954 resultados para zygotic embryos
To better understand the differences related to HS resistance between Bos indicus and Bos taurus, we aim to verify if the HS tolerance is due mostly to the genetic contribution from the oocyte, spermatozoa or both. Oocytes from Nelore and crossbreed Holstein cows (cHST) were collected, matured and fertilized with semen from Nelore (N), Angus (An), Brahman (Bra) and Gir (Gir) bulls. Nine six hours post insemination (hpi), ≥ 16 cells embryos were separated in two groups: control and HS. In control group, embryos were cultured at 39°C, whereas in the HS group, embryos were subjected to 41°C for 12 h, and then returned to 39°C. There was no effect of HS on blastocyst and hatched blastocyst rates in all breeds analyzed. The percentage of oocytes that cleaved and reached morula stage was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in cHST x Gir as compared to the other breeds. Additionally, blastocyst rates was higher in cHST x N than in cHST x An and cHST x Gir (p < 0.05). It was concluded that the oocyte is more important than the spermatozoa for the development of thermotolerance, since the breed of the bull did not influence embryo development after HS.
Background: Throughout dairy cows evolution, milk production was always the key point to select the superior animal. Currently, several evidences has shown that high milk production have intensively contributed to the decline of dairy cattle fertility. Beyond milk production, dairy cows have their reproductive performance impaired by another factors, heat stress and repeat-breeding. Methods like fixed time artificial insemination and embryo transfer were developed to minimize the effects of these factors, and improve dairy herds profitability. This review aims to show some key-point experiments conducted to improve the efficiency of the self-appointed protocols for artificial insemination and embryo transfer in Brazil, overcoming several reproductive problems. Our goal is to develop cheap and easy self-appointed programs that facilitate animal handling and maximize their reproductive outcomes all over the year. Review: Failure in estrus detection is the mainly limiting factor for the use of artificial insemination in high-production dairy herd. An excellent alternative to overcome the need of estrus detection is fixed time artificial insemination. Many protocols with and without the use of estradiol have been developed to that end. Among the protocols for fixed time artificial insemination without estradiol, DoubleOvsynch has been extensively used recently in American dairy herds. In Brazil, similar pregnancy rate was obtained compared to progesterone-estradiol based protocols for fixed time artificial insemination. Particularities of progesterone-estradiol based protocols as (1) new progesterone device or devices previously used for eight days; (2) different doses of eCG; and (3) the use of estradiol cypionate for fixed time artificial insemination have been studied in Brazil. The use of self-appointed artificial insemination also enabled the reduction of the interval calving-conception compared to cows inseminated following the standing estrus. Regarding the low fertility of repeat breeders and the effect of heat stress at early pregnancy, other methods like embryo transfer became important tools to enhance reproductive efficiency of Brazilian dairy herds. Protocols were also developed to allow fixed time embryo transfer, eliminating the need of estrus detection and improving the reproductive efficiency of lactating recipients. As well as described for fixed time artificial insemination treatments, there is a large variety of hormone combination for fixed time embryo transfer (with and without estradiol). An experiment conducted in Brazil demonstrated that protocols for fixed time embryo transfer without estradiol can be as good as with estradiol to synchronize high-producing Holstein recipients, essentially during summer. Particularities related to embryos cryopreservation, synchronization of the estrus cycle of donors and recipients and the site of embryo release into the uterine horn were also investigated. Greater conception rates were achieved when fresh embryos were transferred compared to frozen-thawed ones. Also, the tight synchronization between donor and recipient (same day of estrus) resulted more pregnancies than when recipients were one day later or in advantage in relation to donors. Moreover, the site of embryo release into the uterine horn (ipsilateral to the corpus luteum) had no effect on pregnancy rates after in vivo produced embryo transfer. Conclusion: Both fixed time artificial insemination and fixed time embryo transfer are important tools to improve reproductive efficiency of high-producing dairy cows. These biotechnologies help bypassing some of the greatest challenges of dairy cattle reproduction: the difficulties of estrus detection, and the low fertility associated to heat stress and repeat breeding.
