956 resultados para wind farm modeling


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The design and implementation of a morphing Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) wing using a smart composite is attempted in this research work. Control surfaces actuated by traditional servos are difficult to instrument and fabricate on thin composite-wings of MAVs. Piezoelectric Fiber Reinforced Composites (PFRCs) are the chosen smart structural materials in the current work for incorporation onto fixed-wing MAVs to simultaneously perform the dual functions of structural load-bearing and actuation of flexure, torsion and/or extension for morphing. Further, PFRC use can be extended towards shape control of a “fixed” wing MAV to meet changing performance requirements. Wings that can warp into desired shapes and/or have variable camber are well-known to exhibit improved efficiency in aerodynamic control. During an entire flight cycle, there are multiple optimal configurations, each of which suits a particular phase of the flight regime. Widely proposed methods of wing morphing include changes in camber, twist, sweep and span. However, camber change during flight is already established, in terms of its potential, as a major factor in improving the aerofoil efficiency and flow separation behavior. Hence, for this work, morphing with camber change is adopted with the goal to better tailor aerodynamic properties.


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The objective of the current study is to evaluate the fidelity of load cell reading during impact testing in a drop-weight impactor using lumped parameter modeling. For the most common configuration of a moving impactor-load cell system in which dynamic load is transferred from the impactor head to the load cell, a quantitative assessment is made of the possible discrepancy that can result in load cell response. A 3-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) LPM (lumped parameter model) is considered to represent a given impact testing set-up. In this model, a test specimen in the form of a steel hat section similar to front rails of cars is represented by a nonlinear spring while the load cell is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. Assuming a given load-displacement response obtained in an actual test as the true behavior of the specimen, the numerical solution of the governing differential equations following an implicit time integration scheme is shown to yield an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behavior of the specimen thereby confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. The spring representing the load cell, however,predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed load-displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.


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This paper presents a new micro-scale model for solidification of eutectic alloys. The model is based on the enthalpy method and simulates the growth of adjacent alpha and beta phases from a melt of eutectic composition in a two-dimensional Eulerian framework. The evolution of the two phases is obtained from the solution of volume averaged energy and species transport equations which are formulated using the nodal enthalpy and concentration potential values. The three phases are tracked using the beta-phase fraction and the liquid fraction values in all the computational nodes. Solutal convection flow field in the domain is obtained from the solution of volume-averaged momentum and continuity equations. The governing equations are solved using a coupled explicit-implicit scheme. The model is qualitatively validated with Jackson-Hunt theory. Results show expected eutectic growth pattern and proper species transfer and diffusion field ahead of the interface. Capabilities of the model such as lamella width selection, division of lamella into thinner lamellae and the presence of solutal convection are successfully demonstrated. The present model can potentially be incorporated into the existing framework of enthalpy based micro-scale dendritic solidification models thus leading to an efficient generalized microstructure evolution model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hanuman langur is one of the widely distributed and extensively studied non-human diurnal primates in India. Until recently it was believed to be a single species - Semnopithecus entellus. Recent molecular and morphological studies suggest that the Hanuman langurs consists of at least three species S. entellus, S. hypoleucos and S. priam. Furthermore, morphological studies suggested that both S. hypoleucos and S. priam have at least three subspecies in each. We explored the use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) to confirm the validity of these seven taxa and an additional taxon S. johnii belonging to the same genus. MaxEnt modeling tool was used with 19 bioclimatic, 12 vegetation and 6 hydrological environmental layers. We reduced total environmental variables to 14 layers after testing for collinearity and an independent test for model prediction was done using ENMTools. A total of 196 non-overlapping data points from primary and secondary sources were used as inputs for ENM. Results showed eight distinct ecological boundaries, corroborating the eight taxa mentioned above thereby confirming validity of these eight taxa. The study, for the first time provided ecological variables that determined the ecological requirements and distribution of members of the Hanuman langur species complex in the Indian peninsula.


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In contemporary wideband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMAX, different subcarriers over which a codeword is transmitted may experience different signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs). Thus, adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) in these systems is driven by a vector of subcarrier SNRs experienced by the codeword, and is more involved. Exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM) simplifies the problem by mapping this vector into a single equivalent fiat-fading SNR. Analysis of AMC using EESM is challenging owing to its non-linear nature and its dependence on the modulation and coding scheme. We first propose a novel statistical model for the EESM, which is based on the Beta distribution. It is motivated by the central limit approximation for random variables with a finite support. It is simpler and as accurate as the more involved ad hoc models proposed earlier. Using it, we develop novel expressions for the throughput of a point-to-point OFDM link with multi-antenna diversity that uses EESM for AMC. We then analyze a general, multi-cell OFDM deployment with co-channel interference for various frequency-domain schedulers. Extensive results based on LTE and WiMAX are presented to verify the model and analysis, and gain new insights.


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Accurately characterizing the time-varying interference caused to the primary users is essential in ensuring a successful deployment of cognitive radios (CR). We show that the aggregate interference at the primary receiver (PU-Rx) from multiple, randomly located cognitive users (CUs) is well modeled as a shifted lognormal random process, which is more accurate than the lognormal and the Gaussian process models considered in the literature, even for a relatively dense deployment of CUs. It also compares favorably with the asymptotically exact stable and symmetric truncated stable distribution models, except at high CU densities. Our model accounts for the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing, which depends on path-loss, shadowing, and small-scale fading of the link from the primary transmitter to the CU; the interweave and underlay modes or CR operation, which determine the transmit powers of the CUs; and time-correlated shadowing and fading of the links from the CUs to the PU-Rx. It leads to expressions for the probability distribution function, level crossing rate, and average exceedance duration. The impact of cooperative spectrum sensing is also characterized. We validate the model by applying it to redesign the primary exclusive zone to account for the time-varying nature of interference.


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Overland rain retrieval using spaceborne microwave radiometer offers a myriad of complications as land presents itself as a radiometrically warm and highly variable background. Hence, land rainfall algorithms of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) have traditionally incorporated empirical relations of microwave brightness temperature (Tb) with rain rate, rather than relying on physically based radiative transfer modeling of rainfall (as implemented in the TMI ocean algorithm). In this paper, sensitivity analysis is conducted using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient as benchmark, to estimate the best combination of TMI low-frequency channels that are highly sensitive to the near surface rainfall rate from the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR). Results indicate that the TMI channel combinations not only contain information about rainfall wherein liquid water drops are the dominant hydrometeors but also aid in surface noise reduction over a predominantly vegetative land surface background. Furthermore, the variations of rainfall signature in these channel combinations are not understood properly due to their inherent uncertainties and highly nonlinear relationship with rainfall. Copula theory is a powerful tool to characterize the dependence between complex hydrological variables as well as aid in uncertainty modeling by ensemble generation. Hence, this paper proposes a regional model using Archimedean copulas, to study the dependence of TMI channel combinations with respect to precipitation, over the land regions of Mahanadi basin, India, using version 7 orbital data from the passive and active sensors on board TRMM, namely, TMI and PR. Studies conducted for different rainfall regimes over the study area show the suitability of Clayton and Gumbel copulas for modeling convective and stratiform rainfall types for the majority of the intraseasonal months. Furthermore, large ensembles of TMI Tb (from the most sensitive TMI channel combination) were generated conditional on various quantiles (25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th) of the convective and the stratiform rainfall. Comparatively greater ambiguity was observed to model extreme values of the convective rain type. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model was tested by comparing the results with traditionally employed linear and quadratic models. Results reveal the superior performance of the proposed copula-based technique.