979 resultados para Ananas sativus extract


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In ostariophysan fish, the detection of alarm substance released from the skin of a conspecific or a sympatric heterospecific may elicit alarm reactions or antipredator behavioral responses. In this study, experiments were performed to characterize and quantify the behavioral response threshold of Leporinus piau, both individually and in schools, to growing dilutions of conspecific (CAS) and heterospecific skin extract (HAS). The predominant behavioral response to CAS stock stimulation was biphasic for fish held individually, with a brief initial period of rapid swimming followed by a longer period of immobility or reduced swimming activity. As the dilution of skin extract was increased, the occurrence and magnitude of the biphasic alarm response tended to decrease, replaced by a slowing of locomotion. Slowing was the most common antipredator behavior, observed in 62.5% of animals submitted to HAS stimulation. School cohesion, measured as proximity of fish to the center of the school, and swimming activity near the water surface significantly increased after exposure to CAS when compared with the control group exposed to distilled water. Histological analysis of the epidermis revealed the presence of Ostariophysi-like club cells. The presence of these cells and the behavioral responses to conspecific and heterospecific skin extract stimulation suggest the existence of a pheromone alarm system in L. piau similar to that in Ostariophysi, lending further support for the neural processing of chemosensory information in tropical freshwater fish.


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Tourism has had a profound impact upon destinations worldwide, and although this impact has been positive for many destinations, there are numerous examples where tourism has adversely impacted upon the environment and social fabric of the destination community (Coccossis 1996; Murphy 1985). The negative impacts of tourism have been attributed, among other things, to inadequate or non-existent planning for development (Gunn 1994; Hall2000). This has led to increased calls for tourism planning to offset some of the negative impacts that tourism can have on the destination community. While a number of approaches have been advocated, a collaborative philosophy, based on the principles of sustainability, is more likely to result in acceptable and successful policies and programmes for tourism destinations (Farrell1986; Jamal & Getz 1995; Maitland 2002; Minca & Getz 1995). Such an approach focuses on cooperation and broader based participation in tourism planning and decision-making between stakeholders to lead to agreement on planning directions and goals, with one of the primary objectives of collaborative arrangements being to develop a strategic vision for a destination (Bramwell & Lane 2000). [Extract from introduction]


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The alarm response to skin extract has been well documented in fish. In response to skin extract, there is a decline in both locomotion activity and aggressive interactions. Our observation herein of these responses in the cichlid Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, confirmed the existence of the alarm response in this species. However, so far there has been a paucity of information on the autonomic correlates of this response. In this study, the ventilatory change in response to the chemical alarm cue was evaluated. This parameter was measured 4 min before and 4 min after exposure to 1 mL of either conspecific skin extract or distilled water (extract vehicle). Skin extract induced an increase in the ventilation rate, which suggested an anticipatory adjustment to potentially harmful stimuli. The chemical cue (alarm substance) also interfered with the prioritisation of responses to different environmental stimuli (stimuli filtering); this was suggested by the observation that the Nile tilapia declined to fight after exposure to a cue that indicates a risk of predation. Furthermore, histological analysis of the Nile tilapia skin revealed the presence of putative alarm substance-producing (club) cells.


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Experiments were performed to investigate senses that are essential for mediating fright reaction and food behavior in Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, pintado. The dilemma ""to feed or to flee"" was also analyzed in fishes with intact and sectioned olfactory tracts, stimulated by alarm substance extracts and food. Fishes were arranged into five groups: fish with intact lateral olfactory tracts (LOT), fish with intact medial olfactory tract (MOT), fish with tracts totally sectioned (TOTAL, both LOT and MOT), sham operated, and nonoperated fish. The five groups were submitted to either alarm substance extract and food stimulus or to distilled water (control) and food stimulus. Fish reacted to food independently of which tract (LOT, MOT or TOTAL) was sectioned; vision seems necessary and elemental to detect and deflagrate food response. Latency of the responses to each reaction was different between groups. None of the fish with sectioned tracts reacted to alarm substance extract, while sham- and nonoperated fish showed the typical alarm behavior response, leading to the conclusion that olfaction is essential for mediating alarm response. These results indicate that others sense systems (e.g., vision) are sufficient to trigger and elicit feeding behavior and that olfaction is not necessary to fully maintain food detection to qualitative and quantitative extent. However, olfactory tract integrity seems to be required for mediation of alarm reaction in P. corruscans.


