975 resultados para 2-DIMENSIONAL ELECTRON GASES


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In the structure of the title complex [Cs(C8H4Cl3O2)(H2O)]n, the Cs salt of the commercial herbicide fenac [(2,3,6-trichlorophenyl)acetic acid], the irregular eight-coordination about Cs+ comprises a bidentate chelate (O:Cl) interaction involving a carboxyl O-atom and an ortho-related ring substituted Cl atom which is also bridging, a triple-bridging carboxyl O-atom and a bridging water molecule. A two-dimensional sheet polymer is generated, lying parallel to (100), within which there are water O---H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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In the title compound, [K2(C7H3Cl2O2)2(H2O)]n, the potassium salt of 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid, the repeating unit in the polymeric structure consists of two identical irregular KO6Cl complex units related by twofold rotational symmetry, linked by a bridging water molecule lying on the twofold axis. The coordination polyhedron about each K+ comprises a carboxyl O-atom and a Cl-atom donor from a bidentate chelate ligand interaction, four O-atom donors from a doubly bridging bidentate carboxyl (O,O')-chelate interaction and the water molecule. A two-dimensional layered coordination polymer structure lying parallel to (100) is generated through a series of conjoined cyclic bridges between K centres and is stabilized by water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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In the structure of title compound [Rb2(C7H5N2O4)2(H2O)2]n the asymmetric unit comprises two independent and different seven-coordinate Rb centres, one RbO7, the other RbO6N, with both having irregular stereochemistry. The RbO7 coordination comprises bridging oxygen donors from two water molecules, three carboxylate groups, and a nitro group, with one doubly bridging. The RbO6N coordination comprises the two bridging water molecules, one monodentate amine N donor, one carboxyl O donor and three O donors from nitro groups (one from the chelate bridge). The extension of the dinuclear unit gives a three-dimensional polymeric structure which is stabilized by both intra- and intermolecular amine N-H...O and water O-H...O hydrogen bonds to carboxyl and water O-atom acceptors, as well as a number of inter-ring \p--\p interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.364(2) \%A]. This complex is both isostructural with the analogous Cs -nitroanthranilate monohydrate complex.


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We have investigated the gas-phase reaction of the alpha-aminoacetate (glycyl) radical anion (NH2(sic)CHCO2-) with O-2 using ion trap mass spectrometry, quantum chemistry, and statistical reaction rate theory. This radical is found to undergo a remarkably rapid reaction with O-2 to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2(sic)) and an even-electron imine (NHCHCO2-), with experiments and master equation simulations revealing that reaction proceeds at the ion molecule collision rate. This reaction is facilitated by a low-energy concerted HO2(sic) elimination mechanism in the NH2CH(OO(sic))CO2- peroxyl radical. These findings can explain the widely observed free-radical-mediated oxidation of simple amino acids to amides plus alpha-keto acids (their imine hydrolysis products). This work also suggests that imines will be the main intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of primary and secondary amines, including amine carbon capture solvents such as 2-aminoethanol (commonly known as monoethanolamine, or MEA), in a process that avoids the ozone-promoting conversion of (sic)NO to (sic)NO2 commonly encountered in peroxyl radical chemistry.


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Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), a zymogen requiring proteolytic activation for catalytic activity, has been implicated broadly in the invasion and metastasis of many cancer model systems, including human breast cancer (HBC). MMP-2 has been immunolocalized to carcinomatous human breast, where the degree of activation of MMP-2 correlates well with tumor grade and patient prognosis. Using Matrigel assays, we have stratified HBC cell lines for invasiveness in vitro, and compared this to their potential for metastatic spread in nude mice. HBC cell lines expressing the mesenchymal marker protein vimentin were found to be highly invasive in vitro, and tended to form metastases in nude mice. We have further discovered that culture on collagen-I gels (Vitrogen(TM): Vg) induces MMP-2-activator in highly invasive but not poorly invasive HBC cell lines. As seen for other MMP-2-activator inducing regimens, this induction requires protein synthesis and an intact MMP-2 hemopexin-like domain, appears to be mediated by a cell surface activity, and can be inhibited by metalloproteinase inhibitors. The induction is highly specific to collagen I, and is not seen with thin coatings of collagen I, collagen IV, laminin, or fibronectin, or with 3-dimensional gels of laminin, Matrigel, or gelatin. This review focuses on collagen I and MMP- 2, their localization and source in HBC, and their relationship(s) to MMP-2 activation and HBC metastasis. The relevance of collagen I in activation of MMP-2 in vivo is discussed in terms of stromal cell: tumor cell interaction for collagen I deposition, MMP-2 production and MMP-2-activation. Such cooperativity may exist in vivo for MMP-2 participation in HBC dissemination. A more complete understanding of the regulation of MMP-2-activator by type I collagen may provide new avenues for improved diagnosis and prognosis of human breast cancer.


