984 resultados para ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTISI (AKP)


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Functional Electrically Stimulated (FES) ami cycle ergometry is a relatively new technique for exercise in individuals with impairments of the upper limbs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 12 weeks of FES arm cycle ergometry on upper limb function and cardiovascular fitness in individuals with tetraplegia. F!ve subjects (4M/1F; mean age 43.8 ± 15.4 years) with a spinal cord injury of the cervical spine (C3- C7; ASIA B-D) participated in 12 weeks of3 times per week FES arm cycle ergometry training. Exercise performance measures (time to fatigue, distance to fatigue, work rate) were taken at baseline, 6 weeks, and following 12 weeks of training. Cardiovascular measures (MAP, resting HR, average and peak HR during exercise, cardiovascular efficiency) and self reported upper limb function (as determined by the CUE, sf-QIF, SCI-SET questionnaires) were taken at baseline and following 12 weeks of training. Increases were found in time to fatigue (84.4%), distance to fatigue (111.7%), and work rate (51.3%). These changes were non-significant. There was a significant decrease in MAP (91.1 ± 13.9 vs. 87.7 ± 14.7 mmHg) following 12 weeks ofFES arm cycle ergometry. There was no significant change in resting HR or average and peak HR during exercise. Cardiovascular efficiency showed an increase following the 12 weeks ofFES training (142.9%), which was non-significant. There were no significant changes in the measures of upper limb function and spasticity. Overall, FES arm cycle ergometry is an effective method of cardiovascular exercise for individuals with tetraplegia, as evidenced by a significant decrease in MAP, however it is unclear whether 12 weeks of thrice weekly FES arm cycle ergometry may effectively improve upper limb function in all individuals with a cervical SCI.


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The synthesis of 3-ethynylthienyl- (2.07), 3-ethynylterthienyl- (2.19) substituted qsal [qsalH = N-(8-quinolyl)salicylaldimine] and 3,3' -diethynyl-2,2' -bithienyl bridging bisqsal (5.06) ligands are described along with the preparation and characterization of eight cationic iron(III) complexes containing these ligands with a selection of counteranions [(2.07) with: SCN- (2.08), PF6- (2.09), and CI04- (2.10); (2.19) with PF6 - (2.20); (5.06) with: cr (5.07), SeN- (5.08), PF6- (5.09), and CI04- (5.10)]. Spin-crossover is observed in the solid state for (2.08) - (2.10) and (5.07) - (5.10), including a ve ry rare S = 5/2 to 3/2 spin-crossover in complex (2.09). The unusal reduction of complex (2.10) produces a high-spin iron(I1) complex (2.12). Six iron(II) complexes that are derived from thienyl analogues of bispicen [bispicen = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-diamine] [2,5-thienyl substituents = H- (3.11), Phenyl- (3.12), 2- thienyl (3.13) or N-phenyl-2-pyridinalimine ligands [2,5-phenyl substituents = diphenyl (3.23), di(2-thienyl) (3.24), 4-phenyl substituent = 3-thienyl (3.25)] are reported Complexes (3.11), (3.23) and (3.25) display thermal spin-crossover in the solid state and (3.12) remains high-spin at all temperatures. Complex (3.13) rearranges to form an iron(II) complex (3.14) with temperature dependent magnetic properties be s t described as a one-dimensional ferromagnetic chain, with interchain antiferromagnetic interactions and/or ZFS dominant at low temperatures. Magnetic succeptibility and Mossbauer data for complex (3.24) display a temperature dependent mixture of spin isomers. The preparation and characterization of two cobalt(II) complexes containing 3- ethynylthienyl- (4.04) and 3-ethynylterhienyl- (4.06) substituted bipyridine ligands [(4.05): [Co(dbsqh(4.04)]; (4.07): [Co(dbsq)2(4.06)]] [dbsq = 3,5-dbsq=3,5-di-tert-butylI ,2-semiquinonate] are reported. Complexes (4.05) and (4.07) exhibit thermal valence tautomerism in the solid state and in solution. Self assembly of complex (2.10) into polymeric spheres (6.11) afforded the first spincrossover, polydisperse, micro- to nanoscale material of its kind. . Complexes (2.20), (3.24) and (4.07) also form polymers through electrochemical synthesis to produce hybrid metaUopolymer films (6.12), (6.15) and (6.16), respectively. The films have been characterized by EDX, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements demonstrate that spin lability is operative in the polymers and conductivity measurements confirm the electron transport properties. Polymer (6.15) has a persistent oxidized state that shows a significant decrease in electrical resistance.


