975 resultados para Alanine.


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The first and third extracellular loops (ECL) of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been implicated in ligand binding and receptor function. This study describes the results of an alanine/leucine scan of ECLs 1 and 3 and loop-associated transmembrane (TM) domains of the secretin-like GPCR calcitonin receptor-like receptor which associates with receptor activity modifying protein 1 to form the CGRP receptor. Leu195Ala, Val198Ala and Ala199Leu at the top of TM2 all reduced aCGRP-mediated cAMP production and internalization; Leu195Ala and Ala199Leu also reduced aCGRP binding. These residues form a hydrophobic cluster within an area defined as the "minor groove" of rhodopsin-like GPCRs. Within ECL1, Ala203Leu and Ala206Leu influenced the ability of aCGRP to stimulate adenylate cyclase. In TM3, His219Ala, Leu220Ala and Leu222Ala have influences on aCGRP binding and cAMP production; they are likely to indirectly influence the binding site for aCGRP as well as having an involvement in signal transduction. On the exofacial surfaces of TMs 6 and 7, a number of residues were identified that reduced cell surface receptor expression, most noticeably Leu351Ala and Glu357Ala in TM6. The residues may contribute to the RAMP1 binding interface. Ile360Ala impaired aCGRP-mediated cAMP production. Ile360 is predicted to be located close to ECL2 and may facilitate receptor activation. Identification of several crucial functional loci gives further insight into the activation mechanism of this complex receptor system and may aid rational drug design.


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The calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) acts as a receptor for the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) but in order to recognize CGRP, it must form a complex with an accessory protein, receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Identifying the protein/protein and protein/ligand interfaces in this unusual complex would aid drug design. The role of the extreme N-terminus of CLR (Glu23-Ala60) was examined by an alanine scan and the results were interpreted with the help of a molecular model. The potency of CGRP at stimulating cAMP production was reduced at Leu41Ala, Gln45Ala, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala; furthermore, CGRP-induced receptor internalization at all of these receptors was also impaired. Ile32Ala, Gly35Ala and Thr37Ala all increased CGRP potency. CGRP specific binding was abolished at Leu41Ala, Ala44Leu, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala. There was significant impairment of cell surface expression of Gln45Ala, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala. Cys48 takes part in a highly conserved disulfide bond and is probably needed for correct folding of CLR. The model suggests that Gln45 and Tyr49 mediate their effects by interacting with RAMP1 whereas Leu41 and Ala44 are likely to be involved in binding CGRP. Ile32, Gly35 and Thr37 form a separate cluster of residues which modulate CGRP binding. The results from this study may be applicable to other family B GPCRs which can associate with RAMPs.


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Aims: Prolonged exposure of pancreatic beta-cells in vitro to the sulphonylureas tolbutamide and glibenclamide induces subsequent desensitization of insulinotropic pathways. Clinically, the insulin-sensitizing biguanide drug metformin is often administered alongside sulphonylurea as antidiabetic therapy. The present study examines the functional effects of metformin (200 µM) on tolbutamide- and glibenclamide-induced desensitisation. Methods: Acute and prolonged (18 h) effects of exposure to tolbutamide and glibenclamide alone, or in the presence of metformin, were examined in insulin-secreting BRIN-BD11 cells. Results: In acute 20 min incubations at 1.1 mM glucose, metformin increased (1.2-1.7-fold; p <0.001) the insulin-releasing actions of tolbutamide and glibenclamide. At 16.7 mM glucose, metformin significantly enhanced glibenclamide-induced insulin release at all concentrations (50-400 µM) examined, but tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion was only augmented at higher concentrations (300-400 µM). Exposure for 18 h to 100 µM tolbutamide or glibenclamide significantly impaired insulin release in response to glucose and a broad range of insulin secretagogues. Concomitant culture with metformin (200 µM) prevented or partially reversed many of the adverse effects on K channel dependent and independent insulinotropic pathways. Beneficial effects of metformin were also observed in cells exposed to glibenclamide for 18 h with significant improvements in the insulin secretory responsiveness to alanine, GLP-1 and sulphonylureas. The decrease of viable cell numbers observed with glibenclamide was reversed by co-culture with metformin, but cellular insulin content was depressed. Conclusions: The results suggest that metformin can prevent the aspects of sulphonylurea-induced beta-cell desensitization. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor is a complex of a cal-citonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), which is a family B G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and receptor activity modifying protein 1. The role of the second extracellular loop (ECL2) of CLR in binding CGRP and coupling to Gs was investigated using a combination of mutagenesis and modelling. An alanine scan of residues 271-294 of CLR showed that the ability of CGRP to produce cAMP was impaired by point mutations at 13 residues; most of these also impaired the response to adrenomedullin (AM). These data were used to select probable ECL2-modelled conformations that are involved in agonist binding, allowing the identification of the likely contacts between the peptide and receptor. The implications of the most likely structures for receptor activation are discussed. © 2013 The Authors.