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Inspired by the interesting photo- and electrochemical properties observed in bipyridinium and porphyrin containing interlocked catenanes, herein we describe new approaches towards the synthesis of related rotaxanes. Previous efforts in this domain had been hampered by the limited range of chemical reactions that are compatible with these motifs, however the use of a “click” methodology, together with a better understanding of the size of these strapped porphyrin macrocycles, resulted in the synthesis of a bipyridinium porphyrin [2]rotaxane in modest yields. X-ray crystallography of the zinc metalloporphyrin macrocycle used in this study revealed that in the solid state, these strapped porphyrins adopt a 1-dimensional coordination polymer, in which an oxygen atom in the strap of one macrocycle is coordinated to the zinc metal center in an adjacent porphyrin ring


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An in vivo murine vascularized chamber model has been shown to generate spontaneous angiogenesis and new tissue formation. This experiment aimed to assess the effects of common biological scaffolds on tissue growth in this model. Either laminin-1, type I collagen, fibrin glue, hyaluronan, or sea sponge was inserted into silicone chambers containing the epigastric artery and vein, one end was sealed with adipose tissue and the other with bone wax, then incubated subcutaneously. After 2, 4, or 6 weeks, tissue from chambers containing collagen I, fibrin glue, hyaluronan, or no added scaffold (control) had small amounts of vascularized connective tissue. Chambers containing sea sponge had moderate connective tissue growth together with a mild "foreign body" inflammatory response. Chambers containing laminin-1, at a concentration 10-fold lower than its concentration in Matrigel™, resulted in a moderate adipogenic response. In summary, (1) biological hydrogels are resorbed and gradually replaced by vascularized connective tissue; (2) sponge-like matrices with large pores support connective tissue growth within the pores and become encapsulated with granulation tissue; (3) laminin-containing scaffolds facilitate adipogenesis. It is concluded that the nature and chemical composition of the scaffold exerts a significant influence on the amount and type of tissue generated in this in vivo chamber model.


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We have previously demonstrated that fibroblasts and invasive human breast carcinoma (HBC) cells specifically activate matrix metalloproteinase- 2 (MMP-2) when cultured on 3-dimensional gels of type I collagen but not a range of other substrates. We show here the constitutive expression of membrane-type 1 (MT1)-MMP in both fibroblasts, and invasive HBC cell lines, that have fibroblastic attributes presumably acquired through an epithelial- to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Treatment with collagen type I increased the steady-state MT1-MMP mRNA levels in these cells but did not induce either MT1-MMP expression or MMP-2 activation in noninvasive breast carcinoma cell lines, which retain epithelial features. Basal MT3-MMP mRNA expression had a pattern similar to that of MT1-MMP but was not up-regulated by collagen. MT4- MMP mRNA was seen in both invasive and noninvasive HBC cell lines and was also not collagen-regulated, and MT2-MMP mRNA was not detected in any of the HBC cell lines tested. These data support a role for MT1-MMP in the collagen- induced MMP-2-activation seen in these cells. In situ hybridization analysis of archival breast cancer specimens revealed a close parallel in expression of both collagen type I and MT1-MMP mRNA in peritumoral fibroblasts, which was correlated with aggressiveness of the lesion. Relatively high levels of expression of both mRNA species were seen in fibroblasts close to invasive tumor nests and, although only focally, in certain areas close to preinvasive tumors. These foci may represent hot spots for local degradation and invasive progression. Collectively, these results implicate MT1-MMP in collagen- stimulated MMP-2 activation and suggest that this mechanism may be employed in vivo by both tumor-associated fibroblasts and EMT-derived carcinoma cells to facilitate increased invasion and/or metastasis.


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The respective requirements of collagen and MT1-MMP in the activation of MMP-2 by primary fibroblast cultures were explored further. Three-dimensional gels enriched in human collagen types I and III or composed of recombinant human type II or III collagen, caused increased MT1-MMP production (mRNA and protein) and induced MMP-2 activation. Only marginal induction was seen with dried monomeric collagen confirming the need for collagen fibrillar organisation for activation. To our surprise, relatively low amounts (as low as 25 μg/ml) of acid soluble type I collagen added to fibroblast cultures also induced potent MMP-2 activation. However, the requirement for collagen fibril formation by the added collagen was indicated by the inhibition seen when the collagen was pre-incubated with a fibril-blocking peptide, and the reduced activation seen with alkali-treated collagen preparations known to have impaired fibrilisation. Pre-treatment of the collagen with sodium periodate also abrogated MMP-2 activation induction. Further evidence of the requirement for collagen fibril formation was provided by the lack of activation when type IV collagen, which does not form collagen fibrils, was added in the cultures. Fibroblasts derived from MT1-MMP-deficient mice were unable to activate MMP-2 in response to either three-dimensional collagen gel or added collagen solutions, compared to their littermate controls. Collectively, these data indicate that the fibrillar structure of collagen and MT1-MMP are essential for the MMP-2 activational response in fibroblasts.


