1000 resultados para índice de massa corpórea


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Nas últimas décadas, o mundo tem vivenciado um grande aumento da prevalência de obesidade. Entre os fatores que levam a esta condição, estão o sedentarismo e o consumo de alimentos altamente calóricos. A obesidade é considerada uma condição de inflamação crônica de baixo grau, que leva ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensão arterial. O consumo de compostos biologicamente ativos, dentre eles os flavonoides cítricos, tem mostrado ter papel importante no controle da inflamação, e de alterações no metabolismo decorrentes do excesso de peso e gordura corporal. Neste trabalho foram revisados trabalhos sobre flavonoides cítricos e seu papel na inflamação relacionada à obesidade, assim como nas alterações decorrentes desse processo. Os artigos foram divididos em dois grupos: suplementação com extratos de flavonoides e com flavonoides isolados. Nos dois grupos os trabalhos demonstraram o papel benéfico dos flavonoides cítricos no metabolismo lipídico, e diminuindo marcadores biológicos de inflamação, como proteínas e enzimas, tanto nos modelos experimentais quanto em linhagens celulares de adipócitos e hepatócitos. A redução de massa corpórea também foi observada em ratos e camundongos suplementados com os flavonoides cítricos. Entretanto, no que concerne à obesidade e diminuição da massa corpórea em humanos, os trabalhos são inconclusivos até o momento.


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To calculate the estimated and actual height and weight measures in cancer patients, evaluate the correlation and concordance of these measures and to identify the malnutrition patients. 62 cancer patients, treated at the Amaral Carvalho Hospital (Jaú- SP). For classifi cation of nutritional status, the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, the Body Mass Index and the relationship with usual weight were used. For the estimated weight was used the algorithm Chumlea et al.7 and estimated height, the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw24. The Pearson Correlation Coeffi cient and the Intraclass Correlation Coeffi cient was calculated and simple linear regression was conducted. To compare the malnutrition detected by different methods, the Cochran’s Q test were performed. There was a strong and signifi cant correlation between the estimated and actual weight (r=0,95; CI95%=0,92-0,97; p<0,001) and excellent concordance (ρ=0,95). For height measurements, a signifi cant correlation was observed between the actual and estimated measurement the method Chumlea et al.8 (r=0,78; CI95%=0,66-0,86; p<0,001) and Kwok & Whitelaw24 (r=0,85; CI95%: 0,75-0,90; p<0,001). Concordance was “Good” (ρ=0,72) and “Moderate” (ρ=0,67) between the actual height and estimated by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw,24 respectively. There was a strong correlation between the actual and estimated weight and height measures. The reproducibility of the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 to calculate height was better. The nutritional status, the patients classifi ed as malnutrition was greater when using the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and the relationship with usual weight.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of low back pain and some related variables among adults of both genders. Methods: Was conduct a cross-sectional study of population-based in the urban area of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. The sample consisted of 743 adult residents for over two years in this city. Low back pain, quality of sleep and physical activity were collected through face to face interview at the residence of respondents. Was used the chi-square test to analyze the association between variables, later was created tree multivariate models with hierarchical inclusion of confounding factors. Results: The prevalence of low back pain reported last year was 50.2% (95% CI: 46.6, 53.8), and the last week 32.3% (95% CI: 28.9, 35.6). Was association among low back pain and females (p-value = 0.031), older age, lower education, altered sleep and overweight, the adjusted model found that people over the age of 45 years (45 to 59.9 years, OR = 13.1 [1.72-98.5] and ≥ 60 years, OR = 9.10 [1.15-71.7]), with some alteration of sleep (OR = 3.21 [1.84-5.61]) and obese (OR = 2.33 [1:26 to 4:33]) seems to be a risk group for low back pain. Conclusion: The prevalence of low back pain is high and obese people aged over 45 years, with any sleep disturbance are a group at higher risk for low back pain.


