974 resultados para vaccination


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Cervical cancer, the second leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide, results from infection with a subset of human papillomaviruses (HPV), HPV-16 being the most prevalent type. The available prophylactic vaccines are an effective strategy to prevent this cancer in the long term. However, they only target 70-80% of all cervical cancers and cannot control existing HPV infections and associated lesions. Therapeutic vaccines are thus necessary for women who cannot benefit from prophylactic vaccination. Induction of protective immune responses in the genital mucosa (GM) may be crucial for efficacy of HPV therapeutic vaccines. We report here that mice that received a single subcutaneous (s.c.) vaccination of an adjuvanted long synthetic HPV16 E7(1-98) polypeptide showed induction of 100% tumor protection against s.c. TC-1 tumors and that tumor regression was mainly provided by CD8 T cells. In vivo cytotoxic assay revealed high E7-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes activity in spleen and in genital draining lymph nodes (LN), and E7-specific CD8 T cells could be detected in GM by tetramer staining. More importantly, high-avidity E7-specific INF-gamma secreting CD8 T cells were induced not only in blood, spleen and LN but also in GM of vaccinated mice, thus providing evidence that a parenteral vaccination may be sufficient to provide regression of genital tumors. In addition, there was no correlation between the responses measured in blood with those measured in GM, highlighting the necessity and relevance to determine the immune responses in the mucosa where HPV-tumors reside.


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Tumour immunologists strive to develop efficient tumour vaccination and adoptive transfer therapies that enlarge the pool of tumour-specific and -reactive effector T-cells in vivo. To assess the efficiency of the various strategies, ex vivo assays are needed for the longitudinal monitoring of the patient's specific immune responses providing both quantitative and qualitative data. In particular, since tumour cell cytolysis is the end goal of tumour immunotherapy, routine immune monitoring protocols need to include a read-out for the cytolytic efficiency of Ag-specific cells. We propose to combine current immune monitoring techniques in a highly sensitive and reproducible multi-parametric flow cytometry based cytotoxicity assay that has been optimised to require low numbers of Ag-specific T-cells. The possibility of re-analysing those T-cells that have undergone lytic activity is illustrated by the concomitant detection of CD107a upregulation on the surface of degranulated T-cells. To date, the LiveCount Assay provides the only possibility of assessing the ex vivo cytolytic activity of low-frequency Ag-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes from patient material.


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Infection with Leishmania major parasites results in the development of cutaneous ulcerative lesions on the skin. We investigated the protective potential of a single, recombinant histone H1 antigen against cutaneous leishmaniasis in an outbred population of vervet monkeys, using Montanide adjuvant. Protection was assessed by challenging the animals with a mixture of vector sand fly salivary-gland lysate and a low dose of in vitro-derived parasites, thus more closely mimicking natural infection induced by L. major. The course of infection in immunized monkeys was compared with that of animals that had healed from a primary infection and were immune. The monkeys immunized with recombinant histone H1 showed a reduced development of lesion size, compared with controls. Our study therefore illustrates the potential use of histone H1 as a vaccine candidate against cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans.


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A large variety of cancer vaccines have undergone extensive testing in early-phase clinical trials. A limited number have also been tested in randomized phase II clinical trials. Encouraging trends toward increased survival in the vaccine arms have been recently observed for 2 vaccine candidates in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. These have provided the impetus for the initiation of phase III trials in large groups of patients with lung cancer. These vaccines target 2 antigens widely expressed in lung carcinomas: melanoma-associated antigen 3, a cancer testis antigen; and mucin 1, an antigen overexpressed in a largely deglycosylated form in advanced tumors. Therapeutic cancer vaccines aim at inducing strong CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses. The majority of vaccines recently tested in phase I clinical trials show efficacy in terms of induction of specific tumor antigen immunity. However, clinical efficacy remains to be determined but appears limited. Efforts are thus aimed at understanding the basis for this apparent lack of effect on tumors. Two major factors are involved. On one hand, current vaccines are suboptimal. Strong adjuvant agents and appropriate tumor antigens are needed. Moreover, dose, route, and schedule also need optimization. On the other hand, it is now clear that large tumors often present a tolerogenic microenvironment that hampers effective antitumor immunity. The partial understanding of the molecular pathways leading to functional inactivation of T cells at tumor sites has provided new targets for intervention. In this regard, blockade of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 and programmed death-1 with humanized monoclonal antibodies has reached the clinical testing stage. In the future, more potent cancer vaccines will benefit from intense research in antigen discovery and adjuvant agents. Furthermore, it is likely that vaccines need to be combined with compounds that reverse major tolerogenic pathways that are constitutively active at the tumor site. Developing these combined approaches to vaccination in cancer promises new, exciting findings and, at the same time, poses important challenges to academic research institutions and the pharmaceutical industry.


