977 resultados para transforming growth factor beta3
We have reported earlier that purified preparations of sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not adult hemoglobin, in concert with non-stimulatory doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (lipid A), act cooperatively to regulate in vitro production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha, TGFbeta and IL-6 from murine and human leukocytes. Following in vivo treatment of mice with the same combination of hemoglobin and LPS, harvested spleen or peritoneal cells showed a similar augmented capacity to release these cytokines into culture supernatants. We report below that genetically cloned gamma-chain of human or sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not cloned alpha- or beta-chains, can produce this cooperative effect, as indeed can HPLC purified, heme-free, gamma-chains derived from cord blood fetal hemoglobin, and that purified haptoglobin completely abolishes the cooperative interaction.
Interleukin (IL) 18 is a potent pro-inflammatory Th1 cytokine that exerts pleiotropic effector functions in both innate and acquired immune responses. Increased IL-18 production during acute rejection has been reported in experimental heart transplantation models and in kidney transplant recipients. IL-18-binding protein (IL-18BP) binds IL-18 with high affinity and neutralizes its biologic activity. We have analyzed the efficacy of an adenoviral vector expressing an IL-18BP-Ig fusion protein in a rat model of heart transplantation. IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer into Fisher (F344) rat donor hearts resulted in prolonged graft survival in Lewis recipients (15.8 +/- 1.4 days vs. 10.3 +/- 2.5 and 10.1 +/- 2.1 days with control virus and buffer solution alone, respectively; P < 0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed decreased intra-graft infiltrates of monocytes/macrophages, CD4(+), CD8alpha(+) and T-cell receptor alphabeta(+) cells after IL-18BP-Ig versus mock gene transfer (P < 0.05). Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis showed decreased cytokine transcripts for the RANTES chemokine and transforming growth factor-beta after IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer (P < 0.05). IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer attenuates inflammatory cell infiltrates and prolongs cardiac allograft survival in rats. These results suggest a contributory role for IL-18 in acute rejection. Further studies aiming at defining the therapeutic potential of IL-18BP are warranted.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognise pathogen-derived molecules and influence immunity to control parasite infections. This study aimed to evaluate the mRNA expression of TLRs 2 and 4, the expression and production of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-12, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-17, IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the spleen of mice infected with Leishmania chagasi. It also aimed to evaluate any correlations between mRNA expression TLR2 and 4 and cytokines and NO production. Infection resulted in increased TLR2-4, IL-17, TNF-α and TGF-β mRNA expression during early infection, with decreased expression during late infection correlating with parasite load. IFN-γ and IL-12 mRNA expression decreased at the peak of parasitism. IL-10 mRNA expression increased throughout the entire time period analysed. Although TGF-β, TNF-α and IL-17 were highly produced during the initial phase of infection, IFN-γ and IL-12 exhibited high production during the final phase of infection. IL-10 and NO showed increased production throughout the evaluated time period. In the acute phase of infection, there was a positive correlation between TLR2-4, TNF-α, IL-17, NO, IL-10 and TGF-β expression and parasite load. During the chronic phase of infection, there was a positive correlation between TLR2-4, TNF-α, IL-17 and TGF-β expression and parasite load. Our data suggest that infection by L. chagasi resulted in modulation of TLRs 2 and 4 and cytokines.
