990 resultados para 1835


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Nesta tese, pretendemos analisar comparativamente a reconstrução histórica da Cabanagem e da Guerra Civil Moçambicana nos romances Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e As duas sombras do rio (2003), de João Paulo Borges Coelho. Para tanto, apresentaremos um breve percurso histórico da colonização brasileira e moçambicana, bem como o período da independência e pós-independência, além do percurso teórico sobre o romance histórico, resistência, memória, bem como a teoria sobre o espaço, nesse caso o rio, que utilizamos como ferramenta de análise. Utilizando o rio como fio condutor de nossa análise. Na obra de Borges Coelho, a análise foi feita a partir das travessias das personagens pelos rios que foram desencadeadas pela chegada da guerra civil. Fixamos nossa leitura em Leónidas Ntsato personagem que metaforiza Moçambique dividido em dois pela guerra civil e destacamos o papel do narrador neste romance. Na narrativa de Márcio Souza acompanhamos as viagens de Fernando, narrador do romance, que tem sua biografia entrelaçada aos acontecimentos que desencadearão a Cabanagem anos mais tarde. Cada um com seu estilo, os dois romancistas revisitam as agruras das duas guerras que tem como palco o Norte do Brasil e de Moçambique que são espaços periféricos desde os tempos coloniais.


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504 (five hundred four) 1 day old male chicks from a commercial broiler line (Ag Ross 308) were used, distributed in 12 treatments, with 6 replicates per treatment. The experimental design was casually blocked and treatments were organized in a 2x2x3 factorial arrangement: two available phosphorus levels (0.45 and 0.34%), two phytase inclusion levels (0 and 1200 FTU/kg) and three crude protein levels (22.5; 20.5 and 18.5%). Tibia calcium percentage was influenced by protein and phosphorus levels in the diet, when using phytase. Tibia ash levels showed a linear effect when enzymes were added and showed a quadractic effect without it, and the higher value was observed with 22.5% crude protein in the diet. With higher phosphorus levels a linear effect was observed between crude protein in the diet and tibia ash weights, as a higher protein level had lower tíbia ash weight.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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RESUMO: O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a validade e confiabilidade da Escala de atitudes em relação à Estatística (EAE) quando aplicada a estudantes de Ciências Farmacêuticas. A amostra de 253 estudantes foi subdividida em duas partes. Sessenta por cento da amostra foi utilizada para explorar a estrutura fatorial e 40% para confirmá-la. Para verificar a reprodutibilidade da escala a mesma foi aplicada em duplicata a 40 estudantes. Aplicou-se o Teste de esfericidade de Bartlett e o índice Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO). A extração dos fatores foi realizada pela Análise de Componentes Principais. Realizou-se rotação ortogonal Varimax. Calculou-se o Coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (α) e o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ρ). Realizou-se análise fatorial confirmatória. Elaborou-se um modelo hierárquico de segunda ordem (MHSO). O teste de esfericidade de Bartlett e o índice KMO foram excelentes (χ 2 =1835,815, p<0,001; KMO=0,935). Verificou-se dois fatores com valores próprios acima de 1 (λ=9,748; λ=2,086) explicando 59,2% da variância total. A questão 2 foi removida. Observou-se excelente consistência interna e reprodutibilidade. O modelo fatorial apresentou índices de qualidade de ajustamento bons (λ=0,59-0,86, χ 2 /gl=1,691, CFI=0,919, GFI=0,804, RMSEA=0,079). A validade discriminante dos fatores foi adequada. A EAE apresentou estrutura bifatorial na amostra com níveis de validade e confiabilidade adequados.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To achieve high wheat yield, correct management of N fertilization and the use of high yield potential cultivars are necessary. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different application rates and sources of N, applied totally at sowing or in topdressing, on grain yield and yield components of two irrigated wheat cultivars under a no-till system, grown in a Cerrado (Brazilian tropical savanna) region of low altitude. A randomized block design was used in a 5 x 3 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with three replications, combining five levels of N (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha(-1)), three sources of N (Entec (R), ammonium sulfate, and urea), and two application times (at sowing, near the rows, or in topdressing) in two wheat cultivars (IAC 370 and Embrapa 21). The wheat cultivars had similar grain yields. There was no difference among the sources of N for grain yield and yield components. The N applied totally at sowing did not differ from the traditional application at sowing and in topdressing for production of irrigated wheat in no-tillage. The increase in application rates of N increased the leaf N contents and chlorophyll, plant height, and the number of ears per m(2). Grain yield of the wheat cultivars IAC 370 and Embrapa 21 increased up to the application rates of 134 and 128 kg ha(-1) of N, respectively, regardless of application time and source of N. The positive correlation between chlorophyll leaf content and grain yield in accordance with N fertilization levels indicates that N fertilization in topdressing can be recommended based on SPAD readings of leaf chlorophyll performed at 38 days after wheat plant emergence.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of eggplant fruit according to plant vibration in two types of protected environments, with and without an aphid-proof screen, preventing or permitting the entry of pollinators. Two eggplant hybrids (Roxelle, clear purple color and round shape fruits, and Kokushi, purple color and elongated fruits), two vibration treatments (with or without plant vibration), and two environments (with or without screen) were assessed. It was concluded that the presence of insects in the open environment increases marketable fruit yield only in hybrid Roxelle (2120 and 1172 g plant-1, with and without insects, respectivelly), the number of seeds per fruit in both hybrids in treatment without plant vibration (average of 584 and 110 seeds, with and without insects, respectivelly), and that plant vibration may partially replace the absence of pollinator insects in a closed environment protected with a screen, with an increase in fruit yield.