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Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. Weincluded 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group.


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The properties of CD8 T-cells requiredfor protection from infectiousdisease and cancer are only partiallycharacterized, and only limited data isavailable regarding T-cell clonotypes.It has been proposed that dominantT-cell clonotypes may have higherprotective potential than their nondominantcounterparts. Our objectiveswere to assess memory andeffector functions, stage of differentiationand clonotype selection of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes followingpeptide vaccination in melanomapatients.We also characterized dominantversus non-dominant clonotypesto further understand the in vivo functionof these T-cells based on theirprevalence. Using a novel single-cellapproach for simultaneous ex vivomolecular and functional analysis, wereport the preferential selection andexpansion of several tumor-specificco-dominant clonotypes of intermediateto high frequencies, irrespectiveof whether native or analog peptidewas used for vaccination. Theseclonotypes made up 40 - 95% of thedifferentiated "effector-like" T-cells,but only 25% of the less-differentiated"effector-memory" cells. Bothsubsets also contained non-dominantT-cell clonotypes, but these were significantlymore frequent in the lessdifferentiatedcells. Thus, cell differentiationwas clonotype-dependent.Surprisingly however, the acquisitionof memory and effector T-cell propertieswas clonotype independent, as wefound similar functional profiles indominant and low/ non-dominantT-cell clonotypes. In contrast to analogpeptide vaccination, native peptidevaccination induced T-cell functionsthat were more comprehensive,with more pronounced effector functionscombined with memory cellproperties. In summary, this study revealsthat T-cell functions are determinedprimarily by the antigen andthe stage of T-cell differentiation, butare similar in dominant and non-dominantclonotypes participating in aCD8 T-cell response. The identifiedclonotypic basis of T-cell responsescontributes to the rational developmentof vaccines.


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In the last two decades, anti-cancer vaccines have yielded disappointing clinical results despite the fact that high numbers of self/tumor-specific T cells can be elicited in immunized patients. Understanding the reasons behind this lack of efficacy is critical in order to design better treatment regimes. Recombinant lentivectors (rLVs) have been successfully used to induce antigen-specific T cells to foreign or mutated tumor antigens. Here, we show that rLV expressing a murine nonmutated self/tumor antigen efficiently primes large numbers of self/tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. In spite of the large number of tumor-specific T cells, however, no anti-tumor activity could be measured in a therapeutic setting, in mice vaccinated with rLV. Accumulating evidence shows that, in the presence of malignancies, inhibition of T-cell activity may predominate overstimulation. Analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes revealed that specific anti-tumor CD8(+) T cells fail to produce cytokines and express high levels of inhibitory receptors such as programmed death (PD)-1. Association of active immunization with chemotherapy or antibodies that block inhibitory pathways often leads to better anti-tumor effects. We show here that combining rLV vaccination with either cyclophosphamide or PD-1 and PD-L1 blocking antibodies enhances rLV vaccination efficacy and improves anti-tumor immunity.


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BACKGROUND: The proportion of adults with positive varicella serology is lower in populations from tropical countries. Therefore immigrants to countries with a temperate climate are at risk of acquiring varicella infection during adulthood. METHODS: We tested two different strategies to prevent varicella outbreaks in housing facilities for asylum seekers arriving in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. The first strategy consisted of a rapid response with isolation of the affected individuals and vaccination of the susceptible contacts. The second strategy consisted of a general vaccination upon arrival of all asylum seekers aged 15-39 years with no history of chickenpox. RESULTS: From May 2008 to January 2009 we applied the rapid response strategy. Eight hundred and fifty-eight asylum seekers arrived in the Canton and an attack rate of 2.8% (seven cases among 248 exposed asylum seekers) was observed. The mean cost was US$ 31.35 per asylum seeker. The general vaccination strategy was applied from February 2009 to May 2010, a period during which 966 asylum seekers were registered. This second strategy completely prevented any outbreak at a mean cost of US$ 83.85 per asylum seeker. CONCLUSIONS: Of the two analyzed interventions to prevent varicella outbreaks in housing facilities for asylum seekers, the general vaccination strategy was more effective, more sustainable, and ethically preferable, although more costly.


