954 resultados para world history approach
Este doutoramento em Estudos de Arte centra-se no artista plástico, em Portugal, hoje. De acordo com o seu carácter projectual, estrutura-se em dois vectores distintos, ainda que relacionados entre si e devedores um do outro: -Um corpo prático, assente na prática artística de atelier e dando continuidade ao percurso artístico autoral próprio (conducente à série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”); -Um eixo reflexivo, construído a partir da análise qualitativa do conteúdo de um conjunto de entrevistas presenciais realizadas a artistas plásticos portugueses (conducente ao manifesto artístico “O Artista pelo Artista”). Neste sentido, este estudo vai ao encontro de vinte e seis artistas plásticos contemporâneos portugueses reunidos numa amostra seleccionada pelo crítico de arte Miguel von Hafe Pérez. A saber: Alberto Carneiro, André Cepeda, André Gonçalves, Ângela Ferreira, António Olaio, Carla Cruz, Carla Filipe, Cristina Mateus, Daniel Blaufuks, Eduardo Batarda, Fernando José Pereira, Francisco Queirós, Gerardo Burmester, Joana Vasconcelos, João Pedro Vale, João Tabarra, José de Guimarães, Mafalda Santos, Marta de Menezes, Miguel Leal, Miguel Palma, Paulo Mendes, Pedro Calapez, Pedro Proença, Rui Chafes e Zulmiro de Carvalho. O documento que reúne o conjunto das entrevistas realizadas, anexo a esta investigação, distancia-se do discurso utilizado nas retóricas das narrativas históricas, teóricas ou críticas. Aqui, procuram-se as palavras dos criadores, sem mais. Decorrente do percurso metodológico que orientou a análise qualitativa do conteúdo, este estudo propõe o manifesto artístico "O Artista pelo Artista" enquanto resultado do exercício de investigação. Ainda, este trabalho apresenta a série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal” como projecto-tese centrado no movimento que guiou todo o processo investigativo: da reflexão sobre o outro (e sobre as suas palavras) para a reflexão sobre o próprio (e sobre a sua intimidade). Através das vinte e seis entrevistas, do manifesto “O Artista pelo Artista” e da série de imagens “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”, esta investigação devolve a palavra aos próprios artistas, a todos os outros operadores da esfera artística e ao público interessado em conhecer o criador apresentado por si próprio, sem mediadores, num acto sincero, franco e generoso.
The exponential growth of the world population has led to an increase of settlements often located in areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Consequently, despite the important advances in the field of natural catastrophes modelling and risk mitigation actions, the overall human losses have continued to increase and unprecedented economic losses have been registered. In the research work presented herein, various areas of earthquake engineering and seismology are thoroughly investigated, and a case study application for mainland Portugal is performed. Seismic risk assessment is a critical link in the reduction of casualties and damages due to earthquakes. Recognition of this relation has led to a rapid rise in demand for accurate, reliable and flexible numerical tools and software. In the present work, an open-source platform for seismic hazard and risk assessment is developed. This software is capable of computing the distribution of losses or damage for an earthquake scenario (deterministic event-based) or earthquake losses due to all the possible seismic events that might occur within a region for a given interval of time (probabilistic event-based). This effort has been developed following an open and transparent philosophy and therefore, it is available to any individual or institution. The estimation of the seismic risk depends mainly on three components: seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The latter component assumes special importance, as by intervening with appropriate retrofitting solutions, it may be possible to decrease directly the seismic risk. The employment of analytical methodologies is fundamental in the assessment of structural vulnerability, particularly in regions where post-earthquake building damage might not be available. Several common methodologies are investigated, and conclusions are yielded regarding the method that can provide an optimal balance between accuracy and computational effort. In addition, a simplified approach based on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) is proposed, which allows for the rapid estimation of fragility curves, considering a wide spectrum of uncertainties. A novel vulnerability model for the reinforced concrete building stock in Portugal is proposed in this work, using statistical information collected from hundreds of real buildings. An analytical approach based on nonlinear time history analysis is adopted and the impact of a set of key parameters investigated, including the damage state criteria and the chosen intensity measure type. A comprehensive review of previous studies that contributed to the understanding of the seismic hazard and risk for Portugal is presented. An existing seismic source model was employed with recently proposed attenuation models to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard throughout the territory. The latter results are combined with information from the 2011 Building Census and the aforementioned vulnerability model to estimate economic loss maps for a return period of 475 years. These losses are disaggregated across the different building typologies and conclusions are yielded regarding the type of construction more vulnerable to seismic activity.
