992 resultados para 030108 Separation Science


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A variety of applications exist for reverse saturable absorbers (RSAs) in the area of optical pulse processing and computing. An RSA can be used as power limiter/pulse smoother and energy limiter/pulse shortner of laser pulses. A combination of RSA and saturable absorber (SA) can be used for mode locking and pulse shaping between high power laser amplifiers in oscillator amplifier chain. Also, an RSA can be used for the construction of a molecular spatial light modulator (SLM) which acts as an input/output device in optical computers. A detailed review of the theoretical studies of these processes is presented. Current efforts to find RSAs at desired wavelength for testing these theoretical predictions are also discussed.


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We have investigated the influence of Fe excess on the electrical transport and magnetism of Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 (y=0.04 and 0.09) single crystals. Both compositions exhibit resistively determined superconducting transitions (T-c) with an onset temperature of about 15 K. From the width of the superconducting transition and the magnitude of the lower critical field H-c1, it is inferred that excess of Fe suppresses superconductivity. The linear and nonlinear responses of the ac susceptibility show that the superconducting state for these compositions is inhomogeneous. A possible origin of this phase separation is a magnetic coupling between Fe excess occupying interstitial sites in the chalcogen planes and those in the Fe-square lattice. The temperature derivative of the resistivity d(rho)/d(T) in the temperature range T-c < T < T-a with T-a being the temperature of a magnetic anomaly, changes from positive to negative with increasing Fe. A log 1/T divergence of the resistivity above T-c in the sample with higher amount of Fe suggests a disorder-driven electronic localization.


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Microwave switches operating in the X band were designed and fabricated using amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors of composition GexTeyAsz. Threshold devices were shown to operate as microwave modulators at modulation frequencies of up to 100 MHz. No delay time was observed at the highest frequency although the modulation efficiency decreased above 10 MHz owing to the finite recovery time which was approximately 0.3 × 10−8s. The devices can also be used as variolossers, the insertion loss being 0.5 dB in the OFF state and increasing on switching from 5 dB at 1 mA device current to 18 dB at 100 mA.The behaviour of the threshold switches can be explained in terms of the formation of a conducting filament in the ON state with a constant current density of 2 × 104Acm−2 that is shunted by the device capacitance. The OFF state conductivity σ varies as ωn (0.5 < n < 1) which is characteristic of hopping in localized states. However, there was evidence of a decrease in n or a saturation of the conductivity at high frequencies.As a result of phase separation memory switches require no holding current in the ON state and may be used as novel latching semiconductor phase-shifters.


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The flocculation and filtration characteristics of typical Indian iron ore fines have been studied using starch as flocculant in the presence of an inorganic electrolyte, namely calcium chloride. The effect of various parameters such as pH, starch and calcium chloride concentrations and pulp density on the settling and filtration rates, turbidity of the supernatant and on residual starch and calcium ion concentrates has been investigated through a statistical design and analysis approach and subsequently optimised on a laboratory scale. The adsorption mechanisms of starch onto haematite have been elucidated through adsorption density measurements, infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. The rheological property of the polymer solutions of relevance to flocculations has also been investigated. Further, the role of metal ion-starch interactions in the bulk solution, has been studied. In order to understand the nature of polymer adsorption at the double-layer, electrokinetic studies have been carried out with the iron ore mineral samples using starch and calcium chloride. Based on the above findings, selective floculaation tests on artificial mixtures of iron ore minerals have been carried out to determine the separation efficiencies from the view point of alumina and silica removal from haematite as well as the control of alumina: silica ratio in Indian iron ores.


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A hypomonotectic alloy of Al-4.5wt%Cd has been manufactured by melt spinning and the resulting microstructure examined by transmission electron microscopy. As-melt spun hypomonotectic Al-4.5wt%Cd consists of a homogeneous distribution of faceted 5 to 120 nm diameter cadmium particles embedded in a matrix of aluminium, formed during the monotectic solidification reaction. The cadmium particles exhibit an orientation relationship with the aluminium matrix of {111}Al//{0001}Cd and lang110rangAlAl//lang11¯20> Cd, with four cadmium particle variants depending upon which of the four {111}Al planes is parallel to {0001}Cd. The cadmium particles exibit a distorted cuboctahedral shape, bounded by six curved {100}Al//{20¯23}Cd facets, six curved {111}Al/{40¯43}Cd facets and two flat {111}Al//{0001}Cd facets. The as-melt spun cadmium particle shape is metastable and the cadmium particles equilibrate during heat treatment below the cadmium melting point, becoming elongated to increase the surface area and decrease the separation of the {111}Al//{0001}Cd facets. The equilibrium cadmium particle shape and, therefore, the anisotropy of solid aluminium-solid cadmium and solid aluminium -liquid cadmium surface energies have been monitored by in situ heating in the transmission electron microscope over the temperature range between room temperature and 420 °C. The anisotropy of solid aluminium-solid cadmium surface energy is constant between room temperature and the cadmium melting point, with the {100}Al//{20¯23}Cd surface energy on average 40% greater than the {111}Al//{0001}Cd surface energy, and 10% greater than the {111}Al//{40¯43Cd surface energy. When the cadmium particles melt at temperatures above 321 °C, the {100}Al//{20¯23}Cd facets disappear and the {111}Al//{40¯43}Cd and {111}A1//{0001}Cd surface energies become equal. The {111}Al facets do not disappear when the cadmium particles melt, and the anisotropy of solid aluminium-liquid cadmium surface energy decreases gradually with increasing temperature above the cadmium melting point. The kinetics of cadmium solidification have been examined by heating and cooling experiments in a differential scanning calorimeter over a range of heating and cooling rates. Cadmium particle solidification is nucleated catalytically by the surrounding aluminium matrix on the {111}Al faceted surfaces, with an undercooling of 56 K and a contact angle of 42 °. The nucleation kinetics of cadmium particle solidification are in good agreement with the hemispherical cap model of heterogeneous nucleation.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 28(4) -numeron liitteenä.


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We have discussed here the flow of a dilute suspension of rigid particles in Newtonian fluid in slowly varying tubes characterized by a small parameter ε. Solutions are presented in the form of asymptotic expansions in powers of ε. The effect of the suspension on the fluid is described by two parameters β and γ which depend on the volume fraction of the particles which we assume to be small. It is found that the presence of the particles accelerate the process of eddy formation near the constriction and shifts the point of separation.


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