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In Dictyostelium discoideum, a unique Gβ subunit is required for a G protein–coupled receptor system that mediates a variety of cellular responses. Binding of cAMP to cAR1, the receptor linked to the G protein G2, triggers a cascade of responses, including activation of adenylyl cyclase, gene induction, actin polymerization, and chemotaxis. Null mutations of the cAR1, Gα2, and Gβ genes completely impair all these responses. To dissect specificity in Gβγ signaling to downstream effectors in living cells, we screened a randomly mutagenized library of Gβ genes and isolated Gβ alleles that lacked the capacity to activate some effectors but retained the ability to regulate others. These mutant Gβ subunits were able to link cAR1 to G2, to support gene expression, and to mediate cAMP-induced actin polymerization, and some were able to mediate to chemotaxis toward cAMP. None was able to activate adenylyl cyclase, and some did not support chemotaxis. Thus, we separated in vivo functions of Gβγ by making point mutations on Gβ. Using the structure of the heterotrimeric G protein displayed in the computer program CHAIN, we examined the positions and the molecular interactions of the amino acids substituted in each of the mutant Gβs and analyzed the possible effects of each replacement. We identified several residues that are crucial for activation of the adenylyl cyclase. These residues formed an area that overlaps but is not identical to regions where bovine Gtβγ interacts with its regulators, Gα and phosducin.


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The Nucleolar Localization Elements (NoLEs) of Xenopus laevis U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) have been defined. Fluorescein-labeled wild-type U3 snoRNA injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei localized specifically to nucleoli as shown by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutated U3 snoRNA revealed that the 5′ region containing Boxes A and A′, known to be important for rRNA processing, is not essential for nucleolar localization. Nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA was independent of the presence and nature of the 5′ cap and the terminal stem. In contrast, Boxes C and D, common to the Box C/D snoRNA family, are critical elements for U3 localization. Mutation of the hinge region, Box B, or Box C′ led to reduced U3 nucleolar localization. Results of competition experiments suggested that Boxes C and D act in a cooperative manner. It is proposed that Box B facilitates U3 snoRNA nucleolar localization by the primary NoLEs (Boxes C and D), with the hinge region of U3 subsequently base pairing to the external transcribed spacer of pre-rRNA, thus positioning U3 snoRNA for its roles in rRNA processing.


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Exogenous application of gangliosides to cells affects many cellular functions. We asked whether these effects could be attributed to the influence of gangliosides on the properties of sphingolipid–cholesterol microdomains on the plasma membrane, also termed rafts. The latter are envisaged as lateral assemblies of sphingolipids (including gangliosides), cholesterol, and a specific set of proteins. Rafts have been implicated in processes such as membrane trafficking, signal transduction, and cell adhesion. Recently, using a chemical cross-linking approach with Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells permanently expressing a GPI-anchored form of growth hormone decay accelerating factor (GH-DAF) as a model system, we could show that GPI-anchored proteins are clustered in rafts in living cells. Moreover, this clustering was dependent on the level of cholesterol in the cell. Here we show that incubation of MDCK cells with gangliosides abolished subsequent chemical cross-linking of GH-DAF. Furthermore, insertion of gangliosides into the plasma membrane of MDCK GH-DAF cells renders GH-DAF soluble when subjected to extraction with Triton X-114 at 4°C. Our data suggest that exogenous application of gangliosides displaces GPI-anchored proteins from sphingolipid–cholesterol microdomains in living cells.


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Cyclin D1 expression is jointly regulated by growth factors and cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix in many cell types. Growth factors are thought to regulate cyclin D1 expression because they stimulate sustained extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity. However, we show here that growth factors induce transient ERK activity when added to suspended fibroblasts and sustained ERK activity only when added to adherent fibroblasts. Cell attachment to fibronectin or anti-α5β1 integrin is sufficient to sustain the ERK signal and to induce cyclin D1 in growth factor-treated cells. Moreover, when we force the sustained activation of ERK, by conditional expression of a constitutively active MAP kinase/ERK kinase, we overcome the adhesion requirement for expression of cyclin D1. Thus, at least in part, fibroblasts are mitogen and anchorage dependent, because integrin action allows for a sustained ERK signal and the expression of cyclin D1 in growth factor-treated cells.


