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The paper studies a class of a system of linear retarded differential difference equations with several parameters. It presents some sufficient conditions under which no stability changes for an equilibrium point occurs. Application of these results is given. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The architecture of the new system uses Java language as programming environment. Since application parameters and hardware in a joint experiment are complex with a large variability of components, requirements and specification solutions need to be flexible and modular, independent from operating system and computer architecture. To describe and organize the information on all the components and the connections among them, systems are developed using the extensible Markup Language (XML) technology. The communication between clients and servers uses remote procedure call (RPC) based on the XML (RPC-XML technology). The integration among Java language, XML and RPC-XML technologies allows to develop easily a standard data and communication access layer between users and laboratories using common software libraries and Web application. The libraries allow data retrieval using the same methods for all user laboratories in the joint collaboration, and the Web application allows a simple graphical user interface (GUI) access. The TCABR tokamak team in collaboration with the IPFN (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa) is implementing this remote participation technologies. The first version was tested at the Joint Experiment on TCABR (TCABRJE), a Host Laboratory Experiment, organized in cooperation with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the framework of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on ""Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks"". (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The surface modification and crystallization process of BaO-B2O3-SiO2 glass compositions when exposed to CO2 laser irradiation was evaluated as a function of the laser power, irradiation time and surface condition. The glass surface was modified by the application of laser power exceeding 0.40 W and an irradiation time of more than 300 s. Micro-Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed at high laser power the formation of beta-BaB2O4 (beta-BBO) crystalline phase. The crystallization of the irradiated region was enhanced when beta-BBO micrometer sized particles were dispersed on the surface of the glass sample. The intensity of the second harmonic generation observed in the crystallized region was found to depend mainly on the condition of the glassy surface prior to glass irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of quartz are highly dependent of its thermal history. Based on the enhancement of quartz luminescence occurred after heating, some authors proposed to use quartz TL to recover thermal events that affected quartz crystals. However, little is know about the influence of the temperature of quartz crystallization on its TL characteristics. In the present study, we evaluate the TL sensitivity and dose response curves of hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz with crystallization temperatures from 209 +/- 15 to 633 +/- 27 degrees C determined through fluid inclusion and mineral chemistry analysis. The studied crystals present a cooling thermal history, which allow the acquiring of their natural TL without influence of heating after crystallization. The TL curves of the studied samples present two main components formed by different peaks overlapped around 110 C and 200-400 degrees C. The TL sensitivity in the 200-400 degrees C region increases linearly with the temperature of quartz crystallization. No relationship was observed between temperatures of quartz crystallization and saturation doses (<100 Gy). The elevated TL sensitivity of the high temperature quartz is attributed to the control exerted by the temperature of crystallization on the substitution of Si(4+) by ions such as Al(3+) and Ti(4+), which produce defects responsible for luminescence phenomena. The linear relationship observed between TL in the 200-400 degrees C region and crystallization temperature has potential use as a quartz geothermometer. The relative abundance of quartz in the earth crust and the easiness to measure TL are advantageous in relation to geothermometry methods based on chemistry of other minerals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: We present an iterative framework for CT reconstruction from transmission ultrasound data which accurately and efficiently models the strong refraction effects that occur in our target application: Imaging the female breast. Methods: Our refractive ray tracing framework has its foundation in the fast marching method (FNMM) and it allows an accurate as well as efficient modeling of curved rays. We also describe a novel regularization scheme that yields further significant reconstruction quality improvements. A final contribution is the development of a realistic anthropomorphic digital breast phantom based on the NIH Visible Female data set. Results: Our system is able to resolve very fine details even in the presence of significant noise, and it reconstructs both sound speed and attenuation data. Excellent correspondence with a traditional, but significantly more computationally expensive wave equation solver is achieved. Conclusions: Apart from the accurate modeling of curved rays, decisive factors have also been our regularization scheme and the high-quality interpolation filter we have used. An added benefit of our framework is that it accelerates well on GPUs where we have shown that clinical 3D reconstruction speeds on the order of minutes are possible.


