1000 resultados para 616.043


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a concordância entre os métodos não invasivos - queixa de dor pélvica, ultra-sonografia transvaginal (US-TV) e histerossalpingografia (HSG) e a endoscopia ginecológica no diagnóstico de fatores tubo-peritoneais responsáveis por infertilidade conjugal. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo do tipo corte transversal incluindo 149 pacientes inférteis submetidas à avaliação clínica, ultra-sonografia transvaginal, histerossonografia, histeroscopia e laparoscopia. Na avaliação de dor pélvica foram consideradas anormais a queixa de dor pélvica tipo dispareunia, dismenorréia ou dor acíclica e dor à mobilização do colo uterino e palpação de anexos. O exame ultra-sonográfico foi considerado alterado com os achados de alterações morfológicas anexiais ou uterinas (hidrossalpinge, miomas ou malformações uterinas). A histerossalpingografia foi considerada anormal na presença de alteração anatômica tubária e obstrução unilateral ou bilateral. Avaliou-se a concordância diagnóstica individual entre os diversos métodos não invasivos e a endoscopia por meio da análise kappa. RESULTADOS: a concordância entre dor pélvica, US-TV e HSG e avaliação endoscópica foi, respectivamente, de 46,3% (kapa=0,092; IC 95%: -0,043 a 0,228), 24% (kapa=-0,052; IC 95%: -0,148 a 0,043) e 46% (kapa=0,092; IC 95%: -0,043 a 0,228). Quando se considerou pelo menos um método não invasivo positivo, a concordância com a avaliação endoscópica foi de 63% (kapa=-0,014; IC 95%: -0,227 a 0,199). A sensibilidade e especificidade em predizer achados na endoscopia foram de 39,5 e 80% na presença de dor pélvica, de 14,5 e 72% na presença de alteração na US-TV, de 39,5 e 80% na presença de alteração na HSG e de 70,2 e 28% na presença de ao menos uma alteração na avaliação não invasiva. CONCLUSÃO: há fraca concordância diagnóstica entre os diversos métodos não invasivos e a endoscopia na investigação de infertilidade conjugal secundária a fatores tubo-peritoneais.