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Rab5 is a regulatory GTPase of vesicle docking and fusion that is involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and pinocytosis. Introduction of active Rab5 in cells stimulates the rate of endocytosis and vesicle fusion, resulting in the formation of large endocytic vesicles, whereas dominant negative Rab5 inhibits vesicle fusion. Here we show that introduction of active Rab5 in fibroblasts also induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton but not of microtubule filaments, resulting in prominent lamellipodia formation. The Rab5-induced lamellipodia formation did not require activation of PI3-K or the GTPases Ras, Rac, Cdc42, or Rho, which are all strongly implicated in cytoskeletal reorganization. Furthermore, lamellipodia formation by insulin, Ras, or Rac was not affected by expression of dominant negative Rab5. In addition, cells expressing active Rab5 displayed a dramatic stimulation of cell migration, with the lamellipodia serving as the leading edge. Both lamellipodia formation and cell migration were dependent on actin polymerization but not on microtubules. These results demonstrate that Rab5 induces lamellipodia formation and cell migration and that the Rab5-induced lamellipodia formation occurs by a novel mechanism independent of, and distinct from, PI3-K, Ras, or Rho-family GTPases. Thus, Rab5 can control not only endocytosis but also actin cytoskeleton reorganization and cell migration, which provides strong support for an intricate relationship between these processes.


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To understand the factors specifically affecting tRNA nuclear export, we adapted in situ hybridization procedures to locate endogenous levels of individual tRNA families in wild-type and mutant yeast cells. Our studies of tRNAs encoded by genes lacking introns show that nucleoporin Nup116p affects both poly(A) RNA and tRNA export, whereas Nup159p affects only poly(A) RNA export. Los1p is similar to exportin-t, which facilitates vertebrate tRNA export. A los1 deletion mutation affects tRNA but not poly(A) RNA export. The data support the notion that Los1p and exportin-t are functional homologues. Because LOS1 is nonessential, tRNA export in vertebrate and yeast cells likely involves factors in addition to exportin-t. Mutation of RNA1, which encodes RanGAP, causes nuclear accumulation of tRNAs and poly(A) RNA. Many yeast mutants, including those with the rna1-1 mutation, affect both pre-tRNA splicing and RNA export. Our studies of the location of intron-containing pre-tRNAs in the rna1-1 mutant rule out the possibility that this results from tRNA export occurring before splicing. Our results also argue against inappropriate subnuclear compartmentalization causing defects in pre-tRNA splicing. Rather, the data support “feedback” of nucleus/cytosol exchange to the pre-tRNA splicing machinery.


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The replication initiation protein Cdc6p forms a tight complex with Cdc28p, specifically with forms of the kinase that are competent to promote replication initiation. We now show that potential sites of Cdc28 phosphorylation in Cdc6p are required for the regulated destruction of Cdc6p that has been shown to occur during the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle. Analysis of Cdc6p phosphorylation site mutants and of the requirement for Cdc28p in an in vitro ubiquitination system suggests that targeting of Cdc6p for degradation is more complex than previously proposed. First, phosphorylation of N-terminal sites targets Cdc6p for polyubiquitination probably, as expected, through promoting interaction with Cdc4p, an F box protein involved in substrate recognition by the Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein (SCF) ubiquitin ligase. However, in addition, mutation of a single, C-terminal site stabilizes Cdc6p in G2 phase cells without affecting substrate recognition by SCF in vitro, demonstrating a second and novel requirement for specific phosphorylation in degradation of Cdc6p. SCF-Cdc4p– and N-terminal phosphorylation site–dependent ubiquitination appears to be mediated preferentially by Clbp/Cdc28p complexes rather than by Clnp/Cdc28ps, suggesting a way in which phosphorylation of Cdc6p might control the timing of its degradation at then end of G1 phase of the cell cycle. The stable cdc6 mutants show no apparent replication defects in wild-type strains. However, stabilization through mutation of three N-terminal phosphorylation sites or of the single C-terminal phosphorylation site leads to dominant lethality when combined with certain mutations in the anaphase-promoting complex.