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The cornerstone of the concept of immunosurveillance in cancer should be the experimental demonstration of immune responses able to alter the course of in vivo spontaneous tumor progression. Elegant genetic manipulation of the mouse immune system has proved this tenet. In parallel, progress in understanding human T cell mediated immunity has allowed to document the existence in cancer patients of naturally acquired T cell responses to molecularly defined tumor antigens. Various attributes of cutaneous melanoma tumors, notably their adaptability to in vitro tissue culture conditions, have contributed to convert this tumor in the prototype for studies of human antitumor immune responses. As a consequence, the first human cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL)-defined tumor antigen and numerous others have been identified using lymphocyte material from patients bearing this tumor, detailed analyses of specific T cell responses have been reported and a relatively large number of clinical trials of vaccination have been performed in the last 15 years. Thus, the "melanoma model" continues to provide valuable insights to guide the development of clinically effective cancer therapies based on the recruitment of the immune system. This chapter reviews recent knowledge on human CD8 and CD4 T cell responses to melanoma antigens.


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Rotavirus is the major cause of diarrhea among young infants in both humans and animals. Immune protection of newborns by vaccination is difficult to achieve since there is not enough time to mount an immune response before exposure to the virus. We have designed a vaccination strategy mediating transfer of neutralizing antibodies from the mother to the offspring during pregnancy and/or lactation. Adult female mice were nasally immunized with virus-like particles (VLPs) made of viral proteins VP2 and 6 (VLP2/6) or VP 2, 6, and 7 (VLP2/6/7) derived from the RF rotavirus strain in the presence or absence of cholera toxin. Both vaccines elicited serum and milk antibodies against the respective VPs. Four days after parturition, suckling pups were challenged orally with RF rotavirus. Pups from mothers immunized with VLP2/6/7 but not VLP2/6 were protected against rotavirus diarrhea, indicating that VP7 plays a key role in protection. Protection was mediated by milk rather than serum antibodies, and mucosal adjuvants were not required. In conclusion, VLPs containing VP7 administered nasally to mothers represent a promising vaccine candidate for the protection of suckling newborns against rotavirus-induced diarrhea, even in the absence of a mucosal adjuvant.


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BACKGROUND: Maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) during birth carries a high risk for chronic HBV infection in infants with frequent subsequent development of chronic disease. This can be efficiently prevented by early immunization of exposed newborns. The purpose of this study was to determine the compliance with official recommendations for prevention of perinatal HBV transmission in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) exposed infants. METHODS: Records of pregnant women at 4 sites in Switzerland, admitted for delivery in 2005 and 2006, were screened for maternal HBsAg testing. In HBsAg-exposed infants, recommended procedures (postnatal active and passive immunization, completion of immunization series, and serological success control) were checked. RESULTS: Of 27,131 women tested for HBsAg, 194 (0.73%) were positive with 196 exposed neonates. Of these neonates, 143 (73%) were enrolled and 141 (99%) received simultaneous active and passive HBV immunization within 24 hours of birth. After discharge, the HBV immunization series was completed in 83%. Only 38% of children were tested for anti-HBs afterwards and protective antibody values (>100 U/L) were documented in 27% of the study cohort. No chronically infected child was identified. Analysis of hospital discharge letters revealed significant quality problems. CONCLUSIONS: Intensified efforts are needed to improve the currently suboptimal medical care in HBsAg-exposed infants. We propose standardized discharge letters, as well as reminders to primary care physicians with precise instructions on the need to complete the immunization series in HBsAg-exposed infants and to evaluate success by determination of anti-HBs antibodies after the last dose.


