983 resultados para 15N natural abundance


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Gray water treatment and reuse is an immediate option to counter the upcoming water shortages in various parts of world, especially urban areas. Anaerobic treatment of gray water in houses is an alternative low cost, low energy and low sludge generating option that can meet this challenge. Typical problems of fluctuating VFA, low pH and sludge washout at low loading rates with gray water feedstock was overcome in two chambered anaerobic biofilm reactors using natural fibers as the biofilm support. The long term performance of using natural fiber based biofilms at moderate and low organic loading rates (OLR) have been examined. Biofilms raised on natural fibers (coir, ridge-gourd) were similar to that of synthetic media (PVC, polyethylene) at lower OLR when operated in pulse fed mode without effluent recirculation and achieved 80-90% COD removal at HRT of 2 d showing a small variability during start-up. Confocal microscopy of the biofilms on natural fibers indicated thinner biofilms, dense cell architecture and low extra cellular polymeric substances (EPS) compared to synthetic supports and this is believed to be key factor in high performance at low OLR and low strength gray water. Natural fibers are thus shown to be an effective biofilm support that withstand fluctuating characteristic of domestic gray water. (C) 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Natural multispecies acoustic choruses such as the dusk chorus of a tropical rain forest consist of simultaneously signalling individuals of different species whose calls travel through a common shared medium before reaching their `intended' receivers. This causes masking interference between signals and impedes signal detection, recognition and localization. The levels of acoustic overlap depend on a number of factors, including call structure, intensity, habitat-dependent signal attenuation and receiver tuning. In addition, acoustic overlaps should also depend on caller density and the species composition of choruses, including relative and absolute abundance of the different calling species. In this study, we used simulations to examine the effects of chorus species relative abundance and caller density on the levels of effective heterospecific acoustic overlap in multispecies choruses composed of the calls of five species of crickets and katydids that share the understorey of a rain forest in southern India. We found that on average species-even choruses resulted in higher levels of effective heterospecific acoustic overlap than choruses with strong dominance structures. This effect was found consistently across dominance levels ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 for larger choruses of forty individuals. For smaller choruses of twenty individuals, the effect was seen consistently for dominance levels of 0.6 and 0.8 but not 0.4. Effective acoustic overlap (EAO) increased with caller density but the manner and extent of increase depended both on the species' call structure and the acoustic context provided by the composition scenario. The Phaloria sp. experienced very low levels of EAO and was highly buffered to changes in acoustic context whereas other species experienced high FAO across contexts or were poorly buffered. These differences were not simply predictable from call structures. These simulation-based findings may have important implications for acoustic biodiversity monitoring and for the study of acoustic masking interference in natural environments. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mg and its alloys become natural biomaterials as the elemental Mg is found in the human body in abundance and their mechanical properties being akin to the natural bone as well as due to their inherent bioabsorbable/bioresorbable property. This paper discusses the development of new Mg alloys and their corrosion characteristics in detail. The latest advancements in coating of Mg alloys to control their degradation rate are also reviewed along with the future challenges that need to be addressed.


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Long-term surveys of entire communities of species are needed to measure fluctuations in natural populations and elucidate the mechanisms driving population dynamics and community assembly. We analysed changes in abundance of over 4000 tree species in 12 forests across the world over periods of 6-28years. Abundance fluctuations in all forests are large and consistent with population dynamics models in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role. At some sites we identify clear environmental drivers, such as fire and drought, that could underlie these patterns, but at other sites there is a need for further research to identify drivers. In addition, cross-site comparisons showed that abundance fluctuations were smaller at species-rich sites, consistent with the idea that stable environmental conditions promote higher diversity. Much community ecology theory emphasises demographic variance and niche stabilisation; we encourage the development of theory in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role.