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OBJETIVOS: conhecer o consumo dietético de gestantes avaliando a ingestão de macronutrientes e micronutrientes, e verificar o ganho ponderal materno na gravidez. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo do período de junho de 2002 a junho de 2008 com gestantes que receberam orientação nutricional durante pré-natal em hospital universitário, agrupadas de acordo com o estado nutricional antropométrico classificado pelo índice de massa corpórea (IMC) pré-gestacional. O consumo dietético foi analisado pelas informações de entrevista de frequência alimentar realizada na primeira avaliação da gestante no serviço de nutrição, para obter os dados do hábito alimentar, calculando-se a ingestão de macronutrientes e micronutrientes. As gestantes receberam aconselhamento nutricional, e foi analisado o ganho ponderal materno na gravidez. RESULTADOS: do total de 187 gestantes que receberam orientação nutricional, 23 (12,2%) eram de baixo peso, 84 (45,0%), eutróficas, 37 (19,8%) com sobrepeso, e 43 (23,0%), obesas. As gestantes de baixo peso apresentaram menor consumo de lípides quando comparadas ao grupo com eutrofia (101,4 versus 137,3 g; p=0,043). A média do consumo de ferro foi maior nas gestantes eutróficas (14,6 mg/d) quando comparadas às com sobrepeso (12,2 mg/d) ou obesidade (10,9 mg/d; p<0,001). A média da ingestão de folatos foi maior nas gestantes eutróficas quando comparadas às obesas (336,5 versus 234,5 µg/d; p=0,002). O ganho de peso excessivo, acima do recomendado, foi significativamente mais frequente (p=0,009) nas gestantes com sobrepeso (56,7%) e obesidade (39,5%) quando comparadas às com baixo peso (17,4%) e eutrofia (31,0%). CONCLUSÕES: o ganho ponderal materno acima do recomendado associou-se ao sobrepeso e à obesidade. O consumo dietético de gestantes difere conforme o estado nutricional antropométrico materno, com menor ingestão diária de ferro nas gestantes com sobrepeso e obesidade, e menor ingestão de folatos nas obesas, o que reforça a importância da suplementação vitamínica pré-natal.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a histomorfometria das células intersticiais dos ovários, bem como analisar a concentração sanguínea de esteroides sexuais de ratas portadoras de ovários policísticos induzidos pela luz contínua. MÉTODOS: Vinte ratas foram divididas em dois grupos: ratas na fase de estro (GCtrl ) e ratas portadoras de ovários policísticos induzidos pela iluminação contínua (GOP). Os animais do GCtrl permaneceram com período de luz das 7:00 s 19:00 horas, e os animais do GOP, com iluminação contínua (400 Lux), durante um período de 60 dias. Ao final desse período todos os animais foram anestesiados, foi coletado o sangue, para determinação dos níveis séricos de estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4) e testosterona (T), seguido da retirada dos ovários que foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados para inclusão em parafina. Cortes histológicos com 5 µm corados pela hematoxilina e eosina foram utilizados para análise histomorfométrica. As análises morfológicas, contagem de cistos, determinação da concentração e do volume nuclear das células intersticiais foram realizadas com o auxílio de microscópio de luz adaptado a uma câmera de alta resolução (AxioCam), cujas imagens foram transmitidas e analisadas em computador com software AxioVision Rel 4.8 (Carl Zeiss). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste t de Student (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: A morfologia mostrou a presença de cistos nos ovários pertencentes ao Grupo OP e de corpos lúteos no GCtrl, mostrando ainda evidências da origem das células intersticiais a partir das células da teca interna desses cistos. Com relação aos níveis hormonais o GOP apresentou níveis séricos de estradiol (pg/mL) aumentados em relação ao GCtrl (GOP=124,9±4,2>GCtrl=73,2±6,5; p<0,05), o mesmo ocorrendo com os níveis de testosterona (pg/mL) (GOP=116,9±4,6>GCtrl=80,6±3,9; p<0,05). Entretanto os níveis de progesterona (ng/mL) foram mais elevados no GCtrl em relação ao GOP (GCtrl=16,3±2,0>GOP=4,2±1,5; p<0,05). A morfometria mostrou haver aumento significante do volume nuclear no grupo GOP (GOP=102,1±5,2>GCtrl=63,6±16,5; p<0,05), assim como da área ocupada (%) pelas células intersticiais (GOP=24,4±6,9>GCtrl=6,9±3,2; p<0,05) em relação aos animais do GCtrl. CONCLUSÃO: As células intersticiais do ovário policístico da rata provavelmente provêm dos cistos ovarianos devido degeneração das células da granulosa e diferenciação das células da teca interna. As elevações dos níveis séricos de testosterona e de estradiol provavelmente provêm do aumento significativo da atividade celular e da área ocupada pelas células intersticiais.