Despite the fact that the processes of embryo development and implantation of mammals do not occur in atmospheric tension in vivo, it is common practice in laboratories for in vitro fertilization (IVF) the culture of embryos in an oxygen tension of 20%. The discrepancy between the tensions of oxygen leads to important discussions about their effects in vitro embryo development. It is believed that the culture of embryo in atmospheric oxygen tension can be detrimental to the quality of the data for predisposing them to the negative interference of reactive oxygen species (ROS), resulting in oxidative stress, leading to deleterious effects on metabolism embryo gene expression and blastocysts grown in those conditions. Faced with arguments for and against the culture of embryos in vitro oxygen tensions similar to those found in vivo, this revies article aims to condense and discuss the literature concerning the influence of oxygen tension on the quality of in vitro culture.
Complex biological systems require sophisticated approach for analysis, once there are variables with distinct measure levels to be analyzed at the same time in them. The mouse assisted reproduction, e.g. superovulation and viable embryos production, demand a multidisciplinary control of the environment, endocrinologic and physiologic status of the animals, of the stressing factors and the conditions which are favorable to their copulation and subsequently oocyte fertilization. In the past, analyses with a simplified approach of these variables were not well succeeded to predict the situations that viable embryos were obtained in mice. Thereby, we suggest a more complex approach with association of the Cluster Analysis and the Artificial Neural Network to predict embryo production in superovulated mice. A robust prediction could avoid the useless death of animals and would allow an ethic management of them in experiments requiring mouse embryo.
Multiple ovulation (superovulation) and embryo transfer has been used extensively in cattle. In the past decade, superstimulatory treatment protocols that synchronise follicle growth and ovulation, allowing for improved donor management and fixed-time AI (FTAI), have been developed for zebu (Bos indicus) and European (Bos taurus) breeds of cattle. There is evidence that additional stimulus with LH (through the administration of exogenous LH or equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG)) on the last day of the superstimulatory treatment protocol, called the 'P-36 protocol' for FTAI, can increase embryo yield compared with conventional protocols that are based on the detection of oestrus. However, inconsistent results with the use of hormones that stimulate LH receptors (LHR) have prompted further studies on the roles of LH and its receptors in ovulatory capacity (acquisition of LHR in granulosa cells), oocyte competence and embryo quality in superstimulated cattle. Recent experiments have shown that superstimulation with FSH increases mRNA expression of LHR and angiotensin AT(2) receptors in granulosa cells of follicles >8 mm in diameter. In addition, FSH decreases mRNA expression of growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) in oocytes, but increases the expression of both in cumulus cells, without diminishing the capacity of cumulus-oocyte complexes to generate blastocysts. Although these results indicate that superstimulation with FSH is not detrimental to oocyte competence, supplementary studies are warranted to investigate the effects of superstimulation on embryo quality and viability. In addition, experiments comparing the cellular and/or molecular effects of adding eCG to the P-36 treatment protocol are being conducted to elucidate the effects of superstimulatory protocols on the yield of viable embryos.
This study was aimed to verify if chicks from eggs injected with ascorbic acid and subjected to thermal stress would have higher immunity than chicks from incubation at thermoneutrality without injection of ascorbic acid. The parameters evaluated were temperature on oxygen saturation in hemoglobin, glucose, number of erythrocytes, hematocrit rate and number of hemoglobins of newly hatched male chicks, hatched from eggs injected with ascorbic acid (AA) and subjected to thermal stress during incubation. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 5 (application levels of ascorbic acid) x 2 (incubation temperatures). The data were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure (GLM) of SAS ®. For the parameters (number of erythrocytes, rate of hematrocit and values of hemoglobin), there was significant interaction (p <0.05) between treatments in egg and incubation temperatures. Analyzing the interactions for these parameters, it was observed that the application of 0% ascorbic acid in egg minimized the effect of heat stress when compared with treatment without injection. The application of ascorbic acid levels in eggs incubated under heat stress failed to maximize the immunity of newly hatched chicks. It is assumed that the increased liquid in the amniotic fluid, in those embryos injected with water, favored the lower heat conductance for these embryos, thus helping in their development in relation to immunity. Considering that hemoglobin is related to the transport of gases, these data suggest that increasing the concentration of AA solution inoculated may influence the respiratory rates of eggs.