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SUMMARY : Parasites and sociality in ants This thesis investigates the complex relationships between sociality, defences against parasites and the regulation of social structures. We studied how fungal parasites influenced colony organization, collective defences and social immunity in the ant Formica selysi. We first describe the diversity and prevalence of fungal pathogens associated with ant nests. The richness of fungal parasites community may increase the risk of multiple infections and select for a diversification of anti-parasitic defences in ants. Collective defences are powerful means to combat parasites, but can also increase the risk of disease transmission. Here, we showed that allo-grooming (mutual cleaning) was directed towards every returning individuals, be they contaminated or not. This collective behaviour removed conidia more efficiently than self-grooming but did not improve the survival of contaminated individuals. This suggests that allo-grooming may rather protect the group than cure contaminated individuals. It may also permit "social vaccination" if a contact with contaminated ants protects groomers frorn a second fungal exposure. Social transfer of immunity is an emerging theme in insect immunology. Here, we showed that ants in contact with an ant from a different genetic lineage had a higher disease resistance. We also found that naïve ants had a higher resistance after a contact with an immunized ant. This suggests that a transfer of resistance is possible and that "social vaccination" may improve the resistance of the group. However, it remains unclear whether repeated exposure to parasites may also increase the resistance of infected individuals themselves. lmmune memory in invertebrates is still debated. We tested whether immune priming against fungal parasite arose in ants and whether it was strain-specific. We found no evidence of immune priming. Naïve and immunized ants had a similar survival when infected. Together with our previous results, this suggests that ants have evolved efficient collective anti-fungal defences but that these defences aim at protecting the group rather than the contaminated individuals. ln colonies of our study population, there is a strong variation in the number of breeders. This is associated with important changes in life-history traits like demography or queen and worker body size. In the second part of the thesis, we investigated how social structures evolved and were maintained. We showed that queens from monogyne and polygyne colonies were able to found new colonies both alone or in association. We also found that there was no difference between monogyne and polygyne colonies in the acceptance of additional queens. These results suggest that a high plasticity has been maintained in this population, which may permit to adapt rapidly to changing environmental conditions. RESUME : Parasites et socialité chez les fourmis Durant cette thèse, nous avons étudié comment la socialité apporte de nouvelles réponses a des problèmes complexes telle que la défense contre les parasites ou l'organisation de la vie en groupe. Nous avons choisi comme modèle la fourmi Formica selysi et ses champignons pathogènes. Nous avons d'abord montré que la diversité et la prévalence de champignons pathogènes associés aux nids de fourmis étaient très élevées. Cela a pu pousser les fourmis à diversifier le champ de leur défenses anti-parasitaires afin d'éviter les infections multiples, La socialité a en particulier permis l'évolution de défenses collectives qui pourraient être plus efficaces que les défenses individuelles. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés de plus près aux défenses collectives et avons étudié quels en étaient les coûts et les bénéfices pour le groupe et pour ses membres. Nous avons trouvé que les fourmis nettoyaient tous les individus entrant dans la colonie, qu'ils soient contaminés ou non. Cela permettait d'ôter plus de spores que le nettoyage individuel et n'augmentait pas la transmission de maladie. Cependant, le nettoyage mutuel n'augmentait pas non plus la survie des individus contaminés. ll se pourrait donc que ce comportement serve plutôt a éviter une dissémination de la maladie qu'à soigner les individus contaminés. Le nettoyage mutuel pourrait aussi permettre aux individus sains d'avoir un premier contact non-létal avec un parasite et d'être vaccinés contre une future exposition. Cette hypothèse a été soutenue par une expérience dans laquelle nous avons montré que le contact avec une fourmi immunisée permettait d'augmenter la résistance d'individus naïfs. Les fourmis avaient aussi une meilleure résistance lorsqu'elles étaient en contact avec une fourmi provenant d'une autre lignée génétique. Cette "vaccination sociale" pourrait permettre d'une part d'augmenter le nombre d'espèce de parasites contre lesquelles le groupe serait protégé et d'autre part de faire l'économie d'autres défenses individuelles telles que la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons testé si les fourmis étaient elles-mêmes "vaccinées", c'est-à-dire, si elles exprimaient une mémoire immunitaire après un premier contact avec un champignon parasite. Nous n'avons trouvé aucune différence de survie entre les individus naïfs et immunisés ce qui suggère les fourmis favorisent d'autres défenses que la mémoire immunitaire contre les champignons entomopathogènes. Cela suggère également que les comportements coopératifs anti-parasitaires pourraient compléter, voire remplacer les défenses individuelles. La socialité telle qu'elle est pratiquée par les fourmis pose un autre problème de poids qui est celui de savoir combien d'individus se reproduisent. En effet, si les ouvrières sont stériles, le nombre de reines assurant la reproduction peut varier considérablement. Dans la population de E sebrsi étudiée, les colonies monogynes (une reine) co-existent avec des colonies polygynes (plusieurs reines) dans le même habitat. Nous nous sommes demandés si ces structures sociales étaient fixes ou si un changement de l'une à l'autre était possible. Pour cela nous avons comparé la fondation de nouvelles colonies par les jeunes reines issues de colonies monogynes et polygynes. Nous avons également observé si l'acceptation de nouvelles reines était possible dans les deux types de colonies. Nous n'avons trouvé aucune différence entre les deux types de colonies. Cela suggère qu'un changement est possible et que l'évolution des structures sociales est un processus dynamique. Cela pourrait être dû à l'habitat particulièrement changeant dans lequel se trouve notre population qui exigerait d'être capable de s'adapter très rapidement a de nouvelles conditions.


