sequence alignments. Two types of methods are considered, those identifying conserved residues in an alignment position, and those calculating positional conservation scores. The positional conservation score was exploited in a statistical prediction model for assessing the quality of multiple sequence alignments. The residue conservation score was used as part of the emission probability estimation method proposed for profile hidden Markov models. The results of the predicted alignment quality score highly correlated with the correct alignment quality scores, indicating that our method is reliable for assessing the quality of any multiple sequence alignment. The comparison of the emission probability estimation method with the maximum likelihood method showed that the number of estimated parameters in the model was dramatically decreased, while the same level of accuracy was maintained. To conclude, we have shown that conservation can be successfully used in the statistical model for alignment quality assessment and in the estimation of emission probabilities in the profile hidden Markov models.
1904/01 (N1)-1904/07.
1845 (SER2,T1 = VOL11).
1907 (VOL71).
1851 (SER2,T7 = VOL17).
1865 (SER4,T1 = VOL31).
1911 (VOL75).
1870 (SER4,T6 = VOL36).
1838 (T4).