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Hanke tähtää Lappeenrannan julkisen rakennuskannan energiatehokkuuden ja kokonaistaloudellisuuden parantamiseen. Energiatehokkuutta ja kokonaistaloudellisuutta kunnallisessa rakentamisessa kannustavat mm. kansainvälisten ja kansallisten sopimusten energiansäästötavoitteet, sekä kuntien tiukka budjettitilanne. Hankkeen yhteydessä on laadittu arviointikriteeristö rakennusinvestoinneista vastaavien viranomaisten käyttöön, mikä helpottaa tunnistamaan energiatehokkaita, kokonaistaloudellisia sekä laadukasta sisäilmastoa tukevia rakennusinvestointien toteutuskäytäntöjä. Kriteeristö on suunniteltu erityisesti kasvatus- ja opetustarkoituksiin suunnattuja rakennuksia varten. Jotta kokonaistaloudellisuustavoitteet täyttyisivät, työssä käytettiin hyväksi elinkaariajattelutapaa. Kriteerit laadittiin rakennuksen kolmelle tavoitteiden toteutumisen kannalta merkittävälle elinkaaren vaiheelle, eli suunnittelu-, toteutus- ja käyttövaiheelle. Kriteeristö on laadittu kirjallisuuden ja ammattilaisten haastattelujen tarjoaman tiedon pohjalta. Laadittua kriteeristöä koekäytettiin Myllymäen päiväkoti -hankkeen yhteydessä, jotta voitaisiin tunnistaa kriteeristön kehitystarpeita. Koekäytön yhteydessä toteutettiin myös mielipidekysely, jonka avulla kerättiin kriteeristön kehitysehdotuksia rakennushankkeen eri osapuolilta. Koekäytön tarjoaman tiedon nojalla kriteeristöä jatkokehitettiin vastaamaan paremmin käytännön tarpeita. Koekäyttö kohdistui kohteen suunnitteluvaiheeseen. Hankkeessa saavutettiin asetetut tavoitteet. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että kriteeristön jatkokehittämistä on syytä jatkaa. Koekäytön ulottaminen toteutus ja käyttövaiheeseen on tärkeää. Kriteeristön käsittelyalueen laajentamiselle korjausrakentamiseen sekä alueellisen tarkastelutavan käyttöönotolle olisi myös tarvetta.


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Muurikkalan, Pellinkankaan ja Saivikkalan pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelma on tehty osana vuosina 2012–2014 toteutettua kymPOVERI (Kymenlaakson pohjavesiriskit hallintaan) -hanketta. Hankkeessa laadittiin pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelmat 32:lle Kymenlaakson vedenhankinnan kannalta tärkeälle pohjavesialueelle. Pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelmaan on koottu tietoa pohjavesialueiden hydrogeologisista olosuhteista käyttäen hyväksi vanhoja alueella tehtyjä tutkimuksia sekä hankkeen yhteydessä suoritettujen maastokartoitusten ja -tutkimusten tuloksia. Suojelusuunnitelmaan on koottu tietoa alueilla sijaitsevista pohjavedelle riskiä aiheuttavista toiminnoista, kuten teollisuus- ja yritystoiminnoista, liikenteen ja tienpidon riskeistä, pilaantuneista maa-alueista, maa-ainestenotosta, maa- ja metsätaloudesta, asutuksesta, jätevesistä, öljy- ja polttoainesäiliöistä, maalämmöstä ja muuntamoista. Suojelusuunnitelmassa on annettu toimenpidesuosituksia sekä yksittäisille riskikohteille että eri riskiryhmille yleisesti. Suojelusuunnitelmassa käsitellään kaavoitustilanne alueilla ja annetaan ohjeita maankäytön suunnitteluun pohjavesialueilla. Lisäksi suunnitelmaan on kirjattu toimintaohjeet mahdollisissa vahinko- ja onnettomuustapauksissa.


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The biodistribution and removal from plasma (measured as fractional clearance rate, FCR, per hour) of native and oxidatively modified 99mtechnetium-labeled ß-very low density lipoprotein (99mTc-ß-VLDL) were investigated in hypercholesterolemic (HC) and control (C) three-month old New Zealand rabbits. The intracellular accumulation of ß-VLDL labeled with 99mTc was studied in vitro in THP-1 cells and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits. After intravenous injection into C rabbits, copper-oxidized ß-VLDL (99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) was cleared from the circulation faster (0.362 ± 0.070/h) than native ß-VLDL (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL, 0.241 ± 0.070/h). In contrast, the FCR of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL in HC rabbits was lower (0.100 ± 0.048/h) than that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL (0.163 ± 0.043/h). The hepatic uptake of radiolabeled lipoproteins was lower in HC rabbits (0.114 ± 0.071% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.116 ± 0.057% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) than in C rabbits (0.301 ± 0.113% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.305 ± 0.149% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL). The uptake of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by atherosclerotic aorta lesions isolated from HC rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.033 ± 0.012% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.039 ± 0.017% injected dose/g tissue) was higher in comparison to that of non-atherosclerotic aortas from C rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.023 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.019 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue). However, 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL were taken up by atherosclerotic lesions at similar rates. In vitro studies showed that both monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits and THP-1 macrophages significantly internalized more 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL than 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL. These results indicate that in cholesterol-fed rabbits 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL is slowly cleared from plasma and accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions. However, although the extent of in vitro uptake of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by macrophages was high, the in vivo accumulation of this radiolabeled lipoprotein by atherosclerotic lesions did not differ from that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL.