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Tifton 419' bermudagrass cultivar [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] is the most preferred turfgrass for sportive, commercial and residential lawns. On similar species, such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica, gibberellic acid-inhibiting plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to decrease mowing frequency. A very limited research has been reported yet on the PGRs regarding seasonal effects of single vs. multiple applications of these products on turfgrass quality and clipping production on South America. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant growth inhibitors during re-growth and flower rachis emission of 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass. The treatment pattern includes an initial application followed by one sequential application at 14 days intervals, according to the following: prohexadione-calcium at 100+100 or 200+200 g a.i. ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 40+40 or 60+60 g a.i. ha-1, trinexapac-ethyl at 113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+0 or 904+0 g a.i. ha-1, and untreated control. The treatment effect was evaluated based on measurements of visual injury, height of plants, height and number of flower rachis, and clipping total dry mass production. The results showed that only bispyribac-sodium provided visual injury on 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass, but the symptoms quickly tend towards zero at 21 days after second application (DASA). 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass greens could be better handle by sequential application of trinexapac-ethyl, or prohexadione-calcium or bispyribac-sodium, once the height of plants, seedhead emission and total clipping dry mass reduction were over than 37%, 91% and 88%, respectively, for a period up to 60 DASA.


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Liz Bryan begins her book with a description of the Canadian Plains:" . .. a voluptuous landscape of hills and valleys and plains, of lakes and tiny twinkling potholes, of flower-filled coulees and vast sand dunes." Her emphasis throughout on the landscape of southern Saskatchewan and Alberta is necessary since the ancient monuments she describes only truly resonate within this setting. Indeed, almost every page of this attractive book is adorned with at least two color images-of scenery, stone features, artifacts, and aboriginal events. She then proceeds to an eclectic overview of the archaeological record of the Plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta, including the earliest human evidence, such as the Clovis points from the Wally's Beach site, Alberta, where the trackways of mammoths, camels, and muskoxen were miraculously and briefly exposed in the late 1990s. There is one perplexing error, however-the attribution of the extinction of the ice age bestiary, about 12,000 years ago, to the meteorite that felled the dinosaurs!


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Although Pleurodiran turtles represent an important component of extant turtle radiation, our knowledge of the development and homology of limb bones in turtles rests mostly upon observations made on derived members of the Cryptodiran clade. Herein, we describe limb development in three pleurodirans: Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848, Podocnemis sextuberculata Cornalia, 1849 and Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril and Bibron, 1835), in an effort to contribute to filling this anatomical gap. For earlier stages of limb development, we described the Y-shaped condensation that gave rise to the zeugopodial cartilages, and differentiation of the primary axis/digital arch that reveals the invariant pattern common to tetrapods. There are up to four central cartilaginous foci in the carpus, and the proximal tarsale is formed by the fusion of the fibulare, intermedium, and centrale 4. Digital development is similar for the five digits. Changes in toe V occur predominantly in the distal tarsale 5. Ontogenetic reduction of phalanges is observed in toe V of Podocnemis. Based on these results, we suggest that the hooked element present in the chelonian tarsus, and traditionally recognized as a modified fifth metatarsale, is actually the fifth distal tarsale. Additionally, our data on limb development of pleurodiran turtles supply more taxonomically comprehensive information to interpret limb configuration within the chelonian clade. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 845-866.


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Generic characters of Irundisaua Martins & Galileo, 2005 are expanded (antennal formula, width of prosternal process inferior or equal to the diameter of procoxa, protibia enlarged and flattened) and two species are transferred from Acanthoderes Audinet-Serville, 1835: I. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov from Peru and Brazil (Amazonas) and I. ucayalensis (Tippmann,1960) comb. nov from Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (Amazonas).Three new genera are described: (1) Catuana gen. nov., type species, C. spinicornis (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov, characterized by the mesosternal tubercle; (2) Mundeu gen. nov, type species, M. maculicollis (Bates, 1861) comb. nov, with rounded sides of protorax and expanded protibiae; (3) Urangaua gen. nov, with eyes divided and finelly granulated, length of antenomeres III-IV subequal to V-XI; the genus is proposed of two species: U. analis Melzer, 1935 comb. nov, type species, and U. subanalis (Zajciw,1964) comb. nov. A key to the species of Urangaua is added.