Résumé : Le virus tumoral de la glande mammaire de la souris (MMTV) est un rétrovirus provoquant le développement de tumeurs dans les glandes mammaires des souris susceptibles femelles. Au cours de son évolution, le virus s'est adapté et s'exprime dans des cellules spécialisées. Les lymphocytes B sont les premières cellules infectées et elles sont essentielles pour la propagation de l'infection aux glandes mammaires. Dans notre étude, le virus MMTV a été utilisé afin d'examiner les voies de signalisation induites par les glucocorticoïdes (dexaméthasone (dex), une hormone stéroïdienne) et le transforming growth factor-f3 (TGF-P, une cytokine), deux molécules impliquées dans l'activation de la transcription à partir du promoteur du MMTV dans les cellules B. Le TGF-P seul n'influence pas l'activité du promoteur du MMTV. Par contre, en synergie avec dex, le TGF-P provoque une super-induction de l'expression du promoteur par rapport à une stimulation par le glucocorticoïde seul. Cette super-induction est régulée par une famille de protéines, les Smads. Ainsi, dans les lymphocytes B, l'utilisation du MMTV a permis de mettre en évidence une nouvelle synergie entre les glueocortieoïdes et le TGF-p. pans ce travail, l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques et de mutants « dominant-négatifs » nous a pet mis de démontrer qu'une Protéine Kinase C delta (PKC5) active est impliquée dans la transduction du signal lors de la réponse au dex ainsi que celle au TGF-P. Néanmoins, la PKC5 est régulée différemment dans chaque voie spécifique : la voie du TGF-p nécessitait l'activation du PKC5 par diacylglycerol (DAG) et la phosphorylation de tyrosines spécifiques, alors que la voie impliquant les glucocorticoïdes ne le nécessitait pas. Nous avons aussi démontré qu'une tyrosine kinase de la famille Src est responsable de la phosphorylation des tyrosines sur la PKC5. Les essais de kinase in vitro nous ont permis de découvrir que plusieurs Src kinases peuvent phosphoryler la PKC6 dans les cellules B et qu'elles étaient constitutivement actives. Enfin, nous avons montré qu'il existe une interaction protéine - protéine induite par dex, entre le récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes (GR) et la PKC5 dans les cellules B, une association qui n'a pas été démontrée auparavant. Par ailleurs, nous avons analysé les domaines d'interactions entre PKC5 et GR en utilisant les essais de «GST pull-down». Nos résultats montrent que le domaine régulateur de la PKC5 et celui qui interagit avec l'ADN du GR sont impliqués. En résumé, nous avons trouvé que dans une lignée lymphocytaire B, le virus MMTV utilise des mécanismes pour réguler à la fois la transcription et la voie de signalisation qui sont différents de ceux utilisés dans les cellules mammaires épithéliales et les fibroblastes. Nos découvertes pourraient être utilisées comme modèles pour l'étude de gènes cellulaires impliqués dans des processus tels qu'inflammation, immunité ou cancérogénèse. Summary: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus that causes tumors in the mammary glands of susceptible female mice and has adapted evolutionarily to be expressed in specialized cells. The B lymphocytes are the first cells to be infected by the MMTV and are essential for the spread of infection to the mammary glands. Here, we used the MMTV as a model system to investigate the signalling cascade induced by giucocorticoids (dexamethasone, "dex", a steroid hormone), and by Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-P, a cytokine) leading to its transcriptional activation in B lymphocytes. By itself, TGF-I3 does not affect the basal activity of the MMTV promoter. However, TGF-13 significantly increases glucocorticoid-induced expression, through its effectors, the Smad factors. Thus, MMTV in B cells demonstrates a novel synergism between glucocorticoids and TGF-16. In this thesis project, we present evidence, based on the use of pharmacological inhibitors and of dominant-negative mutants, that an active Protein Kinase C delta (PKC6) is required as a signal transducer for the dex response and for the TGF-P superinduction as well. The PKC6 is differentially regulated in each specific pathway: whereas the TGF-13 superinduction required PKC6 to be activated by diacylglycerol (DAG) and to be phosphorylated at specific tyrosine residues, the glueocorticoid-induced pathway did not. We also showed that a protein tyrosine kinase of the Src family is responsible for the phosphorylation of tyrosines on PKC6. By performing in vitro kinase assays, we found that several Src kinases of B cells were able to phosphorylate PKC6 and that they were constitutively active. Finally, we demonstrate a dex-dependent functional protein-protein interaction between the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and PKC6 in B cells, an association that has not been previously described. We further analysed the interacting domains of PKG6 and GR using in vitro GST pull-down assays, whereby the regulatory domain of PKC6 and the extended DNA-binding domain of the GR were involved. In summary, we found that in B-lymphoid cell lines, MMTV uses novel mechanisms of transcriptional control and signal transduction that are different from those at work in mammary epithelial or fibroblastic cells. These findings will be used as model for cellular genes involved in cellular processes such as immune functions, inflammation, or oncogenic transformation that may have a similar pattern of regulation.