A presente tese tem como objectivo propor uma nova abordagem à problemática das escolas de interpretação musical. Centrando essa abordagem no universo do saxofone clássico e tendo em conta as especificidades históricas deste instrumento, é levantada uma série de questões que parecem ausentes da investigação previamente existente nesta área. Trata-se de saber em que medida as escolas de interpretação correspondem a uma realidade histórica, discursiva e performativa efectivamente observável no universo do saxofone clássico. Partindo do enquadramento histórico do percurso do saxofone, são realizadas análises ao discurso de saxofonistas significativos naquele universo e a gravações seleccionadas de obras e de saxofonistas representativos. O ponto de partida teórico é o de que as escolas de interpretação fazem parte dos processos de construção das narrativas identitárias dos intérpretes e definem-se através de narrativas identitárias assentes nas realidades histórica, discursiva e performativa.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a divulgação de temas e de algoritmos presentes nos tratados de aritmética prática do século XVI. Pretendemos delinear a atuação dos seus autores face aos desafios do mundo mercantil envolvente. Sendo o nosso «ator principal» Ruy Mendes, esta escolha deve-se a dois motivos: entre os três autores é aquele que tem sido menos mencionado e estudado; os interesses de Mendes parecem-nos mais distantes do mundo mercantil. Assim, no desenrolar deste estudo apresentaremos a Prática do ponto de vista da estrutura e organização, contemplando os seguintes pontos: uma Matemática básica; a Matemática pour elle Même; uma Matemática para o comércio. Neste último ponto incluiremos as regras locais do comércio português: a regra de quarto e vintena e a regra da conta de Flandres. Para cada assunto é realizado um estudo comparativo com os dois tratados da mesma época: o Tratado da Pratica d'Arismetica de Gaspar Nicolas e o Tratado da Arte d'Arismetica de Bento Fernandes. Apesar de se tratar de autores já referidos por alguns historiadores, consideramos que não foram ainda estudados do ponto de vista do interesse intrínseco presente no conhecimento histórico da Matemática, bem como na sua atuação relativamente à divulgação do cálculo aritmético e do seu contributo para o desenvolvimento da Matemática através de problemas práticos.
Geographical representations of topographical space come in many shapes and are a regular topic of discussion. The depiction of the invisible and maybe even illusory concept of time on the other hand, remains largely unchanged and undisputed. A uniform and arithmetic model of time fits well with the rigid structure of digital data, which might be why it has been widely adopted within HCI. In our proposal, we will present historic and contemporary approaches that offer alternative perspectives on the visual representation of time. Keywords: timeline, chronographics
This thesis investigates the use and significance of X-ray crystallographic visualisations of molecular structures in postwar British material culture across scientific practice and industrial design. It is based on research into artefacts from three areas: X-ray crystallographers’ postwar practices of visualising molecular structures using models and diagrams; the Festival Pattern Group scheme for the 1951 Festival of Britain, in which crystallographic visualisations formed the aesthetic basis of patterns for domestic objects; and postwar furnishings with a ‘ball-and-rod’ form and construction reminiscent of those of molecular models. A key component of the project is methodological. The research brings together subjects, themes and questions traditionally covered separately by two disciplines, the history of design and history of science. This focus necessitated developing an interdisciplinary set of methods, which results in the reassessment of disciplinary borders and productive cross-disciplinary methodological applications. This thesis also identifies new territory for shared methods: it employs network models to examine cross-disciplinary interaction between practitioners in crystallography and design, and a biographical approach to designed objects that over time became mediators of historical narratives about science. Artefact-based, archival and oral interviewing methods illuminate the production, use and circulation of the objects examined in this research. This interdisciplinary approach underpins the generation of new historical narratives in this thesis. It revises existing histories of the cultural transmissions between X-ray crystallography and the production and reception of designed objects in postwar Britain. I argue that these transmissions were more complex than has been acknowledged by historians: they were contingent upon postwar scientific and design practices, material conditions in postwar Britain and the dynamics of historical memory, both scholarly and popular. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one explores X-ray crystallographers’ visualisation practices, conceived here as a form of craft. Chapter two builds on this, demonstrating that the Festival Pattern Group witnesses the encounter between crystallographic practice, design practice and aesthetic ideologies operating within social networks associated with postwar modernisms. Chapters three and four focus on ball-and-rod furnishings in postwar and present-day Britain, respectively. I contend that strong relationships between these designed objects and crystallographic visualisations, for example the appellation ‘atomic design’, have been largely realised through historical narratives active today in the consumption of ‘retro’ and ‘mid-century modern’ artefacts. The attention to contemporary historical narratives necessitates this dual historical focus: the research is rooted in the period from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s, but extends to the history of now. This thesis responds to the need for practical research on methods for studying cross-disciplinary interactions and their histories. It reveals the effects of submitting historical subjects that are situated on disciplinary boundaries to interdisciplinary interpretation. Old models, such as that of unidirectional ‘influence’, subside and the resulting picture is a refracted one: this study demonstrates that the material form and meaning of crystallographic visualisations, within scientific practice and across their use and echoes in designed objects, are multiple and contingent.
Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Uniersidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014