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The heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a cytosolic molecular chaperone that is highly abundant even at normal temperature. Specific functions for Hsp90 have been proposed based on the characterization of its interactions with certain transcription factors and kinases including Raf in vertebrates and flies. We therefore decided to address the role of Hsp90 for MAP kinase pathways in the budding yeast, an organism amenable to both genetic and biochemical analyses. We found that both basal and induced activities of the pheromone-signaling pathway depend on Hsp90. Signaling is defective in strains expressing low levels or point mutants of yeast Hsp90 (Hsp82), or human Hsp90β instead of the wild-type protein. Ste11, a yeast equivalent of Raf, forms complexes with wild-type Hsp90 and depends on Hsp90 function for accumulation. For budding yeast, Ste11 represents the first identified endogenous “substrate” of Hsp90. Moreover, Hsp90 functions in steroid receptor and pheromone signaling can be genetically separated as the Hsp82 point mutant T525I and the human Hsp90β are specifically defective for the former and the latter, respectively. These findings further corroborate the view that molecular chaperones must also be considered as transient or stable components of signal transduction pathways.


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Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar regeneration is accompanied by rapid induction of genes encoding a large set of flagellar structural components and provides a model system to study coordinate gene regulation and organelle assembly. After deflagellation, the abundance of a 70-kDa flagellar dynein intermediate chain (IC70, encoded by ODA6) mRNA increases approximately fourfold within 40 min and returns to predeflagellation levels by ∼90 min. We show by nuclear run-on that this increase results, in part, from increased rates of transcription. To localize cis induction elements, we created an IC70 minigene and measured accumulation, in C. reinhardtii, of transcripts from the endogenous gene and from introduced promoter deletion constructs. Clones containing 416 base pairs (bp) of 5′- and 2 kilobases (kb) of 3′-flanking region retained all sequences necessary for a normal pattern of mRNA abundance change after deflagellation. Extensive 5′- and 3′- flanking region deletions, which removed multiple copies of a proposed deflagellation-response element (the tub box), did not eliminate induction, and the IC70 5′-flanking region alone did not confer deflagellation responsiveness to a promoterless arylsulfatase (ARS) gene. Instead, an intron in the IC70 gene 5′-untranslated region was found to contain the deflagellation response element. These results suggest that the tub box does not play an essential role in deflagellation-induced transcriptional regulation of this dynein gene.


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To identify yeast cytosolic proteins that mediate targeting of precursor proteins to mitochondria, we developed an in vitro import system consisting of purified yeast mitochondria and a radiolabeled mitochondrial precursor protein whose C terminus was still attached to the ribosome. In this system, the N terminus of the nascent chain was translocated across both mitochondrial membranes, generating a translocation intermediate spanning both membranes. The nascent chain could then be completely chased into the mitochondrial matrix after release from the ribosome. Generation of this import intermediate was dependent on a mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial surface proteins, and was stimulated by proteins that could be released from the ribosomes by high salt. The major salt-released stimulatory factor was yeast nascent polypeptide–associated complex (NAC). Purified NAC fully restored import of salt-washed ribosome-bound nascent chains by enhancing productive binding of the chains to mitochondria. We propose that ribosome-associated NAC facilitates recognition of nascent precursor chains by the mitochondrial import machinery.


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We have shown previously that interleukin-4 (IL-4) protects TS1αβ cells from apoptosis, but very little is known about the mechanism by which IL-4 exerts this effect. We found that Akt activity, which is dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, is reduced in IL-4-deprived TS1αβ cells. Overexpression of wild-type Akt or a constitutively active Akt mutant protects cells from IL-4 deprivation-induced apoptosis. Readdition of IL-4 before the commitment point is able to restore Akt activity. We also show expression and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2 activation after IL-4 deprivation. Overexpression of the constitutively activated Akt mutant in IL-4-deprived cells correlates with inhibition of c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2 activity. Finally, TS1αβ survival is independent of Bcl-2, Bcl-x, or Bax.


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A temperature-sensitive mutant, sec34-2, is defective in the late stages of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport. A high-copy suppressor screen that uses the sec34-2 mutant has resulted in the identification of the SEC34 structural gene and a novel gene called GRP1. GRP1 encodes a previously unidentified hydrophilic yeast protein related to the mammalian Golgi protein golgin-160. Although GRP1 is not essential for growth, the grp1Δ mutation displays synthetic lethal interactions with several mutations that result in ER accumulation and a block in the late stages of ER-to-Golgi transport, but not with those that block the budding of vesicles from the ER. Our findings suggest that Grp1p may facilitate membrane traffic indirectly, possibly by maintaining Golgi function. In an effort to identify genes whose products physically interact with Sec34p, we also tested the ability of overexpressed SEC34 to suppress known secretory mutations that block vesicular traffic between the ER and the Golgi. This screen revealed that SEC34 specifically suppresses sec35-1. SEC34 encodes a hydrophilic protein of ∼100 kDa. Like Sec35p, which has been implicated in the tethering of ER-derived vesicles to the Golgi, Sec34p is predominantly soluble. Sec34p and Sec35p stably associate with each other to form a multiprotein complex of ∼480 kDa. These data indicate that Sec34p acts in conjunction with Sec35p to mediate a common step in vesicular traffic.


