1000 resultados para transtornos fóbicos
OBJETIVOS: Identificar o perfil dos usuários do Ambulatório de Saúde Mental e do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Lorena - São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório descritivo com dados coletados em 5.830 prontuários dos usuários desses dois serviços de Saúde Mental. RESULTADOS:Foram analisados 5.490 prontuários no Ambulatório e 340 no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. No Ambulatório 68% dos usuários eram mulheres e no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, 61% eram homens. Os diagnósticos que prevaleceram no Ambulatório foram: transtornos neuróticos, relacionados ao estresse e os somatoformes, e no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, foram os transtornos decorrentes do uso de substâncias psicoativas. O grupo de medicamentos mais prescritos no Ambulatório foi o de antidepressivos, e no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, os antipsicóticos. CONCLUSÃO: Verificou-se que os serviços de Saúde Mental atuam de forma desarticulada com a Atenção Básica de Saúde e faz-se necessário implantar o apoio matricial nesse município.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as evidências sobre o adoecimento de trabalhadores de enfermagem pelos Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT). MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa da literatura utilizando as bases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), BVS Enfermagem, Scopus e Banco de Teses da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) obtendo-se 17 estudos. RESULTADOS: Evidenciou-se que os DORT acometem os profissionais de enfermagem e relacionam-se às condições inadequadas dos ambientes de trabalho, à organização e estrutura do trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: É necessário investir em programas preventivos, capacitações, educação em saúde, estratégias de intervenção e organização dos serviços existentes.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) com os distúrbios osteomusculares (DORT) entre profissionais de enfermagem que trabalham em bloco cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, descritivo, transversal e correlacional, do qual participaram 211 trabalhadores de Enfermagem de 11 hospitais de Londrina-PR, Brasil. Para coleta de dados, foram utilizados três instrumentos: caracterização sociodemográfica e profissional, Escala Visual Analógica e o Questionário Nórdico. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes era de auxiliares de enfermagem (62,6%), do sexo feminino (87,1%), casados (54,5%), com idade média de 40 anos. Dentre os participantes, 38,9% apresentavam queixas osteomusculares na região inferior das costas e 37,9%, na região dos ombros. Neste estudo, a QVT obteve associação estatisticamente significante com os distúrbios osteomusculares na região lombar e dos ombros nos últimos 12 meses (p=0,00). CONCLUSÃO: A ausência de lombalgia contribuiu significativamente para elevar a medida de QVT (p=0,010), embora o modelo final de regressão tenha explicado, apenas 22,6% da variância da medida de QVT.
Atualmente os principais serviços de tratamento para pessoas com problemas relacionados ao álcool e outras drogas seguem os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde Brasileiro e são orientados pelas atuais políticas de saúde mental. Objetivou-se conhecer as intervenções previstas pelos documentos, observar estas intervenções no dia-a-dia e problematizar possíveis fragilidades destas práticas num destes serviços. Os parâmetros para análise foram a Política Nacional sobre Drogas, a Política do Ministério da Saúde para Atenção Integral dos Usuários de álcool e drogas e preconizações da Organização Mundial da Saúde com relação à prevenção e controle do uso abusivo de drogas. As técnicas metodológicas foram a análise documental e a observação-participante. Evidenciaram-se importantes avanços como: preconização de intersetorialidade, integralidade e ações focadas no ambiente social. Como fragilidade destaca-se certa dificuldade na consolidação das seguintes ações: busca ativa, atividades de lazer, trabalho e redução de danos.
A obesidade vem aumentando significativamente em todo o mundo, e os fatores ambientais, como o consumo excessivo de alimentos e o sedentarismo, são os principais fatores relacionados com a gênese dessa doença. Em animais de laboratório, a gênese da obesidade está relacionada, em sua maioria, com mutações genéticas, porém esse modelo é muito distante do encontrado nos humanos. A adoção de dietas hipercalóricas ou hiperlipídicas vem sendo utilizada como modelo de indução da obesidade em animais, devido à sua semelhança com a gênese e às respostas metabólicas decorrentes da obesidade em humanos. Assim, o objetivo dessa revisão de literatura é apresentar os diferentes tipos de dietas utilizadas para a indução da obesidade em roedores, as modificações metabólicas induzidas e identificar alguns cuidados que devem ser tomados para que esse modelo seja eficaz para o estudo das complicações relacionadas com a obesidade. Realizou-se busca na base de dados PubMed utilizando as expressões: 1-"hipercaloric diet" AND "rodent", 2- "hiperlipidic diet" AND "rodent", sendo selecionadas aquelas consideradas mais relevantes a partir dos critérios: data de publicação (1995-2011), a utilização de animais wild type, a descrição detalhada sobre a dieta utilizada e a análise de parâmetros bioquímicos e vasculares de interesse. Foram inseridas referências para introduzir assuntos como o aumento da prevalência da obesidade e questões relacionadas com a gênese da obesidade em humanos. Podemos considerar eficiente o modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta em roedores quando o objetivo é o estudo da fisiopatologia das complicações metabólicas e vasculares associadas à obesidade.