The aim of the present study was to identify specific markers that mirror liver fibrosis progression as an alternative to biopsy when biopsy is contraindicated, especially in children. After liver biopsies were performed, serum samples from 30 hepatitis C virus (HCV) paediatric patients (8-14 years) were analysed and compared with samples from 30 healthy subjects. All subjects were tested for the presence of serum anti-HCV antibodies. Direct biomarkers for liver fibrosis, including transforming growth factor-β1, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), hyaluronic acid (HA), procollagen type III amino-terminal peptide (PIIINP) and osteopontin (OPN), were measured. The indirect biomarkers aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, albumin and bilirubin were also tested. The results revealed a significant increase in the serum marker levels in HCV-infected children compared with the healthy group, whereas albumin levels exhibited a significant decrease. Significantly higher levels of PIIINP, TIMP-1, OPN and HA were detected in HCV-infected children with moderate to severe fibrosis compared with children with mild fibrosis (p < 0.05). The diagnostic accuracy of these direct biomarkers, represented by sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value, emphasises the utility of PIIINP, TIMP-1, OPN and HA as indicators of liver fibrosis among HCV-infected children.
American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a vector-transmitted infectious disease with an estimated 1.5 million new cases per year. In Brazil, ACL represents a significant public health problem, with approximately 30,000 new reported cases annually, representing an incidence of 18.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Corte de Pedra is in a region endemic for ACL in the state of Bahia (BA), northeastern Brazil, with 500-1,300 patients treated annually. Over the last decade, population and family-based candidate gene studies were conducted in Corte de Pedra, founded on previous knowledge from studies on mice and humans. Notwithstanding limitations related to sample size and power, these studies contribute important genetic biomarkers that identify novel pathways of disease pathogenesis and possible new therapeutic targets. The present paper is a narrative review about ACL immunogenetics in BA, highlighting in particular the interacting roles of the wound healing gene FLI1 with interleukin-6 and genes SMAD2 and SMAD3 of the transforming growth factor beta signalling pathway. This research highlights the need for well-powered genetic and functional studies on Leishmania braziliensis infection as essential to define and validate the role of host genes in determining resistance/susceptibility regarding this disease.
PURPOSE: Two mutations (R555Q and R124L) in the BIGH3 gene have been described in anterior or Bowman's layer dystrophies (CDB). The clinical, molecular, and ultrastructural findings of five families with CDB was reviewed to determine whether there is a consistent genotype:phenotype correlation. METHODS: Keratoplasty tissue from each patient was examined by light and electron microscopy (LM and EM). DNA was obtained, and exons 4 and 12 of BIGH3 were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and single-stranded conformation polymorphism/heteroduplex analysis. Abnormally migrating products were analyzed by direct sequencing. RESULTS: In two families with type I CDB (CDBI), the R124L mutation was defined. There were light and ultrastructural features of superficial granular dystrophy and atypical banding of the "rod-shaped bodies" ultrastructurally. Patients from three families with "honeycomb" dystrophy were found to carry the R555Q mutation and had characteristic features of Bowman's dystrophy type II (CDBII). CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong genotype:phenotype correlation among CBDI (R124L) and CDBII (R555Q). LM and EM findings suggest that epithelial abnormalities may underlie the pathology of both conditions. The findings clarify the confusion over classification of the Bowman's layer dystrophies.
The mechanisms related to the spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been primarily studied in regions where the infection is endemic. Results of prior studies have been extrapolated to populations with low endemicity, such as Mexico. Herein, we determined the cytokine profiles in serum samples from Mexican patients who spontaneously cleared HCV and patients chronically infected with HCV genotype 1a. Chronic HCV-infected patients displayed increased interleukin (IL)-8 and regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (CCL-5) secretion, whereas patients who spontaneously cleared HCV showed augmented levels of IL-1 alpha, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta, monocyte chemoattractant protein-2 (CCL-8), IL-13 and IL-15. Our study suggeststhat cytokine profiles may predict disease outcome during HCV infection.
Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection carriers represent a major threat to malaria control worldwide as they are silent natural reservoirs and do not seek medical care. There are no standard criteria for asymptomaticPlasmodium infection; therefore, its diagnosis relies on the presence of the parasite during a specific period of symptomless infection. The antiparasitic immune response can result in reducedPlasmodium sp. load with control of disease manifestations, which leads to asymptomatic infection. Both the innate and adaptive immune responses seem to play major roles in asymptomatic Plasmodiuminfection; T regulatory cell activity (through the production of interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-β) and B-cells (with a broad antibody response) both play prominent roles. Furthermore, molecules involved in the haem detoxification pathway (such as haptoglobin and haeme oxygenase-1) and iron metabolism (ferritin and activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase) have emerged in recent years as potential biomarkers and thus are helping to unravel the immune response underlying asymptomatic Plasmodium infection. The acquisition of large data sets and the use of robust statistical tools, including network analysis, associated with well-designed malaria studies will likely help elucidate the immune mechanisms responsible for asymptomatic infection.
When located next to chromosomal elements such as telomeres, genes can be subjected to epigenetic silencing. In yeast, this is mediated by the propagation of the SIR proteins from telomeres toward more centromeric regions. Particular transcription factors can protect downstream genes from silencing when tethered between the gene and the telomere, and they may thus act as chromatin domain boundaries. Here we have studied one such transcription factor, CTF-1, that binds directly histone H3. A deletion mutagenesis localized the barrier activity to the CTF-1 histone-binding domain. A saturating point mutagenesis of this domain identified several amino acid substitutions that similarly inhibited the boundary and histone binding activities. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that the barrier protein efficiently prevents the spreading of SIR proteins, and that it separates domains of hypoacetylated and hyperacetylated histones. Together, these results suggest a mechanism by which proteins such as CTF-1 may interact directly with histone H3 to prevent the propagation of a silent chromatin structure, thereby defining boundaries of permissive and silent chromatin domains.
A previously described extract of sheep fetal liver was reported to reverse many of the cytokine changes associated with aging in mice, including an augmented spleen cell ConA-stimulated production of IL-4 and decreased production of IL-2. Similar effects were not seen with adult liver preparations. These changes were observed in various strains of mice, including BALB/c, DBA/2 and C57BL/6, using mice with ages ranging from 8 to 110 weeks. Preliminary characterization of this crude extract showed evidence for the presence of Hb gamma chain, as well as of lipid A of LPS. We show below that purified preparations of sheep fetal Hb, but not adult Hb, in concert with suboptimally stimulating doses of LPS (lipid A), cooperate in the regulation of production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha and IL-6, in vitro. Furthermore, isolated fresh spleen or peritoneal cells from animals treated in vivo with the same combination of Hb and LPS, showed an augmented capacity to produce these cytokines on further culture in vitro. Evidence was also obtained for a further interaction between CLP, LPS and fetal Hb itself in this augmented cytokine production. These data suggest that some of the functional activities in the fetal liver extract reported earlier can be explained in terms of a novel immunomodulatory role of a mixture of LPS (lipid A) and fetal Hb.
Transcription factors act in concert to induce lineage commitment towards Th1, Th2, or T regulatory (Treg) cells, and their counter-regulatory mechanisms were shown to be critical for polarization between Th1 and Th2 phenotypes. FOXP3 is an essential transcription factor for natural, thymus-derived (nTreg) and inducible Treg (iTreg) commitment; however, the mechanisms regulating its expression are as yet unknown. We describe a mechanism controlling iTreg polarization, which is overruled by the Th2 differentiation pathway. We demonstrated that interleukin 4 (IL-4) present at the time of T cell priming inhibits FOXP3. This inhibitory mechanism was also confirmed in Th2 cells and in T cells of transgenic mice overexpressing GATA-3 in T cells, which are shown to be deficient in transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta-mediated FOXP3 induction. This inhibition is mediated by direct binding of GATA3 to the FOXP3 promoter, which represses its transactivation process. Therefore, this study provides a new understanding of tolerance development, controlled by a type 2 immune response. IL-4 treatment in mice reduces iTreg cell frequency, highlighting that therapeutic approaches that target IL-4 or GATA3 might provide new preventive strategies facilitating tolerance induction particularly in Th2-mediated diseases, such as allergy.