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Cell–cell interactions, mediated by members of the cadherin family of Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules, play key roles in morphogenetic processes as well as in the transduction of long-range growth and differentiation signals. In muscle differentiation cell adhesion is involved in both early stages of myogenic induction and in later stages of myoblast interaction and fusion. In this study we have explored the involvement of a specific cadherin, namely N-cadherin, in myogenic differentiation. For that purpose we have treated different established lines of cultured myoblasts with beads coated with N-cadherin–specific ligands, including a recombinant N-cadherin extracellular domain, and anti-N-cadherin antibodies. Immunofluorescent labeling for cadherins and catenins indicated that treatment with the cadherin-reactive beads for several hours enhances the assembly of cell–cell adherens-type junctions. Moreover, immunofluorescence and immunoblotting analyses indicated that treatment with the beads for 12–24 h induces myogenin expression and growth arrest, which are largely independent of cell plating density. Upon longer incubation with the beads (2–3 d) a major facilitation in the expression of several muscle-specific sarcomeric proteins and in cell fusion into myotubes was observed. These results suggest that surface clustering or immobilization of N-cadherin can directly trigger signaling events, which promote the activation of a myogenic differentiation program.


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Fission yeast rad22+, a homologue of budding yeast RAD52, encodes a double-strand break repair component, which is dispensable for proliferation. We, however, have recently obtained a cell division cycle mutant with a temperature-sensitive allele of rad22+, designated rad22-H6, which resulted from a point mutation in the conserved coding sequence leading to one amino acid alteration. We have subsequently isolated rad22+ and its novel homologue rti1+ as multicopy suppressors of this mutant. rti1+ suppresses all the defects of cells lacking rad22+. Mating type switch-inactive heterothallic cells lacking either rad22+ or rti1+ are viable, but those lacking both genes are inviable and arrest proliferation with a cell division cycle phenotype. At the nonpermissive temperature, a synchronous culture of rad22-H6 cells performs DNA synthesis without delay and arrests with chromosomes seemingly intact and replication completed and with a high level of tyrosine-phosphorylated Cdc2. However, rad22-H6 cells show a typical S phase arrest phenotype if combined with the rad1-1 checkpoint mutation. rad22+ genetically interacts with rad11+, which encodes the large subunit of replication protein A. Deletion of rad22+/rti1+ or the presence of rad22-H6 mutation decreases the restriction temperature of rad11-A1 cells by 4–6°C and leads to cell cycle arrest with chromosomes incompletely replicated. Thus, in fission yeast a double-strand break repair component is required for a certain step of chromosome replication unlinked to repair, partly via interacting with replication protein A.


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A panel of mAbs was elicited against intracellular membrane fractions from rat pancreas. One of the antibodies reacted with a 95-kDa protein that localizes primarily to the Golgi complex or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), depending on cell type. The corresponding cDNA was cloned and sequenced and found to encode a protein of 97.6 kDa that we call GERp95 (Golgi ER protein 95 kDa). The protein copurifies with intracellular membranes but does not contain hydrophobic regions that could function as signal peptides or transmembrane domains. Biochemical analysis suggests that GERp95 is a cytoplasmically exposed peripheral membrane protein that exists in a protease-resistant complex. GERp95 belongs to a family of highly conserved proteins in metazoans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It has recently been determined that plant and Drosophila homologues of GERp95 are important for controlling the differentiation of stem cells (Bohmert et al., 1998; Cox et al., 1998; Moussian et al., 1998). In Caenorhabditis elegans, there are at least 20 members of this protein family. To this end, we have used RNA interference to show that the GERp95 orthologue in C. elegans is important for maturation of germ-line stem cells in the gonad. GERp95 and related proteins are an emerging new family of proteins that have important roles in metazoan development. The present study suggests that these proteins may exert their effects on cell differentiation from the level of intracellular membranes.