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BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children are at increased risk of infections caused by vaccine preventable pathogens, and specific immunization recommendations have been issued. METHODS: A prospective national multicenter study assessed how these recommendations are followed in Switzerland and how immunization history correlates with vaccine immunity. RESULTS: Among 87 HIV-infected children (mean age: 11.1 years) followed in the 5 Swiss university hospitals and 1 regional hospital, most (76%) had CD4 T cells >25%, were receiving highly active antiretroviral treatment (79%) and had undetectable viral load (60%). Immunization coverage was lower than in the general population and many lacked serum antibodies to vaccine-preventable pathogens, including measles (54%), varicella (39%), and hepatitis B (65%). The presence of vaccine antibodies correlated most significantly with having an up-to-date immunization history (P<0.05). An up-to-date immunization history was not related to age, immunologic stage, or viremia but to the referral medical center. CONCLUSIONS: All pediatricians in charge of HIV-infected children are urged to identify missing immunizations in this high-risk population.


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After encountering antigens, naïve CD4+ Τ cells can differentiate into various effector Τ helper (Th) cell subsets, including CD4+ Thi, Th2, Thi7, regulatory Τ cells and the recently described follicular Τ helper cells (TFH cells). To date, most of the studies used either gain-of-function approaches that do not reflect the physiological Notch signaling intensity or loss-of-function models that block the entire Notch pathway. The contribution of single Notch receptors during Th differentiation occurring upon infection has not been investigated yet. In the present thesis, we wanted to assess the individual role of Notchi and Notch2 in Th differentiation, by using mice with Τ cell-specific deletion of Notchi, Notch2 or both (NiN2/iCD4Cre) in different models of infection/immunization.¦In the first part, we characterized the role of Notchi and Notch2 in Thi differentiation. We used experimental infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, known to induce a protective Thi immune response in mice on the C57BL/6 background. Mice deficient for both Notchi and Notch2 developed unhealing lesions and were unable to control the parasite burden in their footpad. A profound defect in IFNy secretion by CD4+ Τ cells was shown to be responsible for the susceptibility of these mice. Although CD4+ Τ cells did not secrete IFNy following L. major infection, they exhibited higher IFNymRNA expression as well as higher frequency of CD4+IFNy+Τ cells in dLN. Altogether, these data indicate that Notch is dispensable for the differentiation of Thi cells expressing IFNy but controls, directly or not, the secretion of IFNy, allowing the development of a fully functional Thi immune response.¦In the second part of this thesis, we determined whether Notch is involved in differentiation of follicular Τ helper (TFH) cells. Using different models of immunization (NP-CGG, Schistosoma mansoni eggs) or infection (Leishmania mexicana), we showed that NiN2ACD4Cre mice were unable to generate TFH cells, displayed impaired germinal center (GC) formation as well as a profound defect in high affinity specific-antibodies secretion. We demonstrated an essential and previously unknown role of Notch in TFH cell development, the consequent GC formation and high affinity antibodies secretion, although the mechanisms by which Notch affects TFH development remain to be clearly demonstrated.¦-¦Lors d'une réponse immune, les lymphocytes Τ CD4+ se différencient en différentes sous- populations de lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires (T helper ou Th en anglais) incluant les populations de cellules Thi, Th2, Thn.7, Τ régulatrices ou Τ folliculaires. De nombreuses études ont montré un rôle de la voie de signalisation Notch dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires, bien que les résultats soient controversés. A ce jour, la majorité de ces études sont basées sur des modèles de gain de fonction qui ne reflètent pas le niveau physiologique du signal ou des modèles de perte de fonction pour lesquels toute la voie de signalisation est bloquée. De ce fait, nous avons voulu établir le rôle individuel de Notchi et Notch2 dans la réponse immune de type Thi et dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires folliculaires avec l'aide de souris déficientes pour Notchi, Notch2 ou les 2 (NiN2ACD4Cre) à la surface de leurs cellules T.