RESUME Nous avons étudié le rôle de deux molécules, le Transfon-ning Growth Factor (TGF-β) et l'oxyde nitrique (NO), dans le processus métastatique. Deux clones tumoraux ont été sélectionnés à partir d'un carcinome du côlon pour leur différence de potentiel tumorigénique dans des rats syngéniques. La croissance tumorale du clone progressif PROb a été corrélée à sa capacité à sécréter le TGF-β actif Cependant, la transfection du clone régressif REGb, sécrétant du TGF-β latent, par une vecteur codant pour le TGF-β bio-actif n'a pas permis d'induire le développement tumoral. Les deux clones tumoraux présentent des activités des protéases MMP-2, APN et DPPIV identiques et qui ne semblent pas modifiées par le TGF-β. L'interaction des cellules tumorales avec l'endothélium et l'activité de la NO synthase (iNOS) responsable de la synthèse de NO sont impliqués dans la progression de nombreux cancers. Le clone PROb, mais pas le clone REGb, inhibe l'activation de la iNOS des cellules endothéliales par sa sécrétion de TGF-β actif Les deux clones montrent cependant des propriétés d'adhésion identiques aux cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber par contact cellulaire direct l'activation de la iNOS endothéliale. Ceci suggère que ces contacts directs pourraient créer un micro-environnement favorable à la conversion du TGF-β latent en TGF-β actif ou à d'autres interactions moléculaires pouvant réguler l'activation endothéliale. Par ailleurs, les deux clones activent des macrophages du système nerveux central, organe où ils ne forment pas de métastases, mais pas les macrophages circulants, illustrant des mécanismes différentiels et spécifiques dans l'activation de différents types de cellules immunitaires. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle du NO dans la dissémination métastatique, deux clones cellulaires différant par le taux d'activité de la iNOS ont été sélectionnés à partir de la lignée murine parentale de carcinome du sein EMT-6. Bien que le NO soit un inhibiteur potentiel de la prolifération cellulaire, les deux clones montrent des propriétés prolifératives identiques in vitro. Les cellules EMT-6H qui produisent peu de NO in vitro forment de nombreux nodules tumoraux pulmonaires in vivo corrélés à une mortalité significative des souris syngéniques injectées. Les cellules EMT-6J qui présentent une expression élevée de iNOS et de NO induisent de rares nodules tumoraux pulmonaires et peu de mortalité. Dans ce modèle, l'expression tumorale de NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. Les deux clones cellulaires ont des propriétés identiques d'adhésion et de prolifération mesurées in vitro sur des cellules endothéliales primaires isolées de différents organes et in vivo par une colocalisation identique dans les poumons de souris syngéniques 48h après leur injection. Les cellules EMT-6H présentent une activité MMP-2 plus élevée alors que les activités des protéases APN et DPPIV sont identiques dans les deux clones cellulaires. Le TGF-β soluble ainsi que les fibroblastes primaires bloquent la prolifération des deux clones cellulaires. Cependant, l'activation préalable des fibroblastes par du TGF-β restaure partiellement la prolifération du clone EMT-6H mais pas celle du clone EMT-6J. Ces résultats montrent que le rôle de molécules telles que le TGF-β et le NO tumoral dans la progression tumorale doit être considéré dans un contexte d'interactions des cellules tumorales avec les différentes types cellulaires de l'hôte: en particulier, notre travail souligne que les macrophages et les fibroblastes sont déterminants dans la progression métastatique des carcinomes du côlon ou du sein. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC Les métastases tumorales, disséminées et intraitables par chirurgie, représentent un problème majeur dans le traitement clinique du cancer. Elles sont dues à des cellules tumorales qui ont migré de leur site tumoral primaire, circulé et survécu dans le système vasculaire de l'hôte, échappé au système immunitaire, adhéré à et survécu sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux, et envahi le tissu sous-jacent où elles ont proliféré. Cette capacité à former des métastases implique de nombreux facteurs dont certains ont été identifiés mais dont le rôle reste controversé dans les différentes études. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et du facteur de croissance et de transformation cellulaire TGF-β. Dans les carcinomes du sein, l'expression des enzymes responsables de la synthèse de NO a été corrélée avec l'invasion tumorale mais aussi avec un pronostic favorable selon les études. Deux clones cellulaires ont été isolés à partir de la tumeur mammaire EMT-6 chez la souris. Le clone EMT-6H sécrète peu de NO et forme de nombreuses tumeurs dans les poumons des souris *entraînant leur décès. Le clone EMT-6J sécrète beaucoup de NO et ne se développe que peu dans les poumons. Dans ce modèle expérimental, le NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. L'analyse des interactions avec les cellules de l'hôte rencontrées lors de la formation de métastases pulmonaires a montré que les deux clones cellulaires adhérent et prolifèrent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales