952 resultados para ultrasonic refraction


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During Leg 65, 15 holes were drilled at four sites located on young crust in the mouth of the Gulf of California. Quaternary to upper Pliocene hemipelagic sediments above and interlayered within the young basaltic basement were cored. The influence of hot lava, high temperature gradients, and hydrothermal activity on the mineralogy and geochemistry of the terrigenous sediments near contacts with basalts might therefore be expected. The purpose of the present study was to determine the mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of these sediments and to analyze the nature and extent of low temperature alteration. To this end we studied the mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry of 75 sediment samples, including those immediately overlying uppermost basalts and those from layers alternating with basalts within the basement. We separated three size fractions - <2 µm (clay), 2-20 µm (intermediate), and >20 µm (coarse) - and applied the following mineralogical determinations: x-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and optical microscopy (for coarse fractions, using thin sections and smear slides). We calculated the percentages of clay minerals using Biscaye's (1964) method, and used routine wet chemical analyses to determine bulk composition and quantitative spectral analyses for trace elements.


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Precise velocity and density measurements at atmospheric and elevated pressures have been obtained on basalts drilled in 13 holes during Leg 54. The vp-sigma data show systematics which are controlled by the degree of crystallinity (or conversely, glassiness), microstructure, and original mineralogy and chemistry. Extensively fractionated basalts with marked iron enrichment produce anomalously low measured velocities at densities above 2.90 g/cm**3. Also, the effective in situ pressure acting on Leg 54 basalts is less than hydrostatic, and perhaps close to zero. At zero effective pressure, the measured velocities average 2.5 km/s higher than East Pacific Rise upper crustal velocities determined by seismic refraction. This implies that the in situ velocities are undoubtedly a result of the highly fragmented nature of East Pacific Rise crust.


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Densities of layer 2 basalt recovered during the Deep Sea Drilling Project have been found to decrease steadily with age, a finding ascribed to progressive submarine weathering in the context of sea-floor spreading. The least-squares solution for 52 density measurements gives a rate of decrease in density of (Delta p)/(Delta t) = -0.0046 g per ccm m.y. = -16 percent per 100 m.y., which is in excellent agreement with earlier estimates based on observed chemical depletion rates of dredged oceanic basalt. Weathering of sea-floor basalt, should it penetrate to any considerable depth in layer 2, will decrease layer 2 seismic refraction velocities, act as a source of geothermal heat, and substantially influence the chemistry of sea water and the overlying column of sediment.


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Previous pollen analytical studies on sediments from the pleistocene lake basin at Samerberg, situated on the northern edge of the Bavarian Alps (47°45' N, 12°12' E, 607 m a.s.l.) had been performed on samples taken from cores and exposures close to the southern shore of the former lake. After geoelectric and refraction-seismic measurements had shown that the lake basin had been much deeper in its northern part, another core was taken where maximum depth could be expected. The corer penetrated three moraines, two of them lying above pollen-bearing sediments, and one below them, and reached the hard rock (Kössener Kalk) at a depth of 93 m. Two forest phases could be identified by pollen analysis. The pollen record begins abruptly in a forest phase at the end of a spruce-dominated period when fir started to spread (DA 1, DA = pollen zone). Following this, Abies (fir) was the main tree species at Samerberg, Picea being second, and deciduous trees were almost non-existent. First box (Buxus) was of major importance in the fir forests (DA 2), but later on beech (Fagus) and wing-nut (Pterocarya) spread (DA 3). Finally this forest gave way to a spruce forest with pine (DA 4). The beginning and the end of this interglacial cycle are not recorded. Its vegetational development is different from the eemian one known from earlier studies at Samerberg. It is characterized by the occurrence of Abies together with Buxus, Pterocarya and Fagus. A similar association of woody species is known only from the Holsteinian age deposits in an area ranging from England to Poland, though at no other place these species were such important constituents of the vegetation as at Samerberg. Therefore zone 1 to 4 are attributed to the Holsteinian interglacial period. The younger forest phase, separated from the interglacial by a stadial with open vegetation (DA 5), seems to be completely represented, though its sediments are disturbed, apparently by sliding which caused repetition of same-age-sediments in the core (DA 7a, b, c) The vegetational development is simple. A juniper phase (DA 6) was followed by reforestation with spruce, accompanied by some fir (DA 7, 9). Finally pine became the dominant species (DA 9). The simple vegetational development of this younger forest phase does not allow a safe correlation with one of the known pre-eemian interstadials, but for stratigraphical reasons it can be related best to the Dömnitz-interglacial, which among others is also known as Wacken- or Holstein-II-interglacial. Possibly another phase of reforestation is indicated at the end of the following stadial (DA 10). But due to an erosional unconformity nothing than the rise of the juniper curve can be stated. It was only after this sequence of forest phases and periods with open vegetation that glaciers reached the Samerberg area again.


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The determination of the strain and velocity behaviour of the ice surface near the two German Antarctic Stations on Filchner/Ronne and Ekström ice shelves was performed by the use of various geodetic measuring techniques. The relative positions and heights of control points valid for reference data were deduced from terrestrial observations (horizontal and vertical angle selectro optical distances). After a second sampling of data, these values served as the basis for the deformation analyses. Doppler-Satellite-observations (Navy Navigation Satellite System) made absolute positioning (latitude, longitude, height) of special points possible. These Doppler observations, supported by azimuth measurements (gyro-theodolite and sun observations) provided the datum of control networks (translations and orientation). After the repetition of these observations, the drift rates and azimuths of the control points as wenas the rotanon rates of the surface elements could be given. From vertical angles and horizontal distances differences in height end refraction coefficients were calculated. On days without clouds the refraction coefflcients increased by arnounts of up to 3.0 (in extreme cases up to 5.0). Distances over 1 km have to be subdivided to reach a standard deviation level of an heigh: difference better than 0.05 m. In order to determine the heterögeneity of refraction, some height differences should be measured with higher accuracy end-by subdivision of distances.


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Multibeam data were measured during R/V SONNE cruise SO202 (INOPEX) along track lines of 6938 NM total length in the North Pacific and Bering Sea during transits and stationary work. Starting from Hokkaido (Japan) data were achieved east of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and south of the Aleutian Trench. The track crosses the Bowers Ridge, the continental margin of Alaska and the Umnak Plateau in the Bering Sea. Further data were gained in the North Pacific in the area of the Patton Seamounts, Gibson Seamount, Hess Rise and Shatsky Rise. The multibeam sonar system Simrad EM 120 from Kongsberg was operated using 191 beams and an aperture angle of 90° to 140° due to particular conditions. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing 6 CTD profiles measured during the cruise and one from cruise SO201. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.