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The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor is an unusual G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) in that it comprises the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) and the receptor component protein (RCP). The RAMP1 has two other homologues – RAMP2 and RAMP3. The endogenous ligand for this receptor is CGRP, a 37 amino acid neuropeptide that act as a vasodilator. This peptide has been implicated in the aetiology of health conditions such as inflammation, Reynaud’s disease and migraine. A clear understanding of the mode of activation of this receptor could be key in developing therapeutic agents for associated health conditions. Although the crystal structure of the N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) of this receptor (in complex with an antagonist) has been published, the details of receptor-agonist interactions at this domain, and so ultimately the mechanism of receptor activation, are still unclear. Also, the C-terminus of the CLR (in the CGRP receptor), especially around the presumed helix 8 (H8) region, has not been well studied for its role in receptor signalling. This research project investigated these questions. In this study, certain residues making up the putative N-terminal ligand-binding core of the CLR (in the CGRP receptor) were mapped out and found to be crucial for receptor signalling. They included W69 and D70 of the WDG motif in family B GPCRs, as well as Y91, F92, D94 and F95 in loop 2 of CLR N-terminus. Also, F163 at the cytoplasmic end of TM1 and certain residues spanning H8 and associated C-terminal region of CLR were found to be required for CGRP receptor signalling. These residues were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis where they were mutated to alanine (or other residues in specific cases) and the effect of the mutations on receptor pharmacology assessed by evaluating cAMP production, cell surface expression, total cell expression and aCGRP-mediated receptor internalization. Moreover, the N-terminal ECDs of the CLR and RAMPs (RAMP1, RAMP2 and RAMP3) were produced in a yeast host strain (Pichia pastoris) for the purpose of structural interaction study by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Following expression and purification, these receptor proteins were found to individually retain their secondary structures when analysed by circular dichroism (CD). Results were analysed and interpreted with the knowledge of the secretin family receptor paradigm. The research described in this thesis has produced novel data that contributes to a clearer understanding of CGRP receptor pharmacology. The study on CLR and RAMPs ECDs could be a useful tool in determining novel interacting GPCR partners of RAMPs.


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The calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) is a 37 amino acid neuropeptide. Its receptor is a heterodimeric complex of calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) – a family B G-protein coupled receptor – and a single-pass transmembrane protein, receptoractivity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Here, we identify residues, within the N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) of CLR, potentially involved in ligand binding.Certain residues presumed to be possible sites of contact for the CGRP were picked from the CLR/RAMP1 ECD crystal structure (PDB 3N7S). Residues were mutated to alanine (A) bysite-directed mutagenesis (QuikChangeTM, Stratagene). Mutants were analysed for their ability to stimulate cAMP and cell surface expression as previously described [1]. All mutants showed reduced potency, though to varying degrees as indicated by their pEC50 values. W69A and D70Ashowed significant reduction in cell surface expression.These findings suggest that these residues are important for the interaction of CGRP with its receptor. W69A and D70A, part of the WDG motif of family B GPCRs, are thought to rather play a role in receptor stability [2]. The data is consistent with CGRP binding in agroove between CLR and RAMP1. This project was supported byAston School of Life and Health Sciences.References1. Barwell J, Conner A & Poyner D (2011) Extracellular loops 1and 3 and their associated transmembrane regions of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor are needed for CGRP receptor function. Biochim Biophys Acta 1813, 1906–1916.2. Kumar S, Pioszak A, Zhang C et al. (2011) Crystal Structure of the PAC1R Extracellular Domain Unifies a Consensus Fold for Hormone Recognition by Class B G-Protein Cou-pled Receptors. PLoS One 6, e19682