This study aimed to verify that chicks from eggs injected with ascorbic acid and subjected to heat stress would have changes in acid-base balance, compared to chicks incubated at thermoneutral without injection of ascorbic acid. The parameters evaluated were blood pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, base excess, total carbon dioxide, concentration of sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, bicarbonate and pH of newly hatched male chicks, hatched from eggs injected with acid ascorbic acid (AA) and subjected to heat stress during incubation. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 5 (application levels of ascorbic acid) x 2 (incubation temperatures). The data were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure (GLM) of SAS ®. For the blood pH was observed significant interaction (p <0.05) between treatments with application in eggs and incubation temperatures. For the other parameters were not significant effects (p< 0.05) of AA level and neither temperature of incubation. Analyzing the unfolding of the interaction to pH was observed that chicks from eggs injected with 6% ascorbic acid and subjected to heat stress during incubation had a higher pH value compared with the thermoneutral temperature incubated (p <0.05). Therefore, it is suggested that the incubation of eggs in high temperature (39°C) can alter the metabolic rate of these embryos.
The reproductive biology of the guitarfish Rhinobatos percellens was studied from 751 specimens caught by bottom pair trawlers off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil, between c. 24° 00′ S; 45° 15′ W and c. 25° 10′ S; 47° 52′ W, from September 2007 to August 2009. The total length (LT) and total mass (MT) relationship for males and females combined was MT = 1·29E-06 LT 3·15 (r = 0·99, n = 751). The mean LT of sexually mature specimens was 548 mm for males and 583 mm for females. Clasper growth was allometric and showed three distinct phases. Most claspers were calcified in specimens of c. 550 mm LT. The mean diameter of the largest oocyte was 29·8 mm, the mean ovarian fecundity was seven oocytes and ovulation occurred between August and November. Uterine fecundity ranged from two to 13 embryos (mean of five embryos). Larger females had higher litter sizes and larger embryos; the size-at-birth was c. 200 mm LT. The hepato-somatic index oscillated seasonally for males and females; the gonado-somatic index had little variation in males, but varied seasonally in females. The presence of many non-pregnant adult females and of encapsulated eggs during two consecutive seasons suggests a resting period between gestations and the possibility of diapause. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2012 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
During initial development, both X chromosomes are active in females, and one of them must be silenced at the appropriate time in order to dosage compensate their gene expression levels to male counterparts. Silencing involves epigenetic mechanisms, including histone deacetylation. Major X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in bovine occurs between hatching and implantation, although in vitro culture conditions might disrupt the silencing process, increasing or decreasing X-linked gene expression. In this study, we aimed to address the roles of histone deacetylase inhibition by trichostatin A (TSA) on female preimplantation development.We tested the hypothesis that by enhancing histone acetylation, TSA would increase the percentage of embryos achieving 16-cell stage, reducing percentage of embryos blocked at 8-cell stage, and interfere with XCI in IVF embryos. We noticed that after TSA treatment, acetylation levels in individual blastomeres of 8-16 cell embryos were increased twofold on treated embryos, and the samewas detected for blastocysts. Changes among blastomere levels within the same embryo were diminished on TSA group, as low-acetylated blastomeres were no longer detected. The percentage of embryos that reached the 5th cleavage cycle 118 h after IVF, analyzed by Hoechst staining, remained unaltered after TSA treatment. Then, we assessed XIST and G6PD expression in individual female bovine blastocysts by quantitative real-time PCR. Even though G6PD expression remained unaltered after TSA exposure, XIST expression was eightfold decreased, and we also detected a major decrease in the percentage of blastocysts expressing detectable XIST levels after TSA treatment. Based on these results, we conclude that HDAC is involved on XCI process in bovine embryos, and its inhibition might delay X chromosome silencing and attenuate aberrant XIST expression described for IVF embryos. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.