992 resultados para Accidents, Aviation Accidents


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The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Preparing your vehicle for the winter season and knowing how to react if stranded or lost on the road are the keys to safe winter driving.


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The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Preparing your vehicle for the winter season and knowing how to react if stranded or lost on the road are the keys to safe winter driving.


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[spa] La mayoría de siniestros con daños corporales se liquidan mediante negociación, llegando a juicio menos del 5% de los casos. Una estrategia de negociación bien definida es, por tanto, fundamental para las compañías aseguradoras. En este artículo asumimos que la compensación monetaria concedida en juicio es la máxima cuantía que debería ser ofrecida por el asegurador en el proceso de negociación. Usando una base de datos real, implementamos un modelo log-lineal para estimar la máxima oferta de negociación. Perturbaciones no-esféricas son detectadas. Correlación ocurre cuando más de una siniestro se liquida en la misma sentencia judicial. Heterocedasticidad por grupos se debe a la influencia de la valoración del forense en la indemnización final.


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[spa] La mayoría de siniestros con daños corporales se liquidan mediante negociación, llegando a juicio menos del 5% de los casos. Una estrategia de negociación bien definida es, por tanto, fundamental para las compañías aseguradoras. En este artículo asumimos que la compensación monetaria concedida en juicio es la máxima cuantía que debería ser ofrecida por el asegurador en el proceso de negociación. Usando una base de datos real, implementamos un modelo log-lineal para estimar la máxima oferta de negociación. Perturbaciones no-esféricas son detectadas. Correlación ocurre cuando más de una siniestro se liquida en la misma sentencia judicial. Heterocedasticidad por grupos se debe a la influencia de la valoración del forense en la indemnización final.


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From being a pilot or mechanic to designing aircraft and airports, a wide range of career opportunities exists in aviation. In Iowa, several formal aviation education programs are available that can lead to careers in aviation. If you know of someone who is interested in a career in aviation, point them to the following training resources…right here in Iowa!


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The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Preparing your vehicle for the winter season and knowing how to react if stranded or lost on the road are the keys to safe winter driving.


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Electrically assisted bicycles (EAB) are flourishing in cities throughout the world and capitalize on ecological and practical advantages, helping in the fight against pollution, CO2 emissions and traffic jam. Human power is necessary to activate the electrical support, so that it equals to a moderate intensity physical activity (> 3 MET), or a vigorous one on hilly courses (>6 MET). The ecological benefits are obvious and transportation departments tend to support citizens who purchase one. EAB offer increased mobility at speeds of 15 to 25 km/h depending on hills and fitness of the rider, but could cause more accidents. EAB is linked to a real physical activity beneficial for health, but potentially more dangerous than a traditional bicycle.


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The techniques available for the remediation of environmental accidents involving petroleum hydrocarbons are generally high-cost solutions. A cheaper, practical and ecologically relevant alternative is the association of plants with microorganisms that contribute to the degradation and removal of hydrocarbons from the soil. The growth of three tropical grass species (Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and Paspalum notatum) and the survival of root-associated bacterial communities was evaluated at different diesel oil concentrations. Seeds of three grass species were germinated in greenhouse and at different doses of diesel (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 g kg-1 soil). Plants were grown for 10 weeks with periodic assessment of germination, growth (fresh and dry weight), height, and number of bacteria in the soil (pots with or without plants). Growth and biomass of B. decumbens and P. notatum declined significantly when planted in diesel-oil contaminated soils. The presence of diesel fuel did not affect the growth of B. brizantha, which was highly tolerant to this pollutant. Bacterial growth was significant (p < 0.05) and the increase was directly proportional to the diesel dose. Bacteria growth in diesel-contaminated soils was stimulated up to 5-fold by the presence of grasses, demonstrating the positive interactions between rhizosphere and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the remediation of diesel-contaminated soils.