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Antibiotic resistance, production of alginate and virulence factors, and altered host immune responses are the hallmarks of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Failure of antibiotic therapy has been attributed to the emergence of P. aeruginosa strains that produce β-lactamase constitutively. In Enterobacteriaceae, β-lactamase induction involves four genes with known functions: ampC, ampR, ampD, and ampG, encoding the enzyme, transcriptional regulator, amidase and permease, respectively. In addition to all these amp genes, P. aeruginosa possesses two ampG paralogs, designated ampG and ampP. In this study, P. aeruginosa ampC, ampR, ampG and ampP were analyzed. Inactivation of ampC in the prototypic PAO1 failed to abolish the β-lactamase activity leading to the discovery of P. aeruginosa oxacillinase PoxB. Cloning and expression of poxB in Escherichia coli confers β-lactam resistance. Both AmpC and PoxB contribute to P. aeruginosa resistance against a wide spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics. The expression of PoxB and AmpC is regulated by a LysR-type transcriptional regulator AmpR that up-regulates AmpC but down-regulates PoxB activities. Analyses of P. aeruginosa ampR mutant demonstrate that AmpR is a global regulator that modulates the expressions of Las and Rhl quorum sensing (QS) systems, and the production of pyocyanin, LasA protease and LasB elastase. Introduction of the ampR mutation into an alginate-producing strain reveals the presence of a complex co-regulatory network between antibiotic resistance, QS alginate and other virulence factor production. Using phoA and lacZ protein fusion analyses, AmpR, AmpG and AmpP were localized to the inner membrane with one, 16 and 10 transmembrane helices, respectively. AmpR has a cytoplasmic DNA-binding and a periplasmic substrate binding domains. AmpG and AmpP are essential for the maximal expression of β-lactamase. Analysis of the murein breakdown products suggests that AmpG exports UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine-γ-D-glutamate-meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-alanine-D-alanine (UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide), the corepressor of AmpR, whereas AmpP imports N-acetylglucosaminyl-beta-1,4-anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid-Ala-γ-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid (GlcNAc-anhMurNAc-tripeptide) and GlcNAc-anhMurNAc-pentapeptide, the co-inducers of AmpR. This study reveals a complex interaction between the Amp proteins and murein breakdown products involved in P. aeruginosa β-lactamase induction. In summary, this dissertation takes us a little closer to understanding the P. aeruginosa complex co-regulatory mechanism in the development of β-lactam resistance and establishment of chronic infection. ^


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There is increasing evidence that certain microbially-derived compounds may account for part of the aquatic dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool. Enantiomeric ratios of amino acids were used to assess the microbial input to the DON pool in the Florida Everglades, USA. Elevated levels of d-alanine, d-aspartic acid, d-glutamic acid and d-serine indicated the presence of peptidoglycan in the samples. The estimated peptidoglycan contribution to amino acid nitrogen ranged from 2.8 ± 0.1% to 6.4 ± 0.9%, increasing with salinity from freshwater to coastal waters. The distribution of individual d-amino acids in the samples suggests additional inputs to DON, possibly from archaea or from abiotic racemization of l-amino acids.


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is a heme-containing glycoprotein secreted by the marine fungus Caldariomyces fumago. Chloroperoxidase contains one ferriprotoporphyrin IX prosthetic group per molecule and catalyzes a variety of reactions, such as halogenation, peroxidation and epoxidation. The versatile catalytic activities of CPO coupled with the increasing demands for chiral synthesis have attracted an escalating interest in understanding the mechanistic and structural properties of this enzyme. In order to better understand the mechanisms of CPO-catalyzed enantioselective reactions and to fine-tune the catalytic properties of chloroperoxidase, asparagine 74 (N74) located in the narrow substrate access channel of CPO was replaced by a bulky, nonpolar valine and a polar glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO N74 mutants displayed significantly enhanced activity toward nonpolar substrates compared to wild-type CPO as a result of changes in space and polarity of the heme distal environment. More interestingly, N74 mutants showed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity but significantly enhanced epoxidation activity as a consequence of improved kinetic perfection introduced by the mutation as reflected by the favorable changes in k cat and kcat/KM of these reactions. It is also noted that the N74V mutant is capable of decomposing cyanide, the most notorious poison for many hemoproteins, as judged by the unique binding behavior of N74V with potassium cyanide. Histidine 105 (H105) was replaced by a nonpolar amino acid alanine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO H105 mutant (H105A) displayed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity possibly because of the decreased polarity in the heme distal environment and loss of the hydrogen bonds between histidine 105 and glutamic acid 183. However, significantly increased enantioselectivity was observed for the epoxidation of bulky styrene derivatives. Furthermore, my study provides strong evidence for the proposed histidine/cysteine ligand switch in chloroperoxidase, providing experimental support for the structure of the 420-nm absorption maximum for a number of carbon monoxide complexes of heme-thiolate proteins. For the NMR study, [dCPO(heme)] was produced using 90% deuterated growth medium with excess heme precursors and [dCPO(Phe)] was grown in the same highly deuterated medium that had been supplemented with excess natural phenylalanine. To make complete heme proton assignments, NMR spectroscopy has been performed for high-resolution structural characterization of [dCPO(heme)] and [dCPO(Phe)] to achieve unambiguous and complete heme proton assignments, which also allows important amino acids close to the heme active center to be determined.


