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This article analyses the interrelationship between educational mismatch, wages and job satisfaction in the Spanish tourism sector in the first years of the global economic crisis. It is shown that there is a much higher incidence of over-education among workers in the Spanish tourism sector than in the rest of the economy despite this sector recording lower educational levels. This study estimates two models to analyse the influence of the educational mismatch on wages and job satisfaction for workers in the tourism industry and for the Spanish economy as a whole. The first model shows that in the tourism sector, the wage penalty associated with over-education is approximately 10%. The second reveals that in the tourism sector the levels of satisfaction of over-educated workers are considerably lower than those corresponding to workers well assigned. With respect to the differences between tourism and the overall economy in both aspects, the wage penalty is substantially lower in the case of tourism industries and the effect of over-education on job satisfaction is very similar to that of the economy as a whole in a context where both wages and the private returns to education are considerably lower in the tourism sector.


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SummaryContestation is a central element of heritage tourism. This chapter examines issues of contestation in relation to material cultural heritage with special attention given to the built environment, and archaeological and architectural sites. The relationship between tourism and material heritage is characterised by contestation in multiple ways and different scales and includes concerns over values, over space, over materials, over meanings, and over ownership. Using examples drawn from emerging economies as well as more developed destinations the chapter emphasizes the need to pursue these issues through a number of analytical lenses that draw upon different conceptual understandings of heritage and tourism and pursue a range of methodological strategies capable of unearthing the complexities of the contested relationship between tourism and material culture.


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By 2005, human organ trafficking, commercialization, and transplant tourism had become a prominent and pervasiveinfluence on transplantation therapy. The most common source of organs was impoverished people in India,Pakistan, Egypt, and the Philippines, deceased organ donors in Colombia, and executed prisoners in China. Inresponse, in May 2008, The Transplantation Society and the International Society of Nephrology developed theDeclaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism consisting of a preamble, a set of principles, anda series of proposals. Promulgation of the Declaration of Istanbul and the formation of the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group to promote and uphold its principles have demonstrated that concerted, strategic, collaborative,and persistent actions by professionals can deliver tangible changes. Over the past 5 years, the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group organized and encouraged cooperation among professional bodies and relevant international, regional,and national governmental organizations, which has produced significant progress in combating organ traffickingand transplant tourism around the world. At a fifth anniversary meeting in Qatar in April 2013, the DICGtook note of this progress and set forth in a Communique´ a number of specific activities and resolved to furtherengage groups from many sectors in working toward the Declaration’s objectives.


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Tourism is a highly competitive sector which is characterized by permanent transformation. Therefore, tourism firms depend largely on innovation to adapt themselves and compete, ensuring their survival and competitiveness. Despite research on innovation concludes that tourism firms are in most cases only moderately innovative, there are outstanding exceptions in specific fields and destinies. Spain, which is an unquestionable leader in tourism, constitutes one of them. In fact, Spanish tourism firms have shown a strong innovation capacity. They have improved and diversified their products thus meeting the requirements of a changing demand. This raises the need to properly understand how and why innovation takes place and who is involved in such a process. This paper aims to address these questions through the case study of one of the largest Spanish hospitality firms. The long history of Iberostar Group confirms that family firms and the networks they provide, along with environments that foster competition as was the case of the Spanish tourism industry, are important determinants of innovation particularly in a late-developed country.


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O potencial conflito entre o paradigma de conservação da natureza e o desenvolvimento de atividades de turismo em áreas protegidas exige uma gestão rigorosa. Em alguns casos, o controlo da visitação é uma estratégia para a preservação dos recursos naturais assim como outras ferramentas de gestão tais como a capacidade de carga turística e/ou zonamento, com a definição de áreas de acesso restrito a visitas. A fim de promover a harmonização entre essas duas forças opostas (preservação vs. visitação) algumas áreas protegidas têm mudado o turismo de natureza para o ecoturismo. Isto implica que as atividades turísticas deverão ser focadas numa viagem responsável a áreas naturais, e, ao mesmo tempo, na promoção da conservação do meio ambiente, na interpretação e na educação. No nosso estudo analisamos o potencial do Ecoturismo na Reserva Natural das Berlengas, uma área protegida em Portugal. Foram analisados o perfil, as motivações e o comportamento ambiental dos turistas que visitam as Berlengas. Um questionário bilingue foi elaborado e os dados foram recolhidos a partir de 304 turistas que visitaram as Berlengas, durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2014, o s quais concordaram em colaborar neste estudo. A análise dos nossos resultados permitiu-nos inferir que, de facto, o turista visita a ilha da Berlenga devido ao ambiente natural e à vida selvagem, a visita também está relacionada com as atividades de natureza, tais como, visitar as cavernas de barco, observação da vida selvagem, caminhadas e praia. No entanto, pelo facto dos turistas estarem motivados a visitarem a ilha para se envolverem na natureza não significa que eles tenham consciência pró-ambiental. Encontramos 53,2%/ medio-ecológicos e apenas 37,9% dos turistas pró-ecológico; 8,9% são mesmo anti-ecológicos. Os nossos resultados sugerem que a natureza e a vida selvagem são motivações que não parecem ser suficientes para as pessoas apoiarem verdadeiramente a conservação da natureza e desenvolver comportamentos pró-ambientais. Mas, também verificámos que os turistas com um maior nível de instrução têm uma maior consciência ecológica. Assim, os turistas com maior nível de instrução tendem a ter menos impacto sobre o destino turístico. De acordo com nossos resultados, são apresentadas várias recomendações para a implementação do ecoturismo nas Berlengas.


