995 resultados para Active oxygen


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Description of a simple method for counting bacteria with active electron transport systems in water and sediment samples. Sodium succinate, NADH and NADPH served as electron donors. It is possible to see several sites of electron transport in the larger cells. Especially impressive are the plankton-algae, protozoa, and small metazoa. This is a partial translation of the ”method” section only.


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The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year.


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To ascertain the effect of various concentrations of oxygen in water on the fry of rainbow trout experiments were made with aquaria at various concentrations of oxygen. The food supplied was chironomid larvae (Chironomus plumosus). A surplus of food was supplied to the fry. Indices are given of the reaction of the fry to different temperatures.


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A general description of the need for hospital flow meters is given along with an analysis of some common flow measurement methods.

The design criteria, establishment of the basic configuration of the instrument, and the evolution of the final design are presented in detail. The ability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to extract the square root of an input is explained, and design curves are presented. The action of the flow totalizer is described in relation to the rest of the instrument. A complete set of manufacturing drawings for the instrument and its tooling is included in the thesis.

In conclusion, an evaluation of the completed instrument is made, and improvements and modifications are indicated. Mention is made of the adaptability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to other instrumentation.


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This thesis is the culmination of field and laboratory studies aimed at assessing processes that affect the composition and distribution of atmospheric organic aerosol. An emphasis is placed on measurements conducted using compact and high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS). The first three chapters summarize results from aircraft campaigns designed to evaluate anthropogenic and biogenic impacts on marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of California. Subsequent chapters describe laboratory studies intended to evaluate gas and particle-phase mechanisms of organic aerosol oxidation.

The 2013 Nucleation in California Experiment (NiCE) was a campaign designed to study environments impacted by nucleated and/or freshly formed aerosol particles. Terrestrial biogenic aerosol with > 85% organic mass was observed to reside in the free troposphere above marine stratocumulus. This biogenic organic aerosol (BOA) originated from the Northwestern United States and was transported to the marine atmosphere during periodic cloud-clearing events. Spectra recorded by a cloud condensation nuclei counter demonstrated that BOA is CCN active. BOA enhancements at latitudes north of San Francisco, CA coincided with enhanced cloud water concentrations of organic species such as acetate and formate.

Airborne measurements conducted during the 2011 Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) were aimed at evaluating the contribution of ship emissions to the properties of marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of central California. In one study, analysis of organic aerosol mass spectra during periods of enhanced shipping activity yielded unique tracers indicative of cloud-processed ship emissions (m/z 42 and 99). The variation of their organic fraction (f42 and f99) was found to coincide with periods of heavy (f42 > 0.15; f99 > 0.04), moderate (0.05 < f42 < 0.15; 0.01 < f99 < 0.04), and negligible (f42 < 0.05; f99 < 0.01) ship influence. Application of these conditions to all measurements conducted during E-PEACE demonstrated that a large fraction of cloud droplet (72%) and dry aerosol mass (12%) sampled in the California coastal study region was heavily or moderately influenced by ship emissions. Another study investigated the chemical and physical evolution of a controlled organic plume emitted from the R/V Point Sur. Under sunny conditions, nucleated particles composed of oxidized organic compounds contributed nearly an order of magnitude more cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) than less oxidized particles formed under cloudy conditions. The processing time necessary for particles to become CCN active was short ( < 1 hr) compared to the time needed for particles to become hygroscopic at sub-saturated humidity ( > 4 hr).

Laboratory chamber experiments were also conducted to evaluate particle-phase processes influencing aerosol phase and composition. In one study, ammonium sulfate seed was coated with a layer of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from toluene oxidation followed by a layer of SOA from α-pinene oxidation. The system exhibited different evaporative properties than ammonium sulfate seed initially coated with α-pinene SOA followed by a layer of toluene SOA. This behavior is consistent with a shell-and-core model and suggests limited mixing among different SOA types. Another study investigated the reactive uptake of isoprene epoxy diols (IEPOX) onto non-acidified aerosol. It was demonstrated that particle acidity has limited influence on organic aerosol formation onto ammonium sulfate seed, and that the chemical system is limited by the availability of nucleophiles such as sulfate.

Flow tube experiments were conducted to examine the role of iron in the reactive uptake and chemical oxidation of glycolaldehyde. Aerosol particles doped with iron and hydrogen peroxide were mixed with gas-phase glycolaldehyde and photochemically aged in a custom-built flow reactor. Compared to particles free of iron, iron-doped aerosols significantly enhanced the oxygen to carbon (O/C) ratio of accumulated organic mass. The primary oxidation mechanism is suggested to be a combination of Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions which enhance particle-phase OH radical concentrations.


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A model for some of the many physical-chemical and biological processes in intermittent sand filtration of wastewaters is described and an expression for oxygen transfer is formulated.