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The transient natural convection flow with thermal stratification in a rectangular cavity filled with fluid saturated porous medium obeying Darcy's law has been studied. Prior to the time t* = 0, the flow in the cavity is assumed to be motionless and all four walls of the cavity are at the same constant temperature. At time t* = 0, the temperatures of the vertical walls are suddenly increased which vary linearly with the distance y and at the same time on the bottom wall an isothermal heat source is placed centrally. This sudden change in the wall temperatures gives rise to unsteadiness in the problem. The horizontal temperature difference induces and sustains a buoyancy driven flow in the cavity which is then controlled by the vertical temperature difference. The partial differential equations governing the transient natural convection flow have been solved numerically. The local and average Nusselt numbers decrease rapidly in a small time interval after the start of the impulsive change in the wall temperatures and the steady state is reached quickly. The time required to reach the steady state depends on the Rayleigh number and the thermal stratification parameter.


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One hundred complexes have been investigated exhibiting D-X center dot center dot center dot A interactions, where X = H, Cl or Li and DX is the `X bond' donor and A is the acceptor. The optimized structures of all these complexes have been used to propose a generalized `Legon-Millen rule' for the angular geometry in all these interactions. A detailed Atoms in Molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis confirms an important conclusion, known in the literature: there is a strong correlation between the electron density at the X center dot center dot center dot A bond critical point (BCP) and the interaction energy for all these interactions. In addition, we show that extrapolation of the fitted line leads to the ionic bond for Li-bonding (electrostatic) while for hydrogen and chlorine bonding, it leads to the covalent bond. Further, we observe a strong correlation between the change in electron density at the D-X BCP and that at the X center dot center dot center dot A BCP, suggesting conservation of the bond order. The correlation found between penetration and electron density at BCP can be very useful for crystal structure analysis, which relies on arbitrary van der Waals radii for estimating penetration. Various criteria proposed for shared-and closed-shell interactions based on electron density topology have been tested for H/Cl/Li bonded complexes. Finally, using the natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis it is shown that the D-X bond weakens upon X bond formation, whether it is ionic (DLi) or covalent (DH/DCl) and the respective indices such as ionicity or covalent bond order decrease. Clearly, one can think of conservation of bond order that includes ionic and covalent contributions to both D-X and X center dot center dot center dot A bonds, for not only X = H/Cl/Li investigated here but also any atom involved in intermolecular bonding.


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High-level ab initio calculations have been used to study the interactions between the CH3 group of CH3X (X = F, Cl, Br, CN) molecules and pi-electrons. These interactions are important because of the abundance of both the CH3 groups and pi-electrons in biological systems. Complexes between C2H4/C2H2 and CH3X molecules have been used as model systems. Various theoretical methods such as atoms in molecules theory, reduced density gradient analysis, and natural bond orbital analysis have been used to discern these interactions. These analyses show that the interaction of the p-electrons with the CH3X molecules leads to the formation of X-C...p carbon bonds. Similar complexes with other tetrel molecules, SiH3X and GeH3X, have also been considered.


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Silicon is the second most abundant element on the Earth and one of the more abundant elements in our Solar System. Variations in the relative abundance of the stable isotopes of Si (Si isotope fractionation) in different natural reservoirs, both terrestrial (surface and deep Earth) as well as extra-terrestrial (e.g. meteorites, lunar samples), are a powerful tracer of present and past processes involving abiotic as well as biotic systems. The versatility of the Si isotope tracer is reflected in its wide-ranging applications from understanding the origin of early Solar System objects, planetary differentiation, Moon formation, mantle melting and magma differentiation on the Earth, ancient sea-water composition, to modern-day weathering, clay formation and biological fractionation on land as well as in the oceans. The application of Si isotopes as tracers of natural processes started over six decades ago and its usage has seen a sudden increase over the last decade due to improvements in mass spectrometry, particularly the advent of multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers, which has made Si isotope measurements safe and relatively easy while simultaneously improving the accuracy and precision of measurements.