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This qualitative research study explores how teachers who write social justicefocused curriculum support resources conceptualize curriculum and social justice. Curriculum used in schools reflects underlying assumptions and choices about what knowledge is valuable. Class-based, cultural, racial, and religious stereotypes are reinforced in schooling contexts. Are the resources teachers create, select, and use to promote social justice reproducing and reinforcing forms of oppression? Why do teachers pursue social justice through curriculum writing? What are their hopes for this work? Exploring how Teachers' beliefs and values influence cy.rriculum writing engages the teachers writing and using curriculum support resources in critical reflective thought about their experiences and efforts to promote social justice. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with four teacher-curriculum writers from Ontario schools. In theorizing my experiences as a teacher-curriculum writer, I reversed roles and participated in individual interviews. I employed a critical feminist lens to analyze the qualitati ve data. The participants' identities influenced how they understand social justice and write curriculum. Their understandings of injustices, either personal or gathered through students, family members, or oth.e. r teachers, influenced their curriculum writing . The teacher-curriculum writers in the study believed all teachers need critical understandings of curriculum and social justice. The participants made a case for representation from historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups on curriculum writing teams. In an optimistic conclusion, the possibility of a considerate curriculum is proposed as a way to engage the public in working with teachers for social justice.


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Scientists have been debating for decades the origin of life on earth. A number of hypotheses were proposed as to what emerged first RNA or DNA; with most scientists are in favour of the "RNA World" hypothesis. Assuming RNA emerged first, it fellow that the RNA polymerases would've appeared before DNA polymerases. Using recombinant DNA technology and bioinformatics we undertook this study to explore the relationship between RNA polymerases, reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerases. The working hypothesis is that DNA polymerases evolved from reverse transcriptase and the latter evolved from RNA polymerases. If this hypothesis is correct then one would expect to find various ancient DNA polymerases with varying level of reverse transcriptase activity. In the first phase of this research project multiple sequence alignments were made on the protein sequence of 32 prokaryotic DNA-directed DNA polymerases originating from 11 prokaryotic families against 3 viral reverse transcriptase. The data from such alignments was not very conclusive. DNA polymerases with higher level of reverse transcriptase activity were non-confined to ancient organisms, as one would've expected. The second phase of this project was focused on conditions that may alter the DNA polymerase activity. Various reaction conditions, such as temperature, using various ions (Ni2+, Mn2+, Mg2+) were tested. Interestingly, it was found that the DNA polymerase from the Thermos aquatics family can be made to copy RNA into DNA (i.e. reverse transcriptase activity). Thus it was shown that under appropriate conditions (ions and reactions temperatures) reverse transcriptase activity can be induced in DNA polymerase. In the third phase of this study recombinant DNA technology was used to generate a chimeric DNA polymerase; in attempts to identify the region(s) of the polymerase responsible for RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity. The two DNA polymerases employed were the Thermus aquatic us and Thermus thermophiles. As in the second phase various reaction conditions were investigated. Data indicated that the newly engineered chimeric DNA polymerase can be induced to copy RNA into DNA. Thus the intrinsic reverse transcriptase activity found in ancient DNA polymerases was localized into a domain and can be induced via appropriate reaction conditions.


