991 resultados para 1966-1976


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This research focuses on the definition of the complex relationship that exists between theory and project, which - in the architectural work by Oswald Mathias Ungers - is based on several essays and on the publications that - though they have never been collected in an organic text - make up an articulated corpus, so that it is possible to consider it as the foundations of a theory. More specifically, this thesis deals with the role of metaphor in Unger’s theory and its subsequent practical application to his projects. The path leading from theoretical analysis to architectural project is in Ungers’ view a slow and mediated path, where theory is an instrument without which it would not be possible to create the project's foundations. The metaphor is a figure of speech taken from disciplines such as philosophy, aesthetics, linguistics. Using a metaphor implies a transfer of meaning, as it is essentially based on the replacement of a real object with a figurative one. The research is articulated in three parts, each of them corresponding to a text by Ungers that is considered as crucial to understand the development of his architectural thinking. Each text marks three decades of Ungers’ work: the sixties, seventies and eighties. The first part of the research deals with the topic of Großform expressed by Ungers in his publication of 1966 Grossformen im Wohnungsbau, where he defines four criteria based on which architecture identifies with a Großform. One of the hypothesis underlying this study is that there is a relationship between the notion of Großform and the figure of metaphor. The second part of the thesis analyzes the time between the end of the sixties and the seventies, i.e. the time during which Ungers lived in the USA and taught at the Cornell University of Ithaca. The analysis focuses on the text Entwerfen und Denken in Vorstellungen, Metaphern und Analogien, written by Ungers in 1976, for the exhibition MAN transFORMS organized in the Cooper - Hewitt Museum in New York. This text, through which Ungers creates a sort of vocabulary to explain the notions of metaphor, analogy, signs, symbols and allegories, can be defined as the Manifesto of his architectural theory, the latter being strictly intertwined with the metaphor as a design instrument and which is best expressed when he introduces the 11 thesis with P. Koolhaas, P. Riemann, H. Kollhoff and A. Ovaska in Die Stadt in der Stadt in 1977. Berlin das grüne Stadtarchipel. The third part analyzes the indissoluble tie between the use of metaphor and the choice of the topic on which the project is based and, starting from Ungers’ publication in 1982 Architecture as theme, the relationship between idea/theme and image/metaphor is explained. Playing with shapes requires metaphoric thinking, i.e. taking references to create new ideas from the world of shapes and not just from architecture. The metaphor as a tool to interpret reality becomes for Ungers an inquiry method that precedes a project and makes it possible to define the theme on which the project will be based. In Ungers’ case, the architecture of ideas matches the idea of architecture; for Ungers the notions of idea and theme, image and metaphor cannot be separated from each other, the text on thematization of architecture is not a report of his projects, but it represents the need to put them in order and highlight the theme on which they are based.


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La tesi qui presente è uno studio comparativo dei partiti socialisti italiano e spagnolo dal 1976 al 1986. Il soggetto di studio è la relazione tra i partiti socialisti e i sindacati. Durante questa decade, i partiti socialisti italiano e spagnolo vissero processi paralleli a livello nazionale e internazionale. Entrambi i partiti, per mano di Bettino Craxi e Felipe González, intrapresero un revisionismo ideologico per adattarsi alla situazione politica e sociale dell’epoca, al fine di divenire partiti di governo.


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La produzione Dalla-Roversi si iscrive nella cornice storica degli anni’70, quelli che nell'immaginario comune vengono chiamato “anni piombo”. In realtà gli anni ’70, in particolare il Settantasette bolognese, sono molto altro: sono anni di fervore culturale e di sperimentazione del linguaggio, grazie anche alla nascita delle radio libere. La collaborazione tra i due artisti dura tre anni, dal 1973 al 1976, e porterà alla pubblicazione di tre album: Il giorno aveva cinque teste, Anidride solforosa e Automobili. I tre dischi cambieranno la vita di Lucio Dalla, sia dal punto di vista professionale che personale. Nel 1977, infatti, dopo la “rottura” con Roversi, Dalla pubblicherà il suo capolavoro: Come è profondo il mare, primo album scritto e musicato interamente dal cantautore. A questo punto della sua carriera può essere definito tale, in quanto dimostra di essere capace di scrivere testi che possono essere considerati e poetici e di musicarli in maniera consapevole.


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La ricerca affronta il rapporto tra il Partito comunista italiano e le organizzazioni della sinistra extraparlamentare nate nel biennio 1968-1969. Sulla base di documentazione d’archivio e fonti a stampa, vengono ricostruite ed analizzate le relazioni tra questi due soggetti nel periodo compreso tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e la metà del decennio successivo, quando i principali gruppi politici della sinistra extraparlamentare si dotarono di una struttura organizzativa più stabile che segnava una discontinuità con l’esperienza precedente. Nel corso della prima metà degli anni Settanta, i rapporti tra il PCI e queste organizzazioni furono complessi e talvolta contraddittori. Il conflitto si consumò prevalentemente sulla reciproca pretesa di possedere l’esclusiva rappresentanza politica del fermento sociale che attraversava il paese in quegli anni: il PCI rappresentando se stesso come l’unica forza politica capace di mediare tra movimenti sociali e istituzioni; i gruppi della sinistra parlamentare come «avanguardie» di un irrealizzabile progetto «rivoluzionario».


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This is the history of the decade prior to the entrance of Korean troops into the Vietnam War, roughly covering the years 1953-1965.


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This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.


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This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.