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We genetically modified Eclipta alba using Agrobacterium rhizogenes LBA 9402, with the aim of producing secondary metabolites with pharmacological properties against phospholipase A(2) and the myotoxic activities of snake venom. Extracts from in natura aerial parts and roots, both native and genetically modified (in vitro), were prepared and analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In natura materials showed the coumestan wedelolactone at higher concentration in the aerial parts, while demethylwedelolactone appeared at higher concentration in roots. Among the modified roots, clone 19 showed higher concentrations of these coumestans. Our results show that the in natura extracts of plants collected from Botucatu and Ribeirao Preto were efficient in inhibiting snake venom phospholipase A(2) activity. Regarding in vitro material, the best effect against Crotalus durissus terrificus venom was that of clone 19. Clone 19 and isolated coumestans (wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone) inhibited the myotoxic activity induced by basic phospholipases A(2) isolated from the venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus (CB) and Bothrops jararacussu (BthTX-I and II). The search for antivenom is justified by the need of finding active principles that are more efficient in neutralizing snake venoms and also as an attempt to complement serum therapy.


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Tabernaemontana catharinensis root bark ethanol extract, EB2 fraction and the MMV alkaloid (12-methoxy-4-methylvoachalotine) were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities. T. catharinensis ethanol extract was effective against both strains of the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum at concentrations of 2.5 mg/mL (wild strain) and 1.25 mg/mL (mutant strain), while the EB2 fraction and MMV alkaloid showed a strong antifungal activity against wild and mutant strains with MIC values of <0.02 and 0.16 mg/mL, respectively. The EB2 fraction showed a strong antibacterial activity against ATCC strains of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli and P. aeruginosa with MICs from <0.02 to 0.04 mg/mL, as well as against resistant clinical isolates species of Enterococcus sp, Klebsiella oxytoca, Citrobacter, K. pneumoniae, P. mirabilis, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli and P. aeruginosa with MIC values ranging from 0.04 to 0.08 mg/mL. The MMV alkaloid presented a MIC of 0.16 mg/mL against the strains of S. aureus and E. coli ATCC. For the resistant clinical isolates Enterococcus sp, Citrobacter, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coil and P. aeruginosa the MIC of MMV ranged from 0.08 to 0.31 mg/mL. The chromatography analysis of the EB2 fraction revealed the presence of indole alkaloids, including MMV, possibly responsible for the observed antimicrobial activity.


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Plant-antivenom is a computational Websystem about medicinal plants with anti-venom properties. The system consists of a database of these plants, including scientific publications on this subject and amino acid sequences of active principles from venomous animals. The system relates these data allowing their integration through different search applications. For the development of the system, the first surveys were conducted in scientific literature, allowing the creation of a publication database in a library for reading and user interaction. Then, classes of categories were created, allowing the use of tags and the organization of content. This database on medicinal plants has information such as family, species, isolated compounds, activity, inhibited animal venoms, among others. Provision is made for submission of new information by registered users, by the use of wiki tools. Content submitted is released in accordance to permission rules defined by the system. The database on biological venom protein amino acid sequences was structured from the essential information from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Plant-antivenom`s interface is simple, contributing to a fast and functional access to the system and the integration of different data registered on it. Plant-antivenom system is available on the Internet at http://gbi.fmrp.usp.br/plantantivenom.