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This internship report aim was to find out the importance of sustainable tourism practices from a tourist point of view. The research study and internship took place at Back-Roads Touring - a tour operator (based in London) that specializes in small group touring for seniors travellers from Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. Google Forms online questionnaire was used in order to answer the objectives of the study. In total 1322 clients received an online questionnaire out of which 182 filled in the survey. The study had four objectives, however the main focus was to find out which tourism practices ( out of 15 choices) were the most important to the respondents during a Back-Roads Tour and which tourism options (using the same 15 choices) the respondents identify as sustainable tourism options ( objective 2 and 3). The results showed that the respondents valued the most small group touring and having an experienced tour leader, which are the core practices of the company. Furthermore, the respondents were not seeking for more sustainable tourism practices neither willing to donate money to local charities/non- profit organizations. This finding shows that the clients are content with a current model of a tour, are willing to return, however price and quality will be play a key role in the decision. The respondents´ lack of wish to support or donate money to charities /non-profit organizations, could be due to the fact that most of the clients were from middle class thus they did not have enough disposable income. Moreover, one of the objectives of this study was to find out if the clients valued sustainable tourism certification. The results showed that the respondents’ were not aware of the sustainable tourism certification that the company obtained, however slightly over half of the respondents said that the knowledge of the certification has positively influenced them to travel again with a company.


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Many rural areas, in Sweden and worldwide, experience population decline where the young leave for education and work in urban areas. Employment has declined in several rural industries, such as agriculture, forestry, and fishing, while growing in other industries are often located in urban areas. Politicians and organizations have put much hope in tourism as a tool of rural development, but can tourism help reverse the rural out-migration trend among young adults? This paper explores how tourism affects young inhabitants’ perceptions of and affective bonds to a rural area in Sweden, the ski resort of Sälen. Students from the 1993–1995 elementary school graduating classes were interviewed about their migration history, childhood, and view of and ties to Sälen. The respondents experience that tourism contributes to a more vital community incorporating influences from elsewhere, but without eliminating the positive aspects of rural life. The regular flow of people – tourists, seasonal workers, and entrepreneurs – passing through Sälen presents opportunities to extend one’s social network that are widely appreciated by respondents. The high in and out mobility constitutes a key part of Sälen’s character. Contributions from tourism – such as employment, entertainment, leisure, and opportunities to forge new social relationships – are available during the adult transition, the life phase when rural areas are often perceived as least attractive. Even though out-migration occurs in Sälen, and some respondents still find Sälen too small, tourism has clearly increased the available opportunities and contributed significantly to making Sälen more attractive to young adults.


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This thesis examines how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. Such a study lies at the intersection of research about tourism impacts, adult transition, and rural areas. The aim is to examine how largescale tourism affects the opportunities for young adults living in rural areas; their perception of place and the perceived opportunities and obstacles that tourism provides. The thesis utilizes a mixed method approach. A quantitative study based on micro-data on individuals identifies the patterns and magnitudes of the mechanisms by which tourism affects population change among young adults. Interview methods are used in the case study area, Sälen, to investigate these mechanisms in depth. Finally, the rural–urban dichotomy is explored in a conceptual study that asks how tourism affects the perception of a local village as either rural or urban. Young inhabitants in rural areas are rarely considered in tourism research; therefore, the main contribution of this thesis is that it illuminates how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. The thesis reveals a substantial impact on the adult transition, mainly due to easier access to the labor market and a good supply of jobs during the high season. Further, the large number of people passing through creates flows of opportunities to make friends, get a job, or just meet people. All of these factors contribute to high mobility in these places, and to the perception of them as places where things happen. The high mobility in Sälen implies that fixed migrant categories (such as stayers and leavers) are largely insufficient. The tourism environment creates a space that is always under construction and continually producing new social relations mainly perceived as opportunities. Conceptualizing this as a modern rurality is a way to move beyond the often implicit notions of urban as modern and rural as traditional.