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We report on the comparative study of magnetotransport properties of large-area vertical few-layer graphene networks with different morphologies, measured in a strong (up to 10 T) magnetic field over a wide temperature range. The petal-like and tree-like graphene networks grown by a plasma enhanced CVD process on a thin (500 nm) silicon oxide layer supported by a silicon wafer demonstrate a significant difference in the resistance-magnetic field dependencies at temperatures ranging from 2 to 200 K. This behaviour is explained in terms of the effect of electron scattering at ultra-long reactive edges and ultra-dense boundaries of the graphene nanowalls. Our results pave a way towards three-dimensional vertical graphene-based magnetoelectronic nanodevices with morphology-tuneable anisotropic magnetic properties. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


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Plasma plumes with exotically segmented channel structure and plasma bullet propagation are produced in atmospheric plasma jets. This is achieved by tailoring interruptions of a continuous DC power supply over the time scales of lifetimes of residual electrons produced by the preceding discharge phase. These phenomena are explained by studying the plasma dynamics using nanosecond-precision imaging. One of the plumes is produced using 2-10μs interruptions in the 8kV DC voltage and features a still bright channel from which a propagating bullet detaches. A shorter interruption of 900ns produces a plume with the additional long conducting dark channel between the jet nozzle and the bright area. The bullet size, formation dynamics, and propagation speed and distance can be effectively controlled. This may lead to micrometer-and nanosecond-precision delivery of quantized plasma bits, warranted for next-generation health, materials, and device technologies.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) are synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition from the hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen gas mixtures with different flow rate ratios of hydrogen to nitrogen. The morphological, structural, compositional, and electron field emission (EFE) properties of the NCNTPs were investigated by field emissionscanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and EFE high-vacuum system. It is shown that the NCNTPs deposited at an intermediate flow rate ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen feature the best size/shape and pattern uniformity, the highest nanotip density, the highest nitrogen concentration, as well as the best electron field emission performance. Several factors that come into play along with the nitrogen incorporation, such as the combined effect of the plasma sputtering and etching, the transition of sp 3carbon clusters to sp 2carbon clusters, the increase of the size of the sp 2 clusters, as well as the reduction of the work function, have been examined to interpret these experimental findings. Our results are highly relevant to the development of the next generation electron field emitters, flat panel displays, atomic force microscope probes, and several other advanced applications.


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Nanophase nc-Si/a-SiC films that contain Si quantum dots (QDs) embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix were deposited on single-crystal silicon substrates using inductively coupled plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition from the reactive silane and methane precursor gases diluted with hydrogen at a substrate temperature of 200 °C. The effect of the hydrogen dilution ratio X (X is defined as the flow rate ratio of hydrogen-to-silane plus methane gases), ranging from 0 to 10.0, on the morphological, structural, and compositional properties of the deposited films, is extensively and systematically studied by scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Effective nanophase segregation at a low hydrogen dilution ratio of 4.0 leads to the formation of highly uniform Si QDs embedded in the amorphous SiC matrix. It is also shown that with the increase of X, the crystallinity degree and the crystallite size increase while the carbon content and the growth rate decrease. The obtained experimental results are explained in terms of the effect of hydrogen dilution on the nucleation and growth processes of the Si QDs in the high-density plasmas. These results are highly relevant to the development of next-generation photovoltaic solar cells, light-emitting diodes, thin-film transistors, and other applications.


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This article quantifies the effect of the operating pressure of the H 2 + C 2H 4 gas mixture on the current density and threshold voltage of the electron emission from dense forests of multiwalled carbon nanotubes synthesized using thermal catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition under near atmospheric pressure process conditions. The results suggest that in the pressure range of interest 400-700 Torr the field emission properties can be substantially improved by operating the process at lower gas pressures when the nanostructure aspect ratios are higher. The obtained threshold voltage ∼1.75 V/μm and the emission current densities ∼10 mA/cm 2 offer competitive advantages compared with the results reported by other authors. Copyright