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In order to reduce the sedentarism and to improve population's health condition, many physical activity incentive programs have been stimulated. As a result, many people have adhered to street racing, but their health condition is almost always ignored. The aim of this study was to evaluate street racers' health condition, identifying the presence of cardiovascular risk factors as well as problems associated to street racing. The study case was composed by 111 racers from the town of Bauru (94 men and 17 women) aged in average 39±13 years old, who were evaluated in 4 street race competitions. The subjects answered to an anamnesis with questions about their socioeconomic status, medicine use, cardiovascular risk, physical exercise practices, and issues related to racing and injury. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), abdominal circumference (AC), and flexibility. It could be observed that the majority of racers were Caucasian, married and belonged to social classes over C. The prevalent age was between 18 and 35 years old (42%). Among the participants, 38.7% have already undergone some kind of surgery and 13% declared having some health problem. The questionnaire pointed out that 36% had low and moderate cardiovascular risk. It could be noticed from the AC that 10% of men and 18% of women had high cardiac risk. Among the tested, 43.2% (24.3% altered and 18.9% borderline) showed high BP on the day of the test, but only 2.7% had self-declared hypertensive. In relation to injury, 36% had already had lesions of some kind, 27.5% of which had occurred in the last 8 months. 66.6% had derived from training or racing competitions and the knee was the mostly affected body part. Only 43% had professional orientation by a physical education teacher during their training and the main reasons for them to begin racing practice were...


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The physic nut can be propagated asexually or sexually. Using cuttings have been earlier yield and more fidelity characteristics of the parent plant. However, there is less initial vegetative growth. The seeds from the plants have increased genetic variability, are more vigorous and begin production later. To get quality changes, the substrate is an important factor. With that the objective was to taste pre-germinated treatments and different substrate on seeds emergence and quality physic nut seedlings. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial scheme 6 x 3 (pre-germinated treatments x substrate), 18 treatments and 4 repetition, 8 seeds to each repetition. It was evaluated six pre-germination treatments: T1: witness (without treatments); T2: water immersion for 12 hours; T3: water immersion for 24 hours; T4: mechanical scarification; T5: mechanical scarification + water immersion for 12 hours; T6: mechanical scarification + water immersion for 24 hours, using as substrate: commercial, expanded vermiculite and sand washed. The mechanical scarification was realized opposite the micropyle using sandpaper n. 60. After the pre-germination treatments, the seeds were emergence in plastic cups (200mL) with substrates. We evaluated the characteristics: percentage, beginning and emergence speed index, mean length of plant, diameter of plant stem, SPAD index, fresh and dry shoot and root. The results showed that in seeds of Jatropha do not need pre-germinative treatments; and the use of commercial substrate showed seedling development.