The model assumes that aerobic bacterial activity within the sand or soil matrix is limited, mostly by oxygen deficiency, while the surface is ponded with wastewater. Atmospheric oxygen reenters into the soil after infiltration ends. Aerobic activity is resumed, but the extent of penetration of oxygen is limited and some depths may be always anaerobic. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the percolate shows large variations with respect to the concentration of certain contaminants, with some portions showing little change in a specific contaminant. Analyses of soil moisture in field studies and of effluent from laboratory sand columns substantiated the model.

The oxygen content of the system at sufficiently long times after addition of wastes can be described by a quasi-steady-state diffusion equation including a term for an oxygen sink. Measurements of oxygen content during laboratory and field studies show that the oxygen profile changes only slightly up to two days after the quasi-steady state is attained.

Results of these hypotheses and experimental verification can be applied in the operation of existing facilities and in the interpretation of data from pilot plant-studies.


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Laboratory and field studies have shown that the survival of salmonid fish eggs and alevins is dependent upon the supply rate or flux of dissolved oxygen through gravel beds used for spawning. Although there have been a number of studies concerned with North American species there are few data for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the brown trout (S. trutta). For this study intragravel seepage velocities and dissolved oxygen concentrations have been measured throughout the incubation period in spawning gravels utilized by brown trout (Salmo trutta). Variation in the hatching success of batches of trout and salmon (Salmo salar) can, in part, be attributed to a critical threshold of oxygen flux through the gravels.


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Phosphorescence has been observed in a highly purified fluid solution of naphthalene in 3-methylpentane (3-MP). The phosphorescence lifetime of C10H8 in 3-MP at -45 °C was found to be 0.49 ± 0.07 sec, while that of C10D8 under identical conditions is 0.64 ± 0.07 sec. At this temperature 3-MP has the same viscosity (0.65 centipoise) as that of benzene at room temperature. It is believed that even these long lifetimes are dominated by impurity quenching mechanisms. Therefore it seems that the radiationless decay times of the lowest triplet states of simple aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid solutions are sensibly the same as those in the solid phase. A slight dependence of the phosphorescence lifetime on solvent viscosity was observed in the temperature region, -60° to -18°C. This has been attributed to the diffusion-controlled quenching of the triplet state by residual impurity, perhaps oxygen. Bimolecular depopulation of the triplet state was found to be of major importance over a large part of the triplet decay.

The lifetime of triplet C10H8 at room temperature was also measured in highly purified benzene by means of both phosphorescence and triplet-triplet absorption. The lifetime was estimated to be at least ten times shorter than that in 3-MP. This is believed to be due not only to residual impurities in the solvent but also to small amounts of impurities produced through unavoidable irradiation by the excitation source. In agreement with this idea, lifetime shortening caused by intense flashes of light is readily observed. This latter result suggests that experiments employing flash lamp techniques are not suitable for these kinds of studies.

The theory of radiationless transitions, based on Robinson's theory, is briefly outlined. A simple theoretical model which is derived from Fano's autoionization gives identical result.


The blue color of oxygen is mostly derived from double transitions. This paper presents a theoretical calculation of the intensity of the double transition (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg)←(X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-), using a model based on a pair of oxygen molecules at a fixed separation of 3.81 Å. The intensity enhancement is assumed to be derived from the mixing (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σu-) and (a 1Δg) (1Δu) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-). Matrix elements for these interactions are calculated using a π-electron approximation for the pair system. Good molecular wavefunctions are used for all but the perturbing (B 3Σu-) state, which is approximated in terms of ground state orbitals. The largest contribution to the matrix elements arises from large intramolecular terms multiplied by intermolecular overlap integrals. The strength of interaction depends not only on the intermolecular separation of the two oxygen molecules, but also as expected on the relative orientation. Matrix elements are calculated for different orientations, and the angular dependence is fit to an analytical expression. The theory therefore not only predicts an intensity dependence on density but also one on phase at constant density. Agreement between theory and available experimental results is satisfactory considering the nature of the approximation, and indicates the essential validity of the overall approach to this interesting intensity enhancement problem.


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This paper presents the design and characterization of a fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FFPI) acoustic wave detector with its Q point being stabilized actively. The relationship between the reflectivity of the F-P cavity facets and cavity length was theoretically analyzed, and high visibility of 100% was realized by optimized design of the F-P cavity. To prevent the drifting of the Q point, a new stabilization method by actively feedback controlling of the diode laser is proposed and demonstrated, indicating the method is simple and easy operating. Measurement shows that good tracing of Q point was effectively realized. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A dissolved oxygen sensor made of plastic optical fiber as the substrate and dichlorotris (1, 10-phenanthroline) ruthenium as a fluorescence indicator is studied. Oxygen quenching characteristics of both intensity and phase were measured; the obtained characteristics showed deviation from the linear relation described by the Stern-Volmer equation. A two-layer model is proposed to explain the deviation, and main parameters can be deduced with the model. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America