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Logging and hunting are two key direct threats to the survival of wildlife in the tropics, and also disrupt important ecosystem processes. We investigated the impacts of these two factors on the different stages of the seed dispersal cycle, including abundance of plants and their dispersers and dispersal of seeds and recruitment, in a tropical forest in north-east India. We focused on hornbills, which are important seed dispersers in these forests, and their food tree species. We compared abundances of hornbill food tree species in a site with high logging and hunting pressures (heavily disturbed) with a site that had no logging and relatively low levels of hunting (less disturbed) to understand logging impacts on hornbill food tree abundance. We compared hornbill abundances across these two sites. We, then, compared the scatter-dispersed seed arrival of five large-seeded tree species and the recruitment of four of those species. Abundances of hornbill food trees that are preferentially targeted by logging were two times higher in the less disturbed site as compared to the heavily disturbed site while that of hornbills was 22 times higher. The arrival of scatter-dispersed seeds was seven times higher in the less disturbed site. Abundances of recruits of two tree species were significantly higher in the less disturbed site. For another species, abundances of younger recruits were significantly lower while that of older recruits were higher in the heavily disturbed site. Our findings suggest that logging reduces food plant abundance for an important frugivore-seed disperser group, while hunting diminishes disperser abundances, with an associated reduction in seed arrival and altered recruitment of animal-dispersed tree species in the disturbed site. Based on our results, we present a conceptual model depicting the relationships and pathways between vertebrate-dispersed trees, their dispersers, and the impacts of hunting and logging on these pathways.


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Availability of producer gas engines at MW being limited necessitates to adapt engine from natural gas operation. The present work focus on the development of necessary kit for adapting a 12 cylinder lean burn turbo-charged natural gas engine rated at 900 kWe (Waukesha make VHP5904LTD) to operate on producer and set up an appropriate capacity biomass gasification system for grid linked power generation in Thailand. The overall plant configuration had fuel processing, drying, reactor, cooling and cleaning system, water treatment, engine generator and power evacuation. The overall project is designed for evacuation of 1.5 MWe power to the state grid and had 2 gasification system with the above configuration and 3 engines. Two gasification system each designed for about 1100 kg/hr of woody biomass was connected to the engine using a producer gas carburetor for the necessary Air to fuel ratio control. In the use of PG to fuel IC engines, it has been recognized that the engine response will differ as compared to the response with conventional fueled operation due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of PG. On fuelling a conventional engine with PG, power de-rating can be expected due to the lower calorific value (LCV), lower adiabatic flame temperature (AFT) and the lower than unity product to reactant more ratio. Further the A/F ratio for producer gas is about 1/10th that of natural gas and requires a different carburetor for engine operation. The research involved in developing a carburetor for varying load conditions. The patented carburetor is based on area ratio control, consisting of a zero pressure regulator and a separate gas and air line along with a mixing zone. The 95 litre engine at 1000 rpm has an electrical efficiency of 33.5 % with a heat input of 2.62 MW. Each engine had two carburetors designed for producer gas flow each capable of handling about 1200 m3/hr in order to provide similar engine heat input at a lower conversion efficiency. Cold flow studies simulating the engine carburetion system results showed that the A/F was maintained in the range of 1.3 +/- 0.1 over the entire flow range. Initially, the gasification system was tested using woody biomass and the gas composition was found to be CO 15 +/- 1.5 % H-2 22 +/- 2% CH4 2.2 +/- 0.5 CO2 11.25 +/- 1.4 % and rest N-2, with the calorific value in the range of 5.0 MJ/kg. After initial trials on the engine to fine tune the control system and adjust various engine operating parameter a peak load of 800 kWe was achieved, while a stable operating conditions was found to be at 750 kWe which is nearly 85 % of the natural gas rating. The specific fuel consumption was found to be 0.9 kg of biomass per kWh.