The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.
Psychotherapeutic interventions that bring about differentiation, separation, individuation and autonomy in the mother-daughter relationship are recommended as treatment for eating disorders. With this goal in mind, a psychotherapy group for mothers was organized in an outpatient program for adolescents with eating disorders at a public institution, as one of the psychotherapeutic approaches in the multidisciplinary treatment of adolescent patients. Evidence suggests that this approach can be relevant and effective in the treatment of eating disorders.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a memória operacional fonológica e relacionar com a impulsividade de pacientes em tratamento no Centro de Atenção Integrada à Saúde Mental. MÉTODO: 29 usuários: 21 do gênero masculino e 8 do feminino, usuários de substâncias psicoativas, com 37,9±10,5 anos de idade e 10,59±3,53 anos de escolaridade; e 30 voluntários: 19 do gênero masculino e 11 do feminino, com 32,4±11,9 anos de idade e 11,07±3,29 anos de escolaridade, sem histórico psiquiátrico ou de dependência química foram convocados à avaliação de: 1) memória operacional para palavras e pseudo-palavras; 2) impulsividade em seus fatores de segunda ordem (impulsividade atencional, motora e de não planejamento). RESULTADOS: o desempenho dos usuários de substâncias psicoativas na avaliação da memória em comparação ao grupo controle foi pior tanto no span auditivo de palavras e pseudo-palavras como também no número total de recordação de palavras e pseudo-palavras. Na avaliação da impulsividade, os usuários apresentaram escores elevados em contraposição aos sujeitos controle em todos os subtipos de impulsividade, inclusive no total. Na análise de correlação dos dados não foram encontradas relações entre os escores de impulsividade e memória. CONCLUSÃO: : este padrão de respostas indica comprometimento da memória operacional fonológica provavelmente independente do alto nível de impulsividade apresentado pelos usuários de drogas. Estas análises contribuem para propor estratégias de tratamento direcionadas às alterações detectadas.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Children and adolescents who live in situations of social vulnerability present a series of health problems. Nonetheless, affirmations that sensory and cognitive abnormalities are present are a matter of controversy. The aim of this study was to investigate aspects to auditory processing, through applying the brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) and behavioral auditory processing tests to children living on the streets, and comparison with a control group. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in the Laboratory of Auditory Processing, School of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo. METHODS: The auditory processing tests were applied to a group of 27 individuals, subdivided into 11 children (7 to 10 years old) and 16 adolescents (11 to 16 years old), of both sexes, in situations of social vulnerability, compared with an age-matched control group of 10 children and 11 adolescents without complaints. The BAEP test was also applied to investigate the integrity of the auditory pathway. RESULTS: For both children and adolescents, there were significant differences between the study and control groups in most of the tests applied, with significantly worse performance in the study group, except in the pediatric speech intelligibility test. Only one child had an abnormal result in the BAEP test. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the study group (children and adolescents) presented poor performance in the behavioral auditory processing tests, despite their unaltered auditory brainstem pathways, as shown by their normal results in the BAEP test.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Themes like alcohol and drug abuse, relationship difficulties, psychoses, autism and personality dissociation disorders have been widely used in films. Psychiatry and psychiatric conditions in various cultural settings are increasingly taught using films. Many articles on cinema and psychiatry have been published but none have presented any methodology on how to select material. Here, the authors look at the portrayal of abusive use of alcohol and drugs during the Brazilian cinema revival period (1994 to 2008). DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative study at two universities in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Scenes were selected from films available at rental stores and were analyzed using a specifically designed protocol. We assessed how realistic these scenes were and their applicability for teaching. One author selected 70 scenes from 50 films (graded for realism and teaching applicability > 8). These were then rated by another two judges. Rating differences among the three judges were assessed using nonparametric tests (P < 0.001). Scenes with high scores (> 8) were defined as "quality scenes". RESULTS: Thirty-nine scenes from 27 films were identified as "quality scenes". Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens and inhalants were included in these. Signs and symptoms of intoxication, abusive/harmful use and dependence were shown. CONCLUSIONS: We have produced rich teaching material for discussing psychopathology relating to alcohol and drug use that can be used both at undergraduate and at postgraduate level. Moreover, it could be seen that certain drug use behavioral patterns are deeply rooted in some Brazilian films and groups.