1000 resultados para Amortization systems


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We extend here the formalism developed in Part I (for the potentiostatic response) to the admittance analysis of the scheme of squares. The results are applicable, as before, to several configurations of the electrode such as the rotating disk or the planar. All that one has to do is “to plug in” the appropriate matrices relating the interfacial concentrations to the fluxes.


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This paper describes the design and implementation of ADAMIS (‘A database for medical information systems’). ADAMIS is a relational database management system for a general hospital environment. Apart from the usual database (DB) facilities of data definition and data manipulation, ADAMIS supports a query language called the ‘simplified medical query language’ (SMQL) which is completely end-user oriented and highly non-procedural. Other features of ADAMIS include provision of facilities for statistics collection and report generation. ADAMIS also provides adequate security and integrity features and has been designed mainly for use on interactive terminals.


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Error estimates for the error reproducing kernel method (ERKM) are provided. The ERKM is a mesh-free functional approximation scheme [A. Shaw, D. Roy, A NURBS-based error reproducing kernel method with applications in solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics (2006), to appear (available online)], wherein a targeted function and its derivatives are first approximated via non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) basis function. Errors in the NURBS approximation are then reproduced via a family of non-NURBS basis functions, constructed using a polynomial reproduction condition, and added to the NURBS approximation of the function obtained in the first step. In addition to the derivation of error estimates, convergence studies are undertaken for a couple of test boundary value problems with known exact solutions. The ERKM is next applied to a one-dimensional Burgers equation where, time evolution leads to a breakdown of the continuous solution and the appearance of a shock. Many available mesh-free schemes appear to be unable to capture this shock without numerical instability. However, given that any desired order of continuity is achievable through NURBS approximations, the ERKM can even accurately approximate functions with discontinuous derivatives. Moreover, due to the variation diminishing property of NURBS, it has advantages in representing sharp changes in gradients. This paper is focused on demonstrating this ability of ERKM via some numerical examples. Comparisons of some of the results with those via the standard form of the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) demonstrate the relative numerical advantages and accuracy of the ERKM.


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Macro and micromixing time represent two extreme mixing time scales,which governs the whole hydrodynamics characteristics of the surface aeration systems. With the help of experimental and numerical analysis, simulation equation governing those times scale has been presented in the present work.


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The problem of optimal scheduling of the generation of a hydro-thermal power system that is faced with a shortage of energy is studied. The deterministic version of the problem is first analyzed, and the results are then extended to cases where the loads and the hydro inflows are random variables.


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This paper deals with the optimal load flow problem in a fixed-head hydrothermal electric power system. Equality constraints on the volume of water available for active power generation at the hydro plants as well as inequality constraints on the reactive power generation at the voltage controlled buses are imposed. Conditions for optimal load flow are derived and a successive approximation algorithm for solving the optimal generation schedule is developed. Computer implementation of the algorithm is discussed, and the results obtained from the computer solution of test systems are presented.


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The paper presents two new algorithms for the direct parallel solution of systems of linear equations. The algorithms employ a novel recursive doubling technique to obtain solutions to an nth-order system in n steps with no more than 2n(n −1) processors. Comparing their performance with the Gaussian elimination algorithm (GE), we show that they are almost 100% faster than the latter. This speedup is achieved by dispensing with all the computation involved in the back-substitution phase of GE. It is also shown that the new algorithms exhibit error characteristics which are superior to GE. An n(n + 1) systolic array structure is proposed for the implementation of the new algorithms. We show that complete solutions can be obtained, through these single-phase solution methods, in 5n−log2n−4 computational steps, without the need for intermediate I/O operations.


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The impact of global positioning systems (GPS) and plotter systems on the relative fishing power of the northern prawn fishery fleet on tiger prawns (Penaeus esculentus Haswell, 1879, and P. semisulcatus de Haan, 1850) was investigated from commercial catch data. A generalized linear model was used to account for differences in fishing power between boats and changes in prawn abundance. It was found that boats that used a GPS alone had 4% greater fishing power than boats without a CPS. The addition of a plotter raised the power by 7% over boats without the equipment. For each year between the first to third that a fisher has been working with plotters, there is an additional 2 or 3% increase. It appears that when all boats have a GPS and plotter for at least 3 years, the fishing power of the fleet will increase by 12%. Management controls have reduced the efficiency of each boat and lowered the number of days available to fish, but this may not have been sufficient to counteract the increases. Further limits will be needed to maintain the desired levels of mortality.


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Database management systems offer a very reliable and attractive data organization for fast and economical information storage and processing for diverse applications. It is much more important that the information should be easily accessible to users with varied backgrounds, professional as well as casual, through a suitable data sublanguage. The language adopted here (APPLE) is one such language for relational database systems and is completely nonprocedural and well suited to users with minimum or no programming background. This is supported by an access path model which permits the user to formulate completely nonprocedural queries expressed solely in terms of attribute names. The data description language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) features of APPLE are also discussed. The underlying relational database has been implemented with the help of the DATATRIEVE-11 utility for record and domain definition which is available on the PDP-11/35. The package is coded in Pascal and MACRO-11. Further, most of the limitations of the DATATRIEVE-11 utility have been eliminated in the interface package.