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Karnataka state in southern India supports a globally significant and the country's largest population of the Asian elephant Elephas maximus. A reliable map of Asian elephant distribution and measures of spatial variation in their abundance, both vital needs for conservation and management action, are unavailable not only in Karnataka, but across its global range. Here, we use various data gathered between 2000 and 2015 to map the distribution of elephants in Karnataka at the scale of the smallest forest management unit, the `beat', while also presenting data on elephant dung density for a subset of `elephant beats.' Elephants occurred in 972 out of 2855 forest beats of Karnataka. Sixty percent of these 972 beats and 55% of the forest habitat lay outside notified protected areas (PM), and included lands designated for agricultural production and human dwelling. While median elephant dung density inside protected areas was nearly thrice as much as outside, elephants routinely occurred in or used habitats outside PM where human density, land fraction under cultivation, and the interface between human-dominated areas and forests were greater. Based on our data, it is clear that India's framework for elephant conservation which legally protects the species wherever it occurs, but protects only some of its habitats while being appropriate in furthering their conservation within PM, seriously falters in situations where elephants reside in and/or seasonally use areas outside PAs. Attempts to further elephant conservation in production and dwelling areas have extracted high costs in human, elephant, material and monetary terms in Karnataka. In such settings, conservation planning exercises are necessary to determine where the needs of elephants or humans must take priority over the other, and to achieve that in a manner that is based not only on reliable scientific data but also on a process of public reasoning. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polypropylene and natural rubber blends with multiwalled carbon nanotube (PP/NR + MWCNT nanocomposites) were prepared by melt mixing. The melt rheological behaviour of neat PP and PP/NR blends filled with different loadings (1, 3, 5, 7 wt%) of MWCNT was studied. The effect of PP/NR blends (with compositions, 80/20,50/50, 20/80 by wt) on the rheological percolation threshold was investigated. It was found that blending PP with NR (80/20 and 50/50 composition) reduced the rheological percolation threshold from 5 wt% to 3 wt% MWCNT. The melt rheological behaviour of the MWCNT filled PP/NR blends was correlated with the morphology observations from high resolution transmission electron microscopic (HRTEM) images. In predicting the thermodynamically favoured location of MWCNT in PP/NR blend, the specific interaction of phospholipids in NR phase with MWCNTs was considered quantitatively. The MWCNTs were selectively localised in the NR phase. The percolation mechanism in MWCNT filled PP/NR blends was discussed and for each blend composition, the percolation mechanism was found to be different. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In structured output learning, obtaining labeled data for real-world applications is usually costly, while unlabeled examples are available in abundance. Semisupervised structured classification deals with a small number of labeled examples and a large number of unlabeled structured data. In this work, we consider semisupervised structural support vector machines with domain constraints. The optimization problem, which in general is not convex, contains the loss terms associated with the labeled and unlabeled examples, along with the domain constraints. We propose a simple optimization approach that alternates between solving a supervised learning problem and a constraint matching problem. Solving the constraint matching problem is difficult for structured prediction, and we propose an efficient and effective label switching method to solve it. The alternating optimization is carried out within a deterministic annealing framework, which helps in effective constraint matching and avoiding poor local minima, which are not very useful. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement. Further, it is suitable for any structured output learning problem where exact inference is available. Experiments on benchmark sequence labeling data sets and a natural language parsing data set show that the proposed approach, though simple, achieves comparable generalization performance.


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The chiral sensing property of helicin (the derivative of natural product obtained by partial oxidation of salicin, extracted from willow tree (Salix helix)) is reported. The use of helicin as a chiral derivatizing agent for the discrimination of amines and amino alcohols is convincingly established using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The large chemical shift separation achieved between the discriminated peaks facilitated the accurate quantification of enantiomeric composition. The consistent trend observed in the shifting of imine proton peak (Delta delta) of helicin in all the derivatized molecules might aid the determination of spatial configuration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The chiral sensing property of helicin (the derivative of natural product obtained by partial oxidation of salicin, extracted from willow tree (Salix helix)) is reported. The use of helicin as a chiral derivatizing agent for the discrimination of amines and amino alcohols is convincingly established using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The large chemical shift separation achieved between the discriminated peaks facilitated the accurate quantification of enantiomeric composition. The consistent trend observed in the shifting of imine proton peak (Delta delta) of helicin in all the derivatized molecules might aid the determination of spatial configuration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.