999 resultados para 20 mT demagnetization
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Associadas aos benefícios no solo da semeadura direta, podem ocorrer a formação de gradiente vertical de fertilidade e a de uma camada compactada provocada pelo intenso tráfego de máquinas agrícolas, podendo modificar o crescimento radicular das culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as doses e formas de aplicação da adubação fosfatada e a compactação do solo pelo tráfego de máquinas nos atributos físicos e no sistema radicular da soja e do milho nas condições da Chapada dos Parecis, MT. O estudo foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico argiloso em delineamento em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 × 4 × 4 e três repetições, sendo duas formas de adubação fosfatada (a lanço e no sulco), quatro doses de P2O5 (0, 50, 100 e 150 kg ha-1) e quatro níveis de compactação (PT0, PT2, PT4 e PT8 – semeadura direta com compactação induzida por tráfego de trator em zero, duas, quatro e oito passadas, respectivamente). O tráfego de máquinas ocasionou compactação do solo em semeadura direta, aumentando a densidade do solo (Ds) e resistência do solo à penetração (RSP) e reduzindo a macroporosidade e porosidade total, sem efeito da adubação fosfatada. A resposta das espécies à forma de adubação fosfatada foi diferenciada, não apresentando influência no crescimento radicular da soja. No milho, quando fornecida a lanço proporcionou maior área de raízes na camada de 0,00-0,05 m; e, quando no sulco, foram observadas entre as camadas menores diferenças na área radicular. Nas camadas de 0,05-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m, a RSP de 1,48 e 1,84 MPa (Us = 0,28 m3 m-3) e Ds de 1,32 e 1,35 kg dm-3, respectivamente, proporcionaram redução de 19 e 27 % no diâmetro médio das raízes do milho e aumento de 110 e 49 % no diâmetro das raízes da soja.
Surface roughness of the soil is formed by mechanical tillage and is also influenced by the kind and amount of plant residue, among other factors. Its persistence over time mainly depends on the fundamental characteristics of rain and soil type. However, few studies have been developed to evaluate these factors in Latossolos (Oxisols). In this study, we evaluated the effect of soil tillage and of amounts of plant residue on surface roughness of an Oxisol under simulated rain. Treatments consisted of the combination of the tillage systems of no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and minimum tillage (MT) with rates of plant residue of 0, 1, and 2 Mg ha-1 of oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and 0, 3, and 6 Mg ha-1 of maize (Zea mays L.). Seven simulated rains were applied on each experimental plot, with intensity of 60±2 mm h-1 and duration of 1 h at weekly intervals. The values of the random roughness index ranged from 2.94 to 17.71 mm in oats, and from 5.91 to 20.37 mm in maize, showing that CT and MT are effective in increasing soil surface roughness. It was seen that soil tillage operations carried out with the chisel plow and the leveling disk harrow are more effective in increasing soil roughness than those carried out with the heavy disk harrow and leveling disk harrow. The roughness index of the soil surface decreases exponentially with the increase in the rainfall volume applied under conditions of no tillage without soil cover, conventional tillage, and minimum tillage. The oat and maize crop residue present on the soil surface is effective in maintaining the roughness of the soil surface under no-tillage.
Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is frequently found in the blood of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of cannabis or involved in traffic crashes. The present study used a double-blind crossover design to compare the effects of medium (16.5 mg THC) and high doses (45.7 mg THC) of hemp milk decoctions or of a medium dose of dronabinol (20 mg synthetic THC, Marinol on several skills required for safe driving. Forensic interpretation of cannabinoids blood concentrations were attempted using the models proposed by Daldrup (cannabis influencing factor or CIF) and Huestis and coworkers. First, the time concentration-profiles of THC, 11-hydroxy-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) (active metabolite of THC), and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) in whole blood were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-negative ion chemical ionization. Compared to smoking studies, relatively low concentrations were measured in blood. The highest mean THC concentration (8.4 ng/mL) was achieved 1 h after ingestion of the strongest decoction. Mean maximum 11-OH-THC level (12.3 ng/mL) slightly exceeded that of THC. THCCOOH reached its highest mean concentration (66.2 ng/mL) 2.5-5.5 h after intake. Individual blood levels showed considerable intersubject variability. The willingness to drive was influenced by the importance of the requested task. Under significant cannabinoids influence, the participants refused to drive when they were asked whether they would agree to accomplish several unimportant tasks, (e.g., driving a friend to a party). Most of the participants reported a significant feeling of intoxication and did not appreciate the effects, notably those felt after drinking the strongest decoction. Road sign and tracking testing revealed obvious and statistically significant differences between placebo and treatments. A marked impairment was detected after ingestion of the strongest decoction. A CIF value, which relies on the molar ratio of main active to inactive cannabinoids, greater than 10 was found to correlate with a strong feeling of intoxication. It also matched with a significant decrease in the willingness to drive, and it matched also with a significant impairment in tracking performances. The mathematic model II proposed by Huestis et al. (1992) provided at best a rough estimate of the time of oral administration with 27% of actual values being out of range of the 95% confidence interval. The sum of THC and 11-OH-THC blood concentrations provided a better estimate of impairment than THC alone. This controlled clinical study points out the negative influence on fitness to drive after medium or high dose oral THC or dronabinol.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today commented on the Iowa Crops and Weather report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service. The report is released weekly from April through October.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
This order directs Article IV, section 9 of the constitution of the State of Iowa provides that the Governor shall ensure the laws are faithfully executed. In this Executive Order many other Orders were resented.
This order when adopting regulations to protect the healthy, safety and welfare of the people of the State of Iowa, state agencies should seek to achieve statutory goals as effectively and efficiently as possible without imposing unnecessary burdens.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today commented on the Iowa Crops and Weather report released by the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service. The report is released weekly from April through October.
Crop and livestock summaries for the state of Iowa, produced by the Iowa Department of Agriculture.
Weekly letting report.
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management