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The central actions of leptin are essential for homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass, glucose metabolism, and many autonomic and neuroendocrine systems. In the brain, leptin acts on numerous different cell types via the long-form leptin receptor (LepRb) to elicit its effects. The precise identification of leptin`s cellular targets is fundamental to understanding the mechanism of its pleiotropic central actions. We have systematically characterized LepRb distribution in the mouse brain using in situ hybridization in wildtype mice as well as by EYFP immunoreactivity in a novel LepRb-IRES-Cre EYFP reporter mouse line showing high levels of LepRb mRNA/EYFP coexpression. We found substantial LepRb mRNA and EYFP expression in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic sites described before, including the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, ventral premammillary nucleus, ventral tegmental area, parabrachial nucleus, and the dorsal vagal complex. Expression in insular cortex, lateral septal nucleus, medial preoptic area, rostral linear nucleus, and in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus was also observed and had been previously unreported. The LepRb-IRES-Cre reporter line was used to chemically characterize a population of leptin receptor-expressing neurons in the midbrain. Tyrosine hydroxylase and Cre reporter were found to be coexpressed in the ventral tegmental area and in other midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Lastly, the LepRbI-RES-Cre reporter line was used to map the extent of peripheral leptin sensing by central nervous system (CNS) LepRb neurons. Thus, we provide data supporting the use of the LepRb-IRES-Cre line for the assessment of the anatomic and functional characteristics of neurons expressing leptin receptor. J. Comp. Neurol. 514:518-532, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Evidence of mild hypertension in women and female rats and our preliminary observation showing that training is not effective to reduce pressure in female as it does in male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) prompt us to investigate the effects of gender on hemodynamic pattern and microcirculatory changes induced by exercise training. Female SHR and normotensive controls (Wistar- Kyoto rats) were submitted to training (55% VO2 peak; 3 months) or kept sedentary and instrumented for pressure and hindlimb flow measurements at rest and during exercise. Heart, kidney, and skeletal muscles (locomotor/ nonlocomotor) were processed for morphometric analysis of arterioles, capillaries, and venules. High pressure in female SHR was accompanied by an increased arteriolar wall: lumen ratio in the kidney (+30%; P < 0.01) but an unchanged ratio in the skeletal muscles and myocardium. Female SHR submitted to training did not exhibit further changes on the arteriolar wall: lumen ratio and pressure, showing additionally increased hindlimb resistance at rest (+29%; P < 0.05). On the other hand, female SHR submitted to training exhibited increased capillary and venular densities in locomotor muscles (+50% and 2.3- fold versus sedentary SHR, respectively) and normalized hindlimb flow during exercise hyperemia. Left ventricle pressure and weight were higher in SHR versus WKY rats, but heart performance (positive dP/dt(max) and negative dP/dt(max)) was not changed by hypertension or training, suggesting a compensated heart function in female SHR. In conclusion, the absence of training- induced structural changes on skeletal muscle and myocardium arterioles differed from changes observed previously in male SHR, suggesting a gender effect. This effect might contribute to the lack of pressure fall in trained female SHRs.