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The prone position can be used for the planning of adjuvant radiotherapy after conservative breast surgery in order to deliver less irradiation to lung and cardiac tissue. In the present study, we compared the results of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy planning for five patients irradiated in the supine and prone position. Tumor stage was T1N0M0 in four patients and T1N1M0 in one. All patients had been previously submitted to conservative breast surgery. Breast size was large in three patients and moderate in the other two. Irradiation in the prone position was performed using an immobilization foam pad with a hole cut into it to accommodate the breast so that it would hang down away from the chest wall. Dose-volume histograms showed that mean irradiation doses reaching the ipsilateral lung were 8.3 ± 3.6 Gy with the patient in the supine position and 1.4 ± 1.0 Gy with the patient in the prone position (P = 0.043). The values for the contralateral lung were 1.3 ± 0.7 and 0.3 ± 0.1 Gy (P = 0.043) and the values for cardiac tissue were 4.6 ± 1.6 and 3.0 ± 1.7 Gy (P = 0.079), respectively. Thus, the dose-volume histograms demonstrated that lung tissue irradiation was significantly lower with the patient in the prone position than in the supine position. Large-breasted women appeared to benefit most from irradiation in the prone position. Prone position breast irradiation appears to be a simple and effective alternative to the conventional supine position for patients with large breasts, since they are subjected to lower pulmonary doses which may cause less pulmonary side effects in the future.


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In worldwide studies, interleukin-6 (IL-6) is implicated in age-related disturbances. The aim of the present report was to determine the possible association of IL-6 -174 C/G promoter polymorphism with the cytokine profile as well as with the presence of selected cardiovascular risk features. This was a cross-sectional study on Brazilian women aged 60 years or older. A sample of 193 subjects was investigated for impaired glucose regulation, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Genotyping was done by direct sequencing of PCR products. IL-6 and C-reactive protein were quantified by high-sensitivity assays. General linear regression models or the Student t-test were used to compare continuous variables among genotypes, followed by adjustments for confounding variables. The chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. The genotypes were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium proportions. In a recessive model, mean waist-to-hip ratio, serum glycated hemoglobin and serum glucose were markedly lower in C homozygotes (P = 0.001, 0.028, and 0.047, respectively). In a dominant hypothesis, G homozygotes displayed a trend towards higher levels of circulating IL-6 (P = 0.092). Non-parametric analysis revealed that impaired fasting glucose and hypertension were findings approximately 2-fold more frequent among G homozygous subjects (P = 0.042 and 0.043, respectively). Taken together, our results show that the IL-6 -174 G-allele is implicated in a greater cardiovascular risk. To our knowledge, this is the first investigation of IL-6 promoter variants and age-related disturbances in the Brazilian elderly population.