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A biomimetic sensor is proposed as a promising new analytical method for determination of captopril in different classes of samples. The sensor was prepared by modifying a carbon paste electrode with iron (II) phthalocyanine bis(pyridine) [FePe(dipy)] complex. Amperometric measurements in a batch analytical mode were first carried out in order to optimize the sensor response. An applied potential lower than 0.2 V vs Ag vertical bar AgCl in 0.1 mol L(-1) of TRIS buffer at pH 8.0 provided the best response, with a linear range of 2.5 x 10(-5) to 1.7 x 10(-4) mol L(-1). A detailed investigation of the selectivity of the sensor, employing seventeen other drugs, was also performed. Recovery studies were carried out using biological and environment samples in order to evaluate the sensor`s potential for use with these sample classes. Finally, the performance of the biomimetic sensor was optimized in a flow injection (FIA) system using a wall jet electrochemical cell. Under optimized flow conditions, a broad linear response range, from 5.0 x 10(-4) to 2.5 x 10(-2) mol L(-1), was obtained for captopril, with a sensitivity of 210 +/- 1 mu A L mol(-1).


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This presentation was offered as part of the CUNY Library Assessment Conference, Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment, held at the City University of New York in June 2014.


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Detta PM är resultatet av ett arbete som är utfört vid Banverket Telenät i Borlänge. Målet var att leverera en kravspecifikation över en integration mellan systemen Ärling och DNA. Syftet med examensarbetet var att belysa de bakomliggande orsakerna som skapar behovet av en integration.Banverket Telenät har idag kund och beställareinformation i flera databaser. Uppdatering och underhåll av dessa databaser är ett problem för verksamheten. För att upprätthålla konsistent information så önskas en integration av kund- beställareinformationen.Vi fick som uppdrag att framställa en kravspecifikation över hur en integration av kund och beställareinformation kunde möjliggöras. Arbetet resulterade i en kravspecifikation som levererades till Banverket Telenät.


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The purpose of this work is to develop a web based decision support system, based onfuzzy logic, to assess the motor state of Parkinson patients on their performance in onscreenmotor tests in a test battery on a hand computer. A set of well defined rules, basedon an expert’s knowledge, were made to diagnose the current state of the patient. At theend of a period, an overall score is calculated which represents the overall state of thepatient during the period. Acceptability of the rules is based on the absolute differencebetween patient’s own assessment of his condition and the diagnosed state. Anyinconsistency can be tracked by highlighted as an alert in the system. Graphicalpresentation of data aims at enhanced analysis of patient’s state and performancemonitoring by the clinic staff. In general, the system is beneficial for the clinic staff,patients, project managers and researchers.


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Cykeln har på senare år fått en allt större roll inom transportpolitiska sammanhang. Det finns ettintresse att öka användningen av cykel, framförallt av miljö- och hälsoskäl. Därmed finns detockså ett intresse för att kartlägga cykelvägar på samma sätt bilvägar är kartlagda. Om Sverigescykelvägar fanns samlade i en databas skulle utveckling och underhåll förenklas. Det skulle ävenvara möjligt att ta fram informationstjänster som t.ex. ruttplanering för cykelvägnätet.Målet med det här arbetet var att utveckla en applikation för att kartlägga cykelbanor.Applikationen skulle kunna köras på en PC under Windows XP. Koordinater skulle hämtas frånen GPS-enhet ansluten till datorn och plottas på en karta. Insamlade koordinater skulle ävenkunna omvandlas till noder och länkar för att beskriva vägnätets utsträckning och logiskakopplingar. Projektet genomfördes i samarbete med WM-data.WM-data tillhandahöll ett antal färdiga moduler för uppritning av karta samt hantering avdatabas och GPS-enhet. Problemet kunde grovt delas i tre sektioner; utveckla användargränssnittför applikationen, integrera tillhandahållna moduler i applikationen och utveckla den internalogiken för hantering av länkar och noder. Uppgifterna löstes mer parallellt än sekventiellt.Resultat blev ett program där de tre huvudfunktionerna från användarperspektivet är starta/stoppakartläggning samt upprätta kopplingspunkt (nod). Den applikation som utvecklades under det härprojektets gång har möjliggjort kartläggning av cykelbanor, och det finns ett flertal alternativ förvidareutveckling.