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess re-hospitalization rates of individuals with psychosis and bipolar disorder and to study determinants of readmission. METHODS: Prospective observational study, conducted in São Paulo, Brazil. One hundred-sixty-nine individuals with bipolar and psychotic disorder in need of hospitalization in the public mental health system were followed for 12 months after discharge. Their families were contacted by telephone and interviews were conducted at 1, 2, 6 and 12 months post-discharge to evaluate readmission rates and factors related. RESULTSOne-year re-hospitalization rate was of 42.6%. Physical restraint during hospital stay was a risk factor (OR = 5.4-10.5) for readmission in most models. Not attending consultations after discharge was related to the 12-month point readmission (OR = 8.5, 95%CI 2.3-31.2) and to the survival model (OR = 3.2, 95%CI 1.5-7.2). Number of previous admissions was a risk factor for the survival model (OR = 6.6-11.9). Family's agreement with permanent hospitalization of individuals with mental illness was the predictor associated to readmission in all models (OR = 3.5-10.9) and resulted in shorter survival time to readmission; those readmitted were stereotyped as dangerous and unhealthy. CONCLUSIONS: Family's stigma towards mental illness might contribute to the increase in readmission rates of their relatives with psychiatric disorders. More studies should be conducted to depict mechanisms by which stigma increases re-hospitalization rates.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate prevalence, age-of-onset, gender distribution and identify correlates of lifetime psychiatric disorders in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). METHODS: The São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey assessed psychiatric disorders on a probabilistic sample of 5,037 adult residents in the SPMA, using the World Mental Health Survey Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Response rate was 81.3%. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 44.8%; estimated risk at age 75 was 57.7%; comorbidity was frequent. Major depression, specific phobias and alcohol abuse were the most prevalent across disorders; anxiety disorders were the most frequent class. Early age-of-onset for phobic and impulse-control disorders and later age-of-onset for mood disorders were observed. Women were more likely to have anxiety and mood disorders, whereas men, substance use disorders. Apart from conduct disorders, more frequent in men, there were no gender differences in impulse-control disorders. There was a consistent trend of higher prevalence in the youngest cohorts. Low education level was associated to substance use disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent among the general adult population in the SPMA, with frequent comorbidity, early age-of-onset for most disorders, and younger cohorts presenting higher rates of morbidity. Such scenario calls for vigorous public health action.
BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are often associated with several non-psychiatric medical conditions. Among the clinical conditions found in association with anxiety stands out the joint hypermobility (JH). OBJECTIVES: To carry out a systematic review of the clinical association between anxiety disorders and JH. METHOD: A survey was conducted in MEDLINE, PsychINFO, LILACS e SciELO databases up to December 2011. We searched for articles using the keywords 'anxiety', 'joint' and 'hypermobility' and Boolean operators. The review included articles describing empirical studies on the association between JH and anxiety. The reference lists of selected articles were systematically hand-searched for other publications relevant to the review. RESULTS: Seventeen articles were included in the analysis and classified to better extract data. We found heterogeneity between the studies relate to the methodology used. Most of the studies found an association between anxiety features and JH. Panic disorder/agoraphobia was the anxiety disorder associated with JH in several studies. Etiological explanation of the relationship between anxiety and JH is still controversial. CONCLUSION: Future research in large samples from the community and clinical setting and longitudinal studies of the association between anxiety and HA and the underlying biological mechanisms involved in this association are welcome.
Anxiety is an important component of the psychopathology of the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). So far, most interventions that have proven to be effective for treating OCD are similar to those developed for other anxiety disorders. However, neurobiological studies of OCD came to conclusions that are not always compatible with those previously associated with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to review the degree of overlap between OCD and other anxiety disorders phenomenology and pathophysiology to support the rationale that guides research in this field. RESULTS: Clues about the neurocircuits involved in the manifestation of anxiety disorders have been obtained through the study of animal anxiety models, and structural and functional neuroimaging in humans. These investigations suggest that in OCD, in addition to dysfunction in cortico-striatal pathways, the functioning of an alternative neurocircuitry, which involves amygdalo-cortical interactions and participates in fear conditioning and extinction processes, may be impaired. CONCLUSION: It is likely that anxiety is a relevant dimension of OCD that impacts on other features of this disorder. Therefore, future studies may benefit from the investigation of the expression of fear and anxiety by OCD patients according to their type of obsessions and compulsions, age of OCD onset, comorbidities, and patterns of treatment response.