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Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3), a serine/threonine kinase initially characterized in the context of glycogen metabolism, has been repeatedly realized as a multitasking protein that can regulate numerous cellular events in both metazoa and protozoa. I recently found GSK3 plays a role in regulating chemotaxis, a guided cell movement in response to an external chemical gradient, in one of the best studied model systems for chemotaxis - Dictyostelium discoideum. ^ It was initially found that comparing to wild type cells, gsk3 - cells showed aberrant chemotaxis with a significant decrease in both speed and chemotactic indices. In Dictyostelium, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) signaling is one of the best characterized pathways that regulate chemotaxis. Molecular analysis uncovered that gsk3- cells suffer from high basal level of PIP3, the product of PI3K. Upon chemoattractant cAMP stimulation, wild type cells displayed a transient increase in the level of PIP3. In contrast, gsk3- cells exhibited neither significant increase nor adaptation. On the other hand, no aberrant dynamic of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which antagonizes PI3K function, was observed. Upon membrane localization of PI3K, PI3K become activated by Ras, which will in turn further facilitate membrane localization of PI3K in an F-Actin dependent manner. The gsk3- cells treated with F-Actin inhibitor Latrunculin-A showed no significant difference in the PIP3 level. ^ I also showed GSK3 affected the phosphorylation level of the localization domain of PI3K1 (PI3K1-LD). PI3K1-LD proteins from gsk3- cells displayed less phosphorylation on serine residues compared to that from wild type cells. When the potential GSK3 phosphorylation sites of PI3K1-LD were substituted with aspartic acids (Phosphomimetic substitution), its membrane localization was suppressed in gsk3- cells. When these serine residues of PI3K1-LD were substituted with alanine, aberrantly high level of membrane localization of the PI3K1-LD was monitored in wild type cells. Wild type, phosphomimetic, and alanine substitution of PI3K1-LD fused with GFP proteins also displayed identical localization behavior as suggested by the cell fraction studies. Lastly, I identified that all three potential GSK3 phosphorylation sites on PI3K1-LD could be phosphorylated in vitro by GSK3.^


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Reactive oxygen species are a normal consequence of life in an aerobic environment. However when they deviate from the narrow permissible range in cells, oxidative damage can occur. Dictyostelium discoideum is a model organism ideal for the study of cell signaling events such as those affected by oxidative stress. It was previously shown that Ras signaling in Dictyostelium is affected by genetic inactivation of the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutase C (SodC) and in vitro data suggests that the NKCD motif of Ras is the redox target of superoxide. The main objective of this project was to determine the mechanism of superoxide mediated Ras regulation in vivo. To accomplish the main objective, we cloned, and in some cases, mutated different Ras proteins and later determined their activity in wild type and sodC- cells. RasC and RasD showed normal activation in sodC- cells, however RasG and RasS displayed high Ras activity. These last two Ras proteins contain the NKC118D motif inside the nucleotide binding region. A mutation of cysteine118 to alanine in RasG rendered the protein less active in sodC- than the wild type RasG protein and a mutation alanine118 to cysteine in RasD conferred redox sensitivity to this small GTPase. Additionally, the propensity of RasG to be targeted by superoxide was evident when the environment of wild type cells was manipulated to induce the internal generation of superoxide through changes in the extracellular ion levels mainly magnesium. Lack of magnesium ions increased the intracellular level of superoxide and severely hampered directional cell migration. Chemotaxis of cells expressing RasG was negatively impacted by the absence of magnesium ions; however rasG- cells did not seem to be affected in their ability to perform chemotaxis. The last experiment implies that RasG is an important mediator of cell signaling during oxidative stress, responsible for preventing cells from continuing their developmental program. Our study suggests that the cysteine residue in the NKCD motif is essential for mediating the redox sensitivity of Ras proteins in Dictyostelium and that RasG is an essential mediator of the response to oxidative stress in this organism.