¦Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons analysé le rôle de Notch dans la différentiation de type Thi suite à infection avec le parasite Leishmania major, connu pour induire une forte réponse Thi dans des souris de souche C57BL/6. Les souris déficientes pour Notchi et Notch2 développent une importante lésion et sont incapables de contrôler la prolifération du parasite au site d'infection. Le profond défaut de la sécrétion d'IFNy par les cellules Τ des ganglions drainants est probablement responsable de la susceptibilité de ces souris à L. major. Bien que les cellules Τ ne sécrètent pas d'IFNy, nous avons observé des niveaux plus importants d'expression au niveau de l'ARN messager, et une proportion plus élevée de cellules positives pour CD4 et IFNy. Ces résultats indiquent que Notch est nécessaire pour la sécrétion d'IFNy mais pas pour la différentiation de cellules compétentes pour l'IFNy.¦Dans un second temps, nous avons voulu déterminer si Notch est impliqué dans la différentiation des cellules Τ folliculaires. En utilisant divers modèles d'immunisation (avec NP-CGG ou des oeufs de Schistosoma mansoni) ou d'infection (avec L. mexicana), nous avons montré que les souris NlN2ACD4Cre sont incapables de générer des cellules Τ folliculaires. En conséquence, la formation des centres germinatifs et la sécrétion d'anticorps de haute affinité sont profondément affectés. Nous avons démontré dans cette seconde partie un rôle crucial et inconnu à ce jour de Notch dans la différentiation des cellules Τ et en conséquence dans la formation des centres germinatifs et la sécrétion des anticorps de haute affinité, bien que les mécanismes par lesquels Notch contrôle cette différentiation restent à identifier.¦-¦Lors d'une réponse immune, les lymphocytes Τ CD// se différencient en différentes sous- populations de lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires de types Thi, Th2, Thi7, régulatrices ou folliculaires, définies selon la sécrétion de cytokines spécifiques. Le rôle de ces sous-populations dans le contrôle de diverses infections ou leur association avec de nombreuses maladies rend la compréhension des mécanismes de différentiation de ces cellules particulièrement importante. De nombreux facteurs sont impliqués dans ce processus, tels que la présence de diverses cytokines dans l'environnement, la nature de l'antigène ou encore la force de la stimulation. Par ailleurs, de nombreuses études ont montré un rôle de la voie de signalisation Notch dans la différentiation des lymphocytes T, bien que les résultats soient controversés. Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu évaluer le rôle individuel des récepteurs Notch dans la différentiation des cellules Τ auxiliaires de type Thi et folliculaires à l'aide de souris dont les récepteurs Notch sont spécifiquement absents à la surface des lymphocytes T.¦Dans la première partie, nous avons utilisé le modèle d'infection au parasite Leishmania major, connu pour induire une forte réponse protectrice de type Thi dans la majorité des souches de souris. Suite à l'infection, les souris déficientes pour les récepteurs Notch sont incapables de contrôler la prolifération du parasite et développent une importante lésion au site d'infection. Cette susceptibilité est due à l'incapacité des cellules Τ auxiliaires à sécréter une cytokine spécifique des cellules de type Thi et nécessaire à l'éradication du parasite, l'IFNy. Ces résultats indiquent que les récepteurs Notch sont indispensables au développement d'une réponse Thi fonctionnelle, permettant la guérison suite à l'infection avec L. major.¦Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons voulu déterminer si Notch est impliqué dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ folliculaires. Ces cellules ont la particularité d'aider les lymphocytes Β à former des centres germinatifs au sein desquels les lymphocytes Β prolifèrent et sécrètent des anticorps, un processus nécessaire à la protection contre les pathogènes. Actuellement, l'efficacité de la majorité des vaccins repose sur la sécrétion d'anticorps par les lymphocytes B, aidés par les cellules Τ folliculaires. En raison du rôle important de ces cellules dans l'éradication des pathogènes et lors d'un processus de vaccination, il est important de connaître les facteurs et les mécanismes permettant la différentiation de ces cellules. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que la formation des cellules Τ folliculaires dépend de la voie de signalisation Notch, impliquant un rôle essentiel de cette molécule dans l'induction de la sécrétion d'anticorps par les lymphocytes B.