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Introduction: physical exercise has been recommended as a non-pharmacological, therapeutic strategy in the treatment of important cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: to analyze the impact of an exercise program, tailored to the reality of the Family Health Units (FHU), on body composition, cardiovascular risk factors and Framingham score in obese postmenopausal. Methods: 70 women between 50 and 79 years, sedentary, obese and without menstruating for at least twelve months, were randomly assigned to a trained group (TG) (n = 35) and an untrained (GnT) (n = 35). The GT took 20 weeks of a physical exercise program with three weekly sessions, consisting of monitoring activities and heating (10 minutes), 25 minutes of exercise flexibility and strength, 50 minute walk with intensity between 50-65% of VO2max and 5-minute cool-down. The GnT was instructed to maintain their normal activities. Results: TG showed significant reductions in body mass index (30,1+3,7 vs. 29,3+3,7; p=0,0001), waist circumference (93,3+10,3 vs. 89,1+10,4; p=0,0001), percentage of fat (54,2+2,9 vs. 53,2+3,3; p=0,0001), systolic blood pressure (128,0+14,6 vs. 119,2+10,3; p=0,0001), triglycerides (148,4+66,1 vs. 122,8+40,7; p=0,006), VLDL cholesterol (29,7+13,2 vs. 24,5+8,0; p=0,005) and Framingham score (13,08+4,0 vs. 11,77+4,1; p=0,010). In the untrained group were observed significant increases in the percentage of fat (55,0+4,0 vs. 57,0+3,8; p=0,0001), systolic blood pressure (128,6+10,5 vs. 133,7+12,0; p=0,001), fasting glucose (95,2+18,4 vs. 113,7+28,8; p=0,001) and Framingham score (12,82+3,2 vs. 13,91+4,0; p=0,043), but also decreases levels of HDL cholesterol (55,1+10,5 vs. 51,7+11,0; p=0,017). Conclusion: the exercise program, adapted to the conditions of FHU, was effective in reducing cardiovascular risk factors in obese postmenopausal women served by the SUS program.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A manutenção do balanço hídrico ou de água é particularmente desafiadora para os anfíbios em virtude de seu tegumento altamente permeável e o risco associado de perda evaporativa de água. Neste sentido, anuros terrestres exibem uma grande diversidade de mecanismos que atuam na diminuição da perda evaporativa de água e contribuem para a manutenção de um balanço hídrico adequado. Ademais, algumas espécies de anuros são conhecidas por tolerar altos níveis de desidratação e por engajar-se em atividades de rotina na natureza, ainda que sob níveis variáveis de desidratação. Finalmente, o próprio nível de desidratação pode acarretar alterações nos fatores envolvidos na manutenção do balanço de água dos anuros, aspecto muito pouco explorado em espécies terrestres neotropicais. Dessa forma, no presente estudo, mensuramos as taxas de perda evaporativa de água (PEA), reidratação a partir de água livre (Re) e calculamos a resistência da pele a desidratação (RP) em indivíduos adultos de Rhinella schneideri submetidos experimentalmente a diferentes níveis de desidratação (99%, 90%, 80% e 70% da massa corpórea inicial). Ademais, medimos as alterações causadas pela desidratação na osmolalidade plasmática (Osm), hematócrito (Htc), concentração de hemoglobina no sangue ([Hb]) e massa percentual dos órgãos viscerais. O objetivo central deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos potenciais de diferentes níveis de desidratação sobre indicadores e repostas fisiológicas relevantes para a manutenção do balanço hídrico em uma espécie de anfíbio anuro terrestre. Nossos resultados mostram que quanto mais desidratados os animais, maiores a RP, a Re, a Osm, o Htc e a [Hb], e menores a PEA, e a massa percentual do fígado e do rim. O aumento da Osm, Htc e [Hb] indicam uma diminuição do compartimento aquoso do sangue, o que pode estar relacionado ao aumento da Re. A relação entre diminuição da PEA e aumento da...


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Hypertension (H) affects approximately 1,2 billion of people in the world. Among the main risk factors are weight excess, sedentary lifestyle, socio economic condition and family history of H. The main aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypertension in teenager scholars in Ibitinga, finding the role of family history of H and to correlates these results with nutritional condition, anthropometric variables and socio economic condition. This research analyzed 150 participants (50 teenager students and their parents) in public and private schools. All the volunteers had their weight (kg) and height (m) measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI). The students were classifieds from table of percentile of obesity (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). The blood pressure (BP) was evaluated according to V Arterial Hypertension Brazilian Guidelines (VAHBG, 2006). The high values considered of BP were: ≥140x90 mmHg for adults and percentile >95 for teenagers. The socio economic condition was categorized from IBGE. Among the students, 36% had high BP and 20% borderline. The percentage of high BP were bigger in the public (44%) than private schools (28%), showing a negative correlation between socio economic condition and systolic BP (SBP, r=0.2857) and diastolic BP (DBP, r=0,0165). The prevalence of elevated BP was higher in the girls of public schools (47% vs 40% boys) and in the boys at the private schools (33% v s23%). Weight excess was present in 42% of children (12% obesity and 30% overweight). Again, public schools had prevalence of obesity (52% vs 3% in the private) which was not correlated with socio economic condition. Percentage of overweight and obesity were bigger in the girls of both public (54% vs 50% boys) and private (38% vs 25%) schools. Among the students with H, 67% were overweight. Elevated BP was found in 54% of the fathers and 32% of the mothers. With respect to nutritional condition, 56% of the...


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)