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Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) whose classic features (menstrual irregularity of oligo/ amenorrhea type, chronic anovulation, infertility and hyperandrogenism clinical and/ or biochemical), is associated with aspects of metabolic syndrome (MS), as obesity and insulin resistance. The level of obesity determines different levels of inflammation, increasing cytokines participants of metabolic and endocrine functions, beyond modulate the immune response. Metabolic changes, added to the imbalance of sex hormones underlying irregular menstruation observed in (PCOS) can trigger allergic processes and elevation of total and specific IgE antibodies indicate that a sensitization process was started. Objective: To evaluate the influence of PCOS on biochemical parameters and levels of total and specific IgE to aeroallergens in obese women. Methods: After approval by the Committee of Ethics in Research, were recruited 80 volunteers with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 and age between 18 and 45 years. Among these, 40 with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria and 40 women without PCOS (control group). All participants were analysed with regard to anthropometric, clinical, gynecological parameters, interviewed using a questionnaire, and underwent blood sampling for realization of laboratory tests of clinical biochemistry: Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL- cholesterol, Triglycerides, Fasting glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and immunological: total and specific IgE to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides microceras.Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 software through the chi-square tests, Fisher, Student t test and binary logistic regression, with significance level (p <0.05). Results: It was observed in the group of obese women with PCOS that 29 (72.5%) had menstrual cycle variable and 27 (67.5%) had difficulty getting pregnant. According to waist-hip ratio, higher average was also observed in obese PCOS (0.87). Blood level of HDL (36.9 mg/dL) and ALT (29.3 U/L) were above normal levels in obese women with PCOS, with statistically significant relationship. In the analysis of total and specific IgE to D. pteronyssinus high results were also prevalent in obese PCOS, with blood level (365,22 IU/mL) and (6.83 kU/L), respectively, also statistically significant. Conclusions: Observed predominance of cases with high levels of total IgE in the group of obese women with PCOS, 28 (70%) of the participants, whose mean blood concentration of the group was 365.22 IU/mL. In the analysis of Specific IgE between the groups, the allergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus showed greater dispersion and average the results of sensitization in the group of obese PCOS, whose mean blood concentration was 6.83 kU/l. Keywords: Obesity, Allergens and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


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The aetiological agent of chronic hepatitis C is the hepatitis C virus. The hepatitis C virus is spread by parenteral transmission of body fluids, primarily blood or blood products. In 1989, after more than a decade of research, HCV was isolated and characterised. The hepatitis C viral genome is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA molecule approximately 9.4 kb in length, which encodes a polyprotein of about 3100 amino acids. There are 6 main genotypes of HCV, each further stratified by subtype. In 1994, a cohort of women was identified in Ireland as having been iatrogenically exposed to the hepatitis C virus. The women were all young and exposed as a consequence of the receipt of HCV 1b contaminated anti-D immunoglobulin. The source of the infection was identified as an acutely infected female. As part of a voluntary serological screening programme involving 62,667 people, 704 individuals were identified as seropositive for exposure to the hepatitis C virus; 55.4% were found to be positive for the viral genome 17 years after exposure. Of these women 98% had evidence of inflammation, but suprisingly, a remarkable 49% showed no evidence of fibrosis. Clinicopathology and virological analysis has identified associations between viral load and the histological activity index for inflammation, and, between inflammation and levels of the liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase. Infection at a younger age appears to protect individuals from progression to advanced liver disease. Molecular analyses of host immunogenetic elements shows that particular class II human leukocyte associated antigen alleles are associated with clearance of the hepatitis C virus. Additional class II alleles have been identified that are associated with stable viraemia over an extended period of patient follow-up. Although, investigation of large untreated homogeneous cohorts is likely to become more difficult, as the efficacy of anti-viral therapy improves, further investigation of host and viral factors that influence disease progression will help provide an evidence based approach were realistic expectations regarding patient prognosis can be ascertained.