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The aims of this study were to determine whether standard base excess (SBE) is a useful diagnostic tool for metabolic acidosis, whether metabolic acidosis is clinically relevant in daily evaluation of critically ill patients, and to identify the most robust acid-base determinants of SBE. Thirty-one critically ill patients were enrolled. Arterial blood samples were drawn at admission and 24 h later. SBE, as calculated by Van Slyke's (SBE VS) or Wooten's (SBE W) equations, accurately diagnosed metabolic acidosis (AUC = 0.867, 95%CI = 0.690-1.043 and AUC = 0.817, 95%CI = 0.634-0.999, respectively). SBE VS was weakly correlated with total SOFA (r = -0.454, P < 0.001) and was similar to SBE W (r = -0.482, P < 0.001). All acid-base variables were categorized as SBE VS <-2 mEq/L or SBE VS <-5 mEq/L. SBE VS <-2 mEq/L was better able to identify strong ion gap acidosis than SBE VS <-5 mEq/L; there were no significant differences regarding other variables. To demonstrate unmeasured anions, anion gap (AG) corrected for albumin (AG A) was superior to AG corrected for albumin and phosphate (AG A+P) when strong ion gap was used as the standard method. Mathematical modeling showed that albumin level, apparent strong ion difference, AG A, and lactate concentration explained SBE VS variations with an R² = 0.954. SBE VS with a cut-off value of <-2 mEq/L was the best tool to diagnose clinically relevant metabolic acidosis. To analyze the components of SBE VS shifts at the bedside, AG A, apparent strong ion difference, albumin level, and lactate concentration are easily measurable variables that best represent the partitioning of acid-base derangements.


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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Vascular hyporeactivity is an important factor in irreversible shock, and post-shock mesenteric lymph (PSML) blockade improves vascular reactivity after hemorrhagic shock. This study explored the possible involvement of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in PSML-mediated vascular hyporeactivity and calcium desensitization. Rats were divided into sham (n=12), shock (n=18), and shock+drainage (n=18) groups. A hemorrhagic shock model (40±2 mmHg, 3 h) was established in the shock and shock+drainage groups. PSML drainage was performed from 1 to 3 h from start of hypotension in shock+drainage rats. Levels of phospho-MLCK (p-MLCK) were determined in superior mesenteric artery (SMA) tissue, and the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine (NE) and sensitivity to Ca2+ were observed in SMA rings in an isolated organ perfusion system. p-MLCK was significantly decreased in the shock group compared with the sham group, but increased in the shock+drainage group compared with the shock group. Substance P (1 nM), an agonist of MLCK, significantly elevated the decreased contractile response of SMA rings to both NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations. Maximum contractility (Emax) in the shock group increased with NE (from 0.179±0.038 to 0.440±0.177 g/mg, P<0.05) and Ca2+ (from 0.515±0.043 to 0.646±0.096 g/mg, P<0.05). ML-7 (0.1 nM), an inhibitor of MLCK, reduced the increased vascular response to NE and Ca2+ at various concentrations in the shock+drainage group (from 0.744±0.187 to 0.570±0.143 g/mg in Emax for NE and from 0.729±0.037 to 0.645±0.056 g/mg in Emax for Ca2+, P<0.05). We conclude that MLCK is an important contributor to PSML drainage, enhancing vascular reactivity and calcium sensitivity in rats with hemorrhagic shock.


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We investigated the prognostic effects of high-flux hemodialysis (HFHD) and low-flux hemodialysis (LFHD) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Both an electronic and a manual search were performed based on our rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria to retrieve high-quality, relevant clinical studies from various scientific literature databases. Comprehensive meta-analysis 2.0 (CMA 2.0) was used for the quantitative analysis. We initially retrieved 227 studies from the database search. Following a multi-step screening process, eight high-quality studies were selected for our meta-analysis. These eight studies included 4967 patients with CKD (2416 patients in the HFHD group, 2551 patients in the LFHD group). The results of our meta-analysis showed that the all-cause death rate in the HFHD group was significantly lower than that in the LFHD group (OR=0.704, 95%CI=0.533-0.929, P=0.013). Additionally, the cardiovascular death rate in the HFHD group was significantly lower than that in the LFHD group (OR=0.731, 95%CI=0.616-0.866, P<0.001). The results of this meta-analysis clearly showed that HFHD decreases all-cause death and cardiovascular death rates in patients with CKD and that HFHD can therefore be implemented as one of the first therapy choices for CKD.