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The letter reads:" Dearest, How do you like this little surprise party? It is the latest way of sewing for the Red Cross - You remember I told you I was to meet Maud at two o'clock this afternoon, and we were going down to make surgical dressings? Well, thru a little misunderstanding about our meeting place, we missed each other; so I returned home. Mother thought I looked tired and insisted upon my taking a nap. I cam up to my room, and for an hour I've been trying to sleep, but "thought"(???) has prevented it. Artie dear, I have such an awful attack of the blues and while I was lying there trying to fight it, and also wishing that I knew your address - for I felt so much like writing to you, the thought came to me, that I could send a letter to you thru Chaunce, if I knew his company number. Hence - ensued a little chat with Mrs. Leake on the phone, and receiving the desired information, rushed to my desk, and - thus endeth the little tale. You are just about reaching Washington now, and I bet you are tired after that dreadfully monotonous trip. Take good care of yourself my "___"(?) Good luck, and lots of other wishes. Lovingly "Me". P.S. Write real, real soon and thank Chaunce for playing postman. L.


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Eleanore Celeste is teaching at Lafayette Street School. She states that she likes "this school better than any I've substituted in." She writes about a boy who could not attend school because he had no shoes and the family was living in terrible conditions with barely anything to eat. She has also read some articles about men returning from France and she is hoping that Arthur will return soon. The letter is labelled number 189.


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Marie-Ève Couture-Ménard, Étudiante à la maîtrise (Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, Directrice de recherche : T. Leroux)


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La « critique sociale » doit être comprise comme étant la capacité d’exprimer, d’afficher et d’exercer sa différence. Par ailleurs, la capacité d’exprimer sa différence est étroitement liée à l’état d’égalité. En revanche, ce sont les inégalités sociales qui poussent à l’homogénéisation. Alors, comment les personnes qui subissent les inégalités sociales peuvent-elle échapper à l’homogénéisation et devenir agents de critique sociale et moteurs de changement ? Autrement dit, faut-il donner raison à Marcuse sur le fait qu’une véritable remise en question du modèle dominant ne peut qu’émerger à la marge ? On peut penser que c’est là le rôle des organismes communautaires, même s’il arrive que le modèle dominant les récupère pour en faire un organe d’intégration des forces en opposition. Notre premier objectif de recherche est donc de voir s’il existe une critique concernent le travail chez les personnes interviewées. En outre, notre second objectif est de voir si le fait d’être à la marge permet de développer un rapport contestataire au modèle dominant de travail.


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[français] L’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser l’organisation interne d’une firme de sondage sous l’angle des sphères du milieu de travail telles qu’identifiées par Bélanger, Giles et Murray (2004), soient : la gestion de la production, l’organisation du travail et la relation à l’emploi. Plus spécifiquement, nous chercherons à savoir comment se comporte la firme enquêtée face à la gestion de la flexibilité organisationnelle et quel est l’impact de celle-ci sur les trois sphères du travail. L’analyse utilise la méthodologie de l’étude de cas et fait appel à divers types de matériaux : des observations ponctuelles, des entrevues informelles et les bases de données administratives ainsi que les rapports d’évaluation des entrevues téléphoniques effectuées par les intervieweurs. De même, l’analyse des résultats utilise à la fois des méthodes plus classiques telles que les corrélations ainsi que des représentations graphiques et des analyses qualitatives. L’analyse permet de repérer une logique de fonctionnement à l’œuvre dans les différentes sphères de l’emploi : l’importante standardisation des processus de travail (dans le champ de la gestion de la production), la réduction des marges de manœuvre (dans le champ de l’organisation du travail) et la non reconnaissance de l’expertise des intervieweurs (dans le champ de la relation à l’emploi). Les contradictions repérées dans l’analyse, entre les sphères de l’emploi et les objectifs de flexibilité, montrent que les structures mises en place bloquent, dans une certaine mesure, la capacité d’initiative et d’adaptation que la flexibilité exige. La recherche a montré que ce qu’on demande aux intervieweurs est à la fois le reflet des exigences de la flexibilité, tel que constaté dans ce mémoire, mais aussi, des exigences sociales face à la méthodologie de sondage. Tout porte à déduire que celles-ci peuvent engendrer un plafonnement de la performance des employés. Mots-clés : centres d’appels, intervieweurs, firmes de sondage, flexibilité organisationnelle, gestion de la production, organisation du travail, relation à l’emploi, travail émotionnel.