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The recent summary report of a Department of Energy Workshop on Plant Systems Biology (P.V. Minorsky [2003] Plant Physiol 132: 404-409) offered a welcomed advocacy for systems analysis as essential in understanding plant development, growth, and production. The goal of the Workshop was to consider methods for relating the results of molecular research to real-world challenges in plant production for increased food supplies, alternative energy sources, and environmental improvement. The rather surprising feature of this report, however, was that the Workshop largely overlooked the rich history of plant systems analysis extending over nearly 40 years (Sinclair and Seligman, 1996) that has considered exactly those challenges targeted by the Workshop. Past systems research has explored and incorporated biochemical and physiological knowledge into plant simulation models from a number of perspectives. The research has resulted in considerable understanding and insight about how to simulate plant systems and the relative contribution of various factors in influencing plant production. These past activities have contributed directly to research focused on solving the problems of increasing biomass production and crop yields. These modeling approaches are also now providing an avenue to enhance integration of molecular genetic technologies in plant improvement (Hammer et al., 2002).


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Superconductivity is found in tetragonal La3−x Ba3+x Cu6O14+δ and La, Ba)6−x Sr x Cu6O14+δ even though they do not possess Cu-O chains or the K2NiF4 structure. Resistivity measurements confirm the occurrence of a transformation from chain-superconductivity to sheet-superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7−δ as δ is varied in the range 0.0–0.5.


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The reactions of terminal borylene complexes of the type [CpFe(CO)(2)(BNR2)](+) (R = `Pr, Cy) with heteroallenes have been investigated by quantum-chemical methods, in an attempt to explain the experimentally observed product distributions. Reaction with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (CyNCNCy) gives a bis-insertion product, in which 1 equiv of carbodiimide is assimilated into each of the Fe=B and B=N double bonds to form a spirocyclic boronium system. In contrast, isocyanates (R'NCO, R' = Ph, 2,6-wXy1, CY; XYl = C6H3Me2) react to give isonitrile complexes of the type [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')]+, via a net oxygen abstraction (or formal metathesis) process. Both carbodiimide and socyanate substrates are shown to prefer initial attack at the Fe=B bond rather than the B=N bond of the borylene complex. Further mechanistic studies reveal that the carbodiimide reaction ultimately leads to the bis-insertion compounds [CpFe(CO)(2)C(NCy)(2)B(NCY)(2)CNR2](+), rather than to the isonitrile system [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNCy)](+), on the basis of both thermodynamic (product stability) and kinetic considerations (barrier heights). The mechanism of the initial carbodiimide insertion process is unusual in that it involves coordination of the substrate at the (borylene) ligand followed by migration of the metal fragment, rather than a more conventional process: i.e., coordination of the unsaturated substrate at the metal followed by ligand migration. In the case of isocyanate substrates, metathesis products are competitive with those from the insertion pathway. Direct, single-step metathesis reactivity to give products containing a coordinated isonitrile ligand (i.e. [CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')](+)) is facile if initial coordination of the isocyanate at boron occurs via the oxygen donor (which is kinetically favored); insertion chemistry is feasible when the isocyanate attacks initially via the nitrogen atom. However, even in the latter case, further reaction of the monoinsertion product so formed with excess isocyanate offers a number of facile (low energetic barrier) routes which also generate ['CpFe(CO)(2)(CNR')](+), rather than the bis-insertion product [CpFe(CO)(2)C(NR')(O)B(NR')(O)CNR2](+) (i.e., the direct analogue of the observed products in the carbodiimide reaction).


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Mounting levels of insecticide resistance within Australian Helicoverpa spp. populations have resulted in the adoption of non-chemical IPM control practices such as trap cropping with chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.). However, a new leaf blight disease affecting chickpea in Australia has the potential to limit its use as a trap crop. Therefore this paper evaluates the potential of a variety of winter-active legume crops for use as an alternative spring trap crop to chickpea as part of an effort to improve the area-wide management strategy for Helicoverpa spp. in central Queensland’s cotton production region. The densities of Helicoverpa eggs and larvae were compared over three seasons on replicated plantings of chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.), field pea Pisum sativum (L), vetch, Vicia sativa (L.) and faba bean, Vicia faba (L.). Of these treatments, field pea was found to harbour the highest densities of eggs. A partial life table study of the fate of eggs oviposited on field pea and chickpea suggested that large proportions of the eggs laid on field pea suffered mortality due to dislodgment from the plants after oviposition. Plantings of field pea as a replacement trap crop for chickpea under commercial conditions confirmed the high level of attractiveness of this crop to ovipositing moths. The use of field pea as a trap crop as part of an areawide management programme for Helicoverpa spp. is discussed.