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Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive soil saprophytic bacterium that is capable of causing fatal infection in humans. The main virulence regulator PrfA, a member of the Crp/FNR family of transcriptional regulators, activates the expression of essential proteins required for host cell invasion and cell-to-cell spread. The mechanism of PrfA activation and the identity of its small molecule coactivator have remained a mystery for more than 20 years, but it is hypothesized that PrfA shares mechanistic similarity to the E. coli cAMP binding protein, Crp. Crp activates gene expression by binding cAMP, increasing the DNA binding affinity of the protein and causing a significant DNA bend that facilitates RNA polymerase binding and downstream gene activation. Our data suggests PrfA activates virulence protein expression through a mechanism distinct from the canonical Crp activation mechanism that involves a combination of cysteine residue reduction and glutathione (GSH) binding.

Listeria lacking glutathione synthase (ΔgshF) is avirulent in mice; however virulence is rescued when the bacterium expresses the constitutively active PrfA mutant G145S. Interestingly, Listeria expressing a PrfA mutant in which its four cysteines are mutated to alanine (Quad PrfA), demonstrate a 30-fold decrease in virulence. The Quad and ΔgshF double mutant strains are avirulent. DNA-binding affinity, measured through fluorescence polarization assays, indicate reduction of the cysteine side chains is sufficient to allow PrfA to binds its physiological promoters Phly and PactA with low nanomolar affinity. Oxidized PrfA binds the promoters poorly.

Unexpectedly, Quad also binds promoter DNA with nanomolar affinity, suggesting that the cysteines play a role in transcription efficiency in addition to DNA binding. Both PrfA and Quad bind GSH at physiologically relevant and comparable affinities, however GSH did not affect DNA binding in either case. Thermal denaturation assays suggest that Quad and wild-type PrfA differ structurally upon binding GSH, which supports the in vivo difference in infection between the regulator and its mutant.

Structures of PrfA in complex with cognate DNA, determined through X-ray crystallography, further support the disparity between PrfA and Crp activation mechanisms as two structures of reduced PrfA bound to Phly (PrfA-Phly30 and PrfA-Phly24) suggest the DNA adopts a less bent DNA conformation when compared to Crp-cAMP- DNA. The structure of Quad-Phly30 confirms the DNA-binding data as the protein-DNA complex adopts the same overall conformation as PrfA-Phly.

From these results, we hypothesize a two-step activation mechanism wherein PrfA, oxidized upon cell entry and unable to bind DNA, is reduced upon its intracellular release and binds DNA, causing a slight bend in the promoter and small increase in transcription of PrfA-regulated genes. The structures of PrfA-Phly30 and PrfA-Phly24 likely visualize this intermediate complex. Increasing concentrations of GSH shift the protein to a (PrfA-GSH)-DNA complex which is fully active transcriptionally and is hypothesized to resemble closely the transcriptionally active structure of the cAMP-(Crp)-DNA complex. Thermal denaturation results suggest Quad PrfA is deficient in this second step, which explains the decrease in virulence and implicates the cysteine residues as critical for transcription efficiency. Further structural and biochemical studies are on-going to clarify this mechanism of activation.


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UNLABELLED: Black patients chronically infected with genotype 1 hepatitis C virus (HCV) have historically had lower rates of response to interferon-based treatment than patients of other races. In the phase 3 ION program, the single-tablet regimen of the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir and NS5B nucleotide polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir was shown to be safe and highly effective in the general population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in black patients using data from the three open-label ION clinical trials, which evaluated the safety and efficacy of 8, 12, and 24 weeks of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin for the treatment of treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients with genotype 1 HCV, including those with compensated cirrhosis. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response at 12 weeks after the end of therapy (SVR12). For our analysis, rates of SVR12, treatment-emergent adverse events, and graded laboratory abnormalities were analyzed in black versus non-black patients. Of the 1949 patients evaluated, 308 (16%) were black. On average, black patients were older, had higher body mass index, were more likely to be IL28B non-CC, and had a lower serum alanine aminotransferase at baseline than non-black patients. Overall, 95% of black and 97% of non-black patients achieved SVR12. The rate of relapse was 3% in black patients as compared with 2% in non-black patients. The most common adverse events included fatigue, headache, nausea, and insomnia. The majority of adverse events occurred more frequently in the ribavirin-containing arms of the studies. No differences were observed in overall safety by race. CONCLUSION: A once-daily dosage of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir was similarly effective in black and non-black patients with genotype 1 HCV infection. The addition of ribavirin did not appear to increase SVR12 but was associated with higher rates of adverse events.