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Background: Cigarette smoke exposure is considered an important negative prognostic factor for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients. However, there is no clear mechanistic evidence implicating cigarette smoke exposure in the poor clinical evolution of the disease or in the maintenance of the inflammatory state characterizing CRS. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke exposure on respiratory cilia differentiation. Methods: Monse nasal septal epithelium cultures grown at an air-liquid interface were used as a model of respiratory epithelium. After 5 days of cell growth, cultures were exposed to air on the apical surface. Additionally, cigarette smoke condensate (CSC; the particulate phase of tobacco smoke) or cigarette smoke extract (CSE; the volatile phase) Were diluted in the basolateral compartment in different concentrations. After 15 days of continuous exposure, scanning electron microscopy and immunofluorescence for type IV tubulin were used to determine presence and maturation of cilia. Transepithelial resistance was also recorded to evaluate confluence and physiological barrier integrity. Results: CSC and CSE impair ciliogenesis in a dose-dependent manner with notable effects in concentrations higher than 30 mu g/mL, yielding >70% nonciliation and shorter cilia compared With control. No statistical difference on transepithelial resistance was evident. Conclusion: CSC and CSE exposure negatively impacts ciliogenesis of respiratory cells at concentrations not effecting transepithelial resistance. The impairment on ciliogenesis reduce the mucociliary clearance apparatuts after injury and/or infection and may explain the poor response to therapy for CRS patients exposed to tobacco smoke.


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Functional MRI (fMRI) data often have low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and are contaminated by strong interference from other physiological sources. A promising tool for extracting signals, even under low SNR conditions, is blind source separation (BSS), or independent component analysis (ICA). BSS is based on the assumption that the detected signals are a mixture of a number of independent source signals that are linearly combined via an unknown mixing matrix. BSS seeks to determine the mixing matrix to recover the source signals based on principles of statistical independence. In most cases, extraction of all sources is unnecessary; instead, a priori information can be applied to extract only the signal of interest. Herein we propose an algorithm based on a variation of ICA, called Dependent Component Analysis (DCA), where the signal of interest is extracted using a time delay obtained from an autocorrelation analysis. We applied such method to inspect functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, aiming to find the hemodynamic response that follows neuronal activation from an auditory stimulation, in human subjects. The method localized a significant signal modulation in cortical regions corresponding to the primary auditory cortex. The results obtained by DCA were also compared to those of the General Linear Model (GLM), which is the most widely used method to analyze fMRI datasets.


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The in vitro schistosomicidal activity of curcumin (doses ranging from 5 to 100 mu M) was carried out against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. Curcumin (at 50 and 100 mu M) caused death of all worms. When tested at the doses of 5 and 20 mu M, it decreased the worm viability in comparison with negative (Roswell Memorial Park Institute (RPMI) 1640 medium alone or RPMI 1640 medium with 10% dimethyl sulfoxide) and positive (heat-killed worms at 56A degrees C or praziquantel 10 mu M) control groups. All pairs of coupled adult worms were separated into individual male and female by the action of curcumin at the doses of 20 to 100 mu M. When tested at 5 and 10 mu M, curcumin reduced egg production by 50% in comparison with the positive control group. It is the first time that the schistosomicidal activity has been reported for curcumin.


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Economics is commonly described as "the science of allocating scarce resources." By contrast, a popular description of politics is "the art of the possible." Both of these descriptions refer to the same central feature of human existence: our wants generally exceed our capacity to satisfy them. However, economic and political approaches to the problem of scarcity are quite different. [Extract from Introduction]


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"The history of the Caribbean," says Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria in his book on Alejo Carpentier, "is one of beginnings or foundations" (252). The Caribbean, in thi'i sense, sets the scene for Latin American history. Caribbean writers' attempts to retrieve or, better, refashion their cultural origins prefigure the collective struggle of a New World continent to imagine itself into the future. Imagination clashes here with memory; for like many of their Latin American counterparts, Anglo-Caribbean writers are often torn between an almost involuntary desire to remember and an urgent need to reinvent. [Extract]