tapissant l'intérieur des vaisseaux sanguins. L'arrêt des cellules tumorales dans les poumons ne permet donc pas d'expliquer la différence de croissance tumorale. Cependant, le clone agressif EMT-6H présente une activité élevée d'une protéase (MMP-2) qui lui permettrait par la suite d'envahir le tissu pulmonaire. Par ailleurs, l'activation des fibroblastes du tissu pulmonaire par le TGF-β, une molécule observée dans des conditions inflammatoires, permet au clone agressif EMT-6H de proliférer mais inhibe la croissance du clone EMT-6J. Dans un modèle expérimental de carcinome du côlon, le TGF-β est considéré favorable à la croissance tumorale. Isolées à partir de la même tumeur initiale, deux lignées de cellules ont des comportements opposés lorsqu'elles sont injectées sous la peau des rats. La capacité de la lignée PROb à former des tumeurs a été corrélée à la sécrétion de TGF-β actif L'introduction du gène codant pour le TGF-β actif dans la lignée REGb, qui ne sécrète pas de TGF-β actif et ne forme pas de tumeurs chez le rat, ne restaure pas leur potentiel tumorigénique. Dans ce modèle, l'expression de TGF-β actif ne semble donc pas suffisante à la croissance tumorale. Les interactions avec différents types cellulaires de l'hôte ont été étudiées. Les deux lignées tumorales adhérent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber leur activation, un mécanisme qui pourrait participer à la destruction. Les deux lignées activent les cellules immunitaires du système nerveux central, un organe où elles ne forment pas de métastase. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sélection des cellules métastatiques ne s'effectue pas sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux sanguins mais à des étapes ultérieures dans le micro- environnement cellulaire du nouvel organe colonisé. SUMMARY Metastasis results from the migration of tumor cells from their primary tumor, circulation through the bloodstream, attachment to the endothelium, and invasion of the surrounding tissue where they create a microenvironnement favoring their growth. This multistep process implies various cellular interactions and molecules. Among those, we were interested in the role of the Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) and the nitric oxide (NO). Two cell lines were isolated from a rat colon tumor and assessed for their metastatic potential in vivo. The PROb cell line that expresses active TGF-β formed subcutaneous tumors in rats while the REGb cell line that expresses only latent TGF-β did not. Transfection of REGb cells with a plasmid encoding for the active form of TGF-β failed to restore their metastatic ability. Thus TGF-β secretion is not sufficient to induce colon carcinoma progression. Activities of various proteases such as APN, DPPIV and MMP were similar in both cell lines and were not regulated by TGF-β. Interactions with the endothelium as well as NO synthase activity (iNOS) and local NO concentrations are believed to be crucial steps in cancer metastasis. Coculture of the two clones with endothelial cells inhibited the cytokine-triggered activation of the iNOS enzyme in primary rat endothelial cells but only PROb cells were capable of increasing the expression of IL-6, a protumoral interleukin that may participate in the impairment of the anti-tumoral immune response of the host. Both cell lines exhibited potential to activate microglial cells but not bone marrow-derived macrophages, pointing to a differential regulation of specialized immune cells. To better understand the conflicting role of NO in breast cancer progression, two cell clones were selected from the murine tumorigenic cell line EMT-6 based on their iNOS activity and NO secretion. Although NO has been shown to inhibit cell proliferation, the two cell clones exhibited similar proliferation rates in vitro. The EMT-6H cells expressed little NO and grew actively in the lungs of syngenic mice, leading to their death. Opposite results were observed with the EMT-6J cells. In these in vivo conditions, NO seems to impair tumor growth. Both clones exhibited similar in vitro adhesive properties to primary endothelial cells isolated from various mouse organs and similar localization in the lungs of mice 48 hours after injection. Sustained metalloproteinase MMP-2 activity was detected in the tumorigenic EMT-6H clone, but not in the EMT-6J cells while other proteases such as APN and DPPIV showed no difference. These results suggested that the two clones differed in invasion steps following adhesion to the endothelium and that NO did not participate in previous steps. Consistent with this, both soluble TGF-β and supernatants of cultures of mouse primary lung fibroblasts inhibited the growth of the two clones. However, previous activation of these fibroblasts with TGF-β restored the growth of the tumorigenic EMT-6H cells, but not of EMT-6J cells. Altogether, these results indicate that the role of a given molecule, such as NO or TGF-β, must be considered in a context of interaction of tumor cells with host cells. They further imply that interaction of tumor cells with specialized immune cells and with stromal cells of the colonized organ, rather than with the endothelium, are critical in regulating metastasis.