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Introduction: Les personnes âgées de 65 ans ou plus représentent 15% de la population générale dans les pays occidentaux. Le vieillissement de cette population va accroître encore cette proportion pour atteindre 20% dès 2030. Les urgences gériatriques représentent environ 15% des admissions dans les services d'accueil et de traitement des urgences (SAU), mais peu de données pré-hospitalières existent. Méthode: Etude rétrospective entre 2003 et 2007 des interventions des services d'urgences pré-hospitaliers (ambulances, SMUR) de notre région (env. 670'000 habitants) à partir des rapports de missions effectués pour chaque intervention par ces entités (n = 42'000). Extraction des données démographiques (âge, sexe), des lieux de prise en charge, des degrés de gravité (score NACA) et des catégories diagnostiques de la population âgée de 65 ans ou plus. Résultats: Les urgences gériatriques représentent entre 40 et 50% des interventions pré-hospitalières totales (ambulances, SMUR). Ces chiffres sont encore entre 4 et 8% pour les sujets très âgés de 90 ans et plus. Le sexe ratio H : F est de 0,72 pour les interventions des ambulances, alors qu'il est de 1,03 pour celles des SMUR. Le lieu de prise en charge est le domicile dans près de 70% des cas. Près des ¾ des interventions sont bénignes (degrés de gravité NACA 0-3), avec plus de 92% des interventions relevant de problèmes de type maladies (et non d'accidents). Pour les cas pris en charge par les SMUR, près de 70% sont de nature cardio-vasculaires. Discussion: La charge que représente les urgences gériatriques pour le secteur pré-hospitalier n'est pas négligeable et nécessite dès aujourd'hui une réflexion afin de dimensionner ce secteur aux exigences de ce type d'urgences pour le futur proche. Non seulement les moyens (personnel, véhicules, matériel) devront être proportionnés, mais aussi les particularités de la prise en charge, la formation spécifique et les aspects éthiques. Ce dernier aspect qui n'est pas des moindres et les limites de la prise en charge devront également être abordés. Conclusion: Les urgences gériatriques représentent près de la moitié des interventions des services pré-hospitaliers (ambulances, SMUR). Le vieillissement à venir de la population risque de mettre encore plus ces services sous «haute tension» et doit faire réfléchir ses acteurs et ses décideurs à s'adapter à cette évolution incontournable.


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he number of deer-vehicle accidents in Iowa and around the country has steadily increased during the past 30 years. This i s basically due to: ( 1 ) increased volume of traffic; 12) an expanding network of hard surface roads, especially 4 lane interstates; and (3) a general increase in deer populations. Initidtion of a 55 MPH speed limit in 1974 and gasoline shortages in 1975 reduced deer-vehicle accident rates briefly, but since 1975, rates have continued to climb. Various methods of reducinq these accidents have been attempted in other states. These include: instal lation of rc?flective devlres, deer crossing signs, fencing, underpasses, clearing right--of--waysa,n d controlled hunting to reduce deer population s i z e . These methods have met with varying degrees of success, depending on animal behavior, deet- population fluctuations, method used, topoyr-aphy, road-side vegetation, traffic patterns, and highway configuration. This project was designed to evaluate a new ntethod of reducing deer-vehicle accidents. There are qenerally 4 important aspects of deer-vehicle accidents: danger to human l i f e , vehicle damage, loss of a valuable wildlife resource, and cost of processing accident reports. In !owe, during 1983, there were over 15,OOC) reported deer--vehicle accidents and probably many more that were not reported (Gladfelter 1984). The extent of human injury or death in Iowa i s not known, but studies in southern Michigan show that human injur ies occurred in about 4% of the deer-vehicle accidents (A1 lcn and MrCullough 1976). T h i s would indicate that in Iowa there could have been 200 human injury cases from deer-vehicle accidents i n 1983. These injuries usual 1 occur from secondary collisions when motorists try to avoid a deer on the highway, and hit some other object Vehicle darnaye from these accidents can into thousands of dollars because of the high speed involved and the size of the animal. The total amount of vehicle damage occurring in Iowa is unknown, but if the average vehicle damage was between $500-$800 per accident, estimated property damage would be between $2 1/2--$4 million annually. The value of deer lost in these accidents cannot be estimated, but recreational potential of this natural resource is surely diminished for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Also, there ir a great deal of money spent by governmental agencies for manpower to process accident reports and remove dead animals from highways.


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In this work, we present the cultural evolution that has allowed to overcome many problems derived from the limitations of the human body. These limitations have been solved by a"cyborization" process that began since early anthropogenesis. Originally, it was envisioned to deal with some diseases, accidents or body malfunctions. Nowadays, augmentations improve common human capabilities; one of the most notable is the increase of brain efficiency by using connections with a computer. A basic social question also addressed is which people will and should have access to these augmentations. Advanced humanoid robots (with human external aspect, artificial intelligence and even emotions) already exist and consequently a number of questions arise. For instance, will robots be considered living organisms? Could they be considered as persons? Will we confer the human status to robots? These questions are discussed. Our conclusions are that the advanced humanoid robots display some actions that may be considered as life-like, yet different to the life associated with living organisms, also, to some extend they could be considered as persons-like, but not humans.