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Casearia sylvestris Sw., popularly known in Brazil as `guacatonga`, has been used as antitumor, antiseptic, antiulcer, local anaesthetic and healer in folk medicine. Snakebite envenomation by Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) constitutes a relevant public health hazard capable of inducing serious local damage in victims. This study examined the pharmacological action of apolar and polar C sylvestris leaf extracts in reverting the neuromuscular blockade and myonecrosis, which is induced by Bjssu venom and its major toxin bothropstoxin-I on the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. The polar methanol extract (ME) was by far the most efficacious. ME not only prevented myonecrosis and abolished the blockade, but also increased ACh release. Such facilitation in neuromuscular transmission was observed with ME alone, but was accentuated in preparations incubated with ME plus venom or toxin. This established synergy opens an interesting point of investigation because the venom or toxin in contact with ME changes from a blocking to a facilitating effect. It is suggested that rutin, known to have potent antioxidant properties, and one of the components present in the ME, could have a role in the observed effects. Since commercial rutin did not reproduce the ME effects, it is likely that a rutin-containing phytocomplex is neutralizing the bothropic envenoming effects. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We have previously shown that bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) has immunomodulatory effects on mouse natural killer (NK) cells by reducing cytotoxicity. Alternatively, it has been demonstrated that selenium can enhance NK cell activity. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to evaluate if ptaquiloside, the main toxic component found in P. aquilinum, is responsible for the immunotoxic effects observed in mice, and if selenium supplementation could prevent or even reverse these effects. Male C57BL/6 mice were administered the P. aquilinum extract by daily gavage for 30 days, and histological analyses revealed a significant reduction in splenic white pulp area that was fully reversed by selenium treatment. In addition, mice administered ptaquiloside by daily gavage for 14 days demonstrated the same reduction of NK cell activity as the P. aquilinum extract, and this reduction was prevented by selenium co-administration. Lastly, non-adherent splenic cells treated in vitro with an RPM! extract of P. aquilinum also showed diminished NM cell activity that was not only prevented by selenium co-treatment but also fully reversed by selenium post-treatment. The results of this study clearly show that the immunosuppressive effects of P. aquilinum are induced by ptaquiloside and that selenium supplementation can prevent as well as reverse these effects. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we investigated the hematopoietic response of rats pretreated with CV and exposed to the impact of acute escapable, inescapable or psychogenical stress on responsiveness to an in vivo challenge with Listeria monocytogenes. No consistent changes were observed after exposure to escapable footshock. Conversely, the impact of uncontrollable stress (inescapable and psychogenical) was manifested by an early onset and increased severity and duration of myrelossuppression produced by the infection. Small size CFU-CM colonies and increased numbers of clusters were observed, concurrently to a greater expansion in the more mature population of bone marrow granulocytes. No differences were observed between the responses of both uncontrollable stress regimens. CV prevented the myelossuppression caused by stress/infection due to increased numbers of CFU-GM in the bone marrow. Colonies of cells tightly packed, with a very condensed nucleus; in association with a greater expansion in the more immature population of bone marrow granulocytes were observed. Investigation of the production of colony-stimulating factors revealed increased colony-stimulating activity (CSA) in the serum of normal and infected/stressed rats treated with the algae. CV treatment restored/enhanced the changes produced by stress/infection in total and differential bone marrow and peripheral cells counts. Further studies demonstrated that INF-gamma is significantly reduced, whereas IL-10 is significantly increased after exposure to Uncontrollable stress. Treatment with CV significantly increased INF-gamma levels and diminished the levels of IL-10. Uncontrollable stress reduced the protection afforded by CV to a lethal dose of L. monocytogenes, with survival rates being reduced from (50%) in infected rats to 20% in infected/stressed rats. All together, our results suggest Chlorella treatment as an effective tool for the prophylaxis of post-stress myelossupression, including the detrimental effect of stress on the course and outcome of infections. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.