OBJECTIVE Streptozotocin (STZ) is the most widely used diabetogenic agent in animal models of islet transplantation. However, the immunomodifying effects of STZ and the ensuing hyperglycemia on lymphocyte subsets, particularly on T regulatory cells (Tregs), remain poorly understood. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This study evaluated how STZ-induced diabetes affects adaptive immunity and the consequences thereof on allograft rejection in murine models of islet and skin transplantation. The respective toxicity of STZ and hyperglycemia on lymphocyte subsets was tested in vitro. The effect of hyperglycemia was assessed independently of STZ in vivo by the removal of transplanted syngeneic islets, using an insulin pump, and with rat insulin promoter diphtheria toxin receptor transgenic mice. RESULTS Early lymphopenia in both blood and spleen was demonstrated after STZ administration. Direct toxicity of STZ on lymphocytes, particularly on CD8(+) cells and B cells, was shown in vitro. Hyperglycemia also correlated with blood and spleen lymphopenia in vivo but was not lymphotoxic in vitro. Independently of hyperglycemia, STZ led to a relative increase of Tregs in vivo, with the latter retaining their suppressive capacity in vitro. The higher frequency of Tregs was associated with Treg proliferation in the blood, but not in the spleen, and higher blood levels of transforming growth factor-β. Finally, STZ administration delayed islet and skin allograft rejection compared with naive mice. CONCLUSIONS These data highlight the direct and indirect immunosuppressive effects of STZ and acute hyperglycemia, respectively. Thus, these results have important implications for the future development of tolerance-based protocols and their translation from the laboratory to the clinic.
The purpose of this study was to design microspheres combining sustained delivery and enhanced intracellular penetration for ocular administration of antisense oligonucleotides. Nanosized complexes of antisense TGF-beta2 phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (PS-ODN) with polyethylenimine (PEI), and naked PS-ODN were encapsulated into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the double-emulsion solvent evaporation method. The PS-ODN was introduced either naked or complexed in the inner aqueous phase of the first emulsion. We observed a marked influence of microsphere composition on porosity, size distribution and PS-ODN encapsulation efficiency. Mainly, the presence of PEI induced the formation of large pores observed onto microsphere surface. Introduction of NaCl in the outer aqueous phase increased the encapsulation efficiency and reduced microsphere porosity. In vitro release kinetic of PS-ODN was also investigated. Clearly, the higher the porosity, the faster was the release and the higher was the burst effect. Using an analytical solution of Fick's second law of diffusion, it was shown that the early phase of PS-ODN and PS-ODN-PEI complex release was primarily controlled by pure diffusion, irrespectively of the type of microsphere. Finally, microspheres containing antisense TGF-beta2 nanosized complexes were shown, after subconjunctival administration to rabbit, to significantly increase intracellular penetration of ODN in conjunctival cells and subsequently to improve bleb survival in a rabbit experimental model of filtering surgery. These results open up interesting prospective for the local controlled delivery of genetic material into the eye.