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The Arctic is affected by global environmental change and also by diverse interests from many economic sectors and industries. Over the last decade, various actors have attempted to explore the options for setting up integrated and comprehensive trans-boundary systems for monitoring and observing these impacts. These Arctic Observation Systems (AOS) contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of environmental change and responsible social and economic development in the Arctic. The aim of this article is to identify the two-way relationship between AOS and tourism. On the one hand, tourism activities account for diverse changes across a broad spectrum of impact fields. On the other hand, due to its multiple and diverse agents and far-reaching activities, tourism is also well-positioned to collect observational data and participate as an actor in monitoring activities. To accomplish our goals, we provide an inventory of tourism-embedded issues and concerns of interest to AOS from a range of destinations in the circumpolar Arctic region, including Alaska, Arctic Canada, Iceland, Svalbard, the mainland European Arctic and Russia. The article also draws comparisons with the situation in Antarctica. On the basis of a collective analysis provided by members of the International Polar Tourism Research Network from across the polar regions, we conclude that the potential role for tourism in the development and implementation of AOS is significant and has been overlooked.


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The assessment of the economic benefits of cultural events is necessary to inform decision-making. In many cases cultural events are designed to attract tourists and the injection of tourist spending to a local economy is one of the drivers for hosting events. From an economic perspective, the impact of staging an event can be measured using either an expenditure multiplier or a cost benefit analysis (CBA) approach. One of the difficulties with CBA is the data required to estimate the relevant benefit function. This paper addresses this limitation by illustrating how benefit functions can be parameterised with minimal data, thereby enhancing the possibility of using CBA. Our approach is illustrated with a case study of an exhibition held by a regional community in Australia. The case study compares economic impact assessments and finds using benefit estimates as we propose provides a useful method of estimating benefits with limited data.


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This paper examines the factors motivating students to enrol in the Tourism Management program at Champlain College, St-Lambert and why a large number of students abandon the program before obtaining their DEC. There is a great deal of literature on student attrition, however there is little consensus on why students withdraw from college programs and the results cannot be easily generalized to this particular set of students at this time. Understanding the factors that influenced the students to choose Tourism Management at Champlain, St-Lambert and why they then leave before completing the six semesters will help with student success and with the marketing of the program.||Résumé : Ce travail s'intéresse aux facteurs qui motivent les étudiants à s'inscrire au programme de tourisme offert au Collège Champlain de St-Lambert. Il cherche à établir les raisons qui font en sorte qu'un si grand nombre d'étudiants abandonnent le programme avant d'obtenir leur DEC. Plusieurs recherches ont été effectuées sur l'abandon scolaire, mais il n'y a pas de consensus quant aux raisons pour lesquelles les étudiants se retirent du programme collégial. Actuellement, il est difficile d'établir des liens entre les résultats de ces recherches et ce groupe d'étudiants. La compréhension des facteurs qui influencent les étudiants à choisir le tourisme au Collège Champlain et les raisons qui font en sorte qu'ils quittent avant d'avoir complété leur formation, nous permettront d'améliorer le taux de rétention des étudiants dans ce programme. De plus, cela favorisera le marketing du programme.


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This paper aims to establish possible tourism demand scenarios of European travellers to Portugal based on the relationship with changing population structures. A combination of the EuROBAROMETER report 370 (“Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013”) and the cohort-component method for population projections will allow the development of different possible tourism demand scenarios. Following the European report, individuals who travelled in 2013 were most likely to live in a household with two or more individuals. Thus, if elderly couples are together till later in their life and in better physiological shape, it is possible that the number of elderly individuals travelling for tourism purposes will increase in the near future. If we can expect tourists from developing countries to be younger due to their demographic dynamics than those from developed countries, where the ageing population is growing fast, we can expect that the percentage of the elderly among tourists will increase. Furthermore, the 2013 European report found that the combination of socio-demographic variables, such as, age, population, gender, household dimension, country of residence and trip purpose explained tourism demand scenarios for Portugal, confirming that seniors and families evidence a paramount sense of importance for the destination. In the literature there is a lack of discussion about the effects of demography in the future and the role of an ageing population in tourism demand choice patterns. We aim to contribute to filling this gap. Consequently, we strongly believe that this paper contributes to the literature by introducing a new field of discussion about the importance of demographic changes in shaping travel trends.