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Nested by linear cointegration first provided in Granger (1981), the definition of nonlinear cointegration is presented in this paper. Sequentially, a nonlinear cointegrated economic system is introduced. What we mainly study is testing no nonlinear cointegration against nonlinear cointegration by residual-based test, which is ready for detecting stochastic trend in nonlinear autoregression models. We construct cointegrating regression along with smooth transition components from smooth transition autoregression model. Some properties are analyzed and discussed during the estimation procedure for cointegrating regression, including description of transition variable. Autoregression of order one is considered as the model of estimated residuals for residual-based test, from which the teststatistic is obtained. Critical values and asymptotic distribution of the test statistic that we request for different cointegrating regressions with different sample sizes are derived based on Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed theoretical methods and models are illustrated by an empirical example, comparing the results with linear cointegration application in Hamilton (1994). It is concluded that there exists nonlinear cointegration in our system in the final results.


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The aim of this thesis project is to develop the Traffic Sign Recognition algorithm for real time. Inreal time environment, vehicles move at high speed on roads. For the vehicle intelligent system itbecomes essential to detect, process and recognize the traffic sign which is coming in front ofvehicle with high relative velocity, at the right time, so that the driver would be able to pro-actsimultaneously on instructions given in the Traffic Sign. The system assists drivers about trafficsigns they did not recognize before passing them. With the Traffic Sign Recognition system, thevehicle becomes aware of the traffic environment and reacts according to the situation.The objective of the project is to develop a system which can recognize the traffic signs in real time.The three target parameters are the system’s response time in real-time video streaming, the trafficsign recognition speed in still images and the recognition accuracy. The system consists of threeprocesses; the traffic sign detection, the traffic sign recognition and the traffic sign tracking. Thedetection process uses physical properties of traffic signs based on a priori knowledge to detect roadsigns. It generates the road sign image as the input to the recognition process. The recognitionprocess is implemented using the Pattern Matching algorithm. The system was first tested onstationary images where it showed on average 97% accuracy with the average processing time of0.15 seconds for traffic sign recognition. This procedure was then applied to the real time videostreaming. Finally the tracking of traffic signs was developed using Blob tracking which showed theaverage recognition accuracy to 95% in real time and improved the system’s average response timeto 0.04 seconds. This project has been implemented in C-language using the Open Computer VisionLibrary.


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This thesis is an application of the Almost Ideal Demand System approach of Deaton and Muellbauer,1980, for a particular pharmaceutical, Citalopram, in which GORMAN´s (1971) multi-stage budgeting approach is applied basically since it is one of the most useful approach in estimating demand for differentiated products. Citalopram is an antidepressant drug that is used in the treatment of major depression. As for most other pharmaceuticals whose the patent has expired, there exist branded and generic versions of Citalopram. This paper is aimed to define its demand system with two stage models for the branded version and five generic versions, and to show whether generic versions are able to compete with the branded version. I calculated the own price elasticities, and it made me possible to compare and make a conclusion about the consumers’ choices over the brand and generic drugs. Even though the models need for being developed with some additional variables, estimation results of models and uncompensated price elasticities indicated that the branded version has still power in the market, and generics are able to compete with lower prices. One important point that has to be taken into consideration is that the Swedish pharmaceutical market faced a reform on October 1, 2002, that aims to make consumer better informed about the price and decrease the overall expenditures for pharmaceuticals. Since there were not significantly enough generic sales to take